set stationname $tcl_platform(platform) if { ${stationname} == "windows" } { proc winfo { aTest aWindow } { return False } } proc sage { a} { global stationname if { ${stationname} != "windows" } { if { ![winfo exists .h ] } { toplevel .h -bg azure3 wm title .h "INFO DATAEXCHANGE TEST HARNESS" wm geometry .h +320+20 } if { [winfo exists .h.m ] } { set astring [.h.m cget -text] set newstring "${astring} \n $a" .h.m configure -text $newstring puts $a } else { message .h.m -justify left -bg azure2 -width 13c -relief ridge -bd 4\ -text $a puts $a } pack .h.m update } } smallview if { [winfo exists .h ] } { destroy .h } set thedir [file join [file dirname [file dirname [info script]] DEResource] if { [file isdirectory ${thedir}] } { cd ${thedir} } else { cd [file dirname [info script]] } datadir . sage " First, we retrieve a BREP File " sage " datadir ." sage " restore wing.brep wing" sage " " datadir . restore wing.brep wing disp wing fit sage "Generate the IGES File of this BREP" sage " brepiges wing /tmp/wing.igs" sage " " brepiges wing /tmp/wing.igs wait 3 sage "we delete all data" sage "" dall sage "Restore this IGES File we have created " sage " igesbrep wing.igs new *" sage "" cd /tmp igesbrep wing.igs new * disp new fit if { [winfo exists .h ] } { destroy .h } puts "End IGES Elementary Test " sage " " unlink /tmp/wing.igs