-- File: BooleanOperations_ShapeAndInterferences.cdl -- Created: Mon Jul 24 18:27:49 2000 -- Author: Vincent DELOS -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 2000 class ShapeAndInterferences from BooleanOperations ---Purpose: uses Box from Bnd, Shape from TopoDS, ShapeEnum from TopAbs, Orientation from TopAbs, StateOfShape from BooleanOperations, --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Feb 2 14:45:12 2005f -- InterferencesList from BooleanOperations, -- InterferenceResult from BooleanOperations, --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Feb 2 14:45:40 2005t AncestorsAndSuccessors from BooleanOperations --raises is Create returns ShapeAndInterferences; -------------------- -- INLINE METHODS -- -------------------- GetShape (me) returns Shape from TopoDS; ---C++: inline ---C++: return const & GetShapeType (me) returns ShapeEnum from TopAbs; ---C++: inline GetState (me) returns StateOfShape from BooleanOperations; ---C++: inline SetState (me:in out; theState: StateOfShape); ---C++: inline GetBoundingBox (me) returns Box from Bnd; ---C++: inline ---C++: return const & NumberOfAncestors(me) returns Integer from Standard; ---C++: inline NumberOfSuccessors(me) returns Integer from Standard; ---C++: inline GetAncestor (me; index:Integer) returns Integer from Standard; ---C++: inline GetSuccessor (me; index:Integer) returns Integer from Standard; ---C++: inline GetAncestors (me; theArrayOfAncestors: out Address; AncestorsSize:out Integer from Standard); ---C++: inline GetSuccessors (me; theArrayOfSuccessors:out Address; SuccessorsSize:out Integer from Standard); ---C++: inline GetOrientation (me; index:Integer) returns Orientation from TopAbs; ---C++: inline GetOrientations (me; theArrayOfOrientations:out Address; OrientationsSize:out Integer from Standard); ---C++: inline --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Feb 3 11:13:49 2005f -- GetInterference (me; index:Integer) returns InterferenceResult; -- --C++: inline -- --C++: return const & -- NumberOfInterferences (me) returns Integer; --C++: inline -- GetIntersectionResult (me; index:Integer) returns Integer; -- --C++: inline -- GetIntersectedShape (me; index:Integer) returns Integer; -- --C++: inline ------------------ -- MAIN METHODS -- ------------------ -- SetInterference (me:in out; Interf: InterferenceResult); ---Purpose: sets an interference in . -- Dump (me); ---Purpose: to display the fields. --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Feb 2 12:55:39 2005t fields myBoundingBox : Box from Bnd; ---Purpose: the bounding box of . myAncestorsAndSuccessors : AncestorsAndSuccessors from BooleanOperations; ---Purpose: the shapes that contain and/or containded by . myShape : Shape; ---Purpose: can be a shape of the Object, of the Tool or created by -- intersecting both of them. myState : StateOfShape; ---Purpose: the state of . --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Feb 2 12:53:22 2005f --myInterferencesList : InterferencesList; --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Feb 2 12:53:40 2005t ---Purpose: all the shapes whose intersection with is not empty. friends class ShapesDataStructure from BooleanOperations end ShapeAndInterferences;