set stationname $tcl_platform(platform) if { ${stationname} == "windows" } { proc winfo { aTest aWindow } { return False } } proc sage { a} { global stationname if { ${stationname} != "windows" } { if { ![winfo exists .h ] } { toplevel .h -bg azure3 wm title .h "INFO TEST HARNESS" wm geometry .h +320+20 } if { [winfo exists .h.m ] } { set astring [.h.m cget -text] set newstring "${astring} \n $a" .h.m configure -text $newstring puts $a } else { message .h.m -justify left -bg azure2 -width 13c -relief ridge -bd 4\ -text $a puts $a } pack .h.m update } } smallview if { [winfo exists .h ] } { destroy .h } sage " Creating a box" sage " box b -10 -10 -10 20 20 20" sage " " box b -10 -10 -10 20 20 20 fit nexplode b f erase b sage " Draft of two lateral faces " sage " depouille r b 0 0 -1 b_6 -15 10 -10 10 0 0 -1 " sage " nexplode r f" sage " depouille rr r 0 0 -1 r_1 -15 -10 -10 10 0 0 -1 " sage " " depouille r b 0 0 -1 b_6 -15 10 -10 10 0 0 -1 clear nexplode r f depouille rr r 0 0 -1 r_1 -15 -10 -10 10 0 0 -1 clear nexplode rr e sage " Fillet on four lateral edges, then on the top and bottom edges " sage " nexplode rr e" sage " blend result rr 3 rr_2 3 rr_3 3 rr_10 3 rr_11" sage " nexplode result e" sage " blend result result 2 result_11 3 result_12" sage " " blend result rr 3 rr_2 3 rr_3 3 rr_10 3 rr_11 erase rr erase result nexplode result e blend result result 2 result_11 3 result_12 clear nexplode result f sage " Creating a profile on the top face " sage " nexplode result f" sage " profile p S result_16 F 10 4 D 1 0 C 2 90. Y 8 C 2 90. X -2 C 2 90. Y -8 C 2 90. X 2 " sage " " profile p S result_16 F 10 4 D 1 0 C 2 90. Y 8 C 2 90. X -2 C 2 90. Y -8 C 2 90. X 2 sage " Creating a prism" sage " prism rr p 0 0 20" sage " " prism rr p 0 0 20 fit sage " Fusion of this prism with the original part " sage " fuse result rr result" sage " " fuse result rr result donl result nexplode result f erase result fit sage " Opening the top face" sage " offsetshape r result -1 0.0001 result_17" sage " " nexplode result f offsetshape r result -1 0.0001 result_17 sage " Creating a cylinder and positionning it" sage " pcylinder cyl 2 300" sage " trotate cyl cyl 0 0 0 1 0 0 45" sage " ttranslate cyl cyl 0 7.5 0" sage " " pcylinder cyl 2 30 trotate cyl cyl 0 0 0 1 0 0 45 ttranslate cyl cyl 0 7.5 0 sage " Display the Shape on Hidden Line Mode " sage " hlr hid r" sage "" donl r hlr hid r sage " Display the Shape on HLR Mode " sage " hlr nohid r" sage " hlr hlr r" sage "" donl r hlr nohid r hlr hlr r sage "Demo completed"