// File: Draw_BasicCommands.cxx // Created: Thu Feb 23 18:21:17 1995 // Author: Remi LEQUETTE // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #if defined(HAVE_TIME_H) || defined(WNT) # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H # include #endif #ifndef WNT # include # ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include # endif #else //WNT extern Standard_Boolean Draw_Batch; #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef OCE_HAVE_LIMITS # include #elif defined (OCE_HAVE_LIMITS_H) # include #endif #ifdef WNT # include #endif static clock_t MDTV_CPU_LIMIT; // Cpu_limit in Sec. static clock_t MDTV_CPU_CURRENT; // cpu time already used at last // cpulimit call. (sec.) //#define strcasecmp strcmp Already defined #define RLIM_INFINITY 0x7fffffff #endif #include #include #if defined (__hpux) || defined ( HPUX ) #define RLIM_INFINITY 0x7fffffff #define RLIMIT_CPU 0 #endif //======================================================================= // chronom //======================================================================= extern Standard_Boolean Draw_Chrono; static Standard_Integer chronom(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n,const char** a) { if ((n == 1) || (*a[1] == '0') || (*a[1] == '1')) { if (n == 1) Draw_Chrono = !Draw_Chrono; else Draw_Chrono = (*a[1] == '1'); if (Draw_Chrono) di << "Chronometers activated."<<"\n"; else di << "Chronometers desactivated."<<"\n"; } else { Handle(Draw_Drawable3D) D = Draw::Get(a[1]); Handle(Draw_Chronometer) C; if (!D.IsNull()) { C = Handle(Draw_Chronometer)::DownCast(D); } if (C.IsNull()) { C = new Draw_Chronometer(); Draw::Set(a[1],C,Standard_False); } if (n <= 2) { C->Timer().Reset(); } else { if (!strcasecmp(a[2],"reset")) C->Timer().Reset(); if (!strcasecmp(a[2],"start")) C->Timer().Start(); if (!strcasecmp(a[2],"stop")) C->Timer().Stop(); if (!strcasecmp(a[2],"show")) C->Timer().Show(); } } return 0; } static Standard_Integer dchronom(Draw_Interpretor& I, Standard_Integer n,const char** a) { if ((n == 1) || (*a[1] == '0') || (*a[1] == '1')) { if (n == 1) Draw_Chrono = !Draw_Chrono; else Draw_Chrono = (*a[1] == '1'); if (Draw_Chrono) I << "Chronometers activated."<<"\n"; else I << "Chronometers desactivated."<<"\n"; } else { Handle(Draw_Drawable3D) D = Draw::Get(a[1]); Handle(Draw_Chronometer) C; if (!D.IsNull()) { C = Handle(Draw_Chronometer)::DownCast(D); } if (C.IsNull()) { C = new Draw_Chronometer(); Draw::Set(a[1],C,Standard_False); } if (n <= 2) { C->Timer().Reset(); } else { if (!strcasecmp(a[2],"reset")) C->Timer().Reset(); if (!strcasecmp(a[2],"start")) C->Timer().Start(); if (!strcasecmp(a[2],"stop")) C->Timer().Stop(); if (!strcasecmp(a[2],"show")) { Standard_SStream ss; C->Timer().Show(ss); I << ss; } } } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : ifbatch //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer ifbatch(Draw_Interpretor& DI, Standard_Integer , const char** ) { if (Draw_Batch) DI << "1"; else DI << "0"; return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : spy //purpose : //======================================================================= extern Standard_Boolean Draw_Spying; extern filebuf Draw_Spyfile; static Standard_Integer spy(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if (Draw_Spying) Draw_Spyfile.close(); Draw_Spying = Standard_False; if (n > 1) { if (!Draw_Spyfile.open(a[1],ios::out)) { di << "Cannot open "< 1) w = atoi(a[1]); time_t ct = time(NULL) + w; while (time(NULL) < ct) {}; return 0; } static Standard_Integer cpulimit(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { #ifndef WNT rlimit rlp; rlp.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; if (n <= 1) rlp.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; else rlp.rlim_cur = atoi(a[1]); int status; status=setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU,&rlp); if (status !=0) di << "status cpulimit setrlimit : " << status << "\n"; #else //WNT static int first=1; /* unsigned int __stdcall CpuFunc(void * ); unsigned ThreadID; if (n <= 1) MDTV_CPU_LIMIT = RLIM_INFINITY; else { MDTV_CPU_LIMIT = atoi(a[1]); MDTV_CPU_CURRENT = clock()/1000; if (first) // Lancer le thread au 1er appel seulement. { first=0 ; _beginthreadex(NULL,0,CpuFunc,NULL,0,&ThreadID); } } */ #endif return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : mallochook //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer mallochook(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if (n < 2) { di << "\ usage: mallochook cmd\n\ where cmd is one of:\n\ set [] - set callback to malloc/free; op is one of the following:\n\ 0 - set callback to NULL,\n\ 1 - set callback OSD_MAllocHook::CollectBySize (default)\n\ 2 - set callback OSD_MAllocHook::LogFileHandler\n\ reset - reset the CollectBySize handler\n\ report1 []\n\ - write report from CollectBySize handler in \n\ open []\n\ - open file for writing the log with LogFileHandler\n\ close - close the log file with LogFileHandler\n\ report2 [] [] []\n\ - scan written with LogFileHandler\n\ and make synthesized report in ; can be:\n\ 0 - simple stats by sizes (default),\n\ 1 - with alive allocation numbers\n\ By default is \"mem-log.txt\", is \"mem-stat.txt\"" << "\n"; return 0; } if (strcmp(a[1], "set") == 0) { int aType = (n > 2 ? atoi(a[2]) : 1); if (aType < 0 || aType > 2) { di << "unknown op of the command set" << "\n"; return 1; } else if (aType == 0) { OSD_MAllocHook::SetCallback(NULL); di << "callback is unset" << "\n"; } else if (aType == 1) { OSD_MAllocHook::SetCallback(OSD_MAllocHook::GetCollectBySize()); di << "callback is set to CollectBySize" << "\n"; } else //if (aType == 2) { OSD_MAllocHook::SetCallback(OSD_MAllocHook::GetLogFileHandler()); di << "callback is set to LogFileHandler" << "\n"; } } else if (strcmp(a[1], "reset") == 0) { OSD_MAllocHook::GetCollectBySize()->Reset(); di << "CollectBySize handler is reset" << "\n"; } else if (strcmp(a[1], "open") == 0) { const char* aFileName = (n > 2 ? a[2] : "mem-log.txt"); if (!OSD_MAllocHook::GetLogFileHandler()->Open(aFileName)) { di << "cannot create file " << aFileName << " for writing" << "\n"; return 1; } di << "log file " << aFileName << " is opened for writing" << "\n"; } else if (strcmp(a[1], "close") == 0) { OSD_MAllocHook::GetLogFileHandler()->Close(); di << "log file is closed" << "\n"; } else if (strcmp(a[1], "report1") == 0) { const char* aOutFile = "mem-stat.txt"; if (n > 2) aOutFile = a[2]; if (OSD_MAllocHook::GetCollectBySize()->MakeReport(aOutFile)) { di << "report " << aOutFile << " has been created" << "\n"; } else { di << "cannot create report " << aOutFile << "\n"; return 1; } } else if (strcmp(a[1], "report2") == 0) { Standard_Boolean includeAlive = Standard_False; const char* aLogFile = "mem-log.txt"; const char* aOutFile = "mem-stat.txt"; if (n > 2) { includeAlive = (atoi(a[2]) != 0); if (n > 3) { aLogFile = a[3]; if (n > 4) aOutFile = a[4]; } } if (OSD_MAllocHook::LogFileHandler::MakeReport(aLogFile, aOutFile, includeAlive)) { di << "report " << aOutFile << " has been created" << "\n"; } else { di << "cannot create report " << aOutFile << " from the log file " << aLogFile << "\n"; return 1; } } else { di << "unrecognized command " << a[1] << "\n"; return 1; } return 0; } void Draw::BasicCommands(Draw_Interpretor& theCommands) { static Standard_Boolean Done = Standard_False; if (Done) return; Done = Standard_True; const char* g = "DRAW General Commands"; theCommands.Add("batch", "returns 1 in batch mode", __FILE__,ifbatch,g); theCommands.Add("spy","spy [file], Save commands in file. no file close", __FILE__,spy,g); theCommands.Add("wait","wait [time(10)], wait time seconds", __FILE__,Draw_wait,g); theCommands.Add("cpulimit","cpulimit [nbseconds], no args remove limits", __FILE__,cpulimit,g); theCommands.Add("chrono","chrono [ name start/stop/reset/show]", __FILE__,chronom,g); theCommands.Add("dchrono","dchrono [ name start/stop/reset/show]", __FILE__,dchronom,g); theCommands.Add("mallochook", "debug memory allocation/deallocation, w/o args for help", __FILE__, mallochook, g); }