-- File: Extrema_CurveTool.cdl -- Created: Tue Jul 18 13:00:23 1995 -- Author: Modelistation -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 class CurveTool from Extrema uses Pnt from gp, Vec from gp, Circ from gp, Elips from gp, Hypr from gp, Parab from gp, Lin from gp, Array1OfReal from TColStd, BezierCurve from Geom, BSplineCurve from Geom, CurveType from GeomAbs, Shape from GeomAbs, Curve from Adaptor3d is FirstParameter(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Real from Standard; ---C++: inline LastParameter(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Real from Standard; ---C++: inline Continuity(myclass; C: Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Shape from GeomAbs; ---C++: inline NbIntervals(myclass; C: in out Curve from Adaptor3d; S : Shape from GeomAbs) returns Integer; ---Purpose: Returns the number of intervals for continuity -- . May be one if Continuity(me) >= ---C++: inline Intervals(myclass; C: in out Curve from Adaptor3d; T : in out Array1OfReal from TColStd; S : Shape from GeomAbs); ---Purpose: Stores in the parameters bounding the intervals -- of continuity . -- -- The array must provide enough room to accomodate -- for the parameters. i.e. T.Length() > NbIntervals() ---C++: inline IsPeriodic(myclass;C: Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Boolean; Period(myclass; C: Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Real; ---C++: inline Resolution(myclass; C: Curve from Adaptor3d; R3d: Real) returns Real; ---C++: inline GetType(myclass;C: Curve from Adaptor3d) returns CurveType from GeomAbs; ---C++: inline Value(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d; U : Real from Standard) returns Pnt from gp; ---C++: inline D1 (myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d; U : Real from Standard; P : out Pnt from gp; V : out Vec from gp); ---C++: inline D2 (myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d; U : Real from Standard; P : out Pnt from gp; V1, V2 : out Vec from gp); ---C++: inline Line(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Lin from gp; ---C++: inline Circle(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Circ from gp; ---C++: inline Ellipse(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Elips from gp; ---C++: inline Hyperbola(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Hypr from gp; ---C++: inline Parabola(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Parab from gp; ---C++: inline Degree(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Integer; ---C++: inline IsRational(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Boolean; ---C++: inline NbPoles(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Integer; ---C++: inline NbKnots(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns Integer; ---C++: inline Bezier(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns BezierCurve from Geom; ---C++: inline BSpline(myclass; C : Curve from Adaptor3d) returns BSplineCurve from Geom; ---C++: inline end CurveTool;