-- File: DBRep_Face.cdl -- Created: Thu Jul 15 10:15:52 1993 -- Author: Remi LEQUETTE -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class Face from DBRep inherits TShared from MMgt uses Face from TopoDS, IsoType from GeomAbs, Array1OfInteger from TColStd, Array1OfReal from TColStd, Color from Draw is Create (F : Face from TopoDS; N : Integer; C : Color from Draw) returns mutable Face from DBRep; ---Purpose: N is the number of iso intervals. Face(me) returns Face from TopoDS ---C++: return const & ---C++: inline is static; Face(me : mutable; F : Face from TopoDS) ---C++: inline is static; NbIsos(me) returns Integer ---C++: inline is static; Iso(me : mutable; I : Integer; T : IsoType from GeomAbs; Par, T1, T2 : Real) ---C++: inline is static; GetIso(me; I : Integer; T : out IsoType from GeomAbs; Par, T1, T2 : out Real) ---C++: inline is static; Color(me) returns Color from Draw ---C++: return const & ---C++: inline is static; Color(me : mutable; C : Color from Draw) ---C++: inline is static; fields myFace : Face from TopoDS; myColor : Color from Draw; myTypes : Array1OfInteger from TColStd; myParams : Array1OfReal from TColStd; end Face;