-- File: FEmTool_ElementsOfRefMatrix.cdl -- Created: Tue Nov 10 11:35:26 1998 -- Author: Igor FEOKTISTOV -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1998 class ElementsOfRefMatrix from FEmTool inherits FunctionSet from math ---Purpose: this class describes the functions needed for -- calculating matrix elements of RefMatrix for linear -- criteriums (Tension, Flexsion and Jerk). -- Each function from set gives value Pi(u)'*Pj(u)' or -- Pi(u)''*Pj(u)'' or Pi(u)'''*Pj(u)''' for each i and j, -- where Pi(u) is i-th basis function of expansion and -- (') means derivative. uses Vector from math, Base from PLib raises ConstructionError from Standard is Create(TheBase : Base from PLib; DerOrder : Integer from Standard) -- DerOrder is order of derivative (1, 2, 3) returns ElementsOfRefMatrix from FEmTool raises ConstructionError from Standard; -- if DerOrder is not valid NbVariables(me) ---Purpose: returns the number of variables of the function. -- It is supposed that NbVariables = 1. returns Integer; NbEquations(me) ---Purpose: returns the number of equations of the function. returns Integer; Value(me: in out; X: Vector; F: out Vector) ---Purpose: computes the values of the functions for the -- variable . -- returns True if the computation was done successfully, -- False otherwise. -- F contains results only for i<=j in following order: -- P0*P0, P0*P1, P0*P2... P1*P1, P1*P2,... (upper triangle of -- matrix {PiPj}) returns Boolean; fields myBase : Base from PLib; myDerOrder : Integer; myNbEquations : Integer; end ElementsOfRefMatrix;