// File: ChFiKPart_ComputeData_ChPlnPln.cxx // Created: Fri Apr 28 09:48:55 1995 // Author Flore Lantheaume // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //======================================================================= //function : MakeChamfer //Purpose : Compute the chamfer in the particular case plane/plane. // Compute the SurfData of the chamfer on the // between the plane and the plane , with distances // on and on . // is the parameter of the start point on the // and are the orientations of the plane and // , and the orientation of the face build on the // plane . //Out : True if the chamfer has been computed // False else //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFiKPart_MakeChamfer(TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& Data, const gp_Pln& Pl1, const gp_Pln& Pl2, const TopAbs_Orientation Or1, const TopAbs_Orientation Or2, const Standard_Real Dis1, const Standard_Real Dis2, const gp_Lin& Spine, const Standard_Real First, const TopAbs_Orientation Of1) { // Creation of the plane which carry the chamfer // compute the normals to the planes Pl1 and Pl2 gp_Ax3 Pos1 = Pl1.Position(); gp_Dir D1 = Pos1.XDirection().Crossed(Pos1.YDirection()); if (Or1 == TopAbs_REVERSED) { D1.Reverse(); } gp_Ax3 Pos2 = Pl2.Position(); gp_Dir D2 = Pos2.XDirection().Crossed(Pos2.YDirection()); if (Or2 == TopAbs_REVERSED) { D2.Reverse(); } // compute the intersection line of Pl1 and Pl2 IntAna_QuadQuadGeo LInt (Pl1,Pl2,Precision::Angular(), Precision::Confusion()); gp_Pnt P; Standard_Real Fint; if (LInt.IsDone()) { Fint = ElCLib::Parameter(LInt.Line(1),ElCLib::Value(First,Spine)); P = ElCLib::Value(Fint,LInt.Line(1)); } else { return Standard_False; } gp_Dir LinAx1 = Spine.Direction(); gp_Dir VecTransl1 = LinAx1.Crossed(D1); if ( VecTransl1.Dot(D2) <=0. ) VecTransl1.Reverse(); gp_Dir VecTransl2 = LinAx1.Crossed(D2); if ( VecTransl2.Dot(D1) <=0. ) VecTransl2.Reverse(); // Compute a point on the plane Pl1 and on the chamfer gp_Pnt P1( P.X()+Dis1*VecTransl1.X(), P.Y()+Dis1*VecTransl1.Y(), P.Z()+Dis1*VecTransl1.Z()); // Point on the plane Pl2 and on the chamfer gp_Pnt P2( P.X()+Dis2*VecTransl2.X(), P.Y()+Dis2*VecTransl2.Y(), P.Z()+Dis2*VecTransl2.Z()); //the middle point of P1 P2 is the origin of the chamfer gp_Pnt Po ( (P1.X()+P2.X())/2. ,(P1.Y()+P2.Y())/2. , (P1.Z()+P2.Z())/2. ); // compute a second point on the plane Pl2 gp_Pnt Pp = ElCLib::Value(Fint+10.,LInt.Line(1)); gp_Pnt P22(Pp.X()+Dis2*VecTransl2.X(), Pp.Y()+Dis2*VecTransl2.Y(), Pp.Z()+Dis2*VecTransl2.Z()); // Compute the normal vector to the chamfer's plane gp_Dir V1 ( P2.X()-P1.X(), P2.Y()-P1.Y(), P2.Z()-P1.Z()); gp_Dir V2 ( P22.X()-P1.X(), P22.Y()-P1.Y(), P22.Z()-P1.Z()); gp_Dir AxisPlan = V1.Crossed(V2); gp_Dir xdir = LinAx1; // u axis gp_Ax3 PlanAx3 ( Po, AxisPlan, xdir); if (PlanAx3.YDirection().Dot(D2)>=0.) PlanAx3.YReverse(); Handle(Geom_Plane) gpl= new Geom_Plane(PlanAx3); Data->ChangeSurf(ChFiKPart_IndexSurfaceInDS(gpl,DStr)); // About the orientation of the chamfer plane // Compute the normal to the face 1 gp_Dir norpl = Pos1.XDirection().Crossed(Pos1.YDirection()); gp_Dir norface1 = norpl; if (Of1 == TopAbs_REVERSED ) { norface1.Reverse(); } // Compute the orientation of the chamfer plane gp_Dir norplch = gpl->Pln().Position().XDirection().Crossed ( gpl->Pln().Position().YDirection()); gp_Dir DirCh12(gp_Vec(P1, P2)); Standard_Boolean toreverse = ( norplch.Dot(norface1) <= 0. ); if (VecTransl1.Dot(DirCh12) > 0) toreverse = !toreverse; if (toreverse) Data->ChangeOrientation() = TopAbs_REVERSED; else Data->ChangeOrientation() = TopAbs_FORWARD; // Loading of the FaceInterferences with pcurves & 3d curves. // case face 1 gp_Lin linPln(P1, xdir); Handle(Geom_Line) GLinPln1 = new Geom_Line(linPln); Standard_Real u,v; ElSLib::PlaneParameters(Pos1,P1,u,v); gp_Pnt2d p2dPln(u,v); gp_Dir2d dir2dPln( xdir.Dot(Pos1.XDirection()), xdir.Dot(Pos1.YDirection())); gp_Lin2d lin2dPln(p2dPln,dir2dPln); Handle(Geom2d_Line) GLin2dPln1 = new Geom2d_Line(lin2dPln); ElSLib::PlaneParameters(PlanAx3,P1,u,v); p2dPln.SetCoord(u,v); lin2dPln.SetLocation(p2dPln); lin2dPln.SetDirection(gp::DX2d()); Handle(Geom2d_Line) GLin2dPlnCh1 = new Geom2d_Line(lin2dPln); TopAbs_Orientation trans; toreverse = ( norplch.Dot(norpl) <= 0. ); if (VecTransl1.Dot(DirCh12) > 0) toreverse = !toreverse; if (toreverse) trans = TopAbs_FORWARD; else trans = TopAbs_REVERSED; Data->ChangeInterferenceOnS1(). SetInterference(ChFiKPart_IndexCurveInDS(GLinPln1,DStr), trans,GLin2dPln1,GLin2dPlnCh1); // case face 2 linPln.SetLocation(P2); Handle(Geom_Line) GLinPln2 = new Geom_Line(linPln); ElSLib::PlaneParameters(Pos2,P2,u,v); p2dPln.SetCoord(u,v); dir2dPln.SetCoord( xdir.Dot(Pos2.XDirection()), xdir.Dot(Pos2.YDirection())); lin2dPln.SetLocation(p2dPln); lin2dPln.SetDirection(dir2dPln); Handle(Geom2d_Line) GLin2dPln2 = new Geom2d_Line(lin2dPln); ElSLib::PlaneParameters(PlanAx3,P2,u,v); p2dPln.SetCoord(u,v); lin2dPln.SetLocation(p2dPln); lin2dPln.SetDirection(gp::DX2d()); Handle(Geom2d_Line) GLin2dPlnCh2 = new Geom2d_Line(lin2dPln); norpl = Pos2.XDirection().Crossed(Pos2.YDirection()); toreverse = ( norplch.Dot(norpl) <= 0. ); if (VecTransl2.Dot(DirCh12) < 0) toreverse = !toreverse; if (toreverse) trans = TopAbs_REVERSED; else trans = TopAbs_FORWARD; Data->ChangeInterferenceOnS2(). SetInterference(ChFiKPart_IndexCurveInDS(GLinPln2,DStr), trans,GLin2dPln2,GLin2dPlnCh2); return Standard_True; }