-- -- File: Graphic3d_DataStructureManager.cdl -- Created: Vendredi 24 fevrier 1995 -- Author: CAL -- 11/97 ; CAL : retrait des DataStructure -- ---Copyright: MatraDatavision 1995 -- deferred class DataStructureManager from Graphic3d inherits TShared ---Version: ---Purpose: This class allows the definition of a manager to -- which the graphic objects are associated. -- It allows them to be globally manipulated. -- It defines the global attributes. ---Keywords: ---Warning: ---References: is ------------------------- -- Category: Constructors ------------------------- Initialize; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Initializes the manager . ---Category: Constructors ------------------------ -- Category: Destructors ------------------------ Destroy (me: mutable) is virtual; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Deletes the manager . ---C++: alias ~ ---Category: Destructors end DataStructureManager from Graphic3d;