This document is the reference manual for the harness Draw, Draw is a command interpreter based on TCL and a graphical system used to test and demonstrate CAS.CADE modeling libraries. In this document are described the basics of the TCL command language and Draw extensions, the commands to do geometry and the commands to do topology. *Overview Draw is a test and development harness for CAS.CADE. It is intended to provide a flexible and easy-to-use means of testing and demonstrating the CAS.CADE modeling libraries. Draw can be used interactively to create, display and modify objects such as curves, surfaces and topological shapes. Scripts can be written to customize Draw and perform tests. New types of objects and new commands can be added using the C++ programing language. Draw is basically made up of - a command interpreter based on the TCL command language - a 3d graphic viewer based on the X system - a basic set of commands covering scripts, variables and graphics - a set of geometric commands, allowing to create and modify curves and surfaces and to use CAS.CADE geometry algorithms. This set of commands is optional - a set of topological commands to create and modify BRep shapes and to use the CAS.CADE topology algorithms As a rule there is an "official" set of commands for each delivery unit in the modeling libraries : GEOMETRY, TOPOLOGY, ADVALGOS, GRAPHIC, PRESENTATION **Contents of the documentation This documentation describes - the command language - the basic set of commands - the graphical commands - the geometry set of commands - the topology set of commands This document does not describe the other sets of commands and does not explain how to extend Draw using C++. This document is mainly a reference manual, it contains descriptions of commands, all descriptions have the same format which is above illustrated with the exit command. *** exit .Synopsis exit .Purpose Terminates the Draw, TCL session. If the commands are read from a file using the source command this will terminante reading from the file. .Example # this is a very short example exit .See also source .Index exit command **Getting started We will now try a simple example. The first thing to do is to setup a Draw executable, check if the DRAW and TCL ULs are visible in your workbench with the wok command "ulinuse". If DRAW does not appear you should check with your workshop manager to install DRAW and TCL. We will now suppose that you have a DRAW version, at least DRAW-7 (use "ulinuse -v" to check so). You must now find an executable. Let us try TGEOMETRY. Just type TGEOMETRY, if you do not get a prompt "Draw[1]> " you must create an executable by linking the program from the source example TestDraw.cxx which can be found in the src directory of the UL. Draw displays prompt and waits for commands, here is a sample session : .Example # create Two views 2d and axonometric Draw[1]> av2d # create a 2d circle Draw[2]> circle c 0 0 1 0 5 Draw[3]> 2dfit # trim the circle and dump it Draw[4]> trim c c 0 pi/2 Draw[5]> dump c 0*********** Dump of c ************* Trimmed curve Parameters : 0 1.5707963267949 Basis curve : Circle Center :0, 0 XAxis :1, 0 YAxis :-0, 1 Radius :5 # make a 3d circle from it, and turn it into a bspline Draw[6]> to3d c c Draw[7]> fit Draw[8]> convert c c Draw[9]> dump c 0*********** Dump of c ************* BSplineCurve rational Degree 2, 3 Poles, 2 Knots Poles : 1 : 5, 0, 0 1 2 : 5, 5, 0 0.707106781186548 3 : 3.06161699786838e-16, 5, 0 1 Knots : 1 : 0 3 2 : 1.5707963267949 3 .Example # make a surface of revolution from the spline Draw[10]> fit Draw[11]> help rev reverse : reverse name ... revsurf : revsurf name curvename x y z dx dy dz # here you must click on the curve with the mouse Draw[12]> revsurf s . 5 5 0 -1 1 0 Pick an object Draw[13]> fit # rotate the view Draw[14]> u Draw[15]> erase c c # make a bspline surface and intersect with a plane Draw[20]> convert s s Draw[21]> fit Draw[22]> plane p 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 0 0 Draw[23]> intersect c p s # pick on one of the intersection curves # you may get c_2 onstead of c_1 Draw[24]> whatis . Pick an object c_1 is a a 3d curve Draw[25]> clear Draw[27]> rename c_1 c Draw[28]> fit # save the curve, use any directory where you can write Draw[29]> datadir $env(WBCONTAINER)/data/default /adv_20/BAG/data/default Draw[30]> save c curveinter c Draw[31]> exit .Text In this example some geometrical operations have been performed, objects have been displayed and wrote to files. *The command language The command language used in Draw is the TCL command language. It is highly recommended, if you want to use Draw extensively, to read some TCL documentation like "TCL and the TK Toolkit" by John K. Ousterhout (Addison-Wesley). The following section is a short outline of the TCL language and its extensions incorporated in Draw. The following topics will be covered. - syntax of the TCL language - accessing variables in TCL and Draw - control structures - procedures ** Syntax of TCL .Index TCL script command word substitution quoting .Text TCL is an interpreted command language, it is not a structured language like C, Pascal, LISP or Basic, it is rather a line oriented language like a shell (csh for example). However you will find that TCL is easier to use than shell because control structures and procedure are easier to define. TCL is also faster than shell because it does not fork a process for each command. The basic program for TCL is a script. A script consists of one or more commands. Commands are separated by newlines or semicolons. .Example set a 24 set b 15 set a 25; set b 15 .Text Each command consists of one or more words, the first word is the name of a command and additional words are arguments for that command. Words are separated by spaces or tabs. In the preceding example each command has three words. There may be any number of words in a command and each word is a string of arbitrary length. The evaluation of a command by TCL follows two steps. In the first step the command is parsed and broken into words and some substitutions are performed. In the second step the command procedure corresponding to the first word is called with the other words as arguments. In the first step there is only string manipulation, meaning is given to the words only in the second step by the command procedure. The following substitutions are performed by TCL - Variable substitution is triggered by the $ character (as with csh), the content of the variable is substituted, {} may be used as in csh to enclose the name of the variable. .Example # set a variable value set file documentation # a simple substitution, set psfile to set psfile $ # another substitution, set pfile to documentationPS set pfile ${file}PS # a last one, # delete files NEWdocumentation and OLDdocumentation foreach prefix {NEW OLD} {rm $prefix$file} .Text - Command substitution is triggered by the [] characters. The brackets must enclose a valid script, this scrit is evaluated and the result is substituted. This is similar to the `command` construction in csh. .Example set degree 30 set pi 3.14159265 # expr is a command evaluating a numeric expression set radian [expr $pi*$degree/180] .Index expr command .Text - Backslash substitution is triggered by the backslash character. It is used to insert special characters like : $,[,]. A backslash terminated line is continued on the following line. TCL uses two forms of quoting to prevent substitution and word breaking. - Double quote quoting enables to define a string with space and tabs as a single word, substitutions are still performed inside the "". .Example # set msg to "the price is 12.00$" set price "\$ 12.00" set msg "the price is $price" .Text - Braces quoting prevent all the substitutions. Braces are also nested. The main use of braces is to defer evaluation when defining procedures and control structures. Braces are useful to present nicely TCL scripts on multiple lines. .Example set x 0 # this will loop for ever # because while argument is "0 < 3" while "$x < 3" {set x [expr $x+1]} # this will terminate as expected because # while argument is {$x < 3} while {$x < 3} {set x [expr $x+1]} # this can be written also while {$x < 3} { set x [expr $x+1] } # the following cannot be written # because while requires two arguments while {$x < 3} { set x [expr $x+1] } .Text Comments start with a # character as the first non blank character in a command. If you want to comment at the end of the line you must precede the comment by semi-colon to end the preceding command. .Example # This is a comment set a 1 # this is not a comment set b 1; # this is a comment .Text Last but not least thing to know about parsing in TCL is that the number of words is never changed by substitution. For example the result of a substitution is always a single word. This is different than csh but it is very convenient as the behavior of the parser is more predictable. Sometimes it may be necessary to enforce a second round of evaluation to reparse, the eval command is useful to that purpose. This command concatenates all its arguments and evaluates this script. .Example # I want to delete two files set files "foo bar" # this will fail because rm will receive only one argument # and complain that "foo bar" does not exists exec rm $files # a second evaluation will do it eval exec rm $files .Index eval command exec command ** Accessing variables in TCL and Draw TCL variables have only string values. Note that even numeric values are stored as string literals and computations with the expr command start by parsing the strings. This approach is not sufficient for Draw where variables with other kinds of values are necessary, such as curves, surfaces or topological shapes. Fortunately TCL provides a mechanism to link user data to variables, this mechanism is used with Draw. Draw variables are TCL variables with associated data. The string value of a Draw variable is meaningless, it is usually set to the name of the variable itself, so preceding a Draw variable with a $ do not change the result of a command. The content of a Draw variable is accessed with appropriate commands. There are many kinds of Draw variables, and new ones may be added with C++. We will describe later geometric and topological variables, for the moment we will only describe the numeric variables. Draw numeric variables can be used within an expression whereever a Draw comand requires a numeric value. The expr command is useless in this case. Those variables are not stored as strings but as floating point values. .Example # dset is used for numeric variables # pi is a predefined Draw variable dset angle pi/3 radius 10 point p radius*cos(angle) radius*sin(angle) 0 .Text At the beginning the difference between TCL and Draw variables may be confusing but you will be quickly used to it. My advice is to use TCL variable only for strings and to use Draw for numerics as you can avoid the expr command. Usually for geometry and topology you will only need numbers no strings. .Index numeric variables Draw variables pi *** set, unset .Synopsis set varname [value] unset varname [varname varname ...] .Purpose Use the set command to assign a string value to a variable. If the variable does not exist it is created. Without the value argument the command returns the content of the variable. Use the unset command to destroy the variables. This is is also used to destroy Draw variables. .Example set a "Hello world" set b "Goodbye" set a ==> "Hello world" unset a b set a ==> Error message.... .Warning The set command can set only one variable, unlike the dset command. .See also dset, dval .Index set command unset command *** dset, dval .Synopsis dset varname expression [varname expression ...] dval expression .Purpose Use the dset command to assign values to Draw numeric variables. The expression may be any numeric expression including Draw numeric variables, as any Draw command expecting a numeric expression there is no need for $ or expr. The dset command can assign many variables, if there is an odd number of argument the last variable will be assigned a value of 0. If the variable does not exist it will be created. Use dval to evaluate an expression containing Draw numeric variables and return the result as a string, including a single variable. This not useful for Draw commands as they usually interpret expression, but this is useful for TCL basic commands expecting strings. .Example # z is set to 0 dset x 10 y 15 z # no $ required for Draw commands point p x y z # puts prints a string puts "x = [dval x], cos(x/pi) = [dval cos(x/pi)]" .Warning In TCL parentheses are not considered as special characters, so do not forget to quote an expression if it contains spaces to avoid parsing different words. (a + b) is parsed as three words, "(a + b)" or (a+b) are correct. .See also set, unset .Index dset command dval command ** lists TCL uses lists a lot, a list is only a string containing elements separated by spaces or tabs. If the string contains braces the braced part count for one element, this allows to put lists in lists. .Example # a list of 3 strings "a b c" # a list of two strings the first is a list of 2 "{a b} c" .Text Many TCL commands return lists and the foreach command is an useful way to loop on list elements. ** Control Structures TCL allows repetition of an execution using control structures. The control structures are implemented with commands and their syntax is very similar to their C counterpart (if, while, switch,..). There are two main differences with C. Do not use parentheses to enclose conditions but braces, do not start the script on the next line or your command will not have enough argument. *** if .Synopsis if condition script [elseif script .... else script] .Purpose If evaluate the condition and evaluate the script if the condition is true, and so on. .Example # note the position of the braces # even if you find it ugly, you must do it this way if {$x > 0} { puts "positive" } elseif {$x == 0} { puts "null" } else { puts "negative" } .Index if command *** while, for, foreach .Synopsis while condition script for init condition reinit script foreach varname list script .Purpose The three loop structures are similar to their C or csh equivalent. It is important to use braces to delay evaluation. foreach will assign the elements of the list to the variable before evaluating the script. .Example # while example dset x 1.1 while {[dval x] < 100} { circle c 0 0 x dset x x*x } # for example # incr var d, incremente une variable de d (defaut 1) for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { dset angle $i*pi/10 point p$i cos(angle0 sin(angle) 0 } # foreach example foreach object {crapo tomson lucas} {display $object} .Index while command for command foreach command incr command .See also break, continue *** break, continue .Synopsis break continue .Purpose Within loops the, break and continue commands have the same effect than in C. break interrupts the innermost loop and continue steps to the next iteration. .Example # search the index for which t$i has value "secret" for {set i 1} {$i <= 100} {incr i} { if {[set t$i] == "secret"} break; } .Warning .See also .Index break command continue command ** Procedures TCL can be extended by defining procedures using the proc command. The proc commandsetup a context of local variables, binds arguments and executes a TCL script. The only confusing point in procedures is that variables are strictly local, and as they are implicitly created when used it may be difficult to detect the errors. There are two means to access a variable outside the scope of the current procedure. The global command may be used to declare a global variable (a variable outside all procedures), the upvar command can be used to access a variable in the scope of the caller. In TCL arguments are always string values, the only way to pass Draw variables is to pass by reference, i.e. passing the name of the variable and using the upvar command as in the following examples. TCL is not a strongly typed language, it is thus very difficult to detect programming errors and debugging can be tedious, TCL procedures are not designed for large scale software development but for testing and simple command or interactive writing. *** proc .Synopsis proc arglist script .Purpose Use the proc command to define a procedure, arglist is the list of arguments, it must be an empty list if there are no arguments. An argument may have a default value, it is then a list of the form {argument value}. The script is the body of the procedure. The return command is used to give a return value to the procedure. .Example # simple procedure proc hello {} { puts "hello world" } # procedure with arguments and default values proc distance {x1 y1 {x2 0} {y2 0}} { set d [expr (x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1)] return [expr sqrt(d)] } # we could not resist the classical one proc fact n { if {$n == 0} {return 1} else { return [expr n*[fact [expr n -1]]] } } .Warning .See also global, upvar .Index proc command procedure *** global, upvar .Synopsis global varname [varname ...] upvar varname localname [varname localname ...] .Purpose Use the global command to access top level variables. Unlike in C global variables are not visible in procedures. Use the upvar command to give a local name to a variable in the caller scope, this is when an argument is the name of a variable instead of a value, this is call by reference and it is the only way to use Draw variables as arguments. Note in the following examples that the $ is always necessary to access the arguments. .Example # convert degree to radian # pi is a global variable proc deg2rad (degree} { global pi return [dval pi*$degree/180.] } # create line with a point and an angle proc linang {linename x y angle} { upvar linename l line l $x $y cos($angle) sin($angle) } .Warning .See also .Index global command upvar command reference, call by value, call by *Basic commands We will now describe all the commands defined in the basic Draw package. Some of the commands are TCL commands, but most of them are defined by Draw. Those commands are found in all Draw applications. The commands are grouped in four sections - general commandsused for Draw and TCL management - variable commands used to manage Draw variables, storing, dumping ... - graphic commands used to manage the graphic system : views ... - variables display commands are used to manage the display of objects **General commands This section describes some useful commands, help to get information, source to eval a script from a file, spy to capture the commands in a file, cpulimit limit the process cpu time, wait to waste some time, chrono to time commands. ***help .Synopsis help [command [helpstring group]] .Purpose Provides help or modifies the help information. help, without arguments list all groups and the commands in each group. help command, provides information on a command or a set of commands, command may be a shell-like regular expression. * is automatically added at the end so that all completing commands match. help command helpstring group, defines helpstring to be the help for command, put the command in the group. The group defaults to "User commands". .Example # Gives help on all command starting with a help a # defines help for the help command help {help [command [helpstring group = "Use commands"]]} "DRAW Basic Commands" .Index help command ***source .Synopsis source file .Purpose Reads and evaluates commands from a file. The exit command will terminate the file. .See also exit .Index source command *** spy .Synopsis spy [file] .Purpose Save interactive commands in the file. If there is already spying the current file is closed. spy without argument closes the current file and stops spying. If a command returns an error it is saved with a comment mark. The file created by spy can be played with the source command. .Example # from now all commands will be saved in the file "session" spy session # the file "session" is closed and commands are not saved spy .See also source .Index spy command spying session *** cpulimit .Synopsis cpulimit [nbseconds] .Purpose The process will be interrupted after nbseconds of cpu, this is useful during tests to avoid infinite loops. cpulimit without arguments removes all existing limits. .Example #limit cpu to one hour cpulimit 3600 .Index cpulimit command *** wait .Synopsis wait [nbseconds] .Purpose Interrupt execution for nbseconds, the default value is ten (10) seconds. This is usefull in a demo to give people time to admire a nice picture. .Example # You have ten seconds ... wait .Index wait command *** chrono .Synopsis chrono [ name start/stop/reset/show] .Purpose The chrono command has two usages, without arguments it toggles the timing of commands. When chronometers are activated each command will be timed, i.e. the cpu and user time of the command will be printed. With arguments the chrono command is used to manage chronometers, a chronometer is a special kind of Draw variable used to measure time. The following action can be performed on a chronometer. - start : to run the chronometer. - stop : to stop the chronometer. - reset : to reset the chronometer to 0. - show : to display the current time. Chronometers are useful to print partial times as in the following example, the timing of the command foreach will only give you the time for all the process. .Example # use of a chronometer chrono swatch foreach face {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} { chrono swatch reset processface $face chrono swatch stop puts "$face is processed" chrono swatch show } .Index chrono command ** Variables management commands We describe now commands used to manage Draw variables. isdraw test if a variable is a draw variable, directory list draw variables, whatis gives the type of a variable, dump prints the content of a variable, rename and copy change the content of variables, datadir, save and restore are used to put the contents of variables in files. *** isdraw, directory .Synopsis isdraw varname directory [pattern] .Purpose Use isdraw to test if a variable is a draw variable, isdraw will return 1 if there is a Draw value attached to the variable. Use directory to return a list of all Draw global variables matching a pattern, like the shell ls command. .Example set a 1 isdraw a ===> 0 dset a 1 isdraw a ===> 1 circle c 0 0 1 0 5 isdraw c ===> 1 # to destroy all Draw objects with name containing curve foreach var [directory *curve*] {unset $var} .See also whatis .Index isdraw command directory command *** whatis, dump .Synopsis whatis varname [varname ...] dump varname [varname ...] .Purpose Use whatis to get a short information about a Draw variable, the result depends on the type of the object. Usually it is the name of the type. Use dump to get a long information about a Draw variable, the result depends on the type of the object. Usually it is a full dump (may be rather long for geometry or topology). .Example dset x 3 whatis x ==> x is a numeric dump x ==> *********** Dump of x ************* ==> 3 .Warning The behavior of whatis on other variables (not Draw) is not excellent. .Index whatis command dump command *** rename, copy .Synopsis rename varname tovarname [varname tovarname ...] copy varname tovarname [varname tovarname ...] .Purpose Use rename to change the name of a Draw variable, the original variable does not exist any more, note that the content is not modified, only the name is changed. Use copy to make a new variable with a copy of the content of an existing variable. The exact behavior of copy is type dependent, in some cases the content may still be shared (see the topological variables for example). .Example circle c1 0 0 1 0 5 rename c1 c2 # curves are copied, c2 will not be modified copy c2 c3 2dtranslate c3 10 0 .Index rename command copy command *** datadir, save, restore .Synopsis datadir [data-path] save name [filename] restore filename [name] .Purpose Use save and restore to transfert the content of Draw variables to files, the files are located in the data directory. Use save to write a file in the data directory with the content of a variable, by default the name of the file is the name of the variable, to give a different name use a second argument. Use restore to read the content of a file in the data directory in a local variable, by default the name of the variable if the name of the file, to give a different name use a second argument. The exact content of the file is type dependent, they are usually ASCII files, so they are architecture independnts. .Example # note how TCL access shell environment variables # using $env() datadir $env(WBCONTAINER)/data/default datadir ==> /adv_20/BAG/data/default box b 10 20 30 save b theBox # when TCL does not find a command it tries a shell command ls [datadir] ==> theBox restore theBox datadir ./bugs datadir ==> /adv_20/BAG/data/bugs # now the box is saved in both the default and data directories save theBox .Index datadir command save command restore command environment variables **Graphic Commands Graphic commands are used to manage the Draw graphic system. Draw provides a 2d and a 3d viewer with up to 30 views, views are numbered and the index of the view is visible in the title of the window. Objects are displayed in all 2d views or in all 3d views depending on their type but never on both. The view and delete commands are the basic view management commands, but useful procedures for screen layout are defined, axo, left, top. Commands are provided to modify the view parameters, fit, zoom, pu, pd, pl, pr to pan, u,d,l,r to rotate. fu, fd to change the focal. The view parameters commands process all views or only one view, in this case the index of the view must be given as the first argument. A command control 3d views or 2d views, the 2d views version of the command starts with 2d, for example zoom and 2dzoom. Colors are numbered from 1 to 15, the aspect can be changed with the color command. To put some text on the screen use the dtext command. Postscript drawings can be made with the hardcopy command and xwd files with the xwd command. To use the mouse you can use the pick and the wclick commands. *** view, delete .Synopsis view index type [X Y W H] delete [index] .Purpose view is the basic view creation command. It creates a new view with the given index, if a view already exits with this index it is destroyed. The view is created with default parameters and X Y W H are the position and dimensions on the window on the screen, they are X window system coordinates in pixel, 0,0 being the upper left corner of the screen. Default values are 0, 0, 500, 500 which is not very convenient. Usually it is far simpler to use the procedures as axo, top, left to create views. delete destroy a view, if no index is given all views are destroyed. The type is a four letter upper case code among the followings - AXON : Axonometric view - PERS : Perspective view - +X+Y : View on the two axes (i.e. a top view), other codes are -X+Y +Y-Z etc... - -2D- : 2d view The index, the type, the current zoom are displayed in the window title. .Example # this is the content of the mu4 procedure proc mu4 {} { delete view 1 +X+Z 320 20 400 400 view 2 +X+Y 320 450 400 400 view 3 +Y+Z 728 20 400 400 view 4 AXON 728 450 400 400 } .See also axo, pers, top, bottom, left, right, front, back, mu4 v2d, av2d, smallview .Index view command delete command window *** axo, pers, top, ... .Synopsis axo pers ... smallview type .Purpose All these commands are procedures used to define standard screen layout, they delete all existing views and create some views. The layout usually abides by the european convention, i.e. the top view is under the front view. - axo : One big axonometric view - pers : One big perspective view - top, bottom, left, right, front, back : One big axis view - mu4 : Four views layout with front, left, top and axo - v2d : One big 2d view - av2d : Two views, one 2d and one axo The smallview command creates a view at the right bottom of the screen with the given type. See the view command for the type list. .Example # just try them !! # here we give the body of smallview proc smallview {{v AXON}} { delete view 1 $v 728 450 400 400 } .See also view, delete .Index axo command pers command top command top command bottom command left command right command front command back command mu4 command v2d command av2d command smallview command screen layout layout of views *** mu, md, 2dmu, 2dmd, zoom, 2dzoom, wzoom .Synopsis mu [index] 2dmu [index] zoom [index] value wzoom .Purpose Use mu (magnify up) to increase the zoom in a view or in all views by a factor of 10%. md (magnify down) decrease the zoom by the inverse factor. 2dmu and 2dmd do the same on one or all 2d views. Use zoom or 2dzoom to set the zoom factor to a given value. The current zoom is always displayed in the window title. Use wzoom (window zoom) to select with the mouse the area you want to zoom in a view. You will be prompted for two graphic selections in the same view and the rectangle you defined will be set to the whole window of the view. .Example # set a zoom of 2.5 on all 2d views zoom 2.5 # magnify on mu 1 .See also fit, 2dfit .Index mu command md command 2dmu command 2dmd command zoom command 2dzoom command wzoom command *** pu, pd, pl, pr, 2dpu, 2dpd, 2dpl, 2dpr .Synopsis pu [index] pd [index] .Purpose Use the pu, .. commands to pan the view, pu and pd pan vertically up and down, pl and pr pan horizontally left and right. The views are panned by a quantity of 40 pixels. .Example # pan up the first view pu 1 .See also fit, 2dfit .Index pu command pd command pl command pr command 2dpu command 2dpd command 2dpl command 2dpr command *** fit, 2dfit .Synopsis fit [index] 2dfit [index] .Purpose Use the fit command to compute automatically a best zoom and panning on the content of the view. The content of the view will be centered and fit the whole window. When fitting all views a unique zoom is computed for all the views, so each view is not best fitted but all views are on the same scale. To compute a best fit on all views fit them one by one. .Example # fit only view 1 fit 1 # fit all 2d views 2dfit .Warning .See also zoom, mu, pu .Index fit command 2dfit command *** u, d, l, r .Synopsis u [index] d [index] l [index] r [index] .Purpose Rotate the view in the up, down, left or right direction by five degrees. This is only for axonometric and perspective views. .Example # rotate the view up u .Index u command d command l command r command *** focal, fu, fd .Synopsis focal [index] value fu [index] fd [index] .Purpose Use the focal method to change the focal distance for perspective views. The focal is the distance form the eye to the view point. A low focal increases the perspective effect, a high focal looks like an axonometric. The default value is 500. Use fu and fd to increase or decrease the focal value by 10%. fd makes the eye closer to the object. .Example # create a perspective and look closer pers repeat 10 fd .Warning A negative or null focal is not a bright idea !! .See also pers .Index focal command fu command fd command *** color .Synopsis color index name .Purpose Set the color to a value, index is the index of the color between 0 and 15, name is a X window color name. The list can be found in the file rgb.txt in the X library directory. The default value are 0 White , 1 Red , 2 Green , 3 Blue , 4 Cyan , 5 Gold , 6 Magenta , 7 Marron , 8 Orange , 9 Pink , 10 Salmon , 11 Violet , 12 Yellow , 13 Khaki , 14 Coral .Example # change the hue of the blue color 3 "navy blue" .Warning The color change will be visible on the next redraw of the views, for example after fit or mu. .Index color command *** dtext .Synopsis dtext [x y [z]] string .Purpose Display a string in all 3d or 2d views. If no coordinates are given a graphic selection is required. If two coordinates are given the text is created in 2d views at this position, with 3 coordinates the text is created in 3d views. The coordinates are real space coordinates. .Example # mark the origins dtext 0 0 "This is the 2d origin" dtext 0 0 0 "This is the 3d origin" # write on the views dtext "You just clicked here" .Index dtext command text display *** hardcopy, hcolor, xwd .Synopsis hardcopy [index] hcolor index width gray xwd [index] filename .Purpose The hardcopy command creates a postcript file named in the current directory. This file contains the postscript description of the view index, or of all the views. The hcolor command lets you change the aspect of lines in the postscript file, it allows to specify a width and a gray level for one of the 16 colors. width is measured in points, the default value is 1, gray is a grey level from 0 = black to 1 = white, the default value is 0. All colors are bound to the default values at the beginning. The xwd command creates an X window xwd file from a view, by default index is 1. To visualize an xwd file you can use the unix command xwud. .Example # all blue lines (color 3) # will be half-width and grey hcolor 3 0.5 # make a postscript file and print it hardcopy lpr # make an xwd file and display it xwd theview xwud -in theview .Warning There are bugs when using hardcopy without index with more than one view. You need a postscript printer or your harcopy will not look great. .See also color .Index hardcopy command hcolor command xwd command postscript dump of image xwud *** wclick, pick .Synopsis wclick pick index X Y Z b [nowait] .Purpose Use the wclick command to wait until a mouse button is clicked, the message "just click" is displayed. This is useful to let people admire a drawing until they are fed up with it. Use the pick command to get a graphical input, the arguments must be names for variables where the results are stored. - index : will be the index of the view where the input was made - X,Y,Z : Are 3d coordinates in real world - b : b is the mouse button 1,2 or 3 When there is an extra argument its value is not used and the command do not wait for a button click, the value of b may then be 0 if there was no click. This option is useful for tracking the pointer. Note that the results are stored in Draw numeric variables. .Example # make a circle at mouse location pick index x y z b circle c x y z 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 30 # make a dynamic circle at mouse location # stop when a button is clicked # (see the repaint command) dset b 0 while {[dval b] == 0} { pick index x y z b nowait circle c x y z 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 30 repaint } .See also repaint .Index wclick command pick command ** Variables display commands Many Draw objects can be displayed, for example curves, surfaces, shapes. Draw provides commands to manage the display of the objects. display, donly are used to display objects, erase, clear, 2dclear to erase them. The autodisplay command is used to control if variables are displayed as soon as created. The variable name "." (dot) has a special status within Draw, any draw command expecting a Draw object as argument can be passed a dot. The meaning of the dot is the following. If the dot is an input argument a graphical selection will be made, instead of getting the object from a variable. Draw will ask you to select an object on a view. If the dot is an output argument, an unnamed object will be created, of course this will make sense only for graphical objects, if you create an unnamed number you will not be able to access it. This feature is useful when you want to create objects for display only. If you do not see what you expected while executing loops or sourcing files you may want to consider the repaint and dflush commands. .Example # use dot to dump an object on the screen dump . # display points on a curve c # with dot no variables are created for {set i 0} {$i <= 10} {incr i} { cvalue c $i/10 x y z point . x y z } # point p x y z # would have displayed only one point # because the precedent content of a variable is erased # point p$i x y z # is an other solution, creating variables # p0, p1, p2, .... # give a name to a graphic object rename . x .Index dot argument selection, graphical unnamed objects *** autodisplay .Synopsis autodisplay [0/1] .Purpose By default Draw displays automatically any graphical object as soon as it is created. This behavior known as autodisplay can be removed with this command. Without arguments, autodisplay toggles the autodisplay mode, the command always returns the current mode. When autodisplay is off, using the dot return argument is ineffective. .Example # c is dislayed circle c 0 0 1 0 5 # toggle the mode autodisplay ==> 0 circle c 0 0 1 0 5 # c is erased, but not displayed display c .Warning .See also display .Index autodisplay command *** display, donly .Synopsis display varname [varname ...] donly varname [varname ...] .Purpose Use display to make objects visible. Use donly to make objects visible and erase all other objects, it stands for "display only". As you may have guessed "display ." is quite useless, "donly ." is very useful to extract one object from a messy screen. .Example # to see everybody foreach var [directory] {display $var} # to select two objects and erase the others donly . . .See also erase .Index display command donly command *** erase, clear, 2dclear .Synopsis erase [varname varname ...] clear 2dclear .Purpose Use erase to erase objects from all the views, erase without arguments erase everything in 3d and 2d. To erase unnamed objects use "erase .". Use clear to erase only 3d objects and 2dclear for 2d objects, erase without arguments is the same thing as "clear; 2dclear". .Example # erase all guys with name starting by c_ foreach var [directory c_*] {erase $var} # clear 2d views 2d clear .See also display .Index erase command clear command 2dclear command *** repaint, dflush .Synopsis repaint dflush .Purpose The repaint command enforces pending repaint of the views. The dflush command flushes the graphic buffers. These commands are useful within loops or in scripts. A new object is immediatly displayed, but when an object is modified or erased the whole view must be repainted. To avoid doing it too many times, Draw only sets a flag and delays the repaint to the end of the command when the new prompt is issued. Within a script you may want to display immediatly the result of a modification, the repaint command will repaint the views if the flag is raised and clear the flag. Graphical operations are buffered by Draw (and also by the X system), usually the buffer is flushed at the end of a command and before graphical selection. If you want to flush the buffer within a script use the dflush command. .Example # See the example with the pick command .See also pick .Index repaint command dflush command *Geometry commands Draw provides a set of commands to test geometry libraries. Geometry libraries are provided with the GEOMETRY UL. These commands are found in the TGEOMETRY executable, or in any Draw executable as long as it includes the GeometryTest commands. The geometry with Draw includes new types of variables - The 2d and 3d point will be referred to as Draw points. - The 2d curve, it is exactly the same as the Geom2d_Curve class. Will be referred to as Draw 2d curve. - The 3d curve and the surface, they are exactly the Geom_Curve and Geom_Surface classes. Will be referred to as Draw curve and Draw surface. Please refer to the Geom and Geom2d packages to learn more about CAS.CADE geometry. Draw geometric variables never share their data, the copy command will always make a complete copy of the content of the variable. The following sections cover the topics - crves creation, the different types of curves and how to create them. - surfaces creation, the different types of surfaces and how to create them. - curves and surfaces modification, commands to modify the definition of curves and surfaces, a majority is for bezier and bspline. - geometric transformations, i.e. translation, rotation, mirror, ... - analysis of curves and surfaces, commands to compute points, derivatives, curvatures. - intersections of surfaces and curves. - approximations of set of points to create curves and surfaces. - construction of 2d circles and lines by constraints like tangency. - the last section describes commands which control the display of curves and surfaces. When possible the commands are general, i.e. they process 2d curves 3d curves and surfaces, for example the circle command may create a 2d or a 3d circle depending on the number of arguments and the translate command will process points, curves or surfaces depending on the type of the argument. So when you do not find a command in a section you may look in another section, for example the trim command is described in the surface section but it can be used with curves. **Creation of curves To create points use the point command, to create curves use the command corresponding to the type. The types of curves are : - Analytical curves : line, circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola. - Polar curves : beziercurve, bsplinecurve, bspline, bspline2d - Trimmed curves and Offset curves made from other curves with the trim and offset command. Note that the trim and offset command are described in the surface section, as they work on curves or surfaces. - Bspline curves (NURBS) can be created from other curves using the convert command (see the surface creation). - Curves can be created from surface isoparametric lines with the uiso and viso commands. - 3d curves can be created from 2d curves and the contrary using the to3d and to2d commands. The project command more generally computes the 2d curve on a surface. Curves are displayed with an arrow to indicate the last parameter. *** point .Synopsis point name x y [z] .Purpose Use the point command to create a 2d or 3d point, depending on the number of arguments. .Example # 2d point point p1 1 2 # 3d point point p2 10 20 -5 .Index point command *** line .Synopsis line name x y [z] dx dy [dz] .Purpose Use the line command to create a 3d or 2d line. x y z are the coordinates of the origin of the line, dx, dy, dz is the direction vector. Of course the dimension must be consistent, either line l x y dx dy in 2d or line l x y z dx dy dz in 3d. A line is parametrised by the length starting form the origin along the direction vector, the direction vector will be normalised, it must not be null. The lines are infinite, but not the drawing. .Example # a 2d line at 45 degrees of the X axis line l2d 0 0 1 1 # a 3d line trough the point 10 0 0 parallel to Z line l 10 0 0 0 0 1 .See also .Index line command *** circle .Synopsis circle name x y [z [dx dy dz]] [ux uy [uz]] radius .Purpose Use this command to create a 2d or a 3d circle, in 2d x,y are the coordinates of the center and ux, uy is the vector in the direction of the origin of the parameters, by default this direction is (1,0) the X axis. Use another vector to change the origin of parameters. In 3d x,y,z are the coordinates of the center, dx,dy,dz is the normal vector defining the plane through the center where the circle is, this vector is normalised and must not be null, by default this vector is (0,0,1) i.e. the Z axis. ux,uy,uz is the direction of the origin, if it is not given a default direction will be computed, this vector must not be null or parallel to dx,dy,dz. The circle is parametrised by the angle in [0,2*pi] starting from the origin. Note that the specification of origin direction and plane is the same for all analytical curves and surfaces. .Example # A 2d circle of radius 5 centered at 10,-2 circle c1 10 -2 5 # an other 2d circle with a user defined origin # the point of parameter 0 on this circle will be # 1+sqrt(2),1+sqrt(2) circle c2 1 1 1 1 2 # a 3d circle, center 10 20 -5, axis Z, radius 17 circle c3 10 20 -5 17 # same 3d circle with axis Y circle c4 10 20 -5 0 1 0 17 # full 3d circle, axis X, origin on Z circle c5 10 20 -5 1 0 0 0 0 1 17 .Index circle command *** ellipse .Synopsis ellipse name x y [z [dx dy dz]] [ux uy [uz]] firstradius secondradius .Purpose Create a 2d or 3d ellipse, the first arguments are the same as for the circle to define the center and the system of axis. The ellipse will have firstradius on its X axis and secondradius on its Y axis. The ellipse is parametrised by [0,2*pi] starting from the X axis going to the Y axis. Note that this is not an angle, the local parametrisation of the ellipse is (firstradius * cos(t), secondradius * sin(t)) .Example # default 2d ellipse ellipse e1 10 5 20 10 # 2d ellipse at angle 60 degree ellipse e2 0 0 1 2 30 5 # 3d ellipse, in the XY plane ellipse e3 0 0 0 25 5 # 3d ellipse in the X,Z plane with axis 1, 0 ,1 ellipse e4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 25 5 .See also circle .Index ellipse command *** hyperbola .Synopsis hyperbola name x y [z [dx dy dz]] [ux uy [uz]] firstradius secondradius .Purpose Create a 2d or 3d ellipse, the first arguments are the same as for the circle to define the center and the system of axis. The hyperbola will have firstradius on its X axis and secondradius on its Y axis. This values are not real radius but the coefficients of the parametric equation, where the parameters run for -infinite to +infinite (firstradius * ch(t), secondradius * sh(t)). Note that the hyperbola has only one branch, the one in the X direction. .Example # default 2d hyperbola, with asymptotes 1,1 -1,1 hyperbola h1 0 0 30 30 # 2d hyperbola at angle 60 degree hyperbola h2 0 0 1 2 20 20 # 3d hyperbola, in the XY plane hyperbola h3 0 0 0 50 50 .Warning .See also circle .Index hyperbola command *** parabola .Synopsis parabola name x y [z [dx dy dz]] [ux uy [uz]] focal .Purpose Create a 2d or 3d parabola in the axis-system defined by the first arguments (see the circle command), the origin is the apex of the parabola and focal is the coefficient in the parametric equation : ( x= t*t / 4*focal, y = t). .Example # 2d parabola parabola p1 0 0 50 # 2d parabola with convexity +Y parabola p2 0 0 0 1 50 # 3d parabola in the Y-Z plane, convexity +Z parabola p3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 50 .Warning .See also circle .Index parabola command *** beziercurve, 2dbeziercurve .Synopsis beziercurve name nbpoles x1 y1 z1 [w1] x2 y2 z2 [w2] .... 2dbeziercurve name nbpoles x1 y1 z1 [w1] x2 y2 z2 [w2] .... .Purpose Use the beziercurve command to create a 3d curve, give the number of poles then the coordinates of the poles, the degree will be nbpoles-1. You can give weights with the poles to create a rational curve, you must give weights for all poles or for none. Use 2dbeziercurve to create a 2d curve with the same conditions as above. .Example # a rational 2d bezier curve (arc of circle) 2dbeziercurve ci 3 0 0 1 10 0 sqrt(2.)/2. 10 10 1 # a 3d bezier curve, not rational beziercurve cc 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 10 10 10 10 .Index beziercurve command 2dbeziercurve command *** bsplinecurve, 2dbsplinecurve, pbsplinecurve, 2dpbsplinecurve .Synopsis bsplinecurve name degree nbknots k1 m1 ... x1 y1 z1 w1 ... 2dbsplinecurve name degree nbknots k1 m1 ... x1 y1 w1 ... pbsplinecurve name degree nbknots k1 m1 ... x1 y1 z1 w1 ... 2dpbsplinecurve name degree nbknots k1 m1 ... x1 y1 w1 ... .Purpose Use the bsplinecurve commands to create 3d or 2d NURBS curves, the pbsplinecurve and 2dpbsplinecurve commands create periodic curves. Degree is the degree for the curves, nbknots the number of knots, then you must give the knots with their multiplicities, the knots must be non decreasing, if succcessive knots are equal the multiplicities will be added, multiplicities must be lower or equal to the degree, on non periodic curves the first and last multiplicities can be equal to degree+1, this is even recommended if you like the curve to go from the first pole to the last pole. On a periodic curve the first and last multiplicity must be equal. The poles must be given with their weights, use weights of 1 for a non rational curve, the number of poles must be For a non periodic curve, Sum of multiplicities - degree + 1 For a periodic curve, Sum of multiplicities - last multiplicity .Example # a 2d periodic circle (parameter from 0 to 2*pi !!) dset h sqrt(3)/2 2dpbsplinecurve c 2 \ 4 0 2 pi/1.5 2 pi/0.75 2 2*pi 2 \ 0 -h/3 1 \ 0.5 -h/3 0.5 \ 0.25 h/6 1 \ 0 2*h/3 0.5 \ -0.25 h/6 1 \ -0.5 -h/3 0.5 \ 0 -h/3 1 .Warning .See also .Index bsplinecurve command 2dbsplinecurve command pbsplinecurve command 2dpbsplinecurve command periodic bsplines *** bspline, bspline2d .Synopsis bspline name bspline2d name .Purpose Use the bspline commands to create 3d or 2d NURBS curves by digitizing on the screen. The mouse bouton 2 ends the digitizing scheme and constructs a degree 3 curve that is scaled so that it fits in box of length 1. The graphic screen is updated when the mouse button 2 is pressed. .Example # # a random bspline curve # bspline mycurve .Warning .See also .Index bsplinecurve command 2dbsplinecurve command pbsplinecurve command 2dpbsplinecurve command periodic bsplines *** uiso, viso .Synopsis uiso name surface u viso name surface u .Purpose Use these commands to create a U or V isoparametric curve from a surface. .Example # create a cylinder and extract to iso curves # see the cylinder command cylinder c 10 uiso c1 c pi/6 viso c2 c 5 .Warning It is not possible to extract isoparametric curves on offset surfaces. .See also .Index uiso command viso command isoparametric curves *** to2d, to3d .Synopsis to3d name curve2d [plane] to2d name curve3d [plane] .Purpose to3d and to2d commands are used to create a 3d curve from a 2d curve and a 2d curve from a 3d curve. The transformation uses a planar surface to define the XY plane in 3d, by default this plane is the default OXY plane. to3d always gives a correct result, but to2d may surprise you as it is not a projection. It is always correct if the curve is planar and parallel to the plane of projection, the points defining the curve are projected onto the plane but a circle will remain a circle for example, it will not be changed to an ellipse. .Example # the following commands circle c 0 0 5 plane p -2 1 0 1 2 3 to3d c c p # will create the same circle as circle c -2 1 0 1 2 3 5 .Warning .See also project .Index to2d command to3d command *** project .Synopsis project name curve3d surface .Purpose Computes the 2d curve in the parametric space of the surface correponding to the 3d curve. This can be used only on analytical surface and for curves lying on the surface. .Example # intersect a cylinder and a plane # and project the resulting ellipse on the cylinder # this will create a 2d sinusoid-like bspline cylinder c 5 plane p 0 0 0 0 1 1 intersect i c p project i2d i c .Warning .See also .Index project command **Creation of surfaces To create surfaces use also the type, types of surfaces are - Analytical surface : plane, cylinder, cone, sphere, torus. - Polar surfaces : beziersurf, bsplinesurf - Trimmed and Offset surface, using the commands trim, trimu, trimv, offset. - Surface of Revolution and Extrusion, created from curves with the revsurf and extsurf commands. - NURBS surface can be constructed from other surfaces using the convert command. Surfaces are displayed with isoparametric lines, a small parametric line is displayed at 1/10 of U with a length 1/10 of V to show the parametrisation. *** plane .Synopsis plane name [x y z [dx dy dz [ux uy uz]]] .Purpose Uses this command to create an infinite plane, a plane is the same thing as a 3d coordinate system, x,y,z is the origin, dx, dy, dz is the Z direction and ux, uy, uz is the X direction. The plane is perpendicular to Z and X is the U parameter. dx,dy,dz and ux,uy,uz must not be null and not colinear. ux,uy,uz will be modified to be orthogonal to dx,dy,dz. There are default values for the coordinate system, if no arguments are given the default is the global system (0,0,0), (0,0,1), (1,0,0), if only the origin is given the axis are the default ones (0,0,1), (1,0,0), if the origin and the Z axis are given the X axis is generated perpendicular to the Z axis. Note that this definition will be used for all analytical surfaces. .Example # a plane through the point 10,0,0 perpendicular to X # with U direction on Y plane p1 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 # an horixontal plane with origin 10, -20, -5 plane p2 10 -20 -5 .Index plane command coordinate system *** cylinder .Synopsis cylinder name [x y z [dx dy dz [ux uy uz]]] radius .Purpose A cylinder is defined by a coordinate system, just like a plane, and a radius. The cylinder is an infinite cylinder with the Z axis as axis, the U parameter is the angle starting from X going to the Y direction. The V coordinate is the length along the Z axis starting from the origin. .Example # a cylinder on the default Z axis, radius 10 cylinder c1 10 # a cylinder, also with Z axis but with origin 5, 10, -3 cylinder c2 5 10 -3 10 # a cylinder through the origin # with longitude pi/3 and latitude pi/4 (euler angles) dset lo pi/3. la pi/4. cylinder c3 0 0 0 cos(la)*cos(lo) cos(la)*sin(lo) sin(la) 10 .See also plane .Index cylinder command longitude and latitude euler angles *** cone .Synopsis cone name [x y z [dx dy dz [ux uy uz]]] semi-angle radius .Purpose Creates a cone in the coordinate system, the radius is the radius of the section of the cone in the XY plane, the semi-angle is the angle in degree of the cone with the axis, it should be between -90 and 90, both and 0 excluded. The vertex is on the Z axis in the negative direction at a distance radius/tan(semi-angle) from the origin. If the radius is 0 the vertex is the origin. To parametrise the cone, U is the angle starting from 0, in the Y direction, V is the length along the the side starting from the origin, in the local system V = Z / cos(semi-angle). The definition of the cone may seem redundant but it is very useful to disconnect the origin of the V parameter and the apex, mainly for very small angle when the cone is like a cylinder, the useful part of the surface may be very far from the apex and would require very large parameter values. .Example # a cone a 45 degree at the origin on Z cone c1 45 0 # a cone on axis Z with radius r1 at z1 and r2 at z2 cone c2 0 0 z1 180.*atan2(r2-r1,z2-z1)/pi r1 .Warning The angle is in degree. .See also plane .Index cone command *** sphere .Synopsis sphere name [x y z [dx dy dz [ux uy uz]]] radius .Purpose Creates a sphere in a local coordinate system defined like for the lane command. The sphere is centered at the origin with the given radius. To parametrise the sphere, U is the angle from X to Y, U is between o and 2*pi, V is the angle in the half-circle at angle U in the plane containing the Z axis, V is between -pi/2 and pi/2. The poles are the points Z = +/- radius, their parameters are U,+/-pi/2 for any U in 0,2*pi. .Example # a sphere at the origin sphere s1 10 # a sphere at 10 10 10, with poles on the axis 1,1,1 sphere s2 10 10 10 1 1 1 10 .Warning .See also plane .Index sphere command *** torus .Synopsis torus name [x y z [dx dy dz [ux uy uz]]] major minor .Purpose Creates a torus in the local coordinate system with the given major and minor radius, Z is the axis for the major radius. The major radius can be lower than the minor one. To parametrize a torus, U is the angle from X to Y, V is the angle in the plane at angle U from the XY plane to Z. U and V are in 0,2*pi. .Example # a torus at the origin torus t1 20 5 # a torus in another system torus t2 10 5 -2 2 1 0 20 5 .See also plane .Index torus command *** beziersurf .Synopsis beziersurf name nbupoles nbvolpes x y z [w] .... .Purpose Use this command to create a bezier surface, rational or not. You must first give the numbers of poles in the U and V directions, degrees will be nbupoles-1 and nbvpoles-1. Then give the nbupoles*nbvpoles poles, starting with U. i.e. P(1,1) P(2,1) ,... P(nbupoles,1) P(1,2) ,... P(nbupoles,nbvpoles). You can omit weights, but if you give one weight you must give them all. .Example # a non-rational degree 2,3 surface beziersurf s 3 4 \ 0 0 0 10 0 5 20 0 0 \ 0 10 2 10 10 3 20 10 2 \ 0 20 10 10 20 20 20 20 10 \ 0 30 0 10 30 0 20 30 0 .See also beziercurve .Index beziersurf command *** bsplinesurf, upbsplinesurf, vpbsplinesurf, uvpbsplinesurf .Synopsis bsplinesurf name udegree nbuknots uknot umult ... nbvknot vknot vmult ... x y z w ... upbsplinesurf ... vpbsplinesurf ... uvpbsplinesurf ... .Purpose Use the bsplinesurf command to create NURBS surfaces, the upbsplinesurf command to create a NURBS surface periodic in U, vpbsplinesurf periodic in V, and uvpbsplinesurf periodic in UV. The description is similar to the bsplinecurve command, first you give the degree in U and the knots in U with their multiplicities, then the same in V. The poles follow, the number of poles is the product of the number in U and the number in V, see bsplinecurve to compute the number of poles, the poles are first given in U as in the beziersurf command. Note that you must give the weights, use 1 for rational surface. .Example # create a bspline surface of degree 1 2 # with two knots in U and three in V bsplinesurf s \ 1 2 0 2 1 2 \ 2 3 0 3 1 1 2 3 \ 0 0 0 1 10 0 5 1 \ 0 10 2 1 10 10 3 1 \ 0 20 10 1 10 20 20 1 \ 0 30 0 1 10 30 0 1 .Warning The weights are mandatory. .See also bsplinecurve beziersurf convert .Index bsplinesurf command upbsplinesurf command vpbsplinesurf command uvpbsplinesurf command periodic bsplines *** trim, trimu, trimv .Synopsis trim newname name [u1 u2 [v1 v2]] trimu newname name [u1 u2] trimv newname name [v1 v2] .Purpose The trim commands are used to create trimmed curves or trimmed surfaces. Note that trimmed curves and surfaces are classes of the Geom packages. The trim command creates a new trimmed curve from a curve, or a new trimmed surface in u and v from a surface. trimu creates a u trimmed surface, and trimv a vtrimmed surface. If no parameters are given, the command recreates the basis curve and surface if the argument is trimmed. The curves can be either 2d or 3d curves. If the trimming parameters are decreasing, direction is reversed if the curve or surface is not periodic. Note that a trimmed curve or surface contains a copy of the basis geometry, so modifying it will not modify the trimmed geometry. Note also that trimmig a trimmed geometry will not create multiple levels of trimming, the basic geometry will be used. .Example # create a 3d circle circle c 0 0 0 10 # trim it, use the same variable, the original is destroyed trim c c 0 pi/2 # original can be recovered ! trim orc c # trim again trim c c pi/4 pi/2 # original is not the trimmed curve but the basis trim orc c # as the circle is periodic the two following commands are identical trim cc c pi/2 0 trim cc c pi/2 2*pi # trim an infinite cylinder cylinder cy 10 trimv cy cy 0 50 .Warning .See also reverse .Index trim command trimu command trimv command *** offset .Synopsis offset newname name distance [dx dy dz] .Purpose Use the offset command to create offset curve or surface from a basis curve or surface at a given distance, offset curves and surfaces are classes from the Geom package. The curve can be a 2d or a 3d curve, for a 3d curve you must give also a vector dx,dy,dz to compute the offsets, usually for a planar curve this vector is the normal to the plane containing the curve. The offset curve or surface copies the basis geometry which can be modified later. .Example # graphical demonstration that the outline of a torus # is the offset of an ellipse # Please do this in a top view smallview +X+Y dset angle pi/6 torus t 0 0 0 0 cos(angle) sin(angle) 50 20 fit ellipse e 0 0 0 50 50*sin(angle) # note that the distance can be negative offset l1 e 20 0 0 1 offset l2 e -20 0 0 1 # Admire... .Index offset command *** revsurf .Synopsis revsurf newname curvename x y z dx dy dz .Purpose This command creates a surface of revolution from a 3d curve, this is the class SurfaceOfRevolution from Geom, x,y,z and dx,dy,dz defines the axis of revolution. To parametrize a surface of revolution U, is the angle around the axis, starting from the curve, V is the parameter of the curve. .Example # another way to make a torus like surface circle c 50 0 0 20 revsurf s c 0 0 0 0 1 0 .Warning .See also .Index revsurf command *** extsurf .Synopsis extsurf newname curvename dx dy dz .Purpose Use the extsurf command to create a surface of linear extrusion from a 3d curve. dx,dy,dz is the direction of extrusion. To parametrize a surface of extrusion, U is the parameter on the curve, V is the length along the direction of extrusion. .Example # an elliptic cylinder ellipse e 0 0 0 10 5 extsurf s e 0 0 1 # to make it finite trimv s s 0 10 .Index extsurf command *** convert .Synopsis convert newname name .Purpose The convert command creates a NURBS 2d curve, 3d curve or surface from any 2d curve, curve, and surface. essentially conics curves and quadric surfaces are turned to NURBS, it does not process offsets. .Example # turn a 2d arc of circle into a 2d nurbs circle c 0 0 5 trim c c 0 pi/3 convert c c # an easy way to make a planar bspline surface plane p trim p p -1 1 -1 1 convert p p .Warning Offset curves and surfaces are not processed. .See also bsplinecurve, bsplinesurf .Index convert command **Modifications of Curves and surfaces Draw provides commands to modify curves and surfaces, some of them are general, others are restricted to bezier or bsplines. General modification are - Reversing the parametrisation : reverse, ureverse, vreverse. Modifications for bezier and bspline are - Exchanging U and V on a surface : exchuv - segmentation, segment, segsur - Increasing the degree, incdeg, incudeg, incvdeg - moving poles, cmovep, movep, movecolp, moverowp - moving a point on a curve or a surface, cmovepoint, movepoint Modifications for bezier are - adding and removing poles, insertpole, rempole, remcolpole, remrowpole Modifications for bspline are - inserting and removing knots, insertknot, remknot, insertuknot, remuknot, insetvknot, remvknot - modifying periodic curves and surfaces, setperiodic, setnotperiodic, setorigin, setuperiodic, setunotperiodic, setuorigin, setvperiodic, setvnotperiodic, setvorigin *** reverse, ureverse, vreverse .Synopsis reverse curvename ureverse surfacename vreverse surfacename .Purpose Use the reverse command to reverse the parametrisation of a 3d or 2d curve, use ureverse or vreverse to reverse the U or V parameter of a surface. Note that the new parameters of the curve may change according to the type of curve. For example they will change sign on a line or stay 0,1 on a bezier. Reversing a parameter on an analytical surface may create an indirect coordinate system, i.e. for example Z is not the cross product of X and Y, because reversing a parameter will reverse only one axis. .Example # reverse a trimmed 2d circle circle c 0 0 5 trim c c pi/4 pi/2 reverse c # dumping c will show that it is now trimmed between # 3*pi/2 and 7*pi/4 i.e. 2*pi-pi/2 and 2*pi-pi/4 .Warning The geometry has been modified, if you want to keep the curve or the surface you must copy it before. .See also .Index reverse command ureverse command vreverse command *** exchuv .Synopsis exchuv surfacename .Purpose For a bezier or bspline surface this command exchange the U and V parameters. .Example # exchanging u and v on a spline (made from a cylinder) # this is impossible on the cylinder cylinder c 5 trimv c c 0 10 convert c c exchuv c .Index exchuv command *** segment, segsur .Synopsis segment curve ufirst ulast segsur surface ufirst ulast vfirst vlast .Purpose Use the segment and segsur commands to segment respectively a bezier or bspline curve and surface. This command modifies the curve to restrict it between the new parameters. This command must not be confused with the trim command which creates a new geometry. .Example # segment a bezier curve in half beziercurve c 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 segment c 0.5 1 .Warning .See also .Index segment command segsur command *** incdeg, incudeg, incvdeg .Synopsis incdeg curvename newdegree incudeg surfacename newdegree incvdeg surfacename newdegree .Purpose Use the incdeg command to increase the degree of a 2d or 3d bezier or bspline curve to a new value higher than the current one. Use incudeg and incvdeg to increase the degree in U or V of a surface. .Example # make a planar bspline and increase the degree to 2 3 plane p trim p p -1 1 -1 1 convert p p incudeg p 2 incvdeg p 3 .Warning The geometry is modified. .See also .Index incdeg command incudeg command incvdeg command *** cmovep, movep, movecolp, moverowp .Synopsis cmovep curve index dx dy [dz] movep surface uindex vindex dx dy dz movecolp uindex dx dy dz moverowp vindex dx dy dz .Purpose Use the move methods to translate poles of a bezier or a bspline curve or surface. cmovep and movep translate the pole with the given index. movecolp and moverowp translate a whole column or row of poles. .Example # start with a plane # turn to bspline, raise degree and raise poles plane p trim p p -10 10 -10 10 convert p p incud p 2 incvd p 2 movecolp p 2 0 0 5 moverowp p 2 0 0 5 movep p 2 2 0 0 5 .Warning .See also .Index cmovep command movep command movecolp command moverowp command *** cmovepoint, movepoint .Synopsis cmovepoint curve u dx dy [dz] movepoint surface u v dx dy dz .Purpose Use the cmovepoint command to modify a curve so the point of parameter u have a new position translated by dx,dy,dz (no dz in 2d). Use the movepoint command to modify a surface so the point of parameters u,v have a new position translated by dx,dy,dz. .Example # Create a spline curve and move 100 times a point bsplinecurve bscurv \ 3 2 -1.0 4 1.0 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 incdeg bscurv 10 translate bscurv 0 -4 0 set i 1 repeat 100 {cmovepoint bscurv 0.3 0. 0.05 0.0e0 ; incr i 1; repaint} dump bscurv set i 1 repeat 100 {cmovepoint bscurv 0.3 0. -0.05 0.0e0 ; incr i 1;repaint} .Warning The geometry is modfied. Do not confuse with cmovep and movep which modifies a pole and not a point. .See also cmovep, movep .Index cmovepoint command movepoint command *** insertpole, rempole, remcolpole, remrowpole .Synopsis insertpole curvename index x y [z] [w] rempole curvename index remcolpole surfacename index remrowpole surfacename index .Purpose Use the insertpole command to insert a new pole on a 2d or 3d bezier curve, you can add a weight for the pole, the default value for the weight is 1. The pole is added at the position after the index, use an index 0 to insert before the first pole. Use the rempole command to remove a pole from a 2d or 3d bezier curve, you must leave at least two poles in the curves. Use the remcolpole and remrowpole commands to remove a column or a row of poles from a bezier surface. A column is in the V direction and a row in the U direction, the resulting degree must be at least 1, i.e there are two rows and two columns. .Example # start with a segment, insert a pole at end # then remove the central pole beziercurve c 2 0 0 0 10 0 0 insertpole c 2 10 10 0 rempole c 2 .Index insertpole command rempole command remcolpole command remrowpole command pole insertion and removal *** insertknot, insertuknot, insertvknot .Synopsis insertknot curvename knot [mult] insertuknot surfacename knot [mult] insertvknot surfacename knot [mult] .Purpose Insert knots in the knot sequence of a bspline curve or surface, use insertknot for a curve, you must give a knot value and a target multiplicity, the default multiplicity is 1. If there is already a knot with the given value its multiplicity will be raised if it is lower than the target multiplicity. Use insertuknot and insertvknot to insert knots in a surface. .Example # create a cylindrical surface and insert a knot cylinder c 10 trim c c 0 pi/2 0 10 convert c c insertuknot c pi/4 1 .Index insertknot command insertuknot command insertvknot command knot insertion *** remknot, remulnot, remvknot .Synopsis remknot index [mult] [tol] remuknot index [mult] [tol] remvknot index [mult] [tol] .Purpose To remove a knot from the knot sequence of a curve or a surface use the remknot commands, give the index of the knot and the target multiplicity, default is 0 to remove the knot, if the target multiplicity is not 0, the multiplicity of the knot will be lowered. You can give a tolerance value to control the process as the curve may be modified, if the tolerance is low the removal will be done only if the curve is not modified. By default the removal is always done. .Example # bspline circle, remove a knot circle c 0 0 5 convert c c incd c 5 remknot c 2 .Warning The curve or the surface may be modified. .See also .Index remknot command remulnot command remvknot command knot removal *** setperiodic, setnotperiodic, setuperiodic, setunotperiodic, setvperiodic, setvnotperiodic .Synopsis setperiodic curve setnotperiodic curve setuperiodic surface setunotperiodic surface setvperiodic surface setvnotperiodic surface .Purpose setperiodic turns a bspline curve in a periodic bspline curve, the knot vector is the same and excess poles are truncated, the curve may be modified if it was not closed. setnotperiodic removes the periodicity of a periodic curve, poles are duplicated. Note that knots are added at the begining and the end of the knot vector and the multiplicity are knot set to degree+1 at the start and the end. .Example # a circle deperiodicised circle c 0 0 5 convert c c setnotperiodic c .Index setperiodic command setnotperiodic command setuperiodic command setunotperiodic command setvperiodic command setvnotperiodic command *** setorigin, setuorigin, setvorigin .Synopsis setorigin curvename index setuorigin surfacename index setuorigin surfacename index .Purpose Use these commands to change the origin of the parameters on periodic curves or surfaces, the new origin must be an existing knot. To set an origin outside a knot you must first insert a knot with the insertknot command. .Example # a torus with new U and V origins torus t 20 5 convert t t setuorigin t 2 setvorigin t 2 .See also insertknot .Index setorigin command setuorigin command setvorigin command **Transformations Draw provides commands to apply linear transformations to geometric objects, they include translation, rotation, mirror and scale. *** translate, 2dtranslate .Synopsis translate name [name ...] dx dy dz 2dtranslate name [name ...] dx dy .Purpose To translate 3d points, curves and surfaces use the translate commands, giving a vector dx,dy,dz. You can translate more than one object with the same command. For 2d points or curves use the 2dtranslate command. .Example # 3d translation point p 10 20 30 circle c 10 20 30 5 torus t 10 20 30 5 2 translate p c t 0 0 15 .Warning Objects are modified. .See also .Index translate command 2dtranslate command *** rotate, 2drotate .Synopsis rotate name [name ...] x y z dx dy dz angle 2drotate name [name ...] x y angle .Purpose To rotate a 3d point, curve or surface use the rotate command. You must give an axis of rotation with a point x,y,z, a vector dx,dy,dz and an angle in degree. For a 2d rotation you must only give the center and the angle. In 3d or 2d the angle can be negative. .Example # make an helix of circles circle c0 10 0 0 3 for {set i 1} {$i <= 10} {incr i} { copy c[expr $i-1] c$i translate c$i 0 0 3 rotate c$i 0 0 0 0 0 1 36 } .Index rotate command 2drotate command *** pmirror, lmirror, smirror, 2dpmirror, 2dlmirror .Synopsis pmirror name [name ...] x y z lmirror name [name ...] x y z dx dy dz smirror name [name ...] x y z dx dy dz 2dpmirror name [name ...] x y 2dlmirror name [name ...] x y dx dy .Purpose The mirrors command make a mirror transformation of a 3d or 2d geometry. pmirror is the point mirror, or central symetry, lmirror is the line mirror or axial symetry, smirror is the surface mirror or planar symetry, the plane of symetry is perpendicular to dx,dy,dz. In 2d we have only 2dpmirror, the point symetry, and 2dlmirror the axis symetry. .Example # build 3 images of a torus torus t 10 10 10 1 2 3 5 1 copy t t1 pmirror t1 0 0 0 copy t t2 lmirror t2 0 0 0 1 0 0 copy t t3 smirror t3 0 0 0 1 0 0 .Warning .See also .Index pmirror command lmirror command smirror command 2dpmirror command 2dlmirror command *** pscale, 2dpscale .Synopsis pscale name [name ...] x y z s 2dpscale name [name ...] x y s .Purpose Use the pscale and 2dpscale commands to transform an object with a point scaling (central homotetic). You must give the center and the scaling factor. Using a scaling factor of -1 is similar to pmirror. .Example # double the size of a sphere sphere s 0 0 0 10 pscale s 0 0 0 2 .Warning .See also .Index pscale command 2dpscale command **Analysis of curves and surfaces Draw provides methods to compute information about curves and surfaces. - Use coord to find the coordinates of a point. - Use cvalue and 2dcvalue to compute points and derivatives on curves. - Use svalue to compute points and derivatives on a surface. - Use localprop and minmaxcurandif to compute the curvature on a curve. - Use parameters to compute U,V values for a point on a surface. - Use proj and 2dproj to project a point on a curve or a surface. - Use surface_radius to compute the curvalture on a surface. *** coord .Synopsis coord point x y [z] .Purpose The coord command will store in the variable x, y and z the coordinates of the point. .Example # translate a point point p 10 5 5 translate p 5 0 0 coord p x y z # x value is 15 .See also point .Index coord command *** cvalue, 2dcvalue .Synopsis cvalue curve u [x y z [d1x d1y d1z [d2x d2y d2z]]] [P] 2dcvalue curve u [x y [d1x d1y [d2x d2y]]] [P] .Purpose Depending on the number of arguments this command computes on a curve at a given parameter : the coordinates in x,y,z, the first derivative in d1x,d1y,d1z, the second derivative in d2x,d2y,d2z and set in P the point of coordinates x,y,z. .Example # on a bezier curve at parameter 0 # the point is the first pole # the derivative is the vector first to second pole # multiplied by the degree # the second derivative is the difference # first to second pole, second to third pole # multiplied by degree * degree-1 2dbeziercurve c 4 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 0 2dcvalue c 0 x y d1x d1y d2x d2y P # values of x y d1x d1y d2x d2y # are 0 0 3 3 0 -6 # and displays the point P(0,0,3) .Warning .See also .Index cvalue command 2dcvalue command value on curves derivative on curves *** svalue .Synopsis svalue surface u v [x y z [dux duy duz dvx dvy dvz [d2ux d2uy d2uz d2vx d2vy d2vz d2uvx d2uvy d2uvz]]] [P] .Purpose Use the svalue command to compute point and derivatives on a surface at a pair of parameter values, the result depends on the number of arguments. You can compute up to order two of derivation and display the resulting point. .Example # display points on a sphere sphere s 10 for {dset t 0} {[dval t] <= 1} {dset t t+0.01} { svalue s t*2*pi t*pi-pi/2 x y z point . x y z } # can also be written sphere s 10 for {dset t 0} {[dval t] <= 1} {dset t t+0.01} { svalue s t*2*pi t*pi-pi/2 . } .Warning .See also .Index svalue command *** localprop, minmaxcurandif .Synopsis localprop curve u minmaxcurandif curve .Purpose The localprop command computes on a curve the curvature and display the osculationg circle. The minmaxcurandif command computes and print the parameters where the curvature is minimum or maximum on a curve. .Example # show curvature at the center of a bezier curve beziercurve c 3 0 0 0 10 2 0 20 0 0 localprop c 0.5 .See also surface_radius .Index localprop command minmaxcurandif command radius of curvature curvature *** parameters .Synopsis parameters surface x y z u v .Purpose The parameters command returns in variables u and v the parameters on the surface of the 3d point x,y,z. This command can be used only on analytical surfaces, plane, cylinder, cone, sphere, torus. .Example # Compute parameters on a plane plane p 0 0 10 1 1 0 parameters p 5 5 5 u v # the values of u and v are 0 5 .Warning .See also .Index parameters command *** proj, 2dproj .Synopsis proj name x y z 2dproj name xy .Purpose Use proj to project a point on a curve or a surface and 2dproj for a 2d curve, the command will compute and display all points at an extreme distance. The lines joining the point to the projections are created with names such as ext_1, ext_2, ... .Example # project point on a torus torus t 20 5 proj t 30 10 7 .Warning .See also .Index proj command 2dproj command *** surface_radius .Synopsis surface_radius surface u v [c1 c2] .Purpose Use the surface radius command to compute the main curvatures of a surface at parameters u,v. If there are extra arguments the curvatures are stored in variables c1 and c2. .Example # computes curvatures of a cylinder cylinder c 5 surface_radius c pi 3 c1 c2 .Warning The radii are displayed and the curvatures are returned, the radius is the inverse of the curvature. .See also .Index surface_radius command curvature of surfaces **Intersections To compute intersections of surfaces, use the intersect command; to compute intersections of 2d curves, use the 2dintersect command. *** intersect .Synopsis intersect name surface1 surface2 [tolerance] .Purpose Use the intersect command to intersect two surfaces, if there is one intersection curve it will be named "name", if there are more than one they will be named "name_1", "name_2", ... The precision of the result is the given tolerance, this is important when a spline is fitted to the result curve. The default tolerance is 1e-7. .Example # create an ellipse cone c 45 0 plane p 0 0 40 0 1 5 intersect e c p .Warning .See also .Index intersect command *** 2dintersect .Synopsis 2dintersect curve1 curve2 .Purpose Display the intersection points between two 2d curves. .Example # intersect two 2d ellipses ellipse e1 0 0 5 2 ellipse e2 0 0 0 1 5 2 2dintersect e1 e2 .Warning .See also .Index 2dintersect command **Approximations Draw provides commandd to create curves and surfaces by approximations. 2dapprox to fit a curve through 2d points. appro to fit a curve through 3d points. surfapp and grilapp to fit a surface through 3d points. 2dinterpolate can be used to interpolate a curve. *** appro, 2dapprox, 2dinterpolate .Synopsis appro name nbpoints [curve] 2dapprox name name nbpoints [curve / x1 y1 x2 y2 ...] 2dinterpolate name name nbpoints [curve / x1 y1 x2 y2 ...] .Purpose Fit a curve through a set of points, first give the number of points, then there are three ways to give the points. Without arguments interactivly click the points, with a curve argument computes the points on the curve, else give a list of points. .Example # pick ten points and they will be fit 2dapprox c 10 .Warning .See also .Index appro command 2dapprox command approximation *** surfapp, grilapp .Synopsis surfapp name nbupoints nbvpoints x y z .... grilapp name nbupoints nbvpoints xo dx yo dy z11 z12 ... .Purpose Use surfapp to fit a surface through an array of points nbupoints*nbvpoints. grilapp do the same but the x,y coordinates of the points are on a grid starting at x0,y0 with steps dx,dy. .See also .Index surfapp command grilapp command **Constraints The command cirtang is used to construct 2d circles tangent to curves and lintan to construct 2d lines tangent to curves. *** cirtang .Synopsis cirtang name c1 c2 c3 .Purpose The cirtang command will build all circles satsifying the three constraints c1,c2,c3. The constraints are either, a curve then the circle must be tangent to that curve, a point then the circle must pass through that point, a radius for the circle. Only one constraint can be a radius. The solutions will be stored in variables called name_1, name_2, ... .Example # a point, a line and a radius. 2 solutions point p 0 0 line l 10 0 -1 1 cirtan c p l 4 .Warning .See also .Index cirtang command tangent circle *** lintan .Synopsis lintan name curve curve [angle] .Purpose The lintan command will build all 2d lines tangent to two curves. If a third angle argument is given the second curve must be a line and lintan will build all lines tangent to the first curve making the given angle with the line. The angle is defined in degree. The solutions are named name_1, name_2, ... .Example # lines tangent to 2 circles, 4 solutions circle c1 -10 0 10 circle c2 10 0 5 lintan l c1 c2 .Warning .See also .Index lintan command tangent line **Display Draw provides commands to control the display of geometric objects. Some display parameters are used for all objects, some are valid only for surfaces, some are valid only for bezier and bspline, and some only for bspline. On curve and surfaces you can control the display mode (how points are computed) with the dmode command. And the parameters for the mode with the defle command and the discr command to control the deflection and the discretisation. On surfaces you can control the number of isoparametric curves displayed on the surface with the nbiso command. On bezier and bspline curve and surface you can toggle the display of the control points with the clpoles and shpoles commands. On bspline curves and surfaces you can toggle the display of the knots with the shknots clknots commands. .Index display of curves and surfaces *** dmod, discr, defle .Synopsis dmode name [name ...] u/d discr name [name ...] nbintervals defle name [name ...] deflection .Purpose You can choose the display mode for a curve or a surface with the dmode command. The display mode defines how the points are computed to create the polygon to display the curve or the surface. In "u" mode, known as uniform deflection, the points are computed to keep the polygon at a distance lower than the deflection from the geometry. The deflection is set with the defle command. This mode is more computer intensive. In "d" mode, known as discretisation, a fixed number of points is computed, this number is set with the discr command. This is the default mode. On a bspline the fixed number of points is computed for each span of the curve. (A span is the interval between two knots). If the curves are not smooth you can either increase the discretisation or lower the deflection, depending on the mode in use. This will increase the number of points. .Example # increment the number of points on a big circle circle c 0 0 50 50 discr 100 # change the mode dmode c u .Warning .See also .Index dmod command discr command defle command *** nbiso .Synopsis nbiso surface [surface ...] nbuiso nbviso .Purpose Use the nbiso command to change the number of isoparametric curves displayed on a surface in the U and V directions. Note that on a bspline surface by default isoparametrics are displayed at knots values, using nbiso will remove this feature. .Example # display 35 meridians and 15 parallels on a sphere sphere s 20 nbiso s 35 15 .Warning .See also .Index nbiso command *** clpoles, shpoles .Synopsis clpoles name shpoles name .Purpose On bezier and bspline curves and surfaces the control polygon is displayed by default, you can suppress it with the clpoles command and restore it with the shpoles command. .Example # create a bezier curve and erase the poles beziercurve c 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 clpoles c .Warning .See also .Index clpoles command shpoles command poles display *** clknots, shknots .Synopsis clknots name shknots name .Purpose By default on a bspline curve and surface knots are displayed with a marker at the points with a parametric value equal to the knots. You can remove them with the clknots commands and restore them with the shknots command. .Example # hide the knots on a circle converted to spline circle c 0 0 5 convert c c clknots c .Warning .See also .Index clknots command shknots command knots display *Topology commands Draw provides a set of commands to test topology libraries. Topology libraries are provided with the TOPOLOGY UL. Those commnads are found in the TTOPOLOGY executable or in any executable including the BRepTest commands. The topology adds a new type of variable in Draw, the shape variable, shape is a topological object, it can be a Vertex, an Edge, a Wire, a Face, a Shell, a Solid, a CompSolid or a Compound, you are invited to refer to the topology documentation for more information. Shapes are usually shared, i.e. the Draw copy command will create a new shape sharing its representation with the original, but two shapes sharing their topology can be moved independently (see the section about transformations for more details). The following sections cover the topics - Basic shape commands, to handle the structure of shapes and control the display. - Curves and surfaces topology, methods to make topology from geometry, or vice versa. - The profile method to make planar profiles. - Primitive construction commands. Box, cylinder, ... - Sweeping of shapes. - Transformations of shapes. Translation, copy, .... - Topological operations, also known as booleans. - Local operations. Features, holes. - Drafting and blending. - Analysis of shapes. Length, area, volume.... **Basic topology The basic set of commands allows simple operations on shapes, or stepwise constructions of objects which may be far from simple. They are useful for analysis of shapes structure. - Shapes are displayed with isoparametric curves on the faces, this is controlled with the isos command. The number of points used to display the shapes curves can be modified with the discretisation command. - To modify topological attributes such as the orientation use orientation, complement and invert. - To analyse the structure of a shape, use explode, exwire and nbshapes. - To create shapes by stepwise construction, use emptycopy, add, compound. *** isos, discretisation .Synopsis isos [name ...] nbisos discretisation nbpoints .Purpose Shapes are displayed by a set of curves, the edges and isoparametric curves on the faces. There is color coding for the edges, a red edge is an isolated edge (belongs to no faces), a green edge is a free boundary edge (belongs to one face), a yellow edge is a shared edge (at least two faces). You can change the number of isoparametric curves on shapes using the isos commands. Nnote that the same number is used for the U and V directions, if you give no shape arguments the value you give will be the new default value (originally 2), if you give no arguments at all the command prints the current default value. You can change the default number of points used to display the curves with the discretisation command. The original value is 30. .Example # Display only the edges (the wireframe) isos 0 .Warning Do not get confused with the geometric commands nbisos and discr which control the display of geometry. .See also .Index isos command discretisation command display of shapes free boundary *** orientation, complement, invert .Synopsis orientation name [name ...] F/R/E/I complement name [name ...] invert name .Purpose These commands are used to change the orientation of shapes. The orientation command sets one of the four values, FORWARD, REVERSED, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL The complement command changes the current orientation to its complement, FORWARD <-> REVERSED, INTERNAL <-> EXTERNAL. The invert command creates a new shape which is a copy of the original with all subshapes orientation reversed. It is useful for example to reverse the normals of a solid. .Example # invert normals of a box box b 10 20 30 normals b 5 invert b normals b 5 .Index orientation command complement command invert command *** explode, exwire, nbshapes .Synopsis explode name [C/So/Sh/F/W/E/V] exwire name nbshapes name .Purpose The explode command is very useful to extract subshapes from a shape, the subshapes will be named name_1, name_2, ... Note that they are not copied but shared with the original. Without other arguments than the shape explode will extract the first sublevel of shapes, the shells of a solid, the edges of a wire for example. With an argument explode will extract all subshapes of the given type, C for compounds, So for solids, Sh for shells, F for faces, W for wires, E for edges, V for vertices. The exwire command is a special case of explode for wires which extract the edges in an ordered way if possible. i/e/ each edge is connected to the following one by a vertex. The nbshapes command counts the number of shapes of each type in a shape. .Example # on a box box b 10 20 30 # whatis returns the type and various information whatis b => b is a shape SOLID FORWARD Free Modified # make one shell explode b whatis b_1 => b_1 is a shape SHELL REVERSED Modified Orientable Closed # extract the edges b_1, ... , b_12 explode b e ==> b_12 # count subshapes nbshapes b ==> Number of shapes in b VERTEX : 8 EDGE : 12 WIRE : 6 FACE : 6 SHELL : 1 SOLID : 1 COMPSOLID : 0 COMPOUND : 0 SHAPE : 34 .Warning .See also .Index explode command exwire command nbshapes command exploring a shape wire exploration *** emptycopy, add, compound .Synopsis emptycopy [newname] name add name toname compound [name ...] compoundname .Purpose The emptycopy command creates a new shape from an existing one without subshapes, only the geometry, if there is one, is used. The new shape is stored with the same name if the newname argument is not given. This command is useful to modify a frozen shape, a frozen shape is a shape used by an other shape, it cannot be modifed, so it must be emptycopied and its subshape may be reinserted with the add command. The add command insert a reference to a shape in an other one, the shapes must be compatible (you cannot insert a face into an edge) and the modified shape must not be frozen. (However, using emptycopy and add requires caution). The compound command is very safe, it creates a compound from shapes, if no shapes are given the compound is empty. .Example # a compound with three boxes box b1 0 0 0 1 1 1 box b2 3 0 0 1 1 1 box b3 6 0 0 1 1 1 compound b1 b2 b3 c .Warning .See also .Index emptycopy command add command compound command **Curve and surfaces topology This group of commands is used to create topology from shapes and to extract shapes geometry. Note that these commands are low-level, to create faces or wires the profile command described in the next section is usually more appropriate. - To create vertices use the vertex command. - To create edges use the edge, mkedge commands. - To create wires use the wire, polyline, polyvertex commands. - To create faces use the mkplane, mkface commands. - To extract the geometry from edges or faces use the mkcurve and mkface commands. - To extract the 2d curves for edges on faces use the pcurve command. *** vertex .Synopsis vertex name [x y z / p edge] .Purpose Creates a vertex at a 3d location, the location is a x,y,z point or the point at parameter p on an edge. .Example vertex v1 10 20 30 .Warning .See also .Index vertex command *** edge, mkedge .Synopsis edge name vertex1 vertex2 mkedge edge curve [surface] [pfirst plast] [vfirst [pfirst] vlast [plast]] .Purpose The edge command creates a straight line edge between two vertices. Of course they must not be at the same location. The mkedge command allows the creation of edges from curves, it is a quite complete command corresponding to the BRepAPI_MakeEdge class. It can create an edge from a curve, two parameters can be given for the vertices (the default are the first and last parameters of the curve), vertices can also be given with their parameters, this option allows to inhibate the creation of new vertices, if the parameters of the vertices are not given they are computed by projection on the curve. Instead of a 3d curve a 2d curve and a surface can be given. .Example # straight line edge vertex v1 10 0 0 vertex v2 10 10 0 edge e1 v1 v2 # make a circular edge circle c 0 0 0 5 mkedge e2 c 0 pi/2 # the same result may be achieved with a trimmed curve # trimmed curves are recognised removed my mkedge trim c c 0 pi/2 mkedge e2 c .Warning .See also .Index edge command mkedge command curve to edge edge from curve *** wire, polyline, polyvertex .Synopsis wire name name1 [name2 ...] polyline name x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 ... polyvertex name v1 v2 ... .Purpose The wire command creates a wire from edges or wires, the order of the elements must ensure that the wire is connected. The vertices locations are compared to detect connection, if the vertices are differents new edges are created to ensure topological connectivity, so the original edge may be copied in the wire. The polyline command creates a polygonal wire from points coordinates, to make a closed wire you should repeat the first point at the end. The polyvertex command creates a polygonal wire from vertices. .Example # create two polygonal wires # and glue them polyline w1 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 polyline w2 10 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 wire w w1 w2 .Warning .See also .Index wire command polyline command polyvertex command *** mkplane, mkface .Synopsis mkplane name wire mkface mkface name surface [ufirst ulast vfirst vlast] .Purpose Use the mkplane command to make a face from a planar wire, the plane surface will be constructed with an orientation to keep the face inside the wire. Use the mkface command to make a face from a surface, parameter values can be given to trim a rectangular area, the default are the bounds of the surface. .Example # make a polygonal face polyline f 0 0 0 20 0 0 20 10 0 10 10 0 10 20 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 mkplane f f # make a cylindrical face cylinder g 10 trim g g -pi/3 pi/2 0 15 mkface g g .Warning .See also .Index mkplane command mkface command surface to face face from surface *** mkcurve, mkface .Synopsis mkcurve name edge mksurface name face .Purpose Use the mkcurve command to create a 3d curve from an edge, the curve will be trimmed to the edge boundaries, this is not possible if the edge has no 3d curve. Use the mksurface command to make a surface from a face, the surface is not trimmed. .Example # make a line vertex v1 0 0 0 vertex v2 10 0 0 edge e v1 v2 mkcurve l e .Warning .See also .Index mkcurve command mkface command edge to curve curve from edge *** pcurve .Synopsis pcurve [name edge] face .Purpose The pcurve command extracts the 2d curve of an edge on a face. If the only argument is a face the command extracts all the curves and color them according to their orientation. This is very useful to check if the edges in a face are correctly oriented, i.e. they turn counterclockwise. .Example # view the pcurves of a face plane p trim p p -1 1 -1 1 mkface p p av2d; # a 2d view pcurve p 2dfit .Warning If you do not see anything, may you forgot to create a 2d view or to fit it woth the 2dfit command. .See also .Index pcurve command ** Making profiles The profile command is a powerfull tool to create planar faces or wires made of straight lines an circles which are current in mechanical applications. *** profile .Synopsis profile name [instruction parameters instruction parameters ....] .Purpose The profile command creates a planar profile from a list of instructions. The profile is created in 2d on a plane starting from point 0,0 and direction X (1,0), some instructions creates a segment of line or an arc of circle moving the point and setting a new direction to the tangent of the profile. Other instructions modify the current direction, the plane or terminate the profile. Instructions are one or two upper or lowercase letter, followed by a fixed number of arguments. The angles are given in degree. - O X Y Z, Set the origin of the plane (default value is 0 0 0) - P DX DY DZ UX UY UZ, Set the normal and X direction of the plane, (default value is 0 0 1 1 0 0, an X Y plane) - X DX, Move the point along X axis. - Y DY, Move the point along Y axis. - L DL, Move the point along the current direction by length DL. - XX X, Set point X coordinate (absolute value). - YY Y, Set point Y coordinate (absolute value). - T DX DY, Translate the point. - TT X Y, Set the point (absolute coordinates). - R Angle, Rotate the direction (clockwise). - RR Angle, Set the direction (absolute angle from X axis). - D DX DY, Set the direction (DX DY will be normalized). The instructions starting with I will intersect the line defined by the point and the direction with a curve and move to this new point. - IX X, Intersect with a vertical (absolute X value). - IY Y, Intersect with an horizontal (absolute X value). - C Radius Angle, Make an arc of circle tangent to the current direction. By default the profile is closed and a face is created, to create a closed or open wire the following instructions may be used. The profile will be terminated. - W, Make a closed wire. - WW, Make an open wire. .Example # Make a square with two fillets on the top # and a half-circle on the bottom profile f x 5 r -90 c 5 180 x 5 y 8 c 2 90 xx 2 c 2 90 .Warning .See also .Index profile command face creation **Primitives Primitive commands allow the creation of simple shapes. - box and wedge commands. - pcylinder, pcone, psphere, ptorus commands. *** box, wedge .Synopsis box name [x y z] dx dy dz wedge name dx dy dz ltx / xmin zmin xmax xmax .Purpose Use the box command to create a box parallel to the axes with dx,dy,dz dimensions. x,y,z is the corner of the box, by default it is the origin. Use the wedge command to create a wedge, a wedge has six faces, one face in the OXZ plane has dimensions dx,dz the other face is in the plane y = dy. It has dimensions ltx,dz or it is bounded by xmin,zmin,xmax,zmax. The other faces are defined between those faces. The face in the y=yd plane may be degenerated into a line if ltx = 0 or a point if xmin = xmax and ymin = ymax, in this case there are 5 faces. To position the wedge use the ttranslate and trotate commands. .Example # a box at the origin box b1 10 20 30 # an other box box b2 30 30 40 10 20 30 # a wedge wedge w1 10 20 30 5 # a wedge with a sharp edge (5 faces) wedge w2 10 20 30 0 # a pyramid wedge w3 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 .Warning .See also .Index box command wedge command *** pcylinder, pcone, psphere, ptorus .Synopsis pcylinder name [plane] radius height [angle] pcone name [plane] radius1 radius2 height [angle] pcone name [plane] radius1 radius2 height [angle] psphere name [plane] radius1 [angle1 angle2] [angle] psphere name [plane] radius1 radius2 [angle1 angle2] [angle] .Purpose All these commands create solids in the default coordinate system, using the Z axis as the axis of revolution and the X axis as origin of angles. To use another system you can translate and rotate the resulting solid or use a plane as the first argument to specify a coordinate system. Note that this is quite different because the translation and rotation only change the coordinate system of the object. All primitives have an optional last argument which is an angle in degree around the Z axis, starting from the X axis. The default is 360. The pcylinder command creates a cylindrical block around with given radius and height. The pcone command creates a truncated cone of given height with radius radius1 in the plane z = 0 and radius2 in the plane z = heigth. The radii must not be negative but one of them can be null. The psphere command creates a solid sphere centered at the origin, if two angles angle1 and angle2 are given the solid will be limited by two planes at latitude angle1 and angle2 in degree. The angles must be increasing and in the range -90,90. The ptorus command creates a solid torus centered at the origin around the z axis with given radii, if two increasing angles in degree in the range 0 360 are given the solid will be bounded by two planar surfaces at these positions on the circle. .Example # make a can pcylinder cy 5 10 # a quarter of trucated cone pcone co 15 10 10 90 # three-quarters of sphere psphere sp 10 270 # half torus ptorus to 20 5 0 90 .Warning .See also .Index pcylinder command pcone command psphere command ptorus command cone solid cylinder solid sphere solid torus solid **Sweeping Sweepinf creates shapes by sweeping a shape along a path. - prism sweeps along a direction. - revol sweeps around an axis. - pipe sweeps along a wire. *** prism .Synopsis prism name shape dx dy dz ["Copy | Inf | SemiInf] .Purpose The prism command creates a new shape by sweeping a shape along a direction. Any shape can be swept, a vertex gives an edge, en edge gives a face, a face gives a solid... The sweeping is done along the vector dx dy dz. The original shape will be shared in the result unless "Copy" is specified. If Inf is specified the prism is infinite in both directions, if SemiInf is specified the prism is infinite in the dx,dy,dz direction, then the length of the vector has no meaning. .Example # sweep a planar face to make a solid polyline f 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 5 0 5 5 0 5 15 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 mkplane f f prism p f 0 0 10 .Warning .See also .Index prism command sweeping *** revol .Synopsis revol name shape x y z dx dy dz angle [Copy] .Purpose The revol command creates a new shape by sweeping a shape around the axis x,y,z dx,dy,dz by an angle in degree. As with the prism command the shape can be of any type and is not shared if Copy is specified. .Example # shell by wire rotation polyline w 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 5 0 5 5 0 5 15 0 0 15 0 revol s w 20 0 0 0 1 0 90 .Warning .See also .Index revol command *** pipe .Synopsis pipe name wire shape .Purpose The pipe command creates a shape by sweeping a shape known as the profile along a wire known as the spine. .Example # sweep a circle along a bezier curve to make a solid pipe beziercurve spine 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 20 10 0 mkedge spine spine wire spine spine circle profile 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 mkedge profile profile wire profile profile mkplane profile profile pipe p spine profile .Warning .See also .Index pipe command **Topology transformation Transformations are application of matrices, when the transformation is non deforming, like translation or rotation, the object is not copied, we use the topology local coordinate system feature. The copy can be enforced with the tcopy command. - tcopy makes a copy of the structure of a shape. - ttranslate, trotate, tmove, reset moves a shape. - tmirror, tscale always modify the shape. *** tcopy .Synopsis tcopy name toname [name toname ...] .Purpose Copy the structure of a shape in a new shape, including the geometry. .Example # create an edge from a curve and copy it beziercurve c 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 20 10 0 mkedge e1 c ttranslate e1 0 5 0 tcopy e1 e2 ttranslate e2 0 5 0 # now modify the curve, only e1 will be modified cmovep c 2 0 0 20 .Warning .See also .Index tcopy command copying shapes *** tmove, treset .Synopsis tmove name [name ...] shape reset name [name ...] .Purpose The tmove and reset command are used to modify the location, or local coordinate system of a shape, tmove applies to some shapes the location of a given shape. reset removes the location of a shape, restoring it in its original coordinate system. .Example # create two boxes box b1 10 10 10 box b2 20 0 0 10 10 10 # translate the first box ttranslate b1 0 10 0 # and apply the same location to b2 tmove b2 b1 # return to original positions reset b1 b2 .Warning .See also .Index tmove command treset command location *** ttranslate, trotate .Synopsis ttranslate [name ...] dx dy dz trotate [name ...] x y z dx dy dz angle .Purpose Use the ttranslate command to translate a set of shapes by a given vector, and the trotate command to rotate them by a given angle in degree around an axis. Both commands only modify the location of the shape. When transforming multiple shapes the same location is used for all the shapes, when a command is used for each shape, even if the translation or the rotation are the same, a new location is created. Locations are very economic in the data structure because multiple occurrences of an object share the topological description. .Example # make rotated copy of a sphere and cylinders pcylinder c1 30 5 copy c1 c2 ttranslate c2 0 0 20 psphere s 3 ttranslate s 25 0 12.5 for {set i 0} {$i < 360} {incr i 20} { copy s s$i trotate s$i 0 0 0 0 0 1 $i } .Warning .See also .Index ttranslate command trotate command translating shapes rotating shapes *** tmirror, tscale .Synopsis tmirror name x y z dx dy dz tscale name x y z scale .Purpose The tmirror command makes a mirror copy of a shape about a plane x,y,z dx,dy,dz, the tscale command applies a central homothety to the shape. .Example # mirror a portion of cylinder about the YZ plane pcylinder c1 10 10 270 copy c1 c2 tmirror c2 15 0 0 1 0 0 # and scale it tscale c1 0 0 0 0.5 .Warning .See also .Index tmirror command tscale command mirroring shapes scaling shapes **Topological operations Topological operations includes the boolean operations, they are using intersections. - fuse, cut, common are the boolean operations. - section, psection computes sections. *** fuse, cut, common .Synopsis fuse name shape1 shape2 cut name shape1 shape2 common name shape1 shape2 .Purpose Creation of a new shape by a boolean operation between two shapes, fuse is the union, cut substract the second to the first, common is the intersection. .Example # the four boolean operations between a box and a cylinder box b 0 -10 5 20 20 10 pcylinder c 5 20 fuse s1 b c ttranslate s1 40 0 0 cut s2 b c ttranslate s2 -40 0 0 cut s3 c b ttranslate s3 0 40 0 common s4 b c ttranslate s4 0 -40 0 .Warning .See also .Index fuse command cut command common command boolean operations *** section, psection .Synopsis section name shape1 shape2 psection name shape plane .Purpose The section command creates a compound with the intersection edges created from the faces of two shapes, this is the section line. The psection command do the same between a shape and a plane. This is the planar section. .Example # section line between a cylinder and a box pcylinder c 10 20 box b 0 0 5 15 15 15 trotate b 0 0 0 1 1 1 20 section s b c # planar section of a cone pcone c 10 30 30 plane p 0 0 15 1 1 2 psection s c p .Warning .See also .Index section command psection command planar section **Local operations Local operations are boolean operations restricted to some faces of a solid. - localope is the general local operation command, to perform local boolean operations. - hole, firsthole, holend, blindhole are various commands to create cylindrical holes. *** localope .Synopsis localope name shape tool F/C face [face ...] .Purpose Use the localope command to perform a local operation on a shape with a tool. The operation is a fusion or a cut (use 'F' or 'C'). The operation will be restricted to the designates faces. The tool is intersected only with the given faces and other faces necessary to close the intersection curves. This operation is the basis for features implementation. .Example # make a box and fuse a cylinder on one side box b 10 10 10 pcylinder c 1 20 ttranslate c 5 5 -5 # click on the top or bottom face and observe the result... localope a b c F . .Warning .See also .Index localope command features *** hole, firsthole, holend, blindhole, holecontrol .Synopsis hole name shape Or.X Or.Y Or.Z Dir.X Dir.Y Dir.Z Radius [Pfrom Pto] firsthole name shape Or.X Or.Y Or.Z Dir.X Dir.Y Dir.Z Radius holend name shape Or.X Or.Y Or.Z Dir.X Dir.Y Dir.Z Radius blindhole name shape Or.X Or.Y Or.Z Dir.X Dir.Y Dir.Z Radius Length holecontrol [0/1] .Purpose Use the hole commands to make a cylindrical hole in a solid, in any case you must give an axis and a radius with Or.X Or.Y Or.Z Dir.X Dir.Y Dir.Z Radius. - hole will make a hole through the whole solid or between parameters Pfrom and Pto on the axis. - firsthole will make only the first possible hole along the positive side of the axis. - holend will make all possible holes along the positive side of the axis. - blindhole will make a blind hole of depth Length starting from the origin of the axis on the positive side. The holecontrol command is used to set or display the control mode. When the value is 1 a check of validity is performed after all the hole commands. .Example # make a hole through a cylinder pcylinder c 5 10 firsthole r c 0 -10 5 0 1 0 1 .Warning If the axis does not intersect the solid nothing is done, this is not the same as a full boolean operation. .See also .Index hole command firsthole command holend command blindhole command holecontrol command **Drafting and blending Drafting is the creation of a new shape by tilting faces with an angle, blending is the creation of a new shapes by rounding of edges. - Use the depouille command for drafting. - Use the blend command for simple blending. - Use the chfi2d command for blending or chamfering planar faces. - Use fubl for a fusion + blending operation. - Use buildevol, mkevol, updatevol to make varying radius blending. *** depouille .Synopsis depouille name shape dirx diry dirz face angle x y x dx dy dz [face angle...] .Purpose Use this command to create a new shape by drafting faces of a shape, you must give the shape to be drafted and the drafting direction (think of it as an unmolding direction), then faces with angles and axis of rotation. The faces must be faces of the shape, you can use the dot syntax to pick the faces. .Example # draft a face of a box box b 10 10 10 explode b f depouille a b 0 0 1 b_2 10 0 10 0 1 0 5 .Warning .See also .Index depouille command *** blend .Synopsis blend name shape radius edge [radius edge ...] .Purpose The blend command creates a new shape by rounding edges of a shape, you must give the shape and pairs radius, edge. The edge must be in the shape, you may use the dot syntax. Not that the blend is expanded to other edges when the faces are tangent. Blends are also called fillets. .Example # blend a box, click on an edge box b 20 20 20 blend b b 2 . .Warning .See also .Index blend command fillets *** chfi2d .Synopsis chfi2d result face [edge1 edge2 (F radius/CDD d1 d2/CDA d ang) ....] .Purpose Creates a new face name result from an existing face adding fillets and chamfers. The face must be planar, if it is a wire a planar face can be made with the mkplane command. Multiples fillets and chamfers can be built. edge1 edge2 F radius, builds a fillet of the given radius on the vertex connecting the two edges. edge1 edge2 CDD d1 d2, builds a chamfer on the vertex connecting the two edges with distance d1 on edge1 and d2 on edge2. edge1 edge2 CDA d ang, builds a chamfer on the vertex connecting the two edges at distance d on edge1 making an angle ang (degree) with edge1. .Example # Make a fillet and the two kinds of vertices # with graphical selection of the edges polyline f 0 0 0 20 0 0 20 10 0 10 10 0 10 30 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 mkplane f f chfi2d f f . . F 3 . . CDD 1 2 . . CDA 1.5 60 .Warning .See also mkplane .Index chfi2d command rounding fillet 2d chamfer 2d *** fubl .Synopsis fubl name shape1 shape2 radius .Purpose Make a fusion boolean operation between two shapes then blend the intersection edges with the radius. .Example # fuse-blend two boxes box b1 20 20 5 copy b1 b2 ttranslate b2 -10 10 3 fubl a b1 b2 1 .Warning .See also fuse blend .Index fubl command *** mkevol, updatevol, buildevol .Synopsis mkevol name shape updatevol edge u1 radius1 [u2 radius2 ...] buildevol .Purpose These three commands work together to blend shapes with evolving radius. First you give the shape and the name of the result with the mkevol command. Then you describe edges to be blended with the updatevol command., for each edge you give a set of pairs : parameter radius, the parameters will be scaled along the edge and the radius function interpolated for the whole edge. At last the buildevol command computes the result. .Example # makes an evolved radius on a box box b 10 10 10 mkevol b b # click an edge updatevol . 0 1 1 3 2 2 buildevol .Warning .See also .Index buildevol command mkevol command updatevol command **Topology analysis Analysis of shapes includes the commands to compute length, area volumes and inertia properties. - Use lprops, sprops, vprops to compute properties. - Use bounding to display the bounding box of a shape. *** lprops, sprops, vprops .Synopsis lprops shape sprops shape vprops shape .Purpose lprops computes massic properties of all edges in the shape with a linear density of 1, sprops of all faces with a surfacic density of 1 and vprops of all solids with a density of 1. The three commands print the mass, which is either the length, the area or the volume, the coordinates of the center of gravity, the matrix of inertia and the moments. The center and the main axis of inertia are displayed. .Example # volume of a cylinder pcylinder c 10 20 vprops c ==> results Mass : 6283.18529981086 Center of gravity : X = 4.1004749224903e-06 Y = -2.03392858349861e-16 Z = 9.9999999941362 Matrix of Inertia : 366519.141445068 5.71451850691484e-12 0.257640437382627 5.71451850691484e-12 366519.141444962 2.26823064169991e-10 0.257640437382627 2.26823064169991e-10 314159.265358863 Moments : IX = 366519.141446336 IY = 366519.141444962 IZ = 314159.265357595 .Warning .See also .Index lprops command sprops command vprops command length area volume inertia *** bounding .Synopsis bounding shape .Purpose Display the bounding box of a shape and returns the string "xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax" .Example # bounding box of a torus ptorus t 20 5 bounding t ==> -25.000000100000001 -25.000000100000001 -5.0000001000000003 25.000000100000001 25.000000100000001 5.0000001000000003 .Warning .See also .Index bounding command box, bounding