-- File: GeometryTest.cdl -- Created: Mon Jun 24 11:23:25 1991 -- Author: Christophe MARION -- -- modified by mps (dec 96) add of ContinuityCommands ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1991 package GeometryTest ---Purpose: this package provides commands for curves and -- surface. uses Draw, Standard, GeomliteTest is AllCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: defines all geometric commands. CurveCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: defines curve commands. FairCurveCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: defines fair curve commands. SurfaceCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: defines surface commands. ConstraintCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: defines cosntrained curves commands. API2dCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: defines commands to test the Geom2dAPI -- - Intersection -- - Extrema -- - Projection -- - Approximation, interpolation APICommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: defines commands to test the Geom2dAPI -- - Intersection -- - Extrema -- - Projection -- - Approximation, interpolation ContinuityCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); --- Purpose: defines commands to check local -- continuity between curves or surfaces PolyCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: defines command to test the polyhedral -- triangulations and the polygons from the Poly package. TestProjCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: defines commands to test projection of geometric objects end GeometryTest;