--- File: FairCurve_DistributionOfEnergy.cdl -- Created: Mon Jan 22 15:11:20 1996 -- Author: Philippe MANGIN -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1996 deferred class DistributionOfEnergy from FairCurve inherits FunctionSet from math ---Purpose: Abstract class to use the Energy of an FairCurve uses Vector from math, FunctionSet from math, HArray1OfReal from TColStd, HArray1OfPnt2d from TColgp is --- redefined methods NbVariables(me) ---Purpose: returns the number of variables of the function. returns Integer is redefined; NbEquations(me) ---Purpose: returns the number of equations of the function. returns Integer is redefined; --- new methods Initialize( BSplOrder : Integer; FlatKnots : HArray1OfReal; Poles : HArray1OfPnt2d; DerivativeOrder : Integer; NbValAux : Integer = 0); SetDerivativeOrder(me :in out; DerivativeOrder : Integer); fields MyBSplOrder : Integer is protected; MyFlatKnots : HArray1OfReal is protected; MyPoles : HArray1OfPnt2d is protected; MyDerivativeOrder : Integer is protected; MyNbVar : Integer is protected; MyNbEqua : Integer is protected; MyNbValAux : Integer is protected; end DistributionOfEnergy ;