-- File: Lin2d2Tan.cdl -- Created: Tue Oct 20 16:27:16 1992 -- Author: Remi GILET -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 class Lin2d2Tan from Geom2dGcc ---Purpose: This class implements the algorithms used to -- create 2d lines tangent to 2 other elements which -- can be circles, curves or points. -- More than one argument must be a curve. -- Describes functions for building a 2D line: -- - tangential to 2 curves, or -- - tangential to a curve and passing through a point. -- A Lin2d2Tan object provides a framework for: -- - defining the construction of 2D line(s), -- - implementing the construction algorithm, and -- - consulting the result(s). -- -- Note: Some constructors may check the type of the qualified argument -- and raise BadQualifier Error in case of incorrect couple (qualifier, curv). -- inherits Entity from Standard uses Pnt2d from gp, Lin2d from gp, Array1OfInteger from TColStd, Array1OfReal from TColStd, QualifiedCurve from Geom2dGcc, Array1OfPnt2d from TColgp, Array1OfLin2d from TColgp, Position from GccEnt, Array1OfPosition from GccEnt, MyL2d2Tan from Geom2dGcc, Curve from Geom2dAdaptor raises NotDone from StdFail, BadQualifier from GccEnt, OutOfRange from Standard is -- Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Wed Oct 16 11:40:57 2002 Begin -- Add constructors without initial parameters Param1 and Param2 which -- calculate all solutions. Create (Qualified1 : QualifiedCurve from Geom2dGcc ; Qualified2 : QualifiedCurve from Geom2dGcc ; Tolang : Real from Standard ) returns Lin2d2Tan from Geom2dGcc raises BadQualifier from GccEnt; ---Purpose: This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d -- line tangent to two curves. -- Tolang is used to determine the tolerance for the tangency points. Create (Qualified1 : QualifiedCurve from Geom2dGcc ; ThePoint : Pnt2d from gp ; Tolang : Real from Standard ) returns Lin2d2Tan from Geom2dGcc ---Purpose: This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d -- lines passing thrue a point and tangent to a curve. -- Tolang is used to determine the tolerance for the tangency points. raises BadQualifier from GccEnt; -- Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Wed Oct 16 11:40:57 2002 End Create (Qualified1 : QualifiedCurve from Geom2dGcc ; Qualified2 : QualifiedCurve from Geom2dGcc ; Tolang : Real from Standard ; Param1 : Real from Standard ; Param2 : Real from Standard ) returns Lin2d2Tan from Geom2dGcc raises BadQualifier from GccEnt; ---Purpose: This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d -- line tangent to two curves. -- Tolang is used to determine the tolerance for the tangency points. -- Param1 is used for the initial guess on the first curve. -- Param2 is used for the initial guess on the second curve. Create (Qualified1 : QualifiedCurve from Geom2dGcc ; ThePoint : Pnt2d from gp ; Tolang : Real from Standard ; Param1 : Real from Standard ) returns Lin2d2Tan from Geom2dGcc ---Purpose: This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d -- lines passing thrue a point and tangent to a curve. -- Tolang is used to determine the tolerance for the tangency points. -- Param2 is used for the initial guess on the curve. raises BadQualifier from GccEnt; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IsDone (me) returns Boolean from Standard is static; ---Purpose: Returns true if the construction algorithm does not fail -- (even if it finds no solution). -- Note: IsDone protects against a failure arising from a -- more internal intersection algorithm, which has -- reached its numeric limits. NbSolutions(me) returns Integer from Standard raises NotDone from StdFail is static; ---Purpose: Returns the number of lines, representing solutions computed by this algorithm. -- Exceptions StdFail_NotDone if the construction fails.R ThisSolution(me ; Index : Integer from Standard) returns Lin2d from gp raises OutOfRange,NotDone is static; ---Purpose: Returns a line, representing the solution of index Index computed by this algorithm. -- Warning -- This indexing simply provides a means of consulting the -- solutions. The index values are not associated with -- these solutions outside the context of the algorithm object. -- Exceptions -- Standard_OutOfRange if Index is less than zero or -- greater than the number of solutions computed by this algorithm. -- StdFail_NotDone if the construction fails. WhichQualifier(me ; Index : Integer from Standard; Qualif1 : out Position from GccEnt ; Qualif2 : out Position from GccEnt ) raises OutOfRange, NotDone is static; ---Purpose: Returns the qualifiers Qualif1 and Qualif2 of the -- tangency arguments for the solution of index Index -- computed by this algorithm. -- The returned qualifiers are: -- - those specified at the start of construction when the -- solutions are defined as enclosing or outside with -- respect to the arguments, or -- - those computed during construction (i.e. enclosing or -- outside) when the solutions are defined as unqualified -- with respect to the arguments, or -- - GccEnt_noqualifier if the tangency argument is a point. -- Exceptions -- Standard_OutOfRange if Index is less than zero or -- greater than the number of solutions computed by this algorithm. -- StdFail_NotDone if the construction fails. Tangency1(me ; Index : Integer from Standard; ParSol,ParArg : out Real from Standard; PntSol : out Pnt2d from gp ) raises OutOfRange,NotDone is static; ---Purpose: Returns informations about the tangency point between the -- result and the first argument. -- ParSol is the intrinsic parameter of the point PntSol on -- the solution curv. -- ParArg is the intrinsic parameter of the point PntSol on the argument curv. -- Exceptions -- Standard_OutOfRange if Index is less than zero or -- greater than the number of solutions computed by this algorithm. -- StdFail_NotDone if the construction fails. Tangency2(me ; Index : Integer from Standard; ParSol,ParArg : out Real from Standard; PntSol : out Pnt2d from gp ) raises OutOfRange,NotDone is static; ---Purpose: Returns informations about the tangency point between the -- result and the first argument. -- ParSol is the intrinsic parameter of the point PntSol on the solution curv. -- ParArg is the intrinsic parameter of the point PntSol on the argument curv. -- Exceptions -- Standard_OutOfRange if Index is less than zero or -- greater than the number of solutions computed by this algorithm. -- StdFail_NotDone if the construction fails. -- Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Wed Oct 16 12:04:52 2002 Begin Add(me: in out; theIndex: Integer from Standard; theLin : MyL2d2Tan from Geom2dGcc; theTol : Real from Standard; theC1 : Curve from Geom2dAdaptor; theC2 : Curve from Geom2dAdaptor) returns Boolean from Standard is private; -- Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Wed Oct 16 12:04:52 2002 End fields WellDone : Boolean from Standard; -- True if the algorithm succeeded. NbrSol : Integer from Standard; ---Purpose: Number of solutions. linsol : Array1OfLin2d from TColgp; ---Purpose : The solutions. qualifier1 : Array1OfPosition from GccEnt; -- The qualifiers of the first argument. qualifier2 : Array1OfPosition from GccEnt; -- The qualifiers of the second argument. pnttg1sol : Array1OfPnt2d from TColgp; -- The tangency point between the solution and the first argument on -- the solution. pnttg2sol : Array1OfPnt2d from TColgp; -- The tangency point between the solution and the second argument on -- the solution. par1sol : Array1OfReal from TColStd; -- The parameter of the tangency point between the solution and the -- first argument on the solution. par2sol : Array1OfReal from TColStd; -- The parameter of the tangency point between the solution and the -- second argument on the solution. pararg1 : Array1OfReal from TColStd; -- The parameter of the tangency point between the solution and the first -- argument on the first argument. pararg2 : Array1OfReal from TColStd; -- The parameter of the tangency point between the solution and the second -- argument on the second argument. end Lin2d2Tan;