// File: GeomAdaptor_Curve.cxx // Created: Thu Apr 29 11:54:32 1993 // Author: Bruno DUMORTIER // Copyright: OPEN CASCADE 1993 // 20/02/97 : PMN -> Positionement local sur BSpline (PRO6902) // 10/07/97 : PMN -> Pas de calcul de resolution dans Nb(Intervals)(PRO9248) // 20/10/97 : RBV -> traitement des offset curves #define No_Standard_RangeError #define No_Standard_OutOfRange #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include #define myBspl (*((Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)*)&myCurve)) #define PosTol Precision::PConfusion()/2 //======================================================================= //function : LocalContinuity //purpose : Computes the Continuity of a BSplineCurve // between the parameters U1 and U2 // The continuity is C(d-m) // with d = degree, // m = max multiplicity of the Knots between U1 and U2 //======================================================================= GeomAbs_Shape GeomAdaptor_Curve::LocalContinuity(const Standard_Real U1, const Standard_Real U2) const { Standard_NoSuchObject_Raise_if(myTypeCurve!=GeomAbs_BSplineCurve," "); Standard_Integer Nb = myBspl->NbKnots(); Standard_Integer Index1 = 0; Standard_Integer Index2 = 0; Standard_Real newFirst, newLast; TColStd_Array1OfReal TK(1,Nb); TColStd_Array1OfInteger TM(1,Nb); myBspl->Knots(TK); myBspl->Multiplicities(TM); BSplCLib::LocateParameter(myBspl->Degree(),TK,TM,U1,myBspl->IsPeriodic(), 1,Nb,Index1,newFirst); BSplCLib::LocateParameter(myBspl->Degree(),TK,TM,U2,myBspl->IsPeriodic(), 1,Nb,Index2,newLast); if ( Abs(newFirst-TK(Index1+1))IsPeriodic()) && (Index1 == Nb) ) Index1 = 1; if ( Index2 - Index1 <= 0) { MultMax = 100; // CN entre 2 Noeuds consecutifs } else { MultMax = TM(Index1+1); for(Standard_Integer i = Index1+1;i<=Index2;i++) { if ( TM(i)>MultMax) MultMax=TM(i); } MultMax = myBspl->Degree() - MultMax; } if ( MultMax <= 0) { return GeomAbs_C0; } else if ( MultMax == 1) { return GeomAbs_C1; } else if ( MultMax == 2) { return GeomAbs_C2; } else if ( MultMax == 3) { return GeomAbs_C3; } else { return GeomAbs_CN; } } //======================================================================= //function : Load //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomAdaptor_Curve::Load(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& C, const Standard_Real UFirst, const Standard_Real ULast) { if ( UFirst > ULast) Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); myFirst = UFirst; myLast = ULast; if ( myCurve != C) { myCurve = C; const Handle(Standard_Type)& TheType = C->DynamicType(); if ( TheType == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_TrimmedCurve)) { Load((*((Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve)*)&C))->BasisCurve(),UFirst,ULast); } else if ( TheType == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Circle)) { myTypeCurve = GeomAbs_Circle; } else if ( TheType ==STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line)) { myTypeCurve = GeomAbs_Line; } else if ( TheType == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Ellipse)) { myTypeCurve = GeomAbs_Ellipse; } else if ( TheType == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Parabola)) { myTypeCurve = GeomAbs_Parabola; } else if ( TheType == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Hyperbola)) { myTypeCurve = GeomAbs_Hyperbola; } else if ( TheType == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_BezierCurve)) { myTypeCurve = GeomAbs_BezierCurve; } else if ( TheType == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_BSplineCurve)) { myTypeCurve = GeomAbs_BSplineCurve; } else { myTypeCurve = GeomAbs_OtherCurve; } } } // -- // -- Global methods - Apply to the whole curve. // -- //======================================================================= //function : Continuity //purpose : //======================================================================= GeomAbs_Shape GeomAdaptor_Curve::Continuity() const { if (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) return LocalContinuity(myFirst, myLast); if (myCurve->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_OffsetCurve))) { const GeomAbs_Shape S = (*((Handle(Geom_OffsetCurve)*)&myCurve))->BasisCurve()->Continuity(); switch(S) { case GeomAbs_CN: return GeomAbs_CN; case GeomAbs_C3: return GeomAbs_C2; case GeomAbs_C2: return GeomAbs_C1; case GeomAbs_C1: return GeomAbs_C0; default: Standard_NoSuchObject::Raise("GeomAdaptor_Curve::Continuity"); } } else if (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_OtherCurve) { Standard_NoSuchObject::Raise("GeomAdaptor_Curve::Contunuity"); } return GeomAbs_CN; } //======================================================================= //function : NbIntervals //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer GeomAdaptor_Curve::NbIntervals(const GeomAbs_Shape S) { Standard_Integer myNbIntervals = 1; Standard_Integer NbSplit; if (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) { Standard_Integer FirstIndex = myBspl->FirstUKnotIndex(); Standard_Integer LastIndex = myBspl->LastUKnotIndex(); TColStd_Array1OfInteger Inter (1, LastIndex-FirstIndex+1); if ( S > Continuity()) { Standard_Integer Cont; switch ( S) { case GeomAbs_G1: case GeomAbs_G2: Standard_DomainError::Raise("GeomAdaptor_Curve::NbIntervals"); break; case GeomAbs_C0: myNbIntervals = 1; break; case GeomAbs_C1: case GeomAbs_C2: case GeomAbs_C3: case GeomAbs_CN: { if ( S == GeomAbs_C1) Cont = 1; else if ( S == GeomAbs_C2) Cont = 2; else if ( S == GeomAbs_C3) Cont = 3; else Cont = myBspl->Degree(); Standard_Integer FirstIndex = myBspl->FirstUKnotIndex(); Standard_Integer LastIndex = myBspl->LastUKnotIndex(); Standard_Integer Degree = myBspl->Degree(); Standard_Integer NbKnots = myBspl->NbKnots(); TColStd_Array1OfInteger Mults (1, NbKnots); myBspl->Multiplicities (Mults); NbSplit = 1; Standard_Integer Index = FirstIndex; Inter (NbSplit) = Index; Index++; NbSplit++; while (Index < LastIndex) { if (Degree - Mults (Index) < Cont) { Inter (NbSplit) = Index; NbSplit++; } Index++; } Inter (NbSplit) = Index; Standard_Integer NbInt = NbSplit-1; Standard_Integer Nb = myBspl->NbKnots(); Standard_Integer Index1 = 0; Standard_Integer Index2 = 0; Standard_Real newFirst, newLast; TColStd_Array1OfReal TK(1,Nb); TColStd_Array1OfInteger TM(1,Nb); myBspl->Knots(TK); myBspl->Multiplicities(TM); BSplCLib::LocateParameter(myBspl->Degree(),TK,TM,myFirst, myBspl->IsPeriodic(), 1,Nb,Index1,newFirst); BSplCLib::LocateParameter(myBspl->Degree(),TK,TM,myLast, myBspl->IsPeriodic(), 1,Nb,Index2,newLast); // On decale eventuellement les indices // On utilise une "petite" tolerance, la resolution ne doit // servir que pour les tres longue courbes....(PRO9248) Standard_Real Eps = Min(Resolution(Precision::Confusion()), Precision::PConfusion()); if ( Abs(newFirst-TK(Index1+1))< Eps) Index1++; if ( newLast-TK(Index2)> Eps) Index2++; myNbIntervals = 1; for ( Standard_Integer i=1; i<=NbInt; i++) if (Inter(i)>Index1 && Inter(i)IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_OffsetCurve))){ GeomAbs_Shape BaseS=GeomAbs_C0; switch(S){ case GeomAbs_G1: case GeomAbs_G2: Standard_DomainError::Raise("GeomAdaptor_Curve::NbIntervals"); break; case GeomAbs_C0: BaseS = GeomAbs_C1; break; case GeomAbs_C1: BaseS = GeomAbs_C2; break; case GeomAbs_C2: BaseS = GeomAbs_C3; break; default: BaseS = GeomAbs_CN; } GeomAdaptor_Curve C ((*((Handle(Geom_OffsetCurve)*)&myCurve))->BasisCurve()); // akm 05/04/02 (OCC278) If our curve is trimmed we must recalculate // the number of intervals obtained from the basis to // vvv reflect parameter bounds Standard_Integer iNbBasisInt = C.NbIntervals(BaseS), iInt; if (iNbBasisInt>1) { TColStd_Array1OfReal rdfInter(1,1+iNbBasisInt); C.Intervals(rdfInter,BaseS); for (iInt=1; iInt<=iNbBasisInt; iInt++) if (rdfInter(iInt)>myFirst && rdfInter(iInt)FirstUKnotIndex(); Standard_Integer LastIndex = myBspl->LastUKnotIndex(); TColStd_Array1OfInteger Inter (1, LastIndex-FirstIndex+1); if ( S > Continuity()) { Standard_Integer Cont; switch ( S) { case GeomAbs_G1: case GeomAbs_G2: Standard_DomainError::Raise("Geom2dAdaptor_Curve::NbIntervals"); break; case GeomAbs_C0: myNbIntervals = 1; break; case GeomAbs_C1: case GeomAbs_C2: case GeomAbs_C3: case GeomAbs_CN: { if ( S == GeomAbs_C1) Cont = 1; else if ( S == GeomAbs_C2) Cont = 2; else if ( S == GeomAbs_C3) Cont = 3; else Cont = myBspl->Degree(); Standard_Integer FirstIndex = myBspl->FirstUKnotIndex(); Standard_Integer LastIndex = myBspl->LastUKnotIndex(); Standard_Integer Degree = myBspl->Degree(); Standard_Integer NbKnots = myBspl->NbKnots(); TColStd_Array1OfInteger Mults (1, NbKnots); myBspl->Multiplicities (Mults); NbSplit = 1; Standard_Integer Index = FirstIndex; Inter (NbSplit) = Index; Index++; NbSplit++; while (Index < LastIndex) { if (Degree - Mults (Index) < Cont) { Inter (NbSplit) = Index; NbSplit++; } Index++; } Inter (NbSplit) = Index; Standard_Integer NbInt = NbSplit-1; // GeomConvert_BSplineCurveKnotSplitting Convector(myBspl, Cont); // Standard_Integer NbInt = Convector.NbSplits()-1; // TColStd_Array1OfInteger Inter(1,NbInt+1); // Convector.Splitting( Inter); Standard_Integer Nb = myBspl->NbKnots(); Standard_Integer Index1 = 0; Standard_Integer Index2 = 0; Standard_Real newFirst, newLast; TColStd_Array1OfReal TK(1,Nb); TColStd_Array1OfInteger TM(1,Nb); myBspl->Knots(TK); myBspl->Multiplicities(TM); BSplCLib::LocateParameter(myBspl->Degree(),TK,TM,myFirst, myBspl->IsPeriodic(), 1,Nb,Index1,newFirst); BSplCLib::LocateParameter(myBspl->Degree(),TK,TM,myLast, myBspl->IsPeriodic(), 1,Nb,Index2,newLast); // On decale eventuellement les indices // On utilise une "petite" tolerance, la resolution ne doit // servir que pour les tres longue courbes....(PRO9248) Standard_Real Eps = Min(Resolution(Precision::Confusion()), Precision::PConfusion()); if ( Abs(newFirst-TK(Index1+1))< Eps) Index1++; if ( newLast-TK(Index2)> Eps) Index2++; Inter( 1) = Index1; myNbIntervals = 1; for ( Standard_Integer i=1; i<=NbInt; i++) { if (Inter(i) > Index1 && Inter(i)IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_OffsetCurve))){ GeomAbs_Shape BaseS=GeomAbs_C0; switch(S){ case GeomAbs_G1: case GeomAbs_G2: Standard_DomainError::Raise("GeomAdaptor_Curve::NbIntervals"); break; case GeomAbs_C0: BaseS = GeomAbs_C1; break; case GeomAbs_C1: BaseS = GeomAbs_C2; break; case GeomAbs_C2: BaseS = GeomAbs_C3; break; default: BaseS = GeomAbs_CN; } GeomAdaptor_Curve C ((*((Handle(Geom_OffsetCurve)*)&myCurve))->BasisCurve()); // akm 05/04/02 (OCC278) If our curve is trimmed we must recalculate // the array of intervals obtained from the basis to // vvv reflect parameter bounds Standard_Integer iNbBasisInt = C.NbIntervals(BaseS), iInt; if (iNbBasisInt>1) { TColStd_Array1OfReal rdfInter(1,1+iNbBasisInt); C.Intervals(rdfInter,BaseS); for (iInt=1; iInt<=iNbBasisInt; iInt++) if (rdfInter(iInt)>myFirst && rdfInter(iInt)IsPeriodic()? IsClosed() : Standard_False); } //======================================================================= //function : Period //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real GeomAdaptor_Curve::Period() const { return myCurve->LastParameter() - myCurve->FirstParameter(); } //======================================================================= //function : Value //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Pnt GeomAdaptor_Curve::Value(const Standard_Real U) const { if ( (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve)&& (U==myFirst || U==myLast) ) { Standard_Integer Ideb = 0, Ifin = 0; if (U==myFirst) { myBspl->LocateU(myFirst, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ideb<1) Ideb=1; if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ifin = Ideb+1; } if (U==myLast) { myBspl->LocateU(myLast, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ifin>myBspl->NbKnots()) Ifin = myBspl->NbKnots(); if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ideb = Ifin-1; } return myBspl->LocalValue(U, Ideb, Ifin); } return myCurve->Value(U); } //======================================================================= //function : D0 //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomAdaptor_Curve::D0(const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt& P) const { if ( (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve)&& (U==myFirst || U==myLast) ) { Standard_Integer Ideb = 0, Ifin = 0; if (U==myFirst) { myBspl->LocateU(myFirst, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ideb<1) Ideb=1; if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ifin = Ideb+1; } if (U==myLast) { myBspl->LocateU(myLast, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ifin>myBspl->NbKnots()) Ifin = myBspl->NbKnots(); if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ideb = Ifin-1; } myBspl->LocalD0( U, Ideb, Ifin, P); } else { myCurve->D0(U, P); } } //======================================================================= //function : D1 //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomAdaptor_Curve::D1(const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt& P, gp_Vec& V) const { if ( (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve)&& (U==myFirst || U==myLast) ) { Standard_Integer Ideb = 0, Ifin = 0; if (U==myFirst) { myBspl->LocateU(myFirst, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ideb<1) Ideb=1; if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ifin = Ideb+1; } if (U==myLast) { myBspl->LocateU(myLast, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ifin>myBspl->NbKnots()) Ifin = myBspl->NbKnots(); if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ideb = Ifin-1; } myBspl->LocalD1( U, Ideb, Ifin, P, V); } else { myCurve->D1( U, P, V); } } //======================================================================= //function : D2 //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomAdaptor_Curve::D2(const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt& P, gp_Vec& V1, gp_Vec& V2) const { if ( (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve)&& (U==myFirst || U==myLast) ) { Standard_Integer Ideb = 0, Ifin = 0; if (U==myFirst) { myBspl->LocateU(myFirst, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ideb<1) Ideb=1; if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ifin = Ideb+1; } if (U==myLast) { myBspl->LocateU(myLast, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ifin>myBspl->NbKnots()) Ifin = myBspl->NbKnots(); if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ideb = Ifin-1; } myBspl->LocalD2( U, Ideb, Ifin, P, V1, V2); } else { myCurve->D2( U, P, V1, V2); } } //======================================================================= //function : D3 //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomAdaptor_Curve::D3(const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt& P, gp_Vec& V1, gp_Vec& V2, gp_Vec& V3) const { if ( (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) && (U==myFirst || U==myLast) ) { Standard_Integer Ideb = 0, Ifin = 0; if (U==myFirst) { myBspl->LocateU(myFirst, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ideb<1) Ideb=1; if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ifin = Ideb+1; } if (U==myLast) { myBspl->LocateU(myLast, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ifin>myBspl->NbKnots()) Ifin = myBspl->NbKnots(); if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ideb = Ifin-1; } myBspl->LocalD3( U, Ideb, Ifin, P, V1, V2, V3); } else { myCurve->D3( U, P, V1, V2, V3); } } //======================================================================= //function : DN //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Vec GeomAdaptor_Curve::DN(const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer N) const { if ( (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) && (U==myFirst || U==myLast) ) { Standard_Integer Ideb = 0, Ifin = 0; if (U==myFirst) { myBspl->LocateU(myFirst, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ideb<1) Ideb=1; if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ifin = Ideb+1; } if (U==myLast) { myBspl->LocateU(myLast, PosTol, Ideb, Ifin); if (Ifin>myBspl->NbKnots()) Ifin = myBspl->NbKnots(); if (Ideb>=Ifin) Ideb = Ifin-1; } return myBspl->LocalDN( U, Ideb, Ifin, N); } else { return myCurve->DN( U, N); } } //======================================================================= //function : Resolution //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real GeomAdaptor_Curve::Resolution(const Standard_Real R3D) const { switch ( myTypeCurve) { case GeomAbs_Line : return R3D; case GeomAbs_Circle: { Standard_Real R = (*((Handle(Geom_Circle)*)&myCurve))->Circ().Radius(); if ( R > R3D/2. ) return 2*ASin(R3D/(2*R)); else return 2*PI; } case GeomAbs_Ellipse: { return R3D / (*((Handle(Geom_Ellipse)*)&myCurve))->MajorRadius(); } case GeomAbs_BezierCurve: { Standard_Real res; (*((Handle(Geom_BezierCurve)*)&myCurve))->Resolution(R3D,res); return res; } case GeomAbs_BSplineCurve: { Standard_Real res; (*((Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)*)&myCurve))->Resolution(R3D,res); return res; } default: return Precision::Parametric(R3D); } } // -- // -- The following methods must be called when GetType returned // -- the corresponding type. // -- //======================================================================= //function : Line //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Lin GeomAdaptor_Curve::Line() const { Standard_NoSuchObject_Raise_if(myTypeCurve != GeomAbs_Line, ""); return (*((Handle(Geom_Line)*)&myCurve))->Lin(); } //======================================================================= //function : Circle //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Circ GeomAdaptor_Curve::Circle() const { Standard_NoSuchObject_Raise_if(myTypeCurve != GeomAbs_Circle, ""); return (*((Handle(Geom_Circle)*)&myCurve))->Circ(); } //======================================================================= //function : Ellipse //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Elips GeomAdaptor_Curve::Ellipse() const { Standard_NoSuchObject_Raise_if(myTypeCurve != GeomAbs_Ellipse, ""); return (*((Handle(Geom_Ellipse)*)&myCurve))->Elips(); } //======================================================================= //function : Hyperbola //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Hypr GeomAdaptor_Curve::Hyperbola() const { Standard_NoSuchObject_Raise_if(myTypeCurve != GeomAbs_Hyperbola, ""); return (*((Handle(Geom_Hyperbola)*)&myCurve))->Hypr(); } //======================================================================= //function : Parabola //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Parab GeomAdaptor_Curve::Parabola() const { Standard_NoSuchObject_Raise_if(myTypeCurve != GeomAbs_Parabola, ""); return (*((Handle(Geom_Parabola)*)&myCurve))->Parab(); } //======================================================================= //function : Degree //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer GeomAdaptor_Curve::Degree() const { if (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BezierCurve) return (*((Handle(Geom_BezierCurve)*)&myCurve))->Degree(); else if (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) return (*((Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)*)&myCurve))->Degree(); else Standard_NoSuchObject::Raise(); // portage WNT return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : IsRational //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean GeomAdaptor_Curve::IsRational() const { switch( myTypeCurve) { case GeomAbs_BSplineCurve: return (*((Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)*)&myCurve))->IsRational(); case GeomAbs_BezierCurve: return (*((Handle(Geom_BezierCurve)*)&myCurve))->IsRational(); default: return Standard_False; } } //======================================================================= //function : NbPoles //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer GeomAdaptor_Curve::NbPoles() const { if (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BezierCurve) return (*((Handle(Geom_BezierCurve)*)&myCurve))->NbPoles(); else if (myTypeCurve == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) return (*((Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)*)&myCurve))->NbPoles(); else Standard_NoSuchObject::Raise(); // portage WNT return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : NbKnots //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer GeomAdaptor_Curve::NbKnots() const { if ( myTypeCurve != GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) Standard_NoSuchObject::Raise("GeomAdaptor_Curve::NbKnots"); return (*((Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)*)&myCurve))->NbKnots(); } //======================================================================= //function : Bezier //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(Geom_BezierCurve) GeomAdaptor_Curve::Bezier() const { if ( myTypeCurve != GeomAbs_BezierCurve) Standard_NoSuchObject::Raise("GeomAdaptor_Curve::Bezier"); return *((Handle(Geom_BezierCurve)*)&myCurve); } //======================================================================= //function : BSpline //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) GeomAdaptor_Curve::BSpline() const { if ( myTypeCurve != GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) Standard_NoSuchObject::Raise("GeomAdaptor_Curve::BSpline"); return *((Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)*)&myCurve); }