-- File: SGProps.cdl -- Created: Fri Apr 12 09:43:09 1991 -- Author: Michel CHAUVAT -- Jean-Claude VAUTHIER January 1992 ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 generic class SGProps from GProp ( Arc as any; Face as any; --as FaceTool (Arc) Domain as any --as DomainTool(Arc) ) inherits GProps --- Purpose : -- Computes the global properties of a face in 3D space. -- The face 's requirements to evaluate the global properties -- are defined in the template FaceTool from package GProp. uses Pnt from gp is Create returns SGProps; Create (S: Face; SLocation: Pnt) returns SGProps; Create (S : in out Face; D : in out Domain; SLocation : Pnt) returns SGProps; --- Purpose : -- Builds a SGProps to evaluate the global properties of -- the face . If isNaturalRestriction is true the domain of S is defined -- with the natural bounds, else it defined with an iterator -- of Arc (see DomainTool from GProp) Create (S: in out Face; SLocation: Pnt; Eps: Real) returns SGProps; Create (S: in out Face; D : in out Domain; SLocation: Pnt; Eps: Real) returns SGProps; -- --"-- -- Parameter Eps sets maximal relative error of computed area. SetLocation(me: in out; SLocation: Pnt); Perform(me: in out; S: Face); Perform(me : in out; S : in out Face ; D : in out Domain); Perform(me: in out; S: in out Face; Eps: Real) returns Real; Perform(me: in out; S: in out Face; D : in out Domain; Eps: Real) returns Real; GetEpsilon(me: out) returns Real; --- Purpose : -- If previously used method contained Eps parameter -- get actual relative error of the computation, else return 1.0. fields myEpsilon: Real from Standard; end SGProps;