#include #include #include #include #include #include #include GProp_GProps::GProp_GProps () : g (gp::Origin()) , loc (gp::Origin()), dim (0.0) { inertia = gp_Mat(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); } GProp_GProps::GProp_GProps (const gp_Pnt& SystemLocation) : g (gp::Origin()), loc (SystemLocation), dim (0.0) { inertia = gp_Mat(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); } void GProp_GProps::Add (const GProp_GProps& Item, const Standard_Real Density) { if (Density <= gp::Resolution()) Standard_DomainError::Raise(); if (loc.Distance (Item.loc) <= gp::Resolution ()) { gp_XYZ GXYZ = (Item.g.XYZ()).Multiplied (Item.dim * Density); g.SetXYZ (g.XYZ().Multiplied (dim)); GXYZ.Add (g.XYZ()); dim = dim + Item.dim * Density; if (Abs(dim) >= 1.e-20 ) { GXYZ.Divide (dim); g.SetXYZ (GXYZ); } else { g.SetCoord(0., 0., 0.); } inertia = inertia + Item.inertia * Density; }else{ gp_XYZ Itemloc = loc.XYZ() - Item.loc.XYZ(); gp_XYZ Itemg = Item.loc.XYZ() + Item.g.XYZ(); gp_XYZ GXYZ = Item.g.XYZ() - Itemloc; GXYZ = GXYZ.Multiplied (Item.dim * Density); g.SetXYZ (g.XYZ().Multiplied (dim)); GXYZ.Add (g.XYZ()); dim = dim + Item.dim * Density; if (Abs(dim) >= 1.e-20 ) { GXYZ.Divide (dim); g.SetXYZ (GXYZ); } else { g.SetCoord(0., 0., 0.); } //We have to compute the inertia of the Item at the location point //of the system using the Huyghens theorem gp_Mat HMat; gp_Mat ItemInertia = Item.inertia; if (Item.g.XYZ().Modulus() > gp::Resolution()) { //Computes the inertia of Item at its dim centre GProp::HOperator (Itemg, Item.loc, Item.dim, HMat); ItemInertia = ItemInertia - HMat; } //Computes the inertia of Item at the location point of the system GProp::HOperator (Itemg, loc, Item.dim, HMat); ItemInertia = ItemInertia + HMat; inertia = inertia + ItemInertia * Density; } } Standard_Real GProp_GProps::Mass () const { return dim; } gp_Pnt GProp_GProps::CentreOfMass () const { return gp_Pnt(loc.XYZ() + g.XYZ()); } gp_Mat GProp_GProps::MatrixOfInertia () const { gp_Mat HMat; GProp::HOperator (g,gp::Origin(),dim, HMat); return inertia - HMat; } void GProp_GProps::StaticMoments (Standard_Real& Ix, Standard_Real& Iy, Standard_Real& Iz) const { gp_XYZ G = loc.XYZ() + g.XYZ(); Ix = G.X() * dim; Iy = G.Y() * dim; Iz = G.Z() * dim; } Standard_Real GProp_GProps::MomentOfInertia (const gp_Ax1& A) const { // Moment of inertia / axis A // 1] computes the math_Matrix of inertia / A.location() // 2] applies this math_Matrix to A.Direction() // 3] then computes the scalar product between this vector and // A.Direction() if (loc.Distance (A.Location()) <= gp::Resolution()) { return (A.Direction().XYZ()).Dot ( (A.Direction().XYZ()).Multiplied (inertia)); } else { gp_Mat HMat; gp_Mat AxisInertia = MatrixOfInertia(); GProp::HOperator (gp_Pnt (loc.XYZ() + g.XYZ()), A.Location(), dim, HMat); AxisInertia = AxisInertia + HMat; return (A.Direction().XYZ()).Dot ( (A.Direction().XYZ()).Multiplied (AxisInertia)); } } Standard_Real GProp_GProps::RadiusOfGyration (const gp_Ax1& A) const { return Sqrt (MomentOfInertia (A) / dim); } GProp_PrincipalProps GProp_GProps::PrincipalProperties () const { math_Matrix DiagMat (1, 3, 1, 3); Standard_Integer i, j; gp_Mat AxisInertia = MatrixOfInertia(); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { DiagMat (i, j) = AxisInertia.Value (i, j); } } math_Jacobi J (DiagMat); Standard_Real Ixx = J.Value (1); Standard_Real Iyy = J.Value (2); Standard_Real Izz = J.Value (3); DiagMat = J.Vectors (); gp_Vec Vxx (DiagMat (1,1), DiagMat (2, 1), DiagMat (3, 1)); gp_Vec Vyy (DiagMat (1,2), DiagMat (2, 2), DiagMat (3, 2)); gp_Vec Vzz (DiagMat (1,3), DiagMat (2, 3), DiagMat (3, 3)); // // protection contre dim == 0.0e0 au cas ou on aurait rentre qu'un point // Standard_Real Rxx = 0.0e0 ; Standard_Real Ryy = 0.0e0 ; Standard_Real Rzz = 0.0e0 ; if (0.0e0 != dim) { Rxx = Sqrt (Abs(Ixx / dim)); Ryy = Sqrt (Abs(Iyy / dim)); Rzz = Sqrt (Abs(Izz / dim)); } return GProp_PrincipalProps (Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Rxx, Ryy, Rzz, Vxx, Vyy, Vzz, gp_Pnt(g.XYZ() + loc.XYZ())); }