set tcl_interactive 1 set tcl_precision 17 if [info exists library] { source [file join $library init.tcl] } set dir "" if { [info exists env(DRAWHOME) ] } { set dir $env(DRAWHOME) } else { set dir [file dirname [info script]] } # san - 02/08/2002 - In Tcl8.3 it is no longer necessary to load Tix explicitly on WNT #if { [info exists env(STATION)] } { # if { $env(STATION) == "wnt" } { # load tix8183.dll Tix # } #} if { [file exist $dir] } { source [file join $dir StandardCommands.tcl] source [file join $dir StandardViews.tcl] source [file join $dir Geometry.tcl] set stationname $tcl_platform(platform) if [info exists tk_version] { source [file join $dir DrawTK.tcl] # setup the icon for main window if { ${stationname} == "windows" } { wm iconbitmap . -default [file join $dir lamp.ico] } } if [file readable DrawAppliInit] { source DrawAppliInit } }