// File: ChFi2d_Builder_1.cxx // Created: Fri Jul 7 16:43:30 1995 // Author: Philippe DERVIEUX // // Modified : 08/07/97 : JPI : traitement des edges degeneres comme pour les fillets 2D // Modified: Fri Sep 25 09:38:04 1998 // Author: Joelle CHAUVET // // status = ChFi2d_NotAuthorized si les aretes ne sont pas // des droites ou des cercles; fonction IsLineOrCircle // (BUC60288) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include gp_Pnt ComputePoint(const TopoDS_Vertex& V,const TopoDS_Edge& E, const Standard_Real D1, Standard_Real& Param1); gp_Pnt ComputePoint(const TopoDS_Face& F, const Handle(Geom_Line)& L, const TopoDS_Edge& E, Standard_Real& Param); void OrientChamfer(TopoDS_Edge& chamfer, const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Vertex& V); static Standard_Boolean IsLineOrCircle(const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Face& F); //======================================================================= //function : AddChamfer //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Edge ChFi2d_Builder::AddChamfer(const TopoDS_Edge& E1, const TopoDS_Edge& E2, const Standard_Real D1, const Standard_Real D2) { TopoDS_Vertex commonVertex; TopoDS_Edge basisEdge1, basisEdge2; TopoDS_Edge E1Mod, E2Mod, chamfer; Standard_Boolean hasConnection = ChFi2d::CommonVertex(E1, E2, commonVertex); if (!hasConnection) return chamfer; if (IsAFillet(E1) || IsAChamfer(E1) || IsAFillet(E2) || IsAChamfer(E2)) { status = ChFi2d_NotAuthorized; return chamfer; } // if (IsAChamfer ... if (!IsLineOrCircle(E1,newFace) || !IsLineOrCircle(E2,newFace) ) { status = ChFi2d_NotAuthorized; return chamfer; } // if (!IsLineOrCircle ... // EE1 and EE2 are copies of E1 and E2 with the good orientation // on TopoDS_Edge EE1, EE2; status = ChFi2d::FindConnectedEdges(newFace, commonVertex, EE1, EE2); if (EE1.IsSame(E2)) { TopAbs_Orientation orient = EE1.Orientation(); EE1 = EE2; EE2 = E2; EE2.Orientation(orient); } ComputeChamfer(commonVertex, EE1, EE2, D1, D2, E1Mod, E2Mod, chamfer); if (status == ChFi2d_IsDone || status == ChFi2d_FirstEdgeDegenerated || status == ChFi2d_LastEdgeDegenerated || status == ChFi2d_BothEdgesDegenerated) { // if (status == ChFi2d_IsDone) { BuildNewWire(EE1, EE2, E1Mod, chamfer, E2Mod); basisEdge1 = BasisEdge(EE1); basisEdge2 = BasisEdge(EE2); UpDateHistory(basisEdge1, basisEdge2, E1Mod, E2Mod, chamfer, 2); status = ChFi2d_IsDone; return TopoDS::Edge(chamfers.Value(chamfers.Length())); } return chamfer; } // AddChamfer //======================================================================= //function : AddChamfer //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Edge ChFi2d_Builder::AddChamfer(const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Vertex& V, const Standard_Real D, const Standard_Real Ang) { TopoDS_Edge aChamfer, adjEdge1, adjEdge2; status = ChFi2d::FindConnectedEdges(newFace, V, adjEdge1, adjEdge2); if (status == ChFi2d_ConnexionError) return aChamfer; // adjEdge1 is a copy of E with the good orientation // on if (adjEdge2.IsSame(E)) { TopAbs_Orientation orient = adjEdge2.Orientation(); adjEdge2 = adjEdge1; adjEdge1 = E; adjEdge1.Orientation(orient); } if (IsAFillet(adjEdge1) || IsAChamfer(adjEdge1) || IsAFillet(adjEdge2) || IsAChamfer(adjEdge2)) { status = ChFi2d_NotAuthorized; return aChamfer; } // if (IsAChamfer ... if (!IsLineOrCircle(adjEdge1,newFace) || !IsLineOrCircle(adjEdge1,newFace) ) { status = ChFi2d_NotAuthorized; return aChamfer; } // if (!IsLineOrCircle ... TopoDS_Edge E1, E2; ComputeChamfer(V, adjEdge1, D, Ang, adjEdge2, E1, E2, aChamfer); TopoDS_Edge basisEdge1, basisEdge2; if (status == ChFi2d_IsDone || status == ChFi2d_FirstEdgeDegenerated || status == ChFi2d_LastEdgeDegenerated || status == ChFi2d_BothEdgesDegenerated) { // if (status == ChFi2d_IsDone) { BuildNewWire(adjEdge1, adjEdge2, E1, aChamfer, E2); basisEdge1 = BasisEdge(adjEdge1); basisEdge2 = BasisEdge(adjEdge2); UpDateHistory(basisEdge1, basisEdge2, E1, E2, aChamfer, 2); status = ChFi2d_IsDone; return TopoDS::Edge(chamfers.Value(chamfers.Length())); } return aChamfer; } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeChamfer //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi2d_Builder::ComputeChamfer(const TopoDS_Vertex& V, const TopoDS_Edge& E1, const TopoDS_Edge& E2, const Standard_Real D1, const Standard_Real D2, TopoDS_Edge& TrimE1, TopoDS_Edge& TrimE2, TopoDS_Edge& Chamfer) { TopoDS_Vertex newExtr1, newExtr2; Standard_Boolean Degen1, Degen2; Chamfer = BuildChamferEdge(V, E1, E2, D1, D2, newExtr1, newExtr2); if ( status != ChFi2d_IsDone) return; TrimE1 = BuildNewEdge(E1, V, newExtr1, Degen1); TrimE2 = BuildNewEdge(E2, V, newExtr2, Degen2); if (Degen1 && Degen2 ) status = ChFi2d_BothEdgesDegenerated; if (Degen1 && !Degen2 ) status = ChFi2d_FirstEdgeDegenerated; if (!Degen1 && Degen2 ) status = ChFi2d_LastEdgeDegenerated; // TrimE1 = BuildNewEdge(E1, V, newExtr1); // TrimE2 = BuildNewEdge(E2, V, newExtr2); } // ComputeChamfer //======================================================================= //function : ComputeChamfer //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi2d_Builder::ComputeChamfer(const TopoDS_Vertex& V, const TopoDS_Edge& E1, const Standard_Real D, const Standard_Real Ang, const TopoDS_Edge& E2, TopoDS_Edge& TrimE1, TopoDS_Edge& TrimE2, TopoDS_Edge& Chamfer) { TopoDS_Vertex newExtr1, newExtr2; Standard_Boolean Degen1, Degen2; Chamfer = BuildChamferEdge(V, E1, D, Ang, E2, newExtr1, newExtr2); if ( status != ChFi2d_IsDone) return; TrimE1 = BuildNewEdge(E1, V, newExtr1, Degen1); TrimE2 = BuildNewEdge(E2, V, newExtr2, Degen2); if (Degen1 && Degen2 ) status = ChFi2d_BothEdgesDegenerated; if (Degen1 && !Degen2 ) status = ChFi2d_FirstEdgeDegenerated; if (!Degen1 && Degen2 ) status = ChFi2d_LastEdgeDegenerated; // TrimE1 = BuildNewEdge(E1, V, newExtr1); // TrimE2 = BuildNewEdge(E2, V, newExtr2); } // ComputeChamfer //======================================================================= //function : ModifyFillet //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Edge ChFi2d_Builder::ModifyChamfer(const TopoDS_Edge& Chamfer, const TopoDS_Edge& E1, const TopoDS_Edge& E2, const Standard_Real D1, const Standard_Real D2) { TopoDS_Vertex aVertex = RemoveChamfer(Chamfer); TopoDS_Edge adjEdge1, adjEdge2; status = ChFi2d::FindConnectedEdges(newFace, aVertex, adjEdge1, adjEdge2); TopoDS_Edge aChamfer; if (status == ChFi2d_ConnexionError) return aChamfer; // adjEdge1 and adjEdge2 are copies of E1 and E2 with the good orientation // on if (adjEdge1.IsSame(E2)) { TopAbs_Orientation orient = adjEdge1.Orientation(); adjEdge1 = adjEdge2; adjEdge2 = E2; adjEdge2.Orientation(orient); } aChamfer = AddChamfer(adjEdge1, adjEdge2, D1, D2); return aChamfer; } // ModifyChamfer //======================================================================= //function : ModifyFillet //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Edge ChFi2d_Builder::ModifyChamfer(const TopoDS_Edge& Chamfer, const TopoDS_Edge& E, const Standard_Real D, const Standard_Real Ang) { TopoDS_Vertex aVertex = RemoveChamfer(Chamfer); TopoDS_Edge adjEdge1, adjEdge2; status = ChFi2d::FindConnectedEdges(newFace, aVertex, adjEdge1, adjEdge2); TopoDS_Edge aChamfer; if (status == ChFi2d_ConnexionError) return aChamfer; if (adjEdge1.IsSame(E)) aChamfer = AddChamfer(adjEdge1, aVertex, D, Ang); else aChamfer = AddChamfer(adjEdge2, aVertex, D, Ang); return aChamfer; } // ModifyChamfer //======================================================================= //function : RemoveChamfer //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Vertex ChFi2d_Builder::RemoveChamfer(const TopoDS_Edge& Chamfer) { TopoDS_Vertex commonVertex; Standard_Integer i = 1; Standard_Integer IsFind = Standard_False; while (i <= chamfers.Length()) { const TopoDS_Edge& aChamfer = TopoDS::Edge(chamfers.Value(i)); if (aChamfer.IsSame(Chamfer)) { chamfers.Remove(i); IsFind = Standard_True; break; } i++; } if (!IsFind) return commonVertex; TopoDS_Vertex firstVertex, lastVertex; TopExp::Vertices(Chamfer, firstVertex, lastVertex); TopoDS_Edge adjEdge1, adjEdge2; status = ChFi2d::FindConnectedEdges(newFace, firstVertex, adjEdge1, adjEdge2); if (status == ChFi2d_ConnexionError) return commonVertex; TopoDS_Edge basisEdge1, basisEdge2, E1, E2; // E1 and E2 are the adjacentes edges to Chamfer if (adjEdge1.IsSame(Chamfer)) E1 = adjEdge2; else E1 = adjEdge1; basisEdge1 = BasisEdge(E1); status = ChFi2d::FindConnectedEdges(newFace, lastVertex,adjEdge1, adjEdge2); if (status == ChFi2d_ConnexionError) return commonVertex; if (adjEdge1.IsSame(Chamfer)) E2 = adjEdge2; else E2 = adjEdge1; basisEdge2 = BasisEdge(E2); TopoDS_Vertex connectionE1Chamfer, connectionE2Chamfer; Standard_Boolean hasConnection = ChFi2d::CommonVertex(basisEdge1, basisEdge2, commonVertex); if (!hasConnection) { status = ChFi2d_ConnexionError; return commonVertex; } hasConnection = ChFi2d::CommonVertex(E1, Chamfer, connectionE1Chamfer); if (!hasConnection) { status = ChFi2d_ConnexionError; return commonVertex; } hasConnection = ChFi2d::CommonVertex(E2, Chamfer, connectionE2Chamfer); if (!hasConnection) { status = ChFi2d_ConnexionError; return commonVertex; } // rebuild edges on wire TopoDS_Edge newEdge1, newEdge2; TopoDS_Vertex v, v1, v2; BRepLib_MakeEdge makeEdge; TopLoc_Location loc; Standard_Real first, last; TopExp::Vertices(E1, firstVertex, lastVertex); TopExp::Vertices(basisEdge1, v1, v2); if (v1.IsSame(commonVertex)) v = v2; else v = v1; if ( firstVertex.IsSame(v) || lastVertex.IsSame(v)) // It means the edge support only one fillet. In this case // the new edge must be the basis edge. newEdge1 = basisEdge1; else { // It means the edge support one fillet on each end. if (firstVertex.IsSame(connectionE1Chamfer)) { // syntaxe invalide sur NT // const Handle(Geom_Curve)& curve = // BRep_Tool::Curve(E1, loc, first, last); Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve(E1, loc, first, last); makeEdge.Init(curve, commonVertex, lastVertex); newEdge1 = makeEdge.Edge(); newEdge1.Orientation(basisEdge1.Orientation()); newEdge1.Location(basisEdge1.Location()); } // if (firstVertex ... else if (lastVertex.IsSame(connectionE1Chamfer)) { // syntaxe invalide sur NT // const Handle(Geom_Curve)& curve = // BRep_Tool::Curve(E1, loc, first, last); Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve(E1, loc, first, last); makeEdge.Init(curve, firstVertex, commonVertex); newEdge1 = makeEdge.Edge(); newEdge1.Orientation(basisEdge1.Orientation()); newEdge1.Location(basisEdge1.Location()); } // else if (lastVertex ... } // else ... TopExp::Vertices(basisEdge2, v1, v2); if (v1.IsSame(commonVertex)) v = v2; else v = v1; TopExp::Vertices(E2, firstVertex, lastVertex); if ( firstVertex.IsSame(v) || lastVertex.IsSame(v)) // It means the edge support only one fillet. In this case // the new edge must be the basis edge. newEdge2 = basisEdge2; else { // It means the edge support one fillet on each end. if (firstVertex.IsSame(connectionE2Chamfer)) { // syntaxe invalide sur NT // const Handle(Geom_Curve)& curve = // BRep_Tool::Curve(E2, loc, first, last); Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve(E2, loc, first, last); makeEdge.Init(curve, commonVertex, lastVertex); newEdge2 = makeEdge.Edge(); newEdge2.Orientation(basisEdge2.Orientation()); newEdge2.Location(basisEdge2.Location()); } // if (firstVertex ... else if (lastVertex.IsSame(connectionE2Chamfer)) { // syntaxe invalide sur NT // const Handle(Geom_Curve)& curve = // BRep_Tool::Curve(E2, loc, first, last); Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve(E2, loc, first, last); makeEdge.Init(curve, firstVertex, commonVertex); newEdge2 = makeEdge.Edge(); newEdge2.Orientation(basisEdge2.Orientation()); newEdge2.Location(basisEdge2.Location()); } // else if (lastVertex ... } // else ... // rebuild the newFace TopExp_Explorer Ex(newFace, TopAbs_EDGE); TopoDS_Wire newWire; BRep_Builder B; B.MakeWire(newWire); while (Ex.More()) { const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current()); if (!theEdge.IsSame(E1) && !theEdge.IsSame(E2) && !theEdge.IsSame(Chamfer) ) B.Add(newWire, theEdge); else { if (theEdge == E1) B.Add(newWire, newEdge1); else if (theEdge == E2) B.Add(newWire, newEdge2); } // else Ex.Next(); } // while ... BRepAdaptor_Surface Adaptor3dSurface(refFace); BRepLib_MakeFace mFace(Adaptor3dSurface.Plane(), newWire); newFace.Nullify(); newFace = mFace; UpDateHistory(basisEdge1, basisEdge2, newEdge1, newEdge2); return commonVertex; } // RemoveChamfer //======================================================================= //function : BuildChamferEdge //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Edge ChFi2d_Builder::BuildChamferEdge(const TopoDS_Vertex& V, const TopoDS_Edge& AdjEdge1, const TopoDS_Edge& AdjEdge2, const Standard_Real D1, const Standard_Real D2, TopoDS_Vertex& NewExtr1, TopoDS_Vertex& NewExtr2) { TopoDS_Edge chamfer; if ( D1 <= 0 || D2 <= 0) { status = ChFi2d_ParametersError; return chamfer; } // if ( D1 <=0 ... Standard_Real param1, param2; gp_Pnt p1 = ComputePoint(V, AdjEdge1, D1, param1); gp_Pnt p2 = ComputePoint(V, AdjEdge2, D2, param2); Standard_Real tol = Precision::Confusion(); BRep_Builder B; B.MakeVertex(NewExtr1, p1, tol); B.MakeVertex(NewExtr2, p2, tol); NewExtr1.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); NewExtr2.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); // chamfer edge construction TopLoc_Location loc; const Handle(Geom_Surface) refSurf = BRep_Tool::Surface(refFace, loc); gp_Vec myVec( p1, p2); gp_Dir myDir(myVec); Handle(Geom_Line) newLine = new Geom_Line( p1, myDir); Standard_Real param = ElCLib::Parameter(newLine->Lin(), p2); B.MakeEdge(chamfer, newLine, tol); B.Range(chamfer,0., param); B.Add(chamfer, NewExtr1); B.UpdateVertex(NewExtr1,0., chamfer, tol); B.Add(chamfer, NewExtr2); B.UpdateVertex(NewExtr2,param, chamfer, tol); OrientChamfer(chamfer, AdjEdge1, V); // set the orientation of NewExtr1 and NewExtr2 for the adjacent edges TopoDS_Vertex V1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(AdjEdge1); TopoDS_Vertex V2 = TopExp::LastVertex(AdjEdge1); if (V1.IsSame(V)) NewExtr1.Orientation(V1.Orientation()); else NewExtr1.Orientation(V2.Orientation()); V1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(AdjEdge2); V2 = TopExp::LastVertex(AdjEdge2); if (V1.IsSame(V)) NewExtr2.Orientation(V1.Orientation()); else NewExtr2.Orientation(V2.Orientation()); B.UpdateVertex(NewExtr1, param1, AdjEdge1, tol); B.UpdateVertex(NewExtr2, param2, AdjEdge2, tol); status = ChFi2d_IsDone; return chamfer; } // BuildChamferEdge //======================================================================= //function : BuildFilletEdge //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Edge ChFi2d_Builder::BuildChamferEdge(const TopoDS_Vertex& V, const TopoDS_Edge& AdjEdge1, const Standard_Real D, const Standard_Real Ang, const TopoDS_Edge& AdjEdge2, TopoDS_Vertex& NewExtr1, TopoDS_Vertex& NewExtr2) { TopoDS_Edge chamfer; if ( D <= 0 || Ang <= 0) { status = ChFi2d_ParametersError; return chamfer; } // if ( D <= 0 ... Standard_Real param1, param2; gp_Pnt p1 = ComputePoint(V, AdjEdge1, D, param1); gp_Pnt p = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V); gp_Vec myVec( p1, p); // compute the tangent vector on AdjEdge2 at the vertex V. BRepAdaptor_Curve c(AdjEdge2, refFace); Standard_Real first, last; first = c.FirstParameter(); last = c.LastParameter(); gp_Pnt aPoint; gp_Vec tan; c.D1(first, aPoint, tan); if (aPoint.Distance(p) > Precision::Confusion()) { c.D1(last, aPoint, tan); } // tangent orientation TopoDS_Vertex v1, v2; TopExp::Vertices(AdjEdge2, v1, v2); TopAbs_Orientation orient; if (v1.IsSame(V)) orient = v1.Orientation(); else orient = v2.Orientation(); if (orient == TopAbs_REVERSED) tan *= -1; // compute the chamfer geometric support gp_Ax1 RotAxe(p1, tan^myVec); gp_Vec vecLin = myVec.Rotated(RotAxe, -Ang); gp_Dir myDir(vecLin); Handle(Geom_Line) newLine = new Geom_Line( p1, myDir); BRep_Builder B1; B1.MakeEdge(chamfer, newLine, Precision::Confusion()); gp_Pnt p2 = ComputePoint(refFace, newLine, AdjEdge2, param2); Standard_Real tol = Precision::Confusion(); BRep_Builder B; B.MakeVertex(NewExtr1, p1, tol); B.MakeVertex(NewExtr2, p2, tol); NewExtr1.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); NewExtr2.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); // chamfer edge construction Standard_Real param = ElCLib::Parameter(newLine->Lin(), p2); B.MakeEdge(chamfer, newLine, tol); B.Range(chamfer,0., param); B.Add(chamfer, NewExtr1); B.UpdateVertex(NewExtr1,0., chamfer, tol); B.Add(chamfer, NewExtr2); B.UpdateVertex(NewExtr2,param, chamfer, tol); OrientChamfer(chamfer, AdjEdge1, V); // set the orientation of NewExtr1 and NewExtr2 for the adjacent edges TopoDS_Vertex V1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(AdjEdge1); TopoDS_Vertex V2 = TopExp::LastVertex(AdjEdge1); if (V1.IsSame(V)) NewExtr1.Orientation(V1.Orientation()); else NewExtr1.Orientation(V2.Orientation()); V1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(AdjEdge2); V2 = TopExp::LastVertex(AdjEdge2); if (V1.IsSame(V)) NewExtr2.Orientation(V1.Orientation()); else NewExtr2.Orientation(V2.Orientation()); B.UpdateVertex(NewExtr1, param1, AdjEdge1, tol); B.UpdateVertex(NewExtr2, param2, AdjEdge2, tol); status = ChFi2d_IsDone; return chamfer; } //======================================================================= //function : ComputePoint //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Pnt ComputePoint(const TopoDS_Vertex& V,const TopoDS_Edge& E, const Standard_Real D, Standard_Real& Param) { // geometric support BRepAdaptor_Curve c(E); Standard_Real first, last; first = c.FirstParameter(); last = c.LastParameter(); gp_Pnt thePoint; if (c.GetType() == GeomAbs_Line) { gp_Pnt p1, p2; TopoDS_Vertex v1, v2; TopExp::Vertices(E, v1, v2); p1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v1); p2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v2); gp_Vec myVec( p1, p2); myVec.Normalize(); myVec *= D; if (v2.IsSame(V)) { myVec *= -1; // change the sense of myVec thePoint = p2.Translated(myVec); } // if (v2 ... else thePoint = p1.Translated(myVec); Param = ElCLib::Parameter(c.Line(), thePoint); //szv:OCC20823-begin c.D0(Param, thePoint); //szv:OCC20823-end return thePoint; } // if (C->IsKind(TYPE ... if (c.GetType() == GeomAbs_Circle) { gp_Circ cir = c.Circle(); Standard_Real radius = cir.Radius(); TopoDS_Vertex v1, v2; TopExp::Vertices(E, v1, v2); Standard_Real param1,param2; if (V.IsSame(v1)) { param1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(v1,E); param2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(v2,E); } else { param1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(v2,E); param2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(v1,E); } Standard_Real deltaAlpha = D/radius; if (param1 > param2) Param = param1 - deltaAlpha; else Param = param1 + deltaAlpha; c.D0(Param, thePoint); return thePoint; } // if (C->IsKind(TYPE ... else { // in all other case than lines and circles. gp_Pnt p; TopoDS_Vertex v1, v2; TopExp::Vertices(E, v1, v2); if (V.IsSame(v1)) { p = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v1); } else { p = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v2); } GeomAdaptor_Curve cc = c.Curve(); if (p.Distance(c.Value(first)) <= Precision::Confusion()) { GCPnts_AbscissaPoint computePoint(cc, D, first); Param = computePoint.Parameter(); } else { GCPnts_AbscissaPoint computePoint(cc, D, last); Param = computePoint.Parameter(); } thePoint = cc.Value(Param); } // else ... return thePoint; } // ComputePoint //======================================================================= //function : ComputePoint //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Pnt ComputePoint(const TopoDS_Face& F, const Handle(Geom_Line)& L, const TopoDS_Edge& E, Standard_Real& Param) { BRepAdaptor_Surface Adaptor3dSurface(F); Handle(Geom_Plane) refSurf = new Geom_Plane(Adaptor3dSurface.Plane()); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) lin2d = GeomAPI::To2d(L, refSurf->Pln()); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) c2d; Standard_Real first, last; c2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(E, F, first, last); Geom2dAdaptor_Curve adaptorL(lin2d); Geom2dAdaptor_Curve adaptorC(c2d); Geom2dInt_GInter Intersection(adaptorL, adaptorC, Precision::PIntersection(), Precision::PIntersection()); Standard_Real paramOnLine = 1E300; gp_Pnt2d p2d; if (Intersection.IsDone()) { Standard_Integer i = 1; while ( i <= Intersection.NbPoints()) { IntRes2d_IntersectionPoint iP = Intersection.Point(i); if (iP.ParamOnFirst() < paramOnLine) { p2d = iP.Value(); paramOnLine = iP.ParamOnFirst(); Param = iP.ParamOnSecond(); } // if (iP.ParamOnFirst ... i++; } // while ( i <= ... } // if (Intersection.IsDone ... gp_Pnt thePoint = Adaptor3dSurface.Value(p2d.X(), p2d.Y()); return thePoint; } // ComputePoint //======================================================================= //function : OrientChamfer //purpose : //======================================================================= void OrientChamfer(TopoDS_Edge& chamfer, const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Vertex& V) { TopAbs_Orientation vOrient, orient = E.Orientation(); TopoDS_Vertex v1, v2; TopExp::Vertices(E, v1, v2); if (v1.IsSame(V)) vOrient = v2.Orientation(); else vOrient = v1.Orientation(); if ((orient == TopAbs_FORWARD && vOrient == TopAbs_FORWARD) || (orient == TopAbs_REVERSED && vOrient == TopAbs_REVERSED)) chamfer.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); else chamfer.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); } // OrientChamfer //======================================================================= //function : IsLineOrCircle //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean IsLineOrCircle(const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Face& F) { Standard_Real first, last; TopLoc_Location loc; // syntaxe invalide sur NT // const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& C = // BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(E,F,first,last); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(E,F,first,last); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) basisC; Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) TC = Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)::DownCast(C); if (!TC.IsNull()) basisC = Handle(Geom2d_Curve)::DownCast(TC->BasisCurve()); else basisC = Handle(Geom2d_Curve)::DownCast(C); if ( basisC->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom2d_Circle) || basisC->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom2d_Line) ) { return Standard_True; } else { return Standard_False; } // else ... } // IsLineOrCircle