-- File: ChFiDS_Regul.cdl -- Created: Tue Mar 21 10:47:55 1995 -- Author: Laurent BOURESCHE -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 class Regul from ChFiDS ---Purpose: Storage of a curve and its 2 faces or surfaces of support. is Create returns Regul from ChFiDS; SetCurve(me : in out; IC : Integer from Standard) is static; SetS1(me : in out; IS1 : Integer from Standard; IsFace : Boolean from Standard = Standard_True) is static; SetS2(me : in out; IS2 : Integer from Standard; IsFace : Boolean from Standard = Standard_True) is static; IsSurface1(me) returns Boolean from Standard is static; IsSurface2(me) returns Boolean from Standard is static; Curve(me) returns Integer from Standard is static; S1(me) returns Integer from Standard is static; S2(me) returns Integer from Standard is static; fields icurv : Integer from Standard; is1 : Integer from Standard; is2 : Integer from Standard; end Regul;