-- File: GeomAdaptator.cdl -- Created: Thu Oct 8 10:33:07 1992 -- Author: Isabelle GRIGNON ---Copyright: Matra Davision 1992 package GeomAdaptor ---Purpose: this package contains the geometric definition of -- curve and surface necessary to use algorithmes. uses Geom, GeomAbs, Adaptor3d, gp, Standard, TColStd, Geom2dAdaptor, TColgp, Precision is class Curve; ---Purpose: creation of the loaded curve the curve is C1 by piece. -- Inherits Curve from Adaptor3d class Surface; ---Purpose: creation of the loaded surface the surface is C1 by piece -- Inherits Surface from Adaptor3d private class GHSurface instantiates GenHSurface from Adaptor3d (Surface from GeomAdaptor); class HSurface; ---Purpose: Inherited from GHSurface. Provides a surface -- handled by reference. private class GHCurve instantiates GenHCurve from Adaptor3d (Curve from GeomAdaptor); class HCurve; ---Purpose: Inherited from GHCurve. Provides a curve -- handled by reference. MakeCurve( C : Curve from Adaptor3d) ---Purpose: Build a Geom_Curve using the informations from the -- Curve from Adaptor3d returns Curve from Geom; MakeSurface( S : Surface from Adaptor3d) ---Purpose: Build a Geom_Surface using the informations from the -- Surface from Adaptor3d returns Surface from Geom; end GeomAdaptor;