-- File: ChFiDS_FilSpine.cdl -- Created: Mon Apr 24 16:48:31 1995 -- Author: Modelistation -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 class FilSpine from ChFiDS inherits Spine from ChFiDS ---Purpose: Provides data specific to the fillets - -- vector or rule of evolution (C2). -- uses HArray1OfReal from TColStd, HElSpine from ChFiDS, Function from Law, Laws from Law, Composite from Law, Edge from TopoDS, Vertex from TopoDS, SequenceOfXY from TColgp, XY from gp is Create returns mutable FilSpine from ChFiDS; Create(Tol : Real from Standard) returns mutable FilSpine from ChFiDS; Reset(me : mutable; AllData : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) is redefined; ------------------------------------------------ -- Update selectif du rayon par edges ou vertex. ------------------------------------------------ SetRadius(me : mutable; Radius : Real from Standard; E : Edge from TopoDS) ---Purpose: initializes the constant vector on edge E. is static; UnSetRadius(me : mutable; E : Edge from TopoDS) ---Purpose: resets the constant vector on edge E. is static; SetRadius(me : mutable; Radius : Real from Standard; V : Vertex from TopoDS) ---Purpose: initializes the vector on Vertex V. is static; UnSetRadius(me : mutable; V : Vertex from TopoDS) ---Purpose: resets the vector on Vertex V. is static; SetRadius(me : mutable; UandR : XY from gp; IinC : Integer from Standard) ---Purpose: initializes the vector on the point of parameter W. is static; SetRadius(me : mutable;Radius : Real from Standard) ---Purpose: initializes the constant vector on all spine. is static; SetRadius(me : mutable; C : Function from Law; IinC : Integer from Standard) ---Purpose: initializes the rule of evolution on all spine. is static; IsConstant(me) returns Boolean from Standard ---Purpose: returns true if the radius is constant -- all along the spine. is static; IsConstant(me; IE : Integer from Standard) returns Boolean from Standard ---Purpose: returns true if the radius is constant -- all along the edge E. is static; Radius(me) returns Real from Standard; ---Purpose: returns the radius if the fillet is constant -- all along the spine. Radius(me; IE : Integer from Standard) returns Real from Standard; ---Purpose: returns the radius if the fillet is constant -- all along the edge E. Radius(me; E : Edge from TopoDS) returns Real from Standard; ---Purpose: returns the radius if the fillet is constant -- all along the edge E. ComputeLaw(me : mutable; Els : HElSpine from ChFiDS) returns mutable Composite from Law is private; AppendElSpine(me : mutable; Els : HElSpine from ChFiDS) is redefined; AppendLaw(me : mutable; Els : HElSpine from ChFiDS) is private; Law(me; Els : HElSpine from ChFiDS) returns mutable Composite from Law is static; ChangeLaw(me : mutable; E : Edge from TopoDS) ---C++: return & returns mutable Function from Law ---Purpose: returns the elementary law is static; MaxRadFromSeqAndLaws(me) returns Real from Standard; ---Purpose: returns the maximum radius if the fillet is non-constant fields --radius : HArray1OfReal from TColStd; parandrad : SequenceOfXY from TColgp; laws : Laws from Law; end FilSpine;