-- File: GeomFill.cdl -- Created: Tue Sep 28 11:34:33 1993 -- Author: Bruno DUMORTIER -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 ---Purpose: Tools and Data to filling Surface and Sweep Surfaces package GeomFill uses TColgp, TColGeom, TColGeom2d, TColStd, TCollection, gp, Geom, Geom2d, GeomAbs, Convert, Adaptor3d, GeomAdaptor, Law, Extrema, AppBlend, Approx, math, MMgt, StdFail is enumeration FillingStyle is StretchStyle, CoonsStyle, CurvedStyle end; ---Purpose: Defines the three filling styles used in this package -- - GeomFill_Stretch - the style with the flattest patches -- - GeomFill_Coons - a rounded style of patch with -- less depth than those of Curved -- - GeomFill_Curved - the style with the most rounded patches. enumeration ApproxStyle is Section, Location end; enumeration PipeError is PipeOk, PipeNotOk, PlaneNotIntersectGuide, ImpossibleContact end; enumeration Trihedron is IsCorrectedFrenet, IsFixed, IsFrenet, IsConstantNormal, IsDarboux, IsGuideAC, IsGuidePlan, IsGuideACWithContact, IsGuidePlanWithContact end; class Filling; ---Purpose: Root class for Filling; class Stretch; class Coons; class Curved; class BezierCurves; ---Purpose: class for Filling BezierCurves. -- WARNING: -- Some problems may appear with the rational Curves. class BSplineCurves; ---Purpose: class for Filling BSplineCurves. -- WARNING: -- Some problems may appear with the rational Curves. class Profiler; ---Purpose: class for evaluation of the Common BSpline Profile -- from a sequence a BSplineCurves. class SectionGenerator; ---Purpose: class for instantiation of AppBlend . -- inherits Profiler. class Line; ---Purpose: class for instantiation of AppBlend class AppSurf instantiates AppSurf from AppBlend ( SectionGenerator from GeomFill, Line from GeomFill); ---Purpose: Approximate a BSplineSurface passing by all the -- curves described in the SectionGenerator class SweepSectionGenerator; ---Purpose: class for instantiation of AppBlend. -- evaluate the sections of a sweep surface. class AppSweep instantiates AppSurf from AppBlend ( SweepSectionGenerator from GeomFill, Line from GeomFill); ---Purpose: Approximate a sweep surface passing by all the -- curves described in the SweepSectionGenerator. class Generator; ---Purpose: Create a surface using generating lines. Inherits -- profiler. The surface will be a BSplineSurface -- passing by all the curves described in the -- generator. The VDegree of the resulting surface is -- 1. class Pipe; ---Purpose: Create a pipe surface. --- Family of classes providing algorithms to fill a contour with -- constraints of tangency. -- class Draft; ---Purpose: Depouille class Tensor; class ConstrainedFilling; ---Purpose: class for filling a contour of 2, 3 or 4 curves with -- tangency constaints. The only FillingStyle used is -- Coons. -- deferred class Boundary; -- inherits TShared ---Purpose: Root class defining the methods we need to make a -- constrained boundary. Any new type of constrained -- boundary must inherit this class. -- class DegeneratedBound; -- inherits Boundary ---Purpose: class defining a degenerated boundary for a -- constrained filling with a point and no other -- constraint. Only used to simulate an ordinary bound, -- may not be usefull and desapear soon. -- class SimpleBound; -- inherits Boundary ---Purpose: class defining a boundary for a constrained filling -- with a 3d curve and no other constraint. Contains -- fields to allow a reparametrization of curve. -- class BoundWithSurf; -- inherits Boundary ---Purpose: class defining a boundary for a constrained filling -- with a curve and a normals field along a surface. -- Contains fields to allow a reparametrization of curve -- and normals field. -- class CoonsAlgPatch; -- inherits TShared ---Purpose: class defining an algorithmic patch based on 4 Curves. deferred class TgtField; -- inherits TShared ---Purpose: Root class defining the methods we need to definine an -- algorithmic tgte field. class TgtOnCoons; -- inherits TgteField ---Purpose: Class defining an algorithmic tgte field along a -- boundary of a CoonsAlgPatch. class CornerState; ---Purpose: Class (should be a structure) storing the informations -- about continuity, normals parallelism, coons -- conditions and bounds tangents angle on the corner of -- contour to be filled. -- -- instantiation of Sequence of Trsf -- class SequenceOfTrsf instantiates Sequence from TCollection (Trsf from gp); -- -- private classes -- private class CircularBlendFunc; private class SweepFunction; private class LocFunction; private class PolynomialConvertor; private class QuasiAngularConvertor; private class SnglrFunc; private class FunctionDraft; private class PlanFunc; private class FunctionGuide; --- --- Sweep Data --- deferred class SectionLaw; class UniformSection; class EvolvedSection; class NSections; deferred class LocationLaw; class CurveAndTrihedron; class LocationDraft; class LocationGuide; deferred class TrihedronLaw; class Fixed; class Frenet; class CorrectedFrenet; class ConstantBiNormal; class Darboux; class DraftTrihedron; deferred class TrihedronWithGuide; class GuideTrihedronAC; class GuideTrihedronPlan; class Sweep; class SectionPlacement; class Array1OfSectionLaw instantiates Array1 from TCollection (SectionLaw from GeomFill); class HArray1OfSectionLaw instantiates HArray1 from TCollection (SectionLaw from GeomFill, Array1OfSectionLaw from GeomFill); class Array1OfLocationLaw instantiates Array1 from TCollection (LocationLaw from GeomFill); class HArray1OfLocationLaw instantiates HArray1 from TCollection (LocationLaw from GeomFill, Array1OfLocationLaw from GeomFill); -- package methods -- Surface( Curve1 : Curve from Geom; Curve2 : Curve from Geom) returns Surface from Geom; ---Purpose: -- Builds a ruled surface between the two curves, Curve1 and Curve2. GetCircle(TConv : ParameterisationType from Convert; ns1, ns2 : Vec from gp; nplan : Vec from gp; pt1, pt2 : Pnt from gp; Rayon : Real from Standard; Center : Pnt from gp; Poles : out Array1OfPnt from TColgp; Weigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd); GetCircle(TConv : ParameterisationType from Convert; ns1, ns2 : Vec from gp; dn1w, dn2w : Vec from gp; nplan, dnplan : Vec from gp; pts1, pts2 : Pnt from gp; tang1, tang2 : Vec from gp; Rayon, DRayon : Real from Standard; Center : Pnt from gp; DCenter : Vec from gp; Poles : out Array1OfPnt from TColgp; DPoles : out Array1OfVec from TColgp; Weigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd; DWeigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd) ---Level: Internal returns Boolean; GetCircle(TConv : ParameterisationType from Convert; ns1, ns2 : Vec from gp; dn1w, dn2w : Vec from gp; d2n1w, d2n2w : Vec from gp; nplan, dnplan, d2nplan : Vec from gp; pts1 , pts2 : Pnt from gp; tang1 , tang2 : Vec from gp; Dtang1, Dtang2 : Vec from gp; Rayon, DRayon, D2Rayon : Real from Standard; Center : Pnt from gp; DCenter, D2Center : Vec from gp; Poles : out Array1OfPnt from TColgp; DPoles : out Array1OfVec from TColgp; D2Poles : out Array1OfVec from TColgp; Weigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd; DWeigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd; D2Weigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd) ---Level: Internal returns Boolean; GetShape(MaxAng: Real from Standard; NbPoles,NbKnots,Degree : out Integer from Standard; TypeConv : in out ParameterisationType from Convert); Knots(TypeConv : ParameterisationType from Convert; TKnots: out Array1OfReal from TColStd); Mults(TypeConv : ParameterisationType from Convert; TMults: out Array1OfInteger from TColStd); GetMinimalWeights(TConv : ParameterisationType from Convert; AngleMin : Real; AngleMax : Real; Weigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd); GetTolerance(TConv : ParameterisationType from Convert; AngleMin : Real; Radius : Real; AngularTol : Real; SpatialTol : Real) ---Purpose: Used by the generical classes to determine -- Tolerance for approximation ---Level: Internal returns Real; end GeomFill;