-- File: ConicToBSplineCurve.cdl -- Created: Thu Oct 10 11:26:44 1991 -- Author: Jean Claude VAUTHIER ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1991, 1992 deferred class ConicToBSplineCurve from Convert ---Purpose: Root class for algorithms which convert a conic curve into -- a BSpline curve (CircleToBSplineCurve, EllipseToBSplineCurve, -- HyperbolaToBSplineCurve, ParabolaToBSplineCurve). -- These algorithms all work on 2D curves from the gp -- package and compute all the data needed to construct a -- BSpline curve equivalent to the conic curve. This data consists of: -- - the degree of the curve, -- - the periodic characteristics of the curve, -- - a poles table with associated weights, -- - a knots table with associated multiplicities. -- The abstract class ConicToBSplineCurve provides a -- framework for storing and consulting this computed data. -- The data may then be used to construct a -- Geom2d_BSplineCurve curvSuper class of the following classes : -- This abstract class implements the methods to get the geometric -- representation of the B-spline curve equivalent to the conic. -- The B-spline is computed at the creation time in the sub classes. -- The B-spline curve is defined with its degree, its control points -- (Poles), its weights, its knots and their multiplicity. -- All the geometric entities used in this package are defined in 2D -- space. -- KeyWords : -- Convert, Conic, BSplineCurve, 2D. uses Array1OfInteger from TColStd, Array1OfReal from TColStd, HArray1OfInteger from TColStd, HArray1OfReal from TColStd, HArray1OfPnt2d from TColgp, ParameterisationType from Convert, Pnt2d from gp raises OutOfRange from Standard, ConstructionError from Standard is Degree (me) returns Integer is static; ---Purpose: Returns the degree of the BSpline curve whose data is -- computed in this framework. NbPoles (me) returns Integer is static; ---Purpose: Returns the number of poles of the BSpline curve whose -- data is computed in this framework. NbKnots (me) returns Integer is static; ---Purpose: Returns the number of knots of the BSpline curve whose -- data is computed in this framework. IsPeriodic(me) returns Boolean is static; --- Purpose: Returns true if the BSpline curve whose data is computed in -- this framework is periodic. Pole (me; Index : Integer) returns Pnt2d --- Purpose : Returns the pole of index Index to the poles table of the -- BSpline curve whose data is computed in this framework. -- Exceptions -- Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of -- the poles table of the BSpline curve whose data is computed in this framework. raises OutOfRange is static; Weight (me; Index : Integer) returns Real --- Purpose : Returns the weight of the pole of index Index to the poles -- table of the BSpline curve whose data is computed in this framework. -- Exceptions -- Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of -- the poles table of the BSpline curve whose data is computed in this framework. raises OutOfRange is static; Knot (me; Index : Integer) returns Real --- Purpose : Returns the knot of index Index to the knots table of the -- BSpline curve whose data is computed in this framework. -- Exceptions -- Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of -- the knots table of the BSpline curve whose data is computed in this framework. raises OutOfRange is static; Multiplicity (me; Index : Integer) returns Integer --- Purpose : Returns the multiplicity of the knot of index Index to the -- knots table of the BSpline curve whose data is computed in this framework. -- Exceptions -- Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of -- the knots table of the BSpline curve whose data is computed in this framework. raises OutOfRange is static; Initialize (NumberOfPoles, NumberOfKnots, Degree : Integer); BuildCosAndSin(me ; Parametrisation : ParameterisationType from Convert ; -- -- allowed parameterisation are TgtThetaOver2 and RationalC1 -- will raise otherwise CosNumerator : in out HArray1OfReal from TColStd ; -- Array has the following dimensions : -- <1, NbPoles> without multiplying by the weights SinNumerator : in out HArray1OfReal from TColStd ; -- Array has the following dimensions : -- <1, NbPoles> without multiplying by the weights Denominator : in out HArray1OfReal from TColStd ; -- Array has the following dimension -- <1, NbPoles> Degree : in out Integer from Standard ; Knots : in out HArray1OfReal from TColStd ; Mults : in out HArray1OfInteger from TColStd) raises ConstructionError -- see above is static ; -- builds a full periodic circle -- BuildCosAndSin(me; Parametrisation : ParameterisationType from Convert ; UFirst : Real from Standard ; ULast : Real from Standard ; CosNumerator : in out HArray1OfReal from TColStd ; -- Array has the following dimensions : -- <1, NbPoles> without multiplying by the weights SinNumerator : in out HArray1OfReal from TColStd ; -- Array has the following dimensions : -- <1, NbPoles> without multiplying by the weights Denominator : in out HArray1OfReal from TColStd ; -- Array has the following dimension -- <1, NbPoles> Degree : in out Integer from Standard ; Knots : in out HArray1OfReal from TColStd ; Mults : in out HArray1OfInteger from TColStd) raises ConstructionError is static ; fields poles : HArray1OfPnt2d is protected; weights : HArray1OfReal is protected; knots : HArray1OfReal is protected; mults : HArray1OfInteger is protected; degree : Integer is protected; nbPoles : Integer is protected; nbKnots : Integer is protected; isperiodic : Boolean is protected; end ConicToBSplineCurve;