// File: ChFi3d_Builder_2.cxx // Created: Wed Dec 15 11:03:27 1993 // Author: Isabelle GRIGNON // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DEB #ifdef DRAW #include #endif #include //Standard_IMPORT extern Standard_Real t_perfsetofkpart,t_perfsetofkgen, Standard_IMPORT Standard_Real t_perfsetofkpart,t_perfsetofkgen, t_makextremities,t_performsurf,t_startsol; //Standard_IMPORT extern Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_GettraceCHRON(); Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_GettraceCHRON(); //Standard_IMPORT extern void ChFi3d_InitChron(OSD_Chronometer& ch); Standard_IMPORT void ChFi3d_InitChron(OSD_Chronometer& ch); //Standard_IMPORT extern void ChFi3d_ResultChron(OSD_Chronometer & ch, Standard_IMPORT void ChFi3d_ResultChron(OSD_Chronometer & ch, Standard_Real& time); #endif // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Fri Dec 21 17:08:19 2001 Begin Standard_Boolean isTangentFaces(const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge, const TopoDS_Face &theFace1, const TopoDS_Face &theFace2); // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Fri Dec 21 17:08:19 2001 End //=================================================================== // Definition by a plane // // It is considered that P1 and P2 are points associated to commonpoints compoint1 and // compoint2, while E1 and E2 are edges containing P1 and P2. // The plane containing three directions D12 T1 T2 ou D12 represente la direction formee // par les points P1 et P2, T1 la tangente de E1 en P1 et T2 la tangente de // E2 en P2 is found (if exists). // Then fillet HConge is intersected by this plane // to find associated curve 3d C3d and the curve 2d. // //==================================================================== static void ChFi3d_CoupeParPlan (const ChFiDS_CommonPoint & compoint1, const ChFiDS_CommonPoint & compoint2, Handle(GeomAdaptor_HSurface)& HConge, const gp_Pnt2d & UV1, const gp_Pnt2d & UV2, const Standard_Real tol3d, const Standard_Real tol2d, Handle(Geom_Curve) &C3d, Handle(Geom2d_Curve) &pcurve, Standard_Real & tolreached, Standard_Real & Pardeb, Standard_Real & Parfin, Standard_Boolean & plane) { plane=Standard_True; if(compoint1.IsOnArc() && compoint2.IsOnArc() ) { gp_Pnt P1,P2; BRepAdaptor_Curve BCurv1(compoint1.Arc()); BRepAdaptor_Curve BCurv2(compoint2.Arc()); Standard_Real parE1,parE2; parE1=compoint1.ParameterOnArc(); parE2=compoint2.ParameterOnArc(); gp_Vec t1,t2; BCurv1.D1(parE1,P1,t1); BCurv2.D1(parE2,P2,t2); gp_Dir tgt1(t1); gp_Dir tgt2(t2); gp_Vec v12(P2.X()-P1.X(),P2.Y()-P1.Y(),P2.Z()-P1.Z()); gp_Dir d12(v12); gp_Dir nor =tgt1.Crossed(d12); Handle (Geom_Plane) Plan=new Geom_Plane(P1,nor); Standard_Real scal; scal=Abs(nor.Dot(tgt2)); if (scal<0.01) { Handle(GeomAdaptor_HSurface) HPlan=new GeomAdaptor_HSurface(Plan); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2dint2; TColStd_Array1OfReal Pdeb(1,4),Pfin(1,4); GeomAdaptor_Surface AS(Plan); Extrema_ExtPS ext(P1,AS,1.e-3,1.e-3); Extrema_ExtPS ext1 (P2,AS,1.e-3,1.e-3); Standard_Real u1,v1; ext.Point(1).Parameter(u1,v1); Pdeb(1)= UV1.X();Pdeb(2) = UV1.Y(); Pdeb(3)= u1;Pdeb(4) =v1; ext1.Point(1).Parameter(u1,v1); Pfin(1)= UV2.X();Pfin(2) = UV2.Y(); Pfin(3)= u1;Pfin(4) = v1; if (ChFi3d_ComputeCurves(HConge,HPlan,Pdeb,Pfin,C3d, pcurve,C2dint2,tol3d,tol2d,tolreached)){ Pardeb=C3d->FirstParameter(); Parfin=C3d->LastParameter(); } else plane=Standard_False; } else plane=Standard_False; } else plane=Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : SortieTangente //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean SortieTangente(const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CP, const TopoDS_Face& /*F*/, const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& /*SD*/, const Standard_Integer /*OnS*/, const Standard_Real TolAngular) { if(!CP.HasVector()) return Standard_False; gp_Pnt P; gp_Vec Darc, Dsurf; Handle(Geom_Curve) C; Standard_Real Uf, Ul; C = BRep_Tool::Curve(CP.Arc(),Uf,Ul); C->D1(CP.ParameterOnArc(), P, Darc); Dsurf = CP.Vector(); return Dsurf.IsParallel(Darc, TolAngular); } //======================================================================= //function : BonVoisin //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean BonVoisin(const gp_Pnt& Point, Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HS, TopoDS_Face& F, Handle(GeomAdaptor_HSurface)& plane, const TopoDS_Edge& cured, Standard_Real& XDep, Standard_Real& YDep, const ChFiDS_Map& EFMap, const Standard_Real tolesp) { Standard_Boolean bonvoisin = 1; Standard_Real winter, Uf, Ul; gp_Pnt papp = HS->Value(XDep, YDep); Standard_Real dist = RealLast(); Handle(BRepAdaptor_HCurve) hc = new BRepAdaptor_HCurve(); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) PC; Standard_Boolean found = 0; TopExp_Explorer Ex; for(Ex.Init(F,TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()){ const TopoDS_Edge& ecur = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current()); if(!ecur.IsSame(cured)){ hc->ChangeCurve().Initialize(ecur); Standard_Real tolc = hc->ChangeCurve().Resolution(tolesp); if(ChFi3d_InterPlaneEdge(plane,hc,winter,1,tolc)){ gp_Pnt np = hc->Value(winter); Standard_Real ndist = np.SquareDistance(papp); if(ndistChangeSurface().Initialize(ff); if(isclosed && !isreallyclosed){ TopoDS_Face fff = ff; fff.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); TopExp_Explorer Ex2; for(Ex2.Init(fff,TopAbs_EDGE); Ex2.More(); Ex2.Next()){ if(newe.IsSame(Ex2.Current())){ newe = TopoDS::Edge(Ex2.Current()); PC = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(newe,fff,Uf,Ul); break; } } } else PC = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(newe,ff,Uf,Ul); PC->Value(winter).Coord(XDep,YDep); if(issame){ gp_Pnt spt; gp_Vec sdu,sdv,nors; HS->D1(XDep, YDep, spt, sdu, sdv); nors = sdu.Crossed(sdv); gp_Pnt cpt; gp_Vec cd; hc->D1(winter,cpt,cd); gp_Vec vref(Point, cpt); TopoDS_Face fff = ff; fff.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); if(vref.Dot(nors.Crossed(cd)) < 0.){ newe.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); } PC = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(newe,fff,Uf,Ul); PC->Value(winter).Coord(XDep, YDep); } break; } } } } } } if(!found) bonvoisin = 0; return bonvoisin; } //======================================================================= //function : Projection //purpose : Projects a point on a curve //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean Projection(Extrema_ExtPC& PExt, const gp_Pnt& P, const Adaptor3d_Curve& C, Standard_Real& W, Standard_Real Tol) { Standard_Real Dist2, daux2; Dist2 = C.Value(W).SquareDistance(P); // It is checked if it is not already a solution if (Dist2 < Tol * Tol) return Standard_True; Standard_Boolean Ok = Standard_False; // On essai une resolution initialise Extrema_LocateExtPC ext(P,C,W,Tol/10); if(ext.IsDone()) { daux2 = C.Value(ext.Point().Parameter()).SquareDistance(P); if (daux2 InterferenceOnS1().Parameter(isfirst); const BRepAdaptor_Curve& bc = Spine->CurrentElementarySpine(iedge); if(Spine->Edges(iedge).Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) bc.D1(wtg+bc.FirstParameter(),ped,ded); else{ bc.D1(-wtg+bc.LastParameter(),ped,ded); ded.Reverse(); } ded.Normalize(); } //======================================================================= //function : IsInput //purpose : Checks if a vector belongs to a Face //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean IsInput(const gp_Vec& Vec, const TopoDS_Vertex& Ve, const TopoDS_Face& Fa) { TopExp_Explorer FaceExp(Fa, TopAbs_WIRE); BRepTools_WireExplorer WireExp; Standard_Integer Trouve = 0; TopoDS_Wire W; TopoDS_Edge E; TopoDS_Vertex Vf, Vl; gp_Vec Vec3d[2]; gp_Pnt Point; // Find edges and compute 3D vectors for ( ; (FaceExp.More() && (Trouve<2)); FaceExp.Next()) { W = TopoDS::Wire(FaceExp.Current()); for (Trouve=0, WireExp.Init(W) ; WireExp.More() && (Trouve<2); WireExp.Next()) { E = TopoDS::Edge(WireExp.Current()); TopExp::Vertices(E, Vf, Vl); if (Vf.IsSame(Ve)) { BRepAdaptor_Curve Cb(E); Cb.D1(BRep_Tool::Parameter(Ve, E), Point, Vec3d[Trouve]); Trouve++; } else if (Vl.IsSame(Ve)) { BRepAdaptor_Curve Cb(E); Cb.D1(BRep_Tool::Parameter(Ve, E), Point, Vec3d[Trouve]); Vec3d[Trouve].Reverse(); Trouve++; } } } if (Trouve < 2) return Standard_False; // Calculate the normal and the angles in the asssociated vector plane gp_Vec Normal; Normal = Vec3d[0] ^ Vec3d[1]; if (Normal.SquareMagnitude() < Precision::Confusion()) {//Colinear case return (Vec.IsParallel(Vec3d[0],Precision::Confusion())); } Standard_Real amin, amax; amax = Vec3d[1].AngleWithRef(Vec3d[0], Normal); if (amax <0) { amin = amax; amax = 0; } else amin = 0; // Projection of the vector gp_Ax3 Axe(Point, Normal, Vec3d[0]); gp_Trsf Transf; Transf.SetTransformation (Axe); gp_XYZ coord = Vec.XYZ(); Transf.Transforms(coord); coord.SetZ(0); Transf.Invert(); Transf.Transforms(coord); gp_Vec theProj(coord); // and finally... Standard_Real Angle = theProj.AngleWithRef(Vec3d[0], Normal); return ( (Angle >= amin) && (Angle<=amax)); } //======================================================================= //function : IsG1 //purpose : Find a neighbor G1 by an edge //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean IsG1(const ChFiDS_Map& TheMap, const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Face& FRef, TopoDS_Face& FVoi) { TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape It; // Find a neighbor of E different from FRef (general case). for(It.Initialize(TheMap(E));It.More();It.Next()) { if (!TopoDS::Face(It.Value()).IsSame(FRef)) { FVoi = TopoDS::Face(It.Value()); // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Fri Dec 21 17:09:32 2001 Begin // if (BRep_Tool::Continuity(E,FRef,FVoi) != GeomAbs_C0) { if (isTangentFaces(E,FRef,FVoi)) { // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Fri Dec 21 17:09:33 2001 End return Standard_True; } } } // If is was not found it is checked if E is a cutting edge, // in which case FVoi = FRef is returned (less frequent case). TopExp_Explorer Ex; Standard_Boolean orset = Standard_False; #ifndef DEB TopAbs_Orientation orient = TopAbs_FORWARD ; #else TopAbs_Orientation orient; #endif TopoDS_Edge ed; for(Ex.Init(FRef,TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()){ ed = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current()); if(ed.IsSame(E)){ if(!orset){ orient = ed.Orientation(); orset = Standard_True; } else if(ed.Orientation() == TopAbs::Reverse(orient)){ FVoi = FRef; // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Fri Dec 21 17:15:12 2001 Begin // if (BRep_Tool::Continuity(E,FRef,FRef) >= GeomAbs_G1) { if (isTangentFaces(E,FRef,FRef)) { // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Fri Dec 21 17:15:16 2001 End return Standard_True; } return Standard_False; } } } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : SearchFaceOnV //purpose : Finds the output face(s) of the path by a vertex // The following criteria should be followed // -1 : The face shares regular edges with FRef // (too hard condition that should be reconsidered) // -2 : The vector starting in CommonPoint "belongs" to the face //======================================================================== static Standard_Integer SearchFaceOnV(const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& Pc, const TopoDS_Face& FRef, const ChFiDS_Map& VEMap, const ChFiDS_Map& EFMap, TopoDS_Face& F1, TopoDS_Face& F2) { // it is checked that it leaves the current face. Standard_Boolean FindFace = IsInput(Pc.Vector(), Pc.Vertex(), FRef); if (FindFace) { FindFace = IsInput(Pc.Vector().Reversed(), Pc.Vertex(), FRef); } // If it does not leave, it is finished if (FindFace) { F1 = FRef; return 1; } Standard_Integer Num = 0; Standard_Boolean Trouve; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ItE, ItF; TopoDS_Edge E; TopoDS_Face FVoi; for(ItE.Initialize(VEMap(Pc.Vertex())); ItE.More() && (Num < 2); ItE.Next()) { E = TopoDS::Edge(ItE.Value()); for(ItF.Initialize(EFMap(E)), Trouve=Standard_False; ItF.More()&&(!Trouve); ItF.Next()) { if (TopoDS::Face(ItF.Value()).IsSame(FRef)) { Trouve = Standard_True; } } if (Trouve) Trouve = IsG1(EFMap, E, FRef, FVoi); if (Trouve) Trouve = IsInput(Pc.Vector(), Pc.Vertex(), FVoi); if (Trouve) { if (Num == 0) F1 = FVoi; else F2 = FVoi; Num++; } } return Num; } //======================================================================= //function : ChangeTransition //purpose : Changes the transition of the second common Point, when the surface // does not cross the arc // As it is supposed that the support Faces are the same, it is enough // to examine the cas of cutting edges. //======================================================================== static void ChangeTransition(const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& Precedant, ChFiDS_CommonPoint& Courant, Standard_Integer FaceIndex, const Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure)& DS) { Standard_Boolean tochange = Standard_True; Standard_Real f,l; const TopoDS_Face& F = TopoDS::Face(DS->Shape(FaceIndex)); const TopoDS_Edge& Arc = Precedant.Arc(); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) PCurve1, PCurve2; PCurve1 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(Arc, F, f, l); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = Arc.Reversed(); PCurve2 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape), F, f, l); // PCurve2 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(TopoDS::Edge(Arc.Reversed()), F, f, l); if (PCurve1 != PCurve2) { // This is a cutting edge, it is necessary to make a small Geometric test gp_Vec tgarc; gp_Pnt P; BRepAdaptor_Curve AC(Arc); AC.D1(Precedant.ParameterOnArc(), P, tgarc); tochange = tgarc.IsParallel(Precedant.Vector(), Precision::Confusion()); } if (tochange) Courant.SetArc(Precision::Confusion(), Arc, Precedant.ParameterOnArc(), TopAbs::Reverse(Precedant.TransitionOnArc())); } //======================================================================= //function : CallPerformSurf //purpose : Encapsulates call to PerformSurf/SimulSurf //======================================================================== void ChFi3d_Builder:: CallPerformSurf(Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& Stripe, const Standard_Boolean Simul, ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData& SeqSD, Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& SD, const Handle(ChFiDS_HElSpine)& HGuide, const Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& Spine, const Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HS1, const Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HS3, const gp_Pnt2d& pp1, const gp_Pnt2d& pp3, Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& It1, const Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HS2, const Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HS4, const gp_Pnt2d& pp2, const gp_Pnt2d& pp4, Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& It2, const Standard_Real MaxStep, const Standard_Real Fleche, const Standard_Real /*TolGuide*/, Standard_Real& First, Standard_Real& Last, const Standard_Boolean Inside, const Standard_Boolean /*Appro*/, const Standard_Boolean forward, const Standard_Boolean RecOnS1, const Standard_Boolean RecOnS2, math_Vector& Soldep, Standard_Boolean& intf, Standard_Boolean& intl, Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& Surf1, Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& Surf2) { #ifdef DEB OSD_Chronometer ch1; #endif Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface) HSon1, HSon2; HSon1 = HS1; HSon2 = HS2; // Definition of the domain of path It1, It2 It1->Initialize(HS1); It2->Initialize(HS2); TopAbs_Orientation Or1 = HS1->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); TopAbs_Orientation Or2 = HS2->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); Standard_Integer Choix = ChFi3d::NextSide(Or1,Or2, Stripe->OrientationOnFace1(), Stripe->OrientationOnFace2(), Stripe->Choix()); Soldep(1) = pp1.X(); Soldep(2) = pp1.Y(); Soldep(3) = pp2.X(); Soldep(4) = pp2.Y(); Standard_Real thef = First, thel = Last; Standard_Boolean isdone; if(Simul){ isdone = SimulSurf(SD,HGuide,Spine,Choix,HS1,It1,HS2,It2,tolesp,First,Last, Inside,Inside,forward,RecOnS1,RecOnS2,Soldep,intf,intl); } else{ #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_InitChron(ch1);//initial perform for PerformSurf #endif isdone = PerformSurf(SeqSD,HGuide,Spine,Choix,HS1,It1,HS2,It2, MaxStep,Fleche,tolesp, First,Last,Inside,Inside,forward, RecOnS1,RecOnS2,Soldep,intf,intl); #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_ResultChron(ch1,t_performsurf);// result perf for PerformSurf #endif } // Case of error if (!isdone) { First = thef; Last = thel; Standard_Boolean reprise = Standard_False; if (! HS3.IsNull()) { HSon1 = HS3; It1->Initialize(HS3); Or1 = HS3->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); Soldep(1) = pp3.X(); Soldep(2) = pp3.Y(); reprise = Standard_True; } else if (! HS4.IsNull()) { HSon2 = HS4; It2->Initialize(HS4); Or2 = HS4->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); Soldep(3) = pp4.X(); Soldep(4) = pp4.Y(); reprise = Standard_True; } if (reprise) { Choix = ChFi3d::NextSide(Or1,Or2, Stripe->OrientationOnFace1(), Stripe->OrientationOnFace2(), Stripe->Choix()); if(Simul){ isdone = SimulSurf(SD,HGuide,Spine,Choix,HSon1,It1,HSon2,It2, tolesp,First,Last, Inside,Inside,forward,RecOnS1,RecOnS2, Soldep,intf,intl); } else{ #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_InitChron(ch1);//init perf for PerformSurf #endif isdone = PerformSurf(SeqSD,HGuide,Spine,Choix,HSon1,It1,HSon2,It2, MaxStep,Fleche,tolesp, First,Last,Inside,Inside,forward, RecOnS1,RecOnS2,Soldep,intf,intl); #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_ResultChron(ch1,t_performsurf);// result perf for PerformSurf #endif } } } Surf1 = HSon1; Surf2 = HSon2; } //======================================================================= //function : StripeOrientation //purpose : Calculates the reference orientation determining the // concave face for construction of the fillet. //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_Builder::StripeOrientations (const Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& Spine, TopAbs_Orientation& Or1, TopAbs_Orientation& Or2, Standard_Integer& ChoixConge) const { //TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape It; BRepAdaptor_Surface Sb1,Sb2; TopAbs_Orientation Of1,Of2; TopoDS_Face ff1,ff2; ChFi3d_conexfaces(Spine->Edges(1),ff1,ff2,myEFMap); Of1 = ff1.Orientation(); ff1.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); Sb1.Initialize(ff1); Of2 = ff2.Orientation(); ff2.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); Sb2.Initialize(ff2); ChoixConge = ChFi3d::ConcaveSide(Sb1,Sb2,Spine->Edges(1), Or1,Or2); Or1 = TopAbs::Compose(Or1,Of1); Or2 = TopAbs::Compose(Or2,Of2); return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : ConexFaces //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_Builder::ConexFaces (const Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& Spine, const Standard_Integer IEdge, const Standard_Integer RC, Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HS1, Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HS2) const { if(HS1.IsNull()) HS1 = new BRepAdaptor_HSurface (); if(HS2.IsNull()) HS2 = new BRepAdaptor_HSurface (); BRepAdaptor_Surface& Sb1 = HS1->ChangeSurface(); BRepAdaptor_Surface& Sb2 = HS2->ChangeSurface(); TopoDS_Face ff1,ff2; ChFi3d_conexfaces(Spine->Edges(IEdge),ff1,ff2,myEFMap); Sb1.Initialize(ff1); Sb2.Initialize(ff2); TopAbs_Orientation Or1,Or2; Standard_Integer Choix = ChFi3d::ConcaveSide(Sb1,Sb2,Spine->Edges(IEdge), Or1,Or2); if (RC%2 != Choix%2) { Sb1.Initialize(ff2); Sb2.Initialize(ff1); } } //======================================================================= //function : StartSol //purpose : Calculates a starting solution : // - one starts by parsing about ten points on the spine, // - in case of fail one finds the solution on neighbor faces; // section plane of edges of the adjacent face // and identication of the face by connection to that edge. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_Builder::StartSol(const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& Stripe, const Handle(ChFiDS_HElSpine)& HGuide, Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HS1, Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HS2, Handle(BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool)& I1, Handle(BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool)& I2, gp_Pnt2d& P1, gp_Pnt2d& P2, Standard_Real& First) const { Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& Spine = Stripe->ChangeSpine(); ChFiDS_ElSpine& els = HGuide->ChangeCurve(); Standard_Integer nbed = Spine->NbEdges(); Standard_Integer nbessaimax = 3*nbed; if (nbessaimax < 10) nbessaimax = 10; Standard_Real unsurnbessaimax = 1./nbessaimax; Standard_Real wf = 0.9981 * Spine->FirstParameter(1) + 0.0019 * Spine->LastParameter(1); Standard_Real wl = 0.9973 * Spine->LastParameter(nbed) + 0.0027 * Spine->FirstParameter(nbed); #ifndef DEB Standard_Real TolE = 1.0e-7; #else Standard_Real TolE; #endif BRepAdaptor_Surface AS; Standard_Integer nbessai; Standard_Integer iedge = 0; Standard_Integer RC = Stripe->Choix(); gp_Vec2d derive; gp_Pnt2d P2d; TopoDS_Edge cured; TopoDS_Face f1,f2; TopAbs_Orientation Or1,Or2; #ifndef DEB Standard_Integer Choix = 0; #else Standard_Integer Choix; #endif math_Vector SolDep(1,4); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) PC; Extrema_ExtPC PExt; PExt.Initialize(els, Spine->FirstParameter(1), Spine->LastParameter(nbed), Precision::Confusion()); TopAbs_State Pos1,Pos2; for(nbessai = 0; nbessai <= nbessaimax; nbessai++){ Standard_Real t = nbessai*unsurnbessaimax; Standard_Real w = wf * (1. -t) + wl * t; Standard_Integer ie = Spine->Index(w); if(iedge != ie){ iedge = ie; cured = Spine->Edges(iedge); TolE = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(cured); ConexFaces(Spine,iedge,RC,HS1,HS2); f1 = HS1->ChangeSurface().Face(); f2 = HS2->ChangeSurface().Face(); Or1 = f1.Orientation(); Or2 = f2.Orientation(); Choix = ChFi3d::NextSide(Or1,Or2, Stripe->OrientationOnFace1(), Stripe->OrientationOnFace2(), RC); } Standard_Real woned,Uf,Ul, ResU, ResV; Spine->Parameter(iedge,w,woned,Standard_True); cured.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); TopoDS_Face f1forward = f1, f2forward = f2; f1forward.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); f2forward.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); PC = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(cured,f1forward,Uf,Ul); I1->Initialize(HS1); PC->D1(woned, P1, derive); // There are ponts on the border, and internal points are found if (derive.Magnitude() > Precision::PConfusion()) { derive.Normalized(); derive.Rotate(PI/2); AS.Initialize(f1); ResU = AS.UResolution(TolE); ResV = AS.VResolution(TolE); derive *= 2*(Abs(derive.X())*ResU + Abs(derive.Y())*ResV); P2d = P1.Translated(derive); if (I1->Classify(P2d, Min(ResU, ResV), 0)== TopAbs_IN) { P1 = P2d; } else { P2d = P1.Translated(-derive); if (I1->Classify(P2d, Min(ResU, ResV), 0)== TopAbs_IN) { P1 = P2d; } } } if(f1.IsSame(f2)) cured.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); PC = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(cured,f2forward,Uf,Ul); P2 = PC->Value(woned); I2->Initialize(HS2); SolDep(1) = P1.X(); SolDep(2) = P1.Y(); SolDep(3) = P2.X(); SolDep(4) = P2.Y(); const BRepAdaptor_Curve& Ced = Spine->CurrentElementarySpine(iedge); gp_Pnt pnt = Ced.Value(woned); if (Projection(PExt, pnt, els, w, tolesp) && PerformFirstSection(Spine,HGuide,Choix,HS1,HS2, I1,I2,w,SolDep,Pos1,Pos2)) { P1.SetCoord(SolDep(1),SolDep(2)); P2.SetCoord(SolDep(3),SolDep(4)); First = w; return; } } // No solution was found for the faces adjacent to the trajectory. // Now one tries the neighbor faces. iedge = 0; for(nbessai = 0; nbessai <= nbessaimax; nbessai++){ Standard_Real t = nbessai*unsurnbessaimax; Standard_Real w = wf * (1. -t) + wl * t; iedge = Spine->Index(w); cured = Spine->Edges(iedge); ConexFaces(Spine,iedge,RC,HS1,HS2); f1 = HS1->ChangeSurface().Face(); f2 = HS2->ChangeSurface().Face(); Or1 = f1.Orientation(); Or2 = f2.Orientation(); Choix = ChFi3d::NextSide(Or1,Or2, Stripe->OrientationOnFace1(), Stripe->OrientationOnFace2(), RC); Standard_Real woned,Uf,Ul; Spine->Parameter(iedge,w,woned,Standard_True); TopoDS_Face f1forward = f1, f2forward = f2; f1forward.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); f2forward.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); PC = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(cured,f1forward,Uf,Ul); P1 = PC->Value(woned); PC = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(cured,f2forward,Uf,Ul); P2 = PC->Value(woned); I1->Initialize(HS1); I2->Initialize(HS2); SolDep(1) = P1.X(); SolDep(2) = P1.Y(); SolDep(3) = P2.X(); SolDep(4) = P2.Y(); const BRepAdaptor_Curve& Ced = Spine->CurrentElementarySpine(iedge); gp_Pnt pnt = Ced.Value(woned); // Extrema_LocateExtPC ext(pnt,els,w,1.e-8); // if(ext.IsDone()){ // w = ext.Point().Parameter(); if (Projection(PExt, pnt, els, w, tolesp)) { PerformFirstSection(Spine,HGuide,Choix,HS1,HS2, I1,I2,w,SolDep,Pos1,Pos2); gp_Pnt P; gp_Vec V; HGuide->D1(w,P,V); Handle(Geom_Plane) pl = new Geom_Plane(P,V); Handle(GeomAdaptor_HSurface) plane = new GeomAdaptor_HSurface(pl); Standard_Boolean bonvoisin = 1, found = 0; Standard_Integer NbChangement; for (NbChangement = 1; bonvoisin && (!found) && (NbChangement < 5); NbChangement++) { if(Pos1 != TopAbs_IN){ bonvoisin = BonVoisin(P, HS1, f1, plane, cured, SolDep(1),SolDep(2), myEFMap, tolesp); } if(Pos2 != TopAbs_IN && bonvoisin){ bonvoisin = BonVoisin(P, HS2, f2, plane, cured, SolDep(3),SolDep(4), myEFMap, tolesp); } if(bonvoisin){ f1 = HS1->ChangeSurface().Face(); f2 = HS2->ChangeSurface().Face(); Or1 = f1.Orientation(); Or2 = f2.Orientation(); Choix = ChFi3d::NextSide(Or1,Or2, Stripe->OrientationOnFace1(), Stripe->OrientationOnFace2(), RC); I1->Initialize(HS1); I2->Initialize(HS2); if(PerformFirstSection(Spine,HGuide,Choix,HS1,HS2, I1,I2,w,SolDep,Pos1,Pos2)){ P1.SetCoord(SolDep(1),SolDep(2)); P2.SetCoord(SolDep(3),SolDep(4)); First = w; found = Standard_True; } } } if (found) return; } } Spine->SetErrorStatus(ChFiDS_StartsolFailure); Standard_Failure::Raise("StartSol echec"); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_BuildPlane //purpose : //======================================================================= static void ChFi3d_BuildPlane (TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HS, gp_Pnt2d& pons, const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& SD, const Standard_Boolean isfirst, const Standard_Integer ons) { Handle(Geom2d_Curve) Hc; TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS::Face(DStr.Shape(SD->Index(ons))); Standard_Real u,v; gp_Pnt P; //gp_Vec V1,V2; if (SD->Vertex(isfirst,ons).IsOnArc()){ Hc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface (SD->Vertex(isfirst,ons).Arc(),F,u,v); Hc->Value(SD->Vertex(isfirst,ons).ParameterOnArc()).Coord(u,v); BRepLProp_SLProps theProp(HS->ChangeSurface(), u, v, 1, 1.e-12); if (theProp.IsNormalDefined()) { P = theProp.Value(); Handle(Geom_Plane) Pln = new Geom_Plane(P, theProp.Normal()); TopoDS_Face NewF = (TopoDS_Face) BRepLib_MakeFace(Pln, Precision::Confusion()); NewF.Orientation(F.Orientation()); pons.SetCoord(0.,0.); HS->ChangeSurface().Initialize(NewF); return; // everything is good ! } } Standard_Failure::Raise("ChFi3d_BuildPlane : echec ."); } //======================================================================= //function : StartSol //purpose : If the commonpoint is not OnArc the input face // is returned and 2D point is updated, // if it is OnArc // if it is detached the input face // is returned and 2D point is updated, // otherwise // either there is a neighbor tangent face and it is returned // with recalculated 2D point // or if there is no face // if the reference arc is Vref (extremity of the spine) // this is the end and the input face is returned // otherwise this is an obstacle and HC is updated. //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_Builder::StartSol(const Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& Spine, Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HS, // New face gp_Pnt2d& pons,// " Localization Handle(BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d)& HC, // Representation of the obstacle Standard_Real& W, const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& SD, const Standard_Boolean isfirst, const Standard_Integer ons, Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HSref, // The other representation Handle(BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d)& HCref, // of the obstacle Standard_Boolean& RecP, Standard_Boolean& RecS, Standard_Boolean& RecRst, Standard_Boolean& c1obstacle, Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface)& HSBis, // Face of support gp_Pnt2d& PBis, // and its point const Standard_Boolean decroch, const TopoDS_Vertex& Vref) const { RecRst = RecS = RecP = c1obstacle = 0; TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr = myDS->ChangeDS(); TopoDS_Face Fv,Fref; //gp_Pnt2d pp1,pp2; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pc; Standard_Real Uf,Ul; TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS::Face(DStr.Shape(SD->Index(ons))); if(!HSref.IsNull()) Fref = HSref->ChangeSurface().Face(); const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CP = SD->Vertex(isfirst,ons); HSBis.Nullify(); if (CP.IsOnArc()) { Standard_Integer notons; if (ons == 1) notons = 2; else notons = 1; const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CPbis = SD->Vertex(isfirst,notons); if (CPbis.IsOnArc()) { // It is checked if it is not the extension zone // In case CP is not at the end of surfdata and it is not necesary to take it into account // except for separate cases (ie pointus) ... //ts and tns were earlier CP.Parameter() and CPbis.Parameter, but sometimes they had no values. Standard_Real ts=SD->Interference(ons).Parameter(isfirst), tns=SD->Interference(notons).Parameter(isfirst); Standard_Boolean isExtend; // Arbitrary test (to precise) if (isfirst) isExtend = (ts-tns > 100*tolesp); else isExtend = (tns-ts > 100*tolesp); if (isExtend && !CP.Point().IsEqual(CPbis.Point(), 0) ) { // the state is preserved and False is returned (extension by the expected plane). HS->ChangeSurface().Initialize(F); pc = SD->Interference(ons).PCurveOnFace(); // The 2nd point is given by its trace on the support surface RecS = Standard_False; pons = pc->Value(tns); return Standard_False; } } } if (CP.IsVertex() && !HC.IsNull() && !decroch){ //The edge is changed, the parameter is updated and //eventually the support face and(or) the reference face. TopoDS_Vertex VCP = CP.Vertex(); TopoDS_Edge EHC = HC->ChangeCurve2d().Edge(); //One starts by searching in Fref another edge referencing VCP. TopExp_Explorer ex1,ex2; TopoDS_Edge newedge, edgereg; TopoDS_Face bidface = Fref, facereg; bidface.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); for(ex1.Init(bidface,TopAbs_EDGE); ex1.More(); ex1.Next()){ const TopoDS_Edge& cured = TopoDS::Edge(ex1.Current()); Standard_Boolean found = 0; if(!cured.IsSame(EHC)){ for(ex2.Init(cured,TopAbs_VERTEX); ex2.More() && !found; ex2.Next()){ if(ex2.Current().IsSame(VCP)){ if(IsG1(myEFMap,cured,Fref,Fv)){ edgereg = cured; facereg = Fv; } else found = 1; } } } if(found) { newedge = cured; break; } } if(newedge.IsNull()){ //It is checked if EHC is not a closed edge. TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2; TopExp::Vertices(EHC,V1,V2); if(V1.IsSame(V2)){ newedge = EHC; Standard_Real w1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V1,EHC); Standard_Real w2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V2,EHC); const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& fi = SD->Interference(ons); const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& pcf = fi.PCurveOnFace(); Standard_Real ww = fi.Parameter(isfirst); gp_Pnt2d pww; if(!pcf.IsNull()) pww = pcf->Value(ww); else pww = SD->Get2dPoints(isfirst,ons); gp_Pnt2d p1 = HC->Value(w1); gp_Pnt2d p2 = HC->Value(w2); if(p1.Distance(pww) > p2.Distance(pww)){ W = w1; pons = p1; } else { W = w2; pons = p2; } RecP = c1obstacle = 1; return 1; } else if(!edgereg.IsNull()){ // the reference edge and face are changed. Fref = facereg; HSref->ChangeSurface().Initialize(Fref); for(ex1.Init(facereg,TopAbs_EDGE); ex1.More() && newedge.IsNull(); ex1.Next()){ const TopoDS_Edge& cured = TopoDS::Edge(ex1.Current()); if(!cured.IsSame(edgereg)){ for(ex2.Init(cured,TopAbs_VERTEX); ex2.More(); ex2.Next()){ if(ex2.Current().IsSame(VCP)){ if(!IsG1(myEFMap,cured,Fref,Fv)){ newedge = cured; } } } } } } } // it is necessary to find the new support face of the fillet : // connected to FRef along the newedge. if(newedge.IsNull()) { Standard_Failure::Raise ("StartSol : chain is not possible, new obstacle not found"); } if(IsG1(myEFMap,newedge,Fref,Fv)){ Standard_Failure::Raise ("StartSol : chain is not possible, config non processed"); } else if(Fv.IsNull()){ Standard_Failure::Raise ("StartSol : chain is not possible, new obstacle not found"); } else{ HS->ChangeSurface().Initialize(Fv); W = BRep_Tool::Parameter(VCP,newedge); HCref->ChangeCurve2d().Initialize(newedge,Fref); TopoDS_Face newface = Fv; newface.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); TopExp_Explorer ex; for(ex.Init(newface,TopAbs_EDGE); ex.More(); ex.Next()){ if(ex.Current().IsSame(newedge)){ newedge = TopoDS::Edge(ex.Current()); break; } } HC->ChangeCurve2d().Initialize(newedge,Fv); pons = HC->Value(W); } RecP = c1obstacle = 1; return 1; } // End of Case Vertex && Obstacle else if (CP.IsOnArc() && !HC.IsNull() && !decroch){ //Nothing is changed, the parameter is only updated. W = CP.ParameterOnArc(); c1obstacle = 1; return 1; } HC.Nullify(); if (CP.IsOnArc()){ const TopoDS_Edge& E = CP.Arc(); if(decroch){ HS->ChangeSurface().Initialize(Fref); W = CP.ParameterOnArc(); pc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(E,Fref,Uf,Ul); pons = pc->Value(W); RecS = 1; return 1; } if (SearchFace(Spine,CP,F,Fv)){ HS->ChangeSurface().Initialize(Fv); RecS = 1; if (CP.IsVertex()) { // One goes directly by the Vertex Standard_Integer Nb; TopoDS_Face aux; // And it is checked that there are no other candidates Nb = SearchFaceOnV(CP, F, myVEMap, myEFMap, Fv, aux); pons = BRep_Tool::Parameters(CP.Vertex(), Fv); HS->ChangeSurface().Initialize(Fv); if (Nb >=2) { HSBis = new (BRepAdaptor_HSurface)(aux); PBis = BRep_Tool::Parameters(CP.Vertex(), aux); } return 1; } // otherwise one passes by the arc... if(!Fv.IsSame(F)){ Fv.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); TopoDS_Edge newedge; TopExp_Explorer ex; for(ex.Init(Fv,TopAbs_EDGE); ex.More(); ex.Next()){ if(ex.Current().IsSame(E)){ newedge = TopoDS::Edge(ex.Current()); break; } } //gp_Vec Varc, VSurf; // In cas of Tangent output, the current face becomes the support face if (SortieTangente(CP, F, SD, ons, 0.1)) { pc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(CP.Arc(),F,Uf,Ul); HSBis = new (BRepAdaptor_HSurface)(F); PBis = pc->Value(CP.ParameterOnArc()); } pc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(newedge,Fv,Uf,Ul); } else{ TopoDS_Edge newedge = E; newedge.Reverse(); Fv.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); pc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(newedge,Fv,Uf,Ul); } pons = pc->Value(CP.ParameterOnArc()); return 1; } else if(!Fv.IsNull()){ c1obstacle = 1; if(!Vref.IsNull()){ TopExp_Explorer ex; for(ex.Init(E,TopAbs_VERTEX); ex.More(); ex.Next()){ if(ex.Current().IsSame(Vref)){ c1obstacle = 0; break; } } } if(c1obstacle){ HS->ChangeSurface().Initialize(Fv); HSref->ChangeSurface().Initialize(F); W = CP.ParameterOnArc(); HC = new BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d(); TopoDS_Edge newedge; TopoDS_Face newface = Fv; newface.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); TopExp_Explorer ex; for(ex.Init(newface,TopAbs_EDGE); ex.More(); ex.Next()){ if(ex.Current().IsSame(E)){ newedge = TopoDS::Edge(ex.Current()); break; } } HC->ChangeCurve2d().Initialize(newedge,Fv); pons = HC->Value(W); HCref->ChangeCurve2d().Initialize(E,F); if(CP.IsVertex()) RecP = 1; else RecRst = 1; return 1; } else{ HS->ChangeSurface().Initialize(F); W = CP.ParameterOnArc(); pc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(E,F,Uf,Ul); pons = pc->Value(W); return Standard_False; } } else{ // there is no neighbor face, the state is preserved and False is returned. HS->ChangeSurface().Initialize(F); W = CP.ParameterOnArc(); pc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(E,F,Uf,Ul); pons = pc->Value(W); return Standard_False; } } else{ HS->ChangeSurface().Initialize(F); const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& FI = SD->Interference(ons); if(FI.PCurveOnFace().IsNull()) pons = SD->Get2dPoints(isfirst,ons); else pons = FI.PCurveOnFace()->Value(FI.Parameter(isfirst)); } return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : SearchFace //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_Builder::SearchFace (const Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& Spine, const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& Pc, const TopoDS_Face& FRef, TopoDS_Face& FVoi) const { Standard_Boolean Trouve = Standard_False; if (! Pc.IsOnArc()) return Standard_False; FVoi.Nullify(); TopoDS_Edge E; if (Pc.IsVertex()){ // attention it is necessary to analyze all faces that turn around of the vertex #if DEB cout<<"Commonpoint on vertex, the process hangs up"< 0); } else { // Processing using the spine Standard_Boolean FindFace=Standard_False; gp_Pnt Point; gp_Vec VecSpine; Spine->D1(Pc.Parameter(), Point, VecSpine); // It is checked if one leaves from the current face. FindFace = IsInput(VecSpine, Pc.Vertex(), FRef); if (FindFace) { VecSpine.Reverse(); FindFace = IsInput(VecSpine, Pc.Vertex(), FRef); } // If one does not leave, it is ended if (FindFace) { FVoi = FRef; return Standard_True; } // Otherwise one finds the next among shared Faces // by a common edge G1 TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ItE, ItF; for(ItE.Initialize(myVEMap(Pc.Vertex())); ItE.More() && (!FindFace); ItE.Next()) { E = TopoDS::Edge(ItE.Value()); Trouve=Standard_False; for(ItF.Initialize(myEFMap(E));//, Trouve=Standard_False; 15.11.99 SVV ItF.More()&&(!Trouve); ItF.Next()) { if (TopoDS::Face(ItF.Value()).IsSame(FRef)) { Trouve = Standard_True; } } if (Trouve) FindFace = IsG1(myEFMap, E, FRef, FVoi); if (FindFace) { FindFace = Standard_False; if (Spine.IsNull()) { //La Spine peut etre nulle (ThreeCorner) #if DEB cout << "FindFace sur vertex avec spine nulle! QUEZAKO ?" << endl; #endif return Standard_False; } // It is checked if the selected face actually possesses edges of the spine // containing the vertex on its front // This processing should go only if the Vertex belongs to the spine // This is a single case, for other vertexes it is required to do other things Trouve=Standard_False; for (Standard_Integer IE=1;//, Trouve=Standard_False; 15.11.99 SVV (IE<=Spine->NbEdges()) && (!Trouve); IE++) { E = Spine->Edges(IE); if ( (TopExp::FirstVertex(E).IsSame(Pc.Vertex())) ||(TopExp::LastVertex(E) .IsSame(Pc.Vertex())) ) { for(ItF.Initialize(myEFMap(E)), Trouve=Standard_False; ItF.More()&&(!Trouve); ItF.Next()) { if (TopoDS::Face(ItF.Value()).IsSame(FVoi)) { Trouve = Standard_True; } } } } FindFace = Trouve; } } } } else { return IsG1(myEFMap, Pc.Arc(), FRef, FVoi); } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_SingularExtremity //purpose : load the vertex in the DS and calculate the pcurve // for an extremity in case of singular freeboundary // or periodic and singular at the cut. //======================================================================= static void ChFi3d_SingularExtremity( Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& stripe, TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, const TopoDS_Vertex& Vtx, const Standard_Real tol3d, const Standard_Real tol2d) { Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) Fd; Standard_Real tolreached; Standard_Real Pardeb, Parfin; gp_Pnt2d VOnS1, VOnS2; Handle(Geom_Curve) C3d; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) PCurv; TopOpeBRepDS_Curve Crv; // SurfData and its CommonPoints, Standard_Integer Ivtx, Icurv; Standard_Boolean isfirst; if (stripe->Spine()->IsPeriodic()) { isfirst = Standard_True; Fd = stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().First(); } else { Standard_Integer sens; Standard_Integer num = ChFi3d_IndexOfSurfData(Vtx,stripe,sens); Fd = stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().Value(num); isfirst = (sens == 1); } const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CV1 = Fd->Vertex(isfirst,1); const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CV2 = Fd->Vertex(isfirst,2); // Is it always degenerated ? if ( CV1.Point().IsEqual( CV2.Point(), 0) ) { Ivtx = ChFi3d_IndexPointInDS(CV1, DStr); if (isfirst) { VOnS1 = Fd->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS1().FirstParameter()); VOnS2 = Fd->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS2().FirstParameter()); } else { VOnS1 = Fd->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS1().LastParameter()); VOnS2 = Fd->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS2().LastParameter()); } ChFi3d_ComputeArete(CV1, VOnS1, CV2, VOnS2, DStr.Surface(Fd->Surf()).Surface(), C3d, PCurv, Pardeb,Parfin, tol3d, tol2d, tolreached,0); Crv = TopOpeBRepDS_Curve(C3d,tolreached); Icurv = DStr.AddCurve(Crv); stripe->SetCurve(Icurv, isfirst); stripe->SetParameters(isfirst, Pardeb,Parfin); stripe->ChangePCurve(isfirst) = PCurv; stripe->SetIndexPoint(Ivtx, isfirst, 1); stripe->SetIndexPoint(Ivtx, isfirst, 2); if (stripe->Spine()->IsPeriodic()) { // periodic case : The operation is renewed // the curve 3d is not shared. // 2 degenerated edges coinciding in 3d isfirst = Standard_False; Fd = stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().Last(); VOnS1 = Fd->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS1().LastParameter()); VOnS2 = Fd->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS2().LastParameter()); ChFi3d_ComputeArete(CV1, VOnS1, CV2, VOnS2, DStr.Surface(Fd->Surf()).Surface(), C3d, PCurv, Pardeb,Parfin, tol3d, tol2d, tolreached,0); Crv = TopOpeBRepDS_Curve(C3d,tolreached); Icurv = DStr.AddCurve(Crv); stripe->SetCurve(Icurv, isfirst); stripe->SetParameters(isfirst, Pardeb,Parfin); stripe->ChangePCurve(isfirst) = PCurv; stripe->SetIndexPoint(Ivtx, isfirst, 1); stripe->SetIndexPoint(Ivtx, isfirst, 2); } } } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_MakeExtremities //purpose : calculate Curves3d and pcurves of extremities in // periodic and freeboundary cases. //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean IsFree(const TopoDS_Shape& E, const ChFiDS_Map& EFMap) { if(!EFMap.Contains(E)) return 0; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape It; TopoDS_Shape Fref; for(It.Initialize(EFMap(E)); It.More(); It.Next()){ if(Fref.IsNull()) Fref = It.Value(); else if(!Fref.IsSame(It.Value())) return 0; } return 1; } static void ChFi3d_MakeExtremities(Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& Stripe, TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, const ChFiDS_Map& EFMap, const Standard_Real tol3d, const Standard_Real tol2d) { Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& sp = Stripe->ChangeSpine(); Standard_Real Pardeb,Parfin; Handle(Geom_Curve) C3d; Standard_Real tolreached; if(sp->IsPeriodic()){ Bnd_Box b1,b2; const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& SDF = Stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().First(); const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CV1 = SDF->VertexFirstOnS1(); const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CV2 = SDF->VertexFirstOnS2(); if ( !CV1.Point().IsEqual(CV2.Point(), 0) ) { ChFi3d_ComputeArete(CV1, SDF->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDF->InterferenceOnS1().FirstParameter()), CV2, SDF->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDF->InterferenceOnS2().FirstParameter()), DStr.Surface(SDF->Surf()).Surface(),C3d, Stripe->ChangeFirstPCurve(),Pardeb,Parfin, tol3d,tol2d,tolreached,0); TopOpeBRepDS_Curve Crv(C3d,tolreached); Stripe->ChangeFirstCurve(DStr.AddCurve(Crv)); Stripe->ChangeFirstParameters(Pardeb,Parfin); Stripe->ChangeIndexFirstPointOnS1 (ChFi3d_IndexPointInDS(SDF->VertexFirstOnS1(),DStr)); Stripe->ChangeIndexFirstPointOnS2 (ChFi3d_IndexPointInDS(SDF->VertexFirstOnS2(),DStr)); Standard_Integer ICurv = Stripe->FirstCurve(); Stripe->ChangeLastParameters(Pardeb,Parfin); Stripe->ChangeLastCurve(ICurv); Stripe->ChangeIndexLastPointOnS1(Stripe->IndexFirstPointOnS1()); Stripe->ChangeIndexLastPointOnS2(Stripe->IndexFirstPointOnS2()); const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& SDL = Stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().Last(); ChFi3d_ComputePCurv(C3d, SDL->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDL->InterferenceOnS1().LastParameter()), SDL->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDL->InterferenceOnS2().LastParameter()), Stripe->ChangeLastPCurve(), DStr.Surface(SDL->Surf()).Surface(), Pardeb,Parfin,tol3d,tolreached); Standard_Real oldtol = DStr.ChangeCurve(ICurv).Tolerance(); DStr.ChangeCurve(ICurv).Tolerance(Max(oldtol,tolreached)); if(CV1.IsOnArc()){ ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(CV1.Arc(),EFMap(CV1.Arc()),CV1.ParameterOnArc(),b1); } if(CV2.IsOnArc()){ ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(CV2.Arc(),EFMap(CV2.Arc()),CV2.ParameterOnArc(),b2); } ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(DStr,Stripe,SDF,b1,b2,1); ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(DStr,Stripe,SDL,b1,b2,0); if (!CV1.IsVertex()) ChFi3d_SetPointTolerance(DStr,b1,Stripe->IndexFirstPointOnS1()); if (!CV2.IsVertex()) ChFi3d_SetPointTolerance(DStr,b2,Stripe->IndexFirstPointOnS2()); } else { // Case of the single extremity if (CV1.IsVertex()) { ChFi3d_SingularExtremity(Stripe, DStr, CV1.Vertex(), tol3d, tol2d); } # if DEB else { cout << "MakeExtremities : Singularity out of Vertex !!" << endl; } # endif } return; } const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& SDdeb = Stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().First(); const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& cpdeb1 = SDdeb->VertexFirstOnS1(); const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& cpdeb2 = SDdeb->VertexFirstOnS2(); Standard_Boolean freedeb = sp->FirstStatus() == ChFiDS_FreeBoundary; if(!freedeb && cpdeb1.IsOnArc() && cpdeb2.IsOnArc()){ freedeb = (IsFree(cpdeb1.Arc(),EFMap) && IsFree(cpdeb2.Arc(),EFMap)); } if(freedeb){ sp->SetFirstStatus(ChFiDS_FreeBoundary); Bnd_Box b1,b2; if ( !cpdeb1.Point().IsEqual(cpdeb2.Point(), 0) ) { Standard_Boolean plane; gp_Pnt2d UV1,UV2; UV1=SDdeb->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDdeb->InterferenceOnS1().FirstParameter()); UV2=SDdeb->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDdeb->InterferenceOnS2().FirstParameter()); // The intersection of the fillet by a plane is attempted Handle(GeomAdaptor_HSurface) HConge=ChFi3d_BoundSurf(DStr,SDdeb,1,2); ChFi3d_CoupeParPlan(cpdeb1,cpdeb2,HConge,UV1,UV2, tol3d,tol2d,C3d,Stripe->ChangeFirstPCurve(),tolreached, Pardeb,Parfin,plane); if (!plane) ChFi3d_ComputeArete(cpdeb1, SDdeb->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDdeb->InterferenceOnS1().FirstParameter()), cpdeb2, SDdeb->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDdeb->InterferenceOnS2().FirstParameter()), DStr.Surface(SDdeb->Surf()).Surface(),C3d, Stripe->ChangeFirstPCurve(),Pardeb,Parfin, tol3d,tol2d,tolreached,0); TopOpeBRepDS_Curve Crv(C3d,tolreached); Stripe->ChangeFirstCurve(DStr.AddCurve(Crv)); Stripe->ChangeFirstParameters(Pardeb,Parfin); Stripe->ChangeIndexFirstPointOnS1 (ChFi3d_IndexPointInDS(SDdeb->VertexFirstOnS1(),DStr)); Stripe->ChangeIndexFirstPointOnS2 (ChFi3d_IndexPointInDS(SDdeb->VertexFirstOnS2(),DStr)); if(cpdeb1.IsOnArc()){ ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(cpdeb1.Arc(),EFMap(cpdeb1.Arc()),cpdeb1.ParameterOnArc(),b1); } if(cpdeb2.IsOnArc()){ ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(cpdeb2.Arc(),EFMap(cpdeb2.Arc()),cpdeb2.ParameterOnArc(),b2); } ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(DStr,Stripe,SDdeb,b1,b2,1); if (!cpdeb1.IsVertex()) ChFi3d_SetPointTolerance(DStr,b1,Stripe->IndexFirstPointOnS1()); if (!cpdeb2.IsVertex()) ChFi3d_SetPointTolerance(DStr,b2,Stripe->IndexFirstPointOnS2()); } else { // Case of a singular extremity if (cpdeb1.IsVertex()) { ChFi3d_SingularExtremity(Stripe, DStr, cpdeb1.Vertex(), tol3d, tol2d); } # if DEB else { cout << "MakeExtremities : Singularity out of Vertex !!" << endl; } # endif } } const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& SDfin = Stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().Last(); const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& cpfin1 = SDfin->VertexLastOnS1(); const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& cpfin2 = SDfin->VertexLastOnS2(); Standard_Boolean freefin = sp->LastStatus() == ChFiDS_FreeBoundary; if(!freefin && cpfin1.IsOnArc() && cpfin2.IsOnArc()){ freefin = (IsFree(cpfin1.Arc(),EFMap) && IsFree(cpfin2.Arc(),EFMap)); } if(freefin){ sp->SetLastStatus(ChFiDS_FreeBoundary); Bnd_Box b1,b2; if ( !cpfin1.Point().IsEqual(cpfin2.Point(), 0) ) { Standard_Boolean plane; gp_Pnt2d UV1,UV2; UV1=SDfin->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDfin->InterferenceOnS1().LastParameter()); UV2=SDfin->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDfin->InterferenceOnS2().LastParameter()); // Intersection of the fillet by a plane is attempted Handle(GeomAdaptor_HSurface) HConge=ChFi3d_BoundSurf(DStr,SDfin,1,2); ChFi3d_CoupeParPlan(cpfin1,cpfin2,HConge,UV1,UV2, tol3d,tol2d,C3d,Stripe->ChangeLastPCurve(),tolreached, Pardeb,Parfin,plane); if (!plane) ChFi3d_ComputeArete(cpfin1, SDfin->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDfin->InterferenceOnS1().LastParameter()), cpfin2, SDfin->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(SDfin->InterferenceOnS2().LastParameter()), DStr.Surface(SDfin->Surf()).Surface(),C3d, Stripe->ChangeLastPCurve(),Pardeb,Parfin, tol3d,tol2d,tolreached,0); TopOpeBRepDS_Curve Crv(C3d,tolreached); Stripe->ChangeLastCurve(DStr.AddCurve(Crv)); Stripe->ChangeLastParameters(Pardeb,Parfin); Stripe->ChangeIndexLastPointOnS1 (ChFi3d_IndexPointInDS(SDfin->VertexLastOnS1(),DStr)); Stripe->ChangeIndexLastPointOnS2 (ChFi3d_IndexPointInDS(SDfin->VertexLastOnS2(),DStr)); if(cpfin1.IsOnArc()){ ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(cpfin1.Arc(),EFMap(cpfin1.Arc()),cpfin1.ParameterOnArc(),b1); } if(cpfin2.IsOnArc()){ ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(cpfin2.Arc(),EFMap(cpfin2.Arc()),cpfin2.ParameterOnArc(),b2); } ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(DStr,Stripe,SDfin,b1,b2,0); if (!cpfin1.IsVertex()) ChFi3d_SetPointTolerance(DStr,b1,Stripe->IndexLastPointOnS1()); if (!cpfin2.IsVertex()) ChFi3d_SetPointTolerance(DStr,b2,Stripe->IndexLastPointOnS2()); } else { // Case of the single extremity if (cpfin1.IsVertex()) { ChFi3d_SingularExtremity(Stripe, DStr, cpfin1.Vertex(), tol3d, tol2d); } # if DEB else { cout << "MakeExtremities : Singularity out of Vertex !!" << endl; } # endif } } } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_Purge //purpose : //======================================================================= static void ChFi3d_Purge (Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& Stripe, Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& SD, const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& VRef, const Standard_Boolean isfirst, const Standard_Integer ons, Standard_Boolean& intf, Standard_Boolean& intl) { if (isfirst) intf = 1; else intl = 1; // End. Standard_Integer opp = 3-ons; if (!SD->Vertex(isfirst,opp).IsOnArc() || SD->TwistOnS1() || SD->TwistOnS2() ) { #ifdef DEB cout<<"ChFi3d_Purge : No output on extension."<ChangeSetOfSurfData()->ChangeSequence(); if(isfirst) Seq.Remove(1); else Seq.Remove(Seq.Length()); return; } if (ons == 1) SD->ChangeIndexOfS1(0); else SD->ChangeIndexOfS2(0); SD->ChangeVertex(!isfirst,ons) = VRef; SD->ChangeVertex(isfirst,ons) = VRef; ChFiDS_FaceInterference& fi = SD->ChangeInterference(ons); if(isfirst) fi.SetFirstParameter(fi.LastParameter()); else fi.SetLastParameter(fi.FirstParameter()); fi.SetLineIndex(0); } //======================================================================= //function : InsertAfter //purpose : insert Item after ref in Seq. If ref is null, the item is // inserted at the beginning. //======================================================================= static void InsertAfter (Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& Stripe, Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& Ref, Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& Item) { if (Ref == Item) Standard_Failure::Raise("InsertAfter : twice the same surfdata."); ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData& Seq = Stripe->ChangeSetOfSurfData()->ChangeSequence(); if (Seq.IsEmpty() || Ref.IsNull()) { Seq.Prepend(Item); } for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= Seq.Length(); i++) { if (Seq.Value(i) == Ref) { Seq.InsertAfter(i,Item); break; } } } //======================================================================= //function : RemoveSD //purpose : //======================================================================= static void RemoveSD (Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& Stripe, Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& Prev, Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& Next) { ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData& Seq = Stripe->ChangeSetOfSurfData()->ChangeSequence(); if(Seq.IsEmpty()) return; Standard_Integer iprev = 0, inext = 0; for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= Seq.Length(); i++) { if (Seq.Value(i) == Prev) iprev = i + 1; if (Seq.Value(i) == Next) { inext = i - 1; break; } } if(Prev.IsNull()) iprev = 1; if(Next.IsNull()) inext = Seq.Length(); if(iprev <= inext) Seq.Remove(iprev,inext); } //======================================================================= //function : InsertBefore //purpose : Insert item before ref in Seq. If ref is null, the item is // inserted in the queue. //======================================================================= static void InsertBefore (Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& Stripe, Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& Ref, Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& Item) { if (Ref == Item) Standard_Failure::Raise("InsertBefore : twice the same surfdata."); ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData& Seq = Stripe->ChangeSetOfSurfData()->ChangeSequence(); if (Seq.IsEmpty() || Ref.IsNull()) { Seq.Append(Item); } for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= Seq.Length(); i++) { if (Seq.Value(i) == Ref) { Seq.InsertBefore(i,Item); break; } } } //======================================================================= //function : PerformSetOfSurfOnElSpine //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_Builder::PerformSetOfSurfOnElSpine (const Handle(ChFiDS_HElSpine)& HGuide, Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& Stripe, Handle(BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool)& It1, Handle(BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool)& It2, const Standard_Boolean Simul) { #ifdef DEB OSD_Chronometer ch1; #endif ChFiDS_ElSpine& Guide = HGuide->ChangeCurve(); Standard_Real wf = Guide.FirstParameter(); Standard_Real wl = Guide.LastParameter(); Standard_Real locfleche = (wl - wf) * fleche; Standard_Real wfsav = wf, wlsav = wl; //Now the ElSpine is artificially extended to help rsnld. Standard_Real prab = 0.01; Guide.FirstParameter(wf-prab*(wl-wf)); Guide.LastParameter (wl+prab*(wl-wf)); Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& Spine = Stripe->ChangeSpine(); Standard_Integer ii, nbed = Spine->NbEdges(); Standard_Real lastedlastp = Spine->LastParameter(nbed); TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr = myDS->ChangeDS(); Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) ref = Guide.Previous(); Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) refbis, SD; Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) raf = Guide.Next(); RemoveSD(Stripe,ref,raf); Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface) HS1 = new BRepAdaptor_HSurface(); Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface) HS2 = new BRepAdaptor_HSurface(); Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface) HS3, HS4; Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface) HSref1 = new BRepAdaptor_HSurface(); Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface) HSref2 = new BRepAdaptor_HSurface(); Handle(BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d) HC1,HC2; Handle(BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d) HCref1 = new BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d(); Handle(BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d) HCref2 = new BRepAdaptor_HCurve2d(); Standard_Boolean decroch1 = 0, decroch2 = 0; Standard_Boolean RecP1 = 0, RecS1 = 0, RecRst1 = 0, obstacleon1 = 0; Standard_Boolean RecP2 = 0, RecS2 = 0, RecRst2 = 0, obstacleon2 = 0; gp_Pnt2d pp1,pp2,pp3,pp4; Standard_Real w1 = 0.0 ,w2 = 0.0; math_Vector Soldep(1,4); math_Vector SoldepCS(1,3); math_Vector SoldepCC(1,2); // Restore a neighboring KPart. // If no neighbor calculation start point. Standard_Boolean forward = Standard_True; Standard_Boolean Inside = Standard_False; Standard_Real First = wf; Standard_Real Last = wl; Standard_Boolean Ok1 = 1,Ok2 = 1; // Restore the next KPart if it exists TopoDS_Vertex Vref; if(ref.IsNull() && raf.IsNull()){ //sinon solution approchee. Inside = Standard_True; #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_InitChron(ch1);// init perf for StartSol #endif StartSol(Stripe,HGuide,HS1,HS2,It1,It2,pp1,pp2,First); #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_ResultChron(ch1,t_startsol); // result perf for StartSol #endif Last = wf; if(Guide.IsPeriodic()) { Last = First - Guide.Period(); Guide.FirstParameter(Last); Guide.LastParameter (First * 1.1);//Extension to help rsnld. } } else{ if(!Spine->IsPeriodic() && (wl - lastedlastp > -tolesp)){ Vref = Spine->LastVertex(); } if (ref.IsNull()) { if(!Spine->IsPeriodic() && (wf < tolesp)){ Vref = Spine->FirstVertex(); } ref = raf; forward = Standard_False; First = wl; Last = Guide.FirstParameter(); } #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_InitChron(ch1);// init perf for startsol #endif Ok1 = StartSol(Spine,HS1,pp1,HC1,w1,ref,!forward,1, HSref1,HCref1,RecP1,RecS1,RecRst1,obstacleon1, HS3,pp3,decroch1,Vref); Ok2 = StartSol(Spine,HS2,pp2,HC2,w2,ref,!forward,2, HSref2,HCref2, RecP2,RecS2,RecRst2,obstacleon2, HS4,pp4,decroch2,Vref); HC1.Nullify(); HC2.Nullify(); #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_ResultChron(ch1,t_startsol); // result perf for startsol #endif if(Ok1 == 1 && Ok2 == 1) { if(forward) Guide.FirstParameter(wf); else Guide.LastParameter(wl); } } Standard_Boolean fini = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean complete = Inside; if(!Guide.IsPeriodic()){ Standard_Integer indf = Spine->Index(wf); Standard_Integer indl = Spine->Index(wl,0); if(Spine->IsPeriodic() && (indl < indf)) indl += nbed; nbed = indl-indf+1; } // No Max at the touch : 20 points by edge at average without // counting the extensions. Standard_Real bidf = wf, bidl = wl; if(!Spine->IsPeriodic()) { bidf = Max(0.,wf); bidl = Min(wl,Spine->LastParameter(Spine->NbEdges())); // PMN 20/07/98 : Attention in case if there is only extension if ((bidl-bidf) < 0.01 * Spine->LastParameter(Spine->NbEdges())) { bidf = wf; bidl = wl; } } Standard_Real MaxStep = (bidl-bidf)*0.05/nbed; #ifndef DEB Standard_Real Firstsov = 0.; #else Standard_Real Firstsov; #endif Standard_Boolean intf = 0, intl = 0; while(!fini){ // are these the ends (no extension on periodic). Ok1 = 1,Ok2 = 1; if(!Spine->IsPeriodic()){ if(wf < tolesp && (complete == Inside)){ if(Spine->FirstStatus() == ChFiDS_OnSame) intf = 2; else intf = 1; } if(Spine->IsTangencyExtremity(Standard_True)){ intf = 4; Guide.FirstParameter(wfsav); } if(wl - lastedlastp > -tolesp){ if(Spine->LastStatus() == ChFiDS_OnSame) intl = 2; else intl = 1; } if(Spine->IsTangencyExtremity(Standard_False)){ intl = 4; Guide.LastParameter(wlsav); } } if(intf && !forward) Vref = Spine->FirstVertex(); if(intl && forward) Vref = Spine->LastVertex(); if(!ref.IsNull()){ #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_InitChron(ch1);// init perf for StartSol #endif Ok1 = StartSol(Spine,HS1,pp1,HC1,w1,ref,!forward,1, HSref1,HCref1, RecP1,RecS1,RecRst1,obstacleon1, HS3,pp3,decroch1,Vref); Ok2 = StartSol(Spine,HS2,pp2,HC2,w2,ref,!forward,2, HSref2,HCref2, RecP2,RecS2,RecRst2,obstacleon2, HS4,pp4,decroch2,Vref); #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_ResultChron(ch1,t_startsol); // result perf for StartSol #endif } // No more connected faces. Construction of the tangent plane to continue the path // till the output on the other face. if ((!Ok1 && HC1.IsNull()) || (!Ok2 && HC2.IsNull())) { if ((intf && !forward) || (intl && forward)) { if (!Ok1) ChFi3d_BuildPlane (DStr,HS1,pp1,ref,!forward,1); if (!Ok2) ChFi3d_BuildPlane (DStr,HS2,pp2,ref,!forward,2); if(intf) intf = 5; else if(intl) intl = 5; if(forward) Guide.FirstParameter(wf); else Guide.LastParameter(wl); } else Standard_Failure::Raise("PerformSetOfSurfOnElSpine : Chaining is impossible."); } // Definition of the domain of path It1, It2 It1->Initialize(HS1); It2->Initialize(HS2); // Calculate one (several if singularity) SurfaData SD = new ChFiDS_SurfData(); ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData SeqSD; SeqSD.Append(SD); if(obstacleon1 && obstacleon2){ TopAbs_Orientation Or1 = HSref1->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); TopAbs_Orientation Or2 = HSref2->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); Standard_Integer Choix = ChFi3d::NextSide(Or1,Or2, Stripe->OrientationOnFace1(), Stripe->OrientationOnFace2(), Stripe->Choix()); // Calculate the criterion of Choice edge / edge if (Choix%2 == 0) Choix = 4; else Choix = 1; SoldepCC(1) = w1; SoldepCC(2) = w2; if(Simul){ SimulSurf(SD,HGuide,Spine,Choix, HS1,It1,HC1,HSref1,HCref1,decroch1,Or1, HS2,It2,HC2,HSref2,HCref2,decroch2,Or2, locfleche,tolesp,First,Last,Inside,Inside,forward, RecP1,RecRst1,RecP2,RecRst2,SoldepCC); } else{ #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_InitChron(ch1); // init perf for PerformSurf #endif PerformSurf(SeqSD,HGuide,Spine,Choix, HS1,It1,HC1,HSref1,HCref1,decroch1,Or1, HS2,It2,HC2,HSref2,HCref2,decroch2,Or2, MaxStep,locfleche,tolesp,First,Last,Inside,Inside,forward, RecP1,RecRst1,RecP2,RecRst2,SoldepCC); #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_ResultChron(ch1,t_performsurf); //result perf for PerformSurf #endif } SD->ChangeIndexOfS1(DStr.AddShape(HS1->ChangeSurface().Face())); SD->ChangeIndexOfS2(DStr.AddShape(HS2->ChangeSurface().Face())); } else if (obstacleon1){ TopAbs_Orientation Or1 = HSref1->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); TopAbs_Orientation Or2 = HS2->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); Standard_Integer Choix = ChFi3d::NextSide(Or1,Or2, Stripe->OrientationOnFace1(), Stripe->OrientationOnFace2(), -Stripe->Choix()); if(Choix%2 == 1) Choix++; else Choix--; SoldepCS(3) = w1; SoldepCS(1) = pp2.X(); SoldepCS(2) = pp2.Y(); if(Simul){ SimulSurf(SD,HGuide,Spine,Choix,HS1,It1,HC1,HSref1,HCref1,decroch1, HS2,It2,Or2,locfleche,tolesp,First,Last, Inside,Inside,forward,RecP1,RecS2,RecRst1,SoldepCS); } else{ #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_InitChron(ch1); // init perf for PerformSurf #endif PerformSurf(SeqSD,HGuide,Spine,Choix,HS1,It1,HC1,HSref1,HCref1,decroch1, HS2,It2,Or2,MaxStep,locfleche,tolesp,First,Last, Inside,Inside,forward,RecP1,RecS2,RecRst1,SoldepCS); #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_ResultChron(ch1,t_performsurf);//result perf for PerformSurf #endif } SD->ChangeIndexOfS1(DStr.AddShape(HS1->ChangeSurface().Face())); SD->ChangeIndexOfS2(DStr.AddShape(HS2->ChangeSurface().Face())); decroch2 = 0; } else if (obstacleon2){ TopAbs_Orientation Or1 = HS1->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); TopAbs_Orientation Or2 = HSref2->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); Standard_Integer Choix = ChFi3d::NextSide(Or1,Or2, Stripe->OrientationOnFace1(), Stripe->OrientationOnFace2(), Stripe->Choix()); SoldepCS(3) = w2; SoldepCS(1) = pp1.X(); SoldepCS(2) = pp1.Y(); if(Simul){ SimulSurf(SD,HGuide,Spine,Choix,HS1,It1,Or1, HS2,It2,HC2,HSref2,HCref2,decroch2,locfleche,tolesp, First,Last,Inside,Inside,forward,RecP2,RecS1,RecRst2,SoldepCS); } else{ #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_InitChron(ch1); // init perf for PerformSurf #endif PerformSurf(SeqSD,HGuide,Spine,Choix,HS1,It1,Or1, HS2,It2,HC2,HSref2,HCref2,decroch2,MaxStep,locfleche,tolesp, First,Last,Inside,Inside,forward,RecP2,RecS1,RecRst2,SoldepCS); #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_ResultChron(ch1,t_performsurf); //result perf for PerformSurf #endif } SD->ChangeIndexOfS1(DStr.AddShape(HS1->ChangeSurface().Face())); SD->ChangeIndexOfS2(DStr.AddShape(HS2->ChangeSurface().Face())); decroch1 = 0; } else{ CallPerformSurf(Stripe, Simul, SeqSD, SD, HGuide,Spine, HS1, HS3, pp1, pp3, It1, HS2, HS4, pp2, pp4, It2, MaxStep,locfleche,tolesp, First,Last,Inside,Inside,forward, RecS1,RecS2,Soldep,intf,intl, HS1, HS2); decroch1 = decroch2 = 0; } if(!done) { // Case of fail if ((!Ok1 && !obstacleon1) || (!Ok2 && !obstacleon2)) { //Fail in a part of extension is not serious //Here one stops. done = Standard_True; Inside = Standard_False; if (forward) intl = 1; else intf = 1; } else { // Otherwise invalidation of the stripe. Spine->SetErrorStatus(ChFiDS_WalkingFailure); Standard_Failure::Raise("CallPerformSurf : Path failed!"); } } else { refbis = ref; if(forward) { for (ii=1; ii<=SeqSD.Length(); ii++) { SD = SeqSD(ii); SD->ChangeIndexOfS1(DStr.AddShape(HS1->ChangeSurface().Face())); if(obstacleon1) SD->SetIndexOfC1(DStr.AddShape(HC1->ChangeCurve2d().Edge())); SD->ChangeIndexOfS2(DStr.AddShape(HS2->ChangeSurface().Face())); if(obstacleon2) SD->SetIndexOfC2(DStr.AddShape(HC2->ChangeCurve2d().Edge())); InsertAfter (Stripe, refbis, SD); refbis = SD; } } else { for (ii=SeqSD.Length(); ii>=1; ii--) { SD = SeqSD(ii); SD->ChangeIndexOfS1(DStr.AddShape(HS1->ChangeSurface().Face())); if(obstacleon1) SD->SetIndexOfC1(DStr.AddShape(HC1->ChangeCurve2d().Edge())); SD->ChangeIndexOfS2(DStr.AddShape(HS2->ChangeSurface().Face())); if(obstacleon2) SD->SetIndexOfC2(DStr.AddShape(HC2->ChangeCurve2d().Edge())); InsertBefore(Stripe,refbis,SD); refbis = SD; } } if (!Ok1 && !obstacleon1) // clean infos on the plane of extension. ChFi3d_Purge (Stripe,SD,ref->Vertex(!forward,1),!forward,1,intf,intl); if (!Ok2 && !obstacleon2) // clean infos on the plane of extension. ChFi3d_Purge (Stripe,SD,ref->Vertex(!forward,2),!forward,2,intf,intl); // The end. The reference is changed. ref = refbis; } if(Inside){// There are starting solutions for the next. Inside = Standard_False; Firstsov = First; if(Guide.IsPeriodic()) { complete = Standard_False; wf = Guide.FirstParameter(); wl = Guide.LastParameter(); } } if(forward){ fini = ((wl - Last) <= 10.*tolesp || (intl && !(obstacleon1 || obstacleon2))); //General case if (!fini && Guide.IsPeriodic() && ((wl - Last)< Guide.Period()*1.e-3)) { // It is tested if reframing of extremes is done at the same edge // Loop Condition Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) thefirst, thelast; thefirst = Stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().First(); thelast = Stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().Last(); if (thefirst->VertexFirstOnS1().IsOnArc() && thelast->VertexLastOnS1().IsOnArc()) fini = thefirst->VertexFirstOnS1().Arc().IsSame (thelast->VertexLastOnS1().Arc()); if (!fini && thefirst->VertexFirstOnS2().IsOnArc() && thelast->VertexLastOnS2().IsOnArc()) fini = thefirst->VertexFirstOnS2().Arc().IsSame (thelast->VertexLastOnS2().Arc()); if (fini) return; //It is ended! } if(fini && complete) { // restart in the opposite direction. ref = Stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().First(); forward = Standard_False; fini = Standard_False; First = Firstsov; } else { First = Last; Last = wl; } } if(!forward){ fini = ((First - wf) <= 10.*tolesp || (intf && !(obstacleon1 || obstacleon2))); complete = Standard_False; Last = wf; } } // The initial state is restored if(!Guide.IsPeriodic()){ Guide.FirstParameter(wfsav); Guide.LastParameter (wlsav); } } //======================================================================= //function : PerformSetOfKPart //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_Builder::PerformSetOfKPart(Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& Stripe, const Standard_Boolean Simul) { TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr = myDS->ChangeDS(); Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& Spine = Stripe->ChangeSpine(); Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface) HS1,HS2; TopAbs_Orientation Or1,Or2,RefOr1,RefOr2; Standard_Integer RefChoix; // initialization of the stripe. Stripe->Reset(); Handle(ChFiDS_HData)& HData = Stripe->ChangeSetOfSurfData(); HData = new ChFiDS_HData(); ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData& SeqSurf = HData->ChangeSequence(); StripeOrientations(Spine,RefOr1,RefOr2,RefChoix); Stripe->OrientationOnFace1(RefOr1); Stripe->OrientationOnFace2(RefOr2); Stripe->Choix(RefChoix); Handle(BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool) It1 = new BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool(); Handle(BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool) It2 = new BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool(); Standard_Real WFirst,WLast = 0.; gp_Vec TFirst,TLast,TEndPeriodic; gp_Pnt PFirst,PLast,PEndPeriodic; Standard_Boolean intf = 0, intl = 0; Handle(ChFiDS_HElSpine) CurrentHE = new ChFiDS_HElSpine(); Spine->D1(Spine->FirstParameter(),PFirst,TFirst); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().FirstParameter(Spine->FirstParameter()); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().SetFirstPointAndTgt(PFirst,TFirst); Standard_Boolean YaKPart = Standard_False; Standard_Integer iedgelastkpart = 0; Standard_Real WStartPeriodic = 0.; Standard_Real WEndPeriodic = Spine->LastParameter(Spine->NbEdges()); Spine->D1(WEndPeriodic,PEndPeriodic,TEndPeriodic); // Construction of particular cases. for (Standard_Integer iedge = 1; iedge <= Spine->NbEdges(); iedge++){ ConexFaces(Spine,iedge,RefChoix,HS1,HS2); if (ChFi3d_KParticular(Spine,iedge,HS1->ChangeSurface(),HS2->ChangeSurface())) { intf = ((iedge == 1) && !Spine->IsPeriodic()); intl = ((iedge == Spine->NbEdges()) && !Spine->IsPeriodic()); Or1 = HS1->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); Or2 = HS2->ChangeSurface().Face().Orientation(); ChFi3d::NextSide(Or1,Or2,RefOr1,RefOr2,RefChoix); It1->Initialize(HS1); It2->Initialize(HS2); Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) SD = new ChFiDS_SurfData(); ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData LSD; if(!ChFiKPart_ComputeData::Compute(DStr,SD,HS1,HS2,Or1,Or2,Spine,iedge)){ #ifdef DEB cout<<"failed calculation KPart"<IsPeriodic()){//debug provisory for SD that arrive in desorder. Standard_Integer nbsd = LSD.Length(); Standard_Real period = Spine->Period(); Standard_Real wfp = WStartPeriodic, wlp = WEndPeriodic; // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Thu Nov 25 12:57:53 1999 ___BEGIN___ if(!YaKPart && nbsd>0){ // if(!YaKPart){ // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Thu Nov 25 12:57:57 1999 ___END___ Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) firstSD = LSD.ChangeValue(1); Standard_Real wwf = firstSD->FirstSpineParam(); Standard_Real wwl = firstSD->LastSpineParam(); wwf = ChFi3d_InPeriod(wwf,wfp,wlp,tolesp); wwl = ChFi3d_InPeriod(wwl,wfp,wlp,tolesp); if (wwl <= wwf + tolesp) wwl += period; wfp = wwf; wlp = wfp + period; } for(Standard_Integer j = 1; j < nbsd; j++){ Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) jSD = LSD.Value(j); for(Standard_Integer k = j+1; k <= nbsd; k++){ Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) kSD = LSD.Value(k); Standard_Real jwf = jSD->FirstSpineParam(); jwf = ChFi3d_InPeriod(jwf,wfp,wlp,tolesp); Standard_Real kwf = kSD->FirstSpineParam(); kwf = ChFi3d_InPeriod(kwf,wfp,wlp,tolesp); if(kwf < jwf){ LSD.SetValue(j,kSD); LSD.SetValue(k,jSD); } } } } TColStd_ListOfInteger li; for(Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= LSD.Length(); j++){ Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& curSD = LSD.ChangeValue(j); if(Simul) SimulKPart(curSD); SeqSurf.Append(curSD); if(!Simul) li.Append(curSD->Surf()); WFirst = LSD.Value(j)->FirstSpineParam(); WLast = LSD.Value(j)->LastSpineParam(); if(Spine->IsPeriodic()){ WFirst = ChFi3d_InPeriod(WFirst,WStartPeriodic,WEndPeriodic,tolesp); WLast = ChFi3d_InPeriod(WLast ,WStartPeriodic,WEndPeriodic,tolesp); if (WLast <= WFirst + tolesp) WLast+= Spine->Period(); } TgtKP(LSD.Value(j),Spine,iedge,1,PFirst,TFirst); TgtKP(LSD.Value(j),Spine,iedge,0,PLast,TLast); // Determine the sections to approximate if(!YaKPart){ if(Spine->IsPeriodic()){ WStartPeriodic = WFirst; WEndPeriodic = WStartPeriodic + Spine->Period(); WLast = ElCLib::InPeriod(WLast,WStartPeriodic,WEndPeriodic); if (WLast <= WFirst + tolesp) WLast+= Spine->Period(); PEndPeriodic = PFirst; TEndPeriodic = TFirst; Spine->SetFirstParameter(WStartPeriodic); Spine->SetLastParameter(WEndPeriodic); } else if(!intf || (iedge > 1)){ // start section -> first KPart // update of extension. Spine->SetFirstTgt(Min(0.,WFirst)); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().LastParameter (WFirst); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().SetLastPointAndTgt(PFirst,TFirst); Spine->AppendElSpine(CurrentHE); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().ChangeNext() = LSD.Value(j); CurrentHE = new ChFiDS_HElSpine(); } CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().FirstParameter(WLast); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().SetFirstPointAndTgt(PLast,TLast); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().ChangePrevious() = LSD.Value(j); YaKPart = Standard_True; } else { if (WFirst - CurrentHE->FirstParameter() > tolesp) { // section between two KPart CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().LastParameter(WFirst); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().SetLastPointAndTgt(PFirst,TFirst); Spine->AppendElSpine(CurrentHE); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().ChangeNext() = LSD.Value(j); CurrentHE = new ChFiDS_HElSpine(); } CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().FirstParameter(WLast); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().SetFirstPointAndTgt(PLast,TLast); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().ChangePrevious() = LSD.Value(j); } } if(!li.IsEmpty()) myEVIMap.Bind(Spine->Edges(iedge),li); } } if (!intl || (iedgelastkpart < Spine->NbEdges())) { // section last KPart(or start of the spine) -> End of the spine. // update of the extension. if(Spine->IsPeriodic()){ if(WEndPeriodic - WLast > tolesp){ CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().LastParameter(WEndPeriodic); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().SetLastPointAndTgt(PEndPeriodic,TEndPeriodic); if(!YaKPart) CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().SetPeriodic(Standard_True); Spine->AppendElSpine(CurrentHE); } } else{ Spine->D1(Spine->LastParameter(),PLast,TLast); Spine->SetLastTgt(Max(Spine->LastParameter(Spine->NbEdges()), WLast)); if (Spine->LastParameter() - WLast > tolesp) { CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().LastParameter(Spine->LastParameter()); CurrentHE->ChangeCurve().SetLastPointAndTgt(PLast,TLast); Spine->AppendElSpine(CurrentHE); } } } ChFiDS_ListOfHElSpine& ll = Spine->ChangeElSpines(); ChFiDS_ListIteratorOfListOfHElSpine ILES(ll); for ( ; ILES.More(); ILES.Next()) { #ifdef DEB if(ChFi3d_GettraceCHRON()) elspine.Start(); #endif ChFi3d_PerformElSpine(ILES.Value(),Spine,myConti,tolesp); #ifdef DEB if(ChFi3d_GettraceCHRON()) { elspine.Stop(); } #endif } Spine->SplitDone(Standard_True); } static Standard_Real ChFi3d_BoxDiag(const Bnd_Box& box) { Standard_Real a,b,c,d,e,f; box.Get(a,b,c,d,e,f); d-=a; e-=b; f-=c; d*=d; e*=e; f*=f; Standard_Real diag = sqrt(d + e + f); return diag; } //======================================================================= //function : PerformSetOfKGen //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_Builder::PerformSetOfKGen(Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& Stripe, const Standard_Boolean Simul) { Handle(BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool) It1 = new BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool(); Handle(BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool) It2 = new BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool(); Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& Spine = Stripe->ChangeSpine(); ChFiDS_ListOfHElSpine& ll = Spine->ChangeElSpines(); ChFiDS_ListIteratorOfListOfHElSpine ILES(ll); for ( ; ILES.More(); ILES.Next()) { #ifdef DEB if(ChFi3d_GettraceCHRON()) { chemine.Start(); } #endif PerformSetOfSurfOnElSpine(ILES.Value(),Stripe,It1,It2,Simul); #ifdef DEB if(ChFi3d_GettraceCHRON()) chemine.Stop(); #endif } if(!Simul){ TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr = myDS->ChangeDS(); Handle(ChFiDS_HData)& HData = Stripe->ChangeSetOfSurfData(); ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData& SeqSurf = HData->ChangeSequence(); Standard_Integer len = SeqSurf.Length(); Standard_Integer last = len, i; Standard_Boolean periodic = Spine->IsPeriodic(); if(periodic) last++; // It is attempted to reprocess the squares that bore. for(i = 1; i <= len; i++){ Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& cursd = SeqSurf.ChangeValue(i); Standard_Boolean tw1 = cursd->TwistOnS1(); Standard_Boolean tw2 = cursd->TwistOnS2(); Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) prevsd, nextsd; Standard_Integer iprev = i-1; if(iprev == 0) { if(periodic) iprev = len; } Standard_Integer inext = i + 1; if(inext > len) { if(periodic) inext = 1; else inext = 0; } // For the moment only the surfaces where the twist is // detected at the path are corrected, it is necessary to control // more subtly the ugly traces (size, curvature, inflexion... ) if(!tw1 && !tw2) continue; // It is decided (fairly at random) if the extended surface is ready for the filling. ChFiDS_FaceInterference& intf1 = cursd->ChangeInterferenceOnS1(); ChFiDS_FaceInterference& intf2 = cursd->ChangeInterferenceOnS2(); Standard_Integer cursurf1 = cursd->IndexOfS1(); Standard_Integer cursurf2 = cursd->IndexOfS2(); ChFiDS_CommonPoint& cpd1 = cursd->ChangeVertexFirstOnS1(); ChFiDS_CommonPoint& cpd2 = cursd->ChangeVertexFirstOnS2(); ChFiDS_CommonPoint& cpf1 = cursd->ChangeVertexLastOnS1(); ChFiDS_CommonPoint& cpf2 = cursd->ChangeVertexLastOnS2(); const gp_Pnt& pd1 = cpd1.Point(); const gp_Pnt& pd2 = cpd2.Point(); const gp_Pnt& pf1 = cpf1.Point(); const gp_Pnt& pf2 = cpf2.Point(); Standard_Real ddeb = pd1.Distance(pd2); Standard_Real dfin = pf1.Distance(pf2); Standard_Real don1 = pd1.Distance(pf1); Standard_Real don2 = pd2.Distance(pf2); Standard_Boolean possibleon1 = (don1 < 2*(ddeb + dfin)); Standard_Boolean possibleon2 = (don2 < 2*(ddeb + dfin)); if((tw1 && !possibleon1) || (tw2 && !possibleon2)) { Spine->SetErrorStatus(ChFiDS_TwistedSurface); Standard_Failure::Raise("adjustment by reprocessing the non-written points"); } // It is checked if there are presentable neighbors Standard_Boolean yaprevon1 = 0, yaprevon2 = 0; Standard_Boolean samesurfon1 = 0, samesurfon2 = 0; if(iprev){ prevsd = SeqSurf.ChangeValue(iprev); yaprevon1 = !prevsd->TwistOnS1(); samesurfon1 = (prevsd->IndexOfS1() == cursurf1); yaprevon2 = !prevsd->TwistOnS2(); samesurfon2 = (prevsd->IndexOfS2() == cursurf2); } Standard_Boolean yanexton1 = 0, yanexton2 = 0; if(inext){ nextsd = SeqSurf.ChangeValue(inext); yanexton1 = !nextsd->TwistOnS1(); if(samesurfon1) samesurfon1 = (nextsd->IndexOfS1() == cursurf1); yanexton2 = !nextsd->TwistOnS2(); if(samesurfon2) samesurfon2 = (nextsd->IndexOfS2() == cursurf2); } // A contour of filling is constructed Handle(Geom2d_Curve) PC1 = intf1.PCurveOnFace(); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) PC2 = intf2.PCurveOnFace(); Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface) S1 = new BRepAdaptor_HSurface(); TopoDS_Face F1 = TopoDS::Face(DStr.Shape(cursurf1)); S1->ChangeSurface().Initialize(F1); Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface) S2 = new BRepAdaptor_HSurface(); TopoDS_Face F2 = TopoDS::Face(DStr.Shape(cursurf2)); S2->ChangeSurface().Initialize(F2); Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) Bdeb,Bfin,Bon1,Bon2; Standard_Boolean pointuon1 = 0, pointuon2 = 0; if(tw1){ if(!yaprevon1 || !yanexton1){ Spine->SetErrorStatus(ChFiDS_TwistedSurface); Standard_Failure::Raise ("adjustment by reprocessing the non-written points: no neighbor"); } ChFiDS_FaceInterference& previntf1 = prevsd->ChangeInterferenceOnS1(); ChFiDS_FaceInterference& nextintf1 = nextsd->ChangeInterferenceOnS1(); Standard_Real prevpar1 = previntf1.LastParameter(); Standard_Real nextpar1 = nextintf1.FirstParameter(); if(samesurfon1){ // It is checked if it is possible to intersect traces of neighbors // to create a sharp end. Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcprev1 = previntf1.PCurveOnFace(); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcnext1 = nextintf1.PCurveOnFace(); Standard_Real nprevpar1,nnextpar1; gp_Pnt2d p2d; // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Wed Feb 5 12:03:17 2003 Begin // if(ChFi3d_IntTraces(prevsd,prevpar1,nprevpar1,1,1, // nextsd,nextpar1,nnextpar1,1,-1,p2d)){ if(ChFi3d_IntTraces(prevsd,prevpar1,nprevpar1,1,1, nextsd,nextpar1,nnextpar1,1,-1,p2d, Standard_False, Standard_True)){ // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Wed Feb 5 12:03:17 2003 End previntf1.SetLastParameter(nprevpar1); nextintf1.SetFirstParameter(nnextpar1); pointuon1 = 1; PC1.Nullify(); } else{ gp_Pnt2d pdeb1,pfin1; gp_Vec2d vdeb1,vfin1; pcprev1->D1(prevpar1,pdeb1,vdeb1); pcnext1->D1(nextpar1,pfin1,vfin1); Bon1 = ChFi3d_mkbound(S1,PC1,-1,pdeb1,vdeb1,1, pfin1,vfin1,tolesp,2.e-4); } } else{ //here the base is on 3D tangents of neighbors. const Handle(Geom_Curve)& c3dprev1 = DStr.Curve(previntf1.LineIndex()).Curve(); const Handle(Geom_Curve)& c3dnext1 = DStr.Curve(nextintf1.LineIndex()).Curve(); gp_Pnt Pdeb1, Pfin1; gp_Vec Vdeb1, Vfin1; c3dprev1->D1(prevpar1,Pdeb1,Vdeb1); c3dnext1->D1(nextpar1,Pfin1,Vfin1); gp_Pnt2d pdeb1,pfin1; Standard_Real pardeb1 = intf1.FirstParameter(); Standard_Real parfin1 = intf1.LastParameter(); pdeb1 = PC1->Value(pardeb1); pfin1 = PC1->Value(parfin1); Bon1 = ChFi3d_mkbound(S1,PC1,-1,pdeb1,Vdeb1,1, pfin1,Vfin1,tolesp,2.e-4); } } else{ Bon1 = ChFi3d_mkbound(S1,PC1,tolesp,2.e-4); } if(tw2){ if(!yaprevon2 || !yanexton2){ Standard_Failure::Raise ("adjustment by reprocessing the non-written points: no neighbor"); } ChFiDS_FaceInterference& previntf2 = prevsd->ChangeInterferenceOnS2(); ChFiDS_FaceInterference& nextintf2 = nextsd->ChangeInterferenceOnS2(); Standard_Real prevpar2 = previntf2.LastParameter(); Standard_Real nextpar2 = nextintf2.FirstParameter(); if(samesurfon2){ // It is checked if it is possible to intersect traces of neighbors // to create a sharp end. Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcprev2 = previntf2.PCurveOnFace(); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcnext2 = nextintf2.PCurveOnFace(); Standard_Real nprevpar2,nnextpar2; gp_Pnt2d p2d; // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Wed Feb 5 12:03:17 2003 Begin // if(ChFi3d_IntTraces(prevsd,prevpar2,nprevpar2,2,1, // nextsd,nextpar2,nnextpar2,2,-1,p2d)){ if(ChFi3d_IntTraces(prevsd,prevpar2,nprevpar2,2,1, nextsd,nextpar2,nnextpar2,2,-1,p2d, Standard_False, Standard_True)){ // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Wed Feb 5 12:03:17 2003 End previntf2.SetLastParameter(nprevpar2); nextintf2.SetFirstParameter(nnextpar2); pointuon2 = 1; PC2.Nullify(); } else{ gp_Pnt2d pdeb2,pfin2; gp_Vec2d vdeb2,vfin2; pcprev2->D1(prevpar2,pdeb2,vdeb2); pcnext2->D1(nextpar2,pfin2,vfin2); Bon2 = ChFi3d_mkbound(S2,PC2,-1,pdeb2,vdeb2,1, pfin2,vfin2,tolesp,2.e-4); } } else{ //here the base is on 3D tangents of neighbors. const Handle(Geom_Curve)& c3dprev2 = DStr.Curve(previntf2.LineIndex()).Curve(); const Handle(Geom_Curve)& c3dnext2 = DStr.Curve(nextintf2.LineIndex()).Curve(); gp_Pnt Pdeb2, Pfin2; gp_Vec Vdeb2, Vfin2; c3dprev2->D1(prevpar2,Pdeb2,Vdeb2); c3dnext2->D1(nextpar2,Pfin2,Vfin2); gp_Pnt2d pdeb2,pfin2; Standard_Real pardeb2 = intf2.FirstParameter(); Standard_Real parfin2 = intf2.LastParameter(); pdeb2 = PC2->Value(pardeb2); pfin2 = PC2->Value(parfin2); Bon2 = ChFi3d_mkbound(S2,PC2,-1,pdeb2,Vdeb2,1, pfin2,Vfin2,tolesp,2.e-4); } } else{ Bon2 = ChFi3d_mkbound(S2,PC2,tolesp,2.e-4); } // The parameters of neighbor traces are updated, so // straight lines uv are pulled. const Handle(Geom_Surface)& sprev = DStr.Surface(prevsd->Surf()).Surface(); const Handle(Geom_Surface)& snext = DStr.Surface(nextsd->Surf()).Surface(); ChFiDS_FaceInterference& previntf1 = prevsd->ChangeInterferenceOnS1(); ChFiDS_FaceInterference& nextintf1 = nextsd->ChangeInterferenceOnS1(); ChFiDS_FaceInterference& previntf2 = prevsd->ChangeInterferenceOnS2(); ChFiDS_FaceInterference& nextintf2 = nextsd->ChangeInterferenceOnS2(); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcsprev1 = previntf1.PCurveOnSurf(); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcsnext1 = nextintf1.PCurveOnSurf(); Standard_Real prevpar1 = previntf1.LastParameter(); Standard_Real nextpar1 = nextintf1.FirstParameter(); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcsprev2 = previntf2.PCurveOnSurf(); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcsnext2 = nextintf2.PCurveOnSurf(); Standard_Real prevpar2 = previntf2.LastParameter(); Standard_Real nextpar2 = nextintf2.FirstParameter(); gp_Pnt2d pdebs1 = pcsprev1->Value(prevpar1); gp_Pnt2d pdebs2 = pcsprev2->Value(prevpar2); gp_Pnt2d pfins1 = pcsnext1->Value(nextpar1); gp_Pnt2d pfins2 = pcsnext2->Value(nextpar2); Bdeb = ChFi3d_mkbound(sprev,pdebs1,pdebs2,tolesp,2.e-4); Bfin = ChFi3d_mkbound(snext,pfins1,pfins2,tolesp,2.e-4); GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling fil(11,20); if(pointuon1) fil.Init(Bon2,Bfin,Bdeb,1); else if(pointuon2) fil.Init(Bon1,Bfin,Bdeb,1); else fil.Init(Bon1,Bfin,Bon2,Bdeb,1); ChFi3d_ReparamPcurv(0.,1.,PC1); ChFi3d_ReparamPcurv(0.,1.,PC2); Handle(Geom_Surface) newsurf = fil.Surface(); #ifdef DEB #ifdef DRAW //POP for NT char* pops = "newsurf"; DrawTrSurf::Set(pops,newsurf); #endif #endif if(pointuon1) { newsurf->VReverse(); // we return to direction 1 from 2; done = CompleteData(cursd,newsurf,S1,PC1,S2,PC2, F2.Orientation(),0,0,0,0,0); cursd->ChangeIndexOfS1(0); } else{ done = CompleteData(cursd,newsurf,S1,PC1,S2,PC2, F1.Orientation(),1,0,0,0,0); if(pointuon2) cursd->ChangeIndexOfS2(0); } if(tw1){ prevsd->ChangeVertexLastOnS1().SetPoint(cpd1.Point()); nextsd->ChangeVertexFirstOnS1().SetPoint(cpf1.Point()); } if(tw2){ prevsd->ChangeVertexLastOnS2().SetPoint(cpd2.Point()); nextsd->ChangeVertexFirstOnS2().SetPoint(cpf2.Point()); } } // The tolerance of points is updated. for(i = 1; i < last; i++){ Standard_Integer j = i%len + 1; Standard_Integer curs1, curs2; Standard_Integer nexts1, nexts2; Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& cursd = SeqSurf.ChangeValue(i); Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& nextsd = SeqSurf.ChangeValue(j); ChFiDS_CommonPoint& curp1 = cursd->ChangeVertexLastOnS1(); ChFiDS_CommonPoint& nextp1 = nextsd->ChangeVertexFirstOnS1(); if (cursd->IsOnCurve1()) curs1 = cursd->IndexOfC1(); else curs1 = cursd->IndexOfS1(); if (cursd->IsOnCurve2()) curs2 = cursd->IndexOfC2(); else curs2 = cursd->IndexOfS2(); Standard_Real tol1 = Max(curp1.Tolerance(),nextp1.Tolerance()); ChFiDS_CommonPoint& curp2 = cursd->ChangeVertexLastOnS2(); ChFiDS_CommonPoint& nextp2 = nextsd->ChangeVertexFirstOnS2(); Standard_Real tol2 = Max(curp2.Tolerance(),nextp2.Tolerance()); if (nextsd->IsOnCurve1()) nexts1 = nextsd->IndexOfC1(); else nexts1 = nextsd->IndexOfS1(); if (nextsd->IsOnCurve2()) nexts2 = nextsd->IndexOfC2(); else nexts2 = nextsd->IndexOfS2(); if(!curp1.IsOnArc() && nextp1.IsOnArc()){ curp1 = nextp1; if ( (curs1 == nexts1) && !nextsd->IsOnCurve1()) // Case when it is not possible to pass along the border without leaving ChangeTransition(nextp1, curp1, nexts1, myDS); } else if(curp1.IsOnArc() && !nextp1.IsOnArc()) { nextp1 = curp1; if ( (curs1 == nexts1) && !cursd->IsOnCurve1()) ChangeTransition(curp1, nextp1, curs1, myDS); } if(!curp2.IsOnArc() && nextp2.IsOnArc()) { curp2 = nextp2; if ( (curs2 == nexts2) && !nextsd->IsOnCurve2()) ChangeTransition(nextp2, curp2, curs2, myDS); } else if(curp2.IsOnArc() && !nextp2.IsOnArc()){ nextp2 = curp2; if ( (curs2 == nexts2) && !cursd->IsOnCurve2()) ChangeTransition(curp2, nextp2, curs2, myDS); } curp1.SetTolerance(tol1); nextp1.SetTolerance(tol1); curp2.SetTolerance(tol2); nextp2.SetTolerance(tol2); Bnd_Box b1,b2; if(curp1.IsOnArc()){ ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(curp1.Arc(),myEFMap(curp1.Arc()),curp1.ParameterOnArc(),b1); } if(curp2.IsOnArc()){ ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(curp2.Arc(),myEFMap(curp2.Arc()),curp2.ParameterOnArc(),b2); } Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe) bidst; ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(DStr,bidst,cursd,b1,b2,0); ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(DStr,bidst,nextsd,b1,b2,1); tol1 = ChFi3d_BoxDiag(b1); tol2 = ChFi3d_BoxDiag(b2); curp1.SetTolerance(tol1); nextp1.SetTolerance(tol1); curp2.SetTolerance(tol2); nextp2.SetTolerance(tol2); } // The connections edge/new faces are updated. for (ILES.Initialize(ll) ; ILES.More(); ILES.Next()) { const Handle(ChFiDS_HElSpine)& curhels = ILES.Value(); const ChFiDS_ElSpine& curels = curhels->ChangeCurve(); Standard_Real WF = curels.FirstParameter(); Standard_Real WL = curels.LastParameter(); Standard_Integer IF,IL; Standard_Real nwf = WF, nwl = WL; Standard_Real period = 0.; Standard_Integer nbed = Spine->NbEdges(); if(periodic){ period = Spine->Period(); nwf = ElCLib::InPeriod(WF,-tolesp,period-tolesp); IF = Spine->Index(nwf,1); nwl = ElCLib::InPeriod(WL,tolesp,period+tolesp); IL = Spine->Index(nwl,0); if(nwlIndex(WF,1); IL = Spine->Index(WL,0); } if(IF == IL) { //fast processing Standard_Integer IFloc = IF; if(periodic) IFloc = (IF - 1)%nbed + 1; const TopoDS_Edge& Ej = Spine->Edges(IFloc); for(i = 1; i <= len; i++){ Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& cursd = SeqSurf.ChangeValue(i); Standard_Real fp = cursd->FirstSpineParam(); Standard_Real lp = cursd->LastSpineParam(); if(lp < WF+tolesp || fp > WL-tolesp) continue; if(!myEVIMap.IsBound(Ej)) { TColStd_ListOfInteger li; myEVIMap.Bind(Ej,li); } myEVIMap.ChangeFind(Ej).Append(cursd->Surf()); } } else if(IF < IL){ TColStd_Array1OfReal wv(IF,IL - 1); #ifdef DEB cout<<"length of the trajectory : "<<(WL-WF)<LastParameter(iloc); if(periodic) wi = ElCLib::InPeriod(wi,WF,WF+period); gp_Pnt pv = Spine->Value(wi); #ifdef DEB gp_Pnt pelsapp = curels.Value(wi); Standard_Real distinit = pv.Distance(pelsapp); cout<<"distance psp/papp : "<FirstSpineParam(); Standard_Real lp = cursd->LastSpineParam(); Standard_Integer j; #ifndef DEB Standard_Integer jf = 0, jl = 0; #else Standard_Integer jf,jl; #endif if(lp < WF+tolesp || fp > WL-tolesp) continue; for(j = IF; j < IL; j++){ jf = j; if(fp < wv(j) - tolesp) break; } for(j = IF; j < IL; j++){ jl = j; if(lp < wv(j) + tolesp) break; } for(j = jf; j <= jl; j++){ Standard_Integer jloc = j; if(periodic) jloc = (j - 1)%nbed + 1; const TopoDS_Edge& Ej = Spine->Edges(jloc); if(!myEVIMap.IsBound(Ej)) { TColStd_ListOfInteger li; myEVIMap.Bind(Ej,li); } myEVIMap.ChangeFind(Ej).Append(cursd->Surf()); } } } } } } //======================================================================= //function : PerformSetOfSurf //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_Builder::PerformSetOfSurf(Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& Stripe, const Standard_Boolean Simul) { TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr = myDS->ChangeDS(); #ifdef DEB OSD_Chronometer ch; ChFi3d_InitChron(ch);// init perf for PerformSetOfKPart #endif const Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& sp = Stripe->Spine(); Standard_Integer SI = ChFi3d_SolidIndex(sp,DStr,myESoMap,myEShMap); Stripe->SetSolidIndex(SI); if(!sp->SplitDone()) PerformSetOfKPart(Stripe,Simul); #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_ResultChron(ch ,t_perfsetofkpart); // result perf PerformSetOfKPart( ChFi3d_InitChron(ch); // init perf for PerformSetOfKGen #endif PerformSetOfKGen(Stripe,Simul); #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_ResultChron(ch, t_perfsetofkgen);//result perf PerformSetOfKGen ChFi3d_InitChron(ch); // init perf for ChFi3d_MakeExtremities #endif if(!Simul) ChFi3d_MakeExtremities(Stripe,DStr,myEFMap,tolesp,tol2d); #ifdef DEB ChFi3d_ResultChron(ch, t_makextremities); // result perf t_makextremities #endif }