-- File: GeomPlate.cdl<2> -- Created: Thu Mar 7 15:02:41 1996 -- Author: Stagiaire Frederic CALOONE -- -- Modified: Wed Mar 5 09:45:42 1997 -- by: Joelle CHAUVET -- G1134 : convertion of a GeomPlate_Surface to a Geom_BSplineSurface -- by approximation with G0 or G1 criterion -- + no more reference to TopoDS ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1996 package GeomPlate uses gp, Adaptor3d, Adaptor2d, Law, GeomFill, TColgp, Plate, Geom, math, TColGeom, TColGeom2d, GeomAbs, TCollection, ElSLib, StdFail, ProjLib, TColStd, AdvApp2Var, Geom2d, Extrema, GeomLProp is class BuildPlateSurface ; ---Purpose: -- this class computes the plate surface corresponding to the constraints. class Array1OfHCurveOnSurface instantiates Array1 from TCollection ( HCurveOnSurface from Adaptor3d); class HArray1OfHCurveOnSurface instantiates HArray1 from TCollection (HCurveOnSurface from Adaptor3d, Array1OfHCurveOnSurface from GeomPlate); class CurveConstraint; class PointConstraint; class Array1OfSequenceOfReal instantiates Array1 from TCollection (SequenceOfReal from TColStd); class HArray1OfSequenceOfReal instantiates HArray1 from TCollection (SequenceOfReal from TColStd, Array1OfSequenceOfReal from GeomPlate); class SequenceOfCurveConstraint instantiates Sequence from TCollection (CurveConstraint from GeomPlate); class SequenceOfPointConstraint instantiates Sequence from TCollection (PointConstraint from GeomPlate); class HSequenceOfCurveConstraint instantiates HSequence from TCollection (CurveConstraint from GeomPlate, SequenceOfCurveConstraint from GeomPlate ); class HSequenceOfPointConstraint instantiates HSequence from TCollection (PointConstraint from GeomPlate, SequenceOfPointConstraint from GeomPlate ); class BuildAveragePlane; --- Purpose: -- this class computes the initial surface (average plane) in the cases when the initial surface is not -- given. class Surface; ---Purpose: -- this class describes the characteristics of the plate surface class MakeApprox; ---Purpose: -- this class converts a GeomPlate_Surface to a Geom_BSplineSurface class PlateG0Criterion; ---Purpose: -- inherits class Criterion from AdvApp2Var ; -- this class contains a specific G0 criterion for GeomPlate_MakeApprox class PlateG1Criterion; ---Purpose: -- inherits class Criterion from AdvApp2Var ; -- this class contains a specific G1 criterion for GeomPlate_MakeApprox class Aij; class SequenceOfAij instantiates Sequence from TCollection (Aij from GeomPlate); end;