-- File: Extrema_ExtPExtS.cdl -- Created: Thu Sep 16 16:53:38 1999 -- Author: Edward AGAPOV -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1999 class ExtPExtS from Extrema ---Purpose: It calculates all the extremum (minimum and -- maximum) distances between a point and a linear -- extrusion surface. uses POnSurf from Extrema, GenExtPS from Extrema, FuncExtPS from Extrema, HCurve from Adaptor3d, SurfacePtr from Adaptor3d, SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion from Adaptor3d, Ax2 from gp, Vec from gp, Pnt from gp raises NotDone from StdFail, OutOfRange is Create returns ExtPExtS; Create (P: Pnt; S: SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion from Adaptor3d; Umin, Usup, Vmin, Vsup: Real; TolU,TolV: Real) returns ExtPExtS; ---Purpose: It calculates all the distances between a point -- from gp and a Surface. Create (P: Pnt; S: SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion from Adaptor3d; TolU,TolV: Real) returns ExtPExtS; ---Purpose: It calculates all the distances between a point -- from gp and a Surface. Initialize(me: in out; S: SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion from Adaptor3d; Uinf, Usup, Vinf, Vsup: Real; TolU, TolV: Real) ---Purpose: Initializes the fields of the algorithm. is static; Perform(me: in out; P: Pnt) is static; IsDone (me) returns Boolean ---Purpose: Returns True if the distances are found. is static; NbExt (me) returns Integer ---Purpose: Returns the number of extremum distances. raises NotDone from StdFail -- if IsDone(me)=False. is static; SquareDistance (me; N: Integer) returns Real ---Purpose: Returns the value of the Nth resulting square distance. raises NotDone from StdFail, -- if IsDone(me)=False. OutOfRange -- if N < 1 or N > NbPoints(me). is static; Point (me; N: Integer) returns POnSurf ---Purpose: Returns the point of the Nth resulting distance. raises NotDone from StdFail, -- if IsDone(me)=False. OutOfRange -- if N < 1 or N > NbPoints(me). is static; --- Private methods MakePreciser (me; U : in out Real from Standard; P : Pnt from gp; isMin : Boolean from Standard; OrtogSection: Ax2 from gp) is static private; fields myuinf : Real from Standard; myusup : Real from Standard; mytolu : Real from Standard; myvinf : Real from Standard; myvsup : Real from Standard; mytolv : Real from Standard; myVRange : Real from Standard; myF : FuncExtPS from Extrema; myC : HCurve from Adaptor3d; myS : SurfacePtr from Adaptor3d; myDirection : Vec from gp; myPosition : Ax2 from gp; myExtPS : GenExtPS from Extrema; myIsAnalyticallyComputable : Boolean from Standard; myDone : Boolean from Standard; myNbExt: Integer from Standard; mySqDist: Real from Standard [4]; myPoint: POnSurf from Extrema [4]; end ExtPExtS;