-- File: FairCurve_DistributionOfTension.cdl -- Created: Fri Jan 26 15:04:32 1996 -- Author: Philippe MANGIN -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1996 private class DistributionOfTension from FairCurve inherits DistributionOfEnergy from FairCurve ---Purpose: Compute the Tension Distribution uses Vector from math, FunctionSet from math, HArray1OfReal from TColStd, HArray1OfPnt2d from TColgp, BattenLaw from FairCurve is Create( BSplOrder : Integer; FlatKnots : HArray1OfReal; Poles : HArray1OfPnt2d; DerivativeOrder : Integer; LengthSliding : Real; Law : BattenLaw; NbValAux : Integer = 0; Uniform : Boolean = Standard_False) returns DistributionOfTension; SetLengthSliding(me: in out; LengthSliding : Real); ---Purpose: change the length sliding ---C++: inline Value(me: in out; X: Vector; F: out Vector) ---Purpose: computes the values of the functions for the -- variable . -- returns True if the computation was done successfully, -- False otherwise. returns Boolean is redefined; fields MyLengthSliding : Real; MyLaw : BattenLaw; MyHeight : Real; end DistributionOfTension;