-- File: Bnd_BoundSortBox2d.cdl -- Created: Fri Mar 5 15:45:24 1993 -- Author: Didier PIFFAULT -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class BoundSortBox2d from Bnd ---Purpose: A tool to compare a 2D bounding box with a set of 2D -- bounding boxes. It sorts the set of bounding boxes to give -- the list of boxes which intersect the element being compared. -- The boxes being sorted generally bound a set of shapes, -- while the box being compared bounds a shape to be -- compared. The resulting list of intersecting boxes therefore -- gives the list of items which potentially intersect the shape to be compared. uses Integer from Standard, Real from Standard, ListOfInteger from TColStd, Box2d from Bnd, HArray1OfBox2d from Bnd, DataMapOfIntegerInteger from TColStd, HArray1OfListOfInteger from TColStd raises NullValue from Standard, MultiplyDefined from Standard is Create returns BoundSortBox2d from Bnd; ---Purpose: Constructs an empty comparison algorithm for 2D bounding boxes. -- The bounding boxes are then defined using the Initialize function. Initialize (me : in out; CompleteBox : Box2d from Bnd; SetOfBox : HArray1OfBox2d from Bnd) is static; ---Purpose: Initializes this comparison algorithm with -- - the set of 2D bounding boxes SetOfBox Initialize (me : in out; SetOfBox : HArray1OfBox2d from Bnd) is static; ---Purpose: Initializes this comparison algorithm with -- - the set of 2D bounding boxes SetOfBox, where -- CompleteBox is given as the global bounding box of SetOfBox. SortBoxes (me : in out) raises NullValue from Standard is static private; ---Purpose: Prepares BoundSortBox2d and sorts the rectangles of -- . Initialize (me : in out; CompleteBox : Box2d from Bnd; nbComponents : Integer from Standard) raises NullValue from Standard is static; ---Purpose: Initializes this comparison algorithm, giving it only -- - the maximum number nbComponents, and -- - the global bounding box CompleteBox, -- of the 2D bounding boxes to be managed. Use the Add -- function to define the array of bounding boxes to be sorted by this algorithm. Add (me : in out; theBox : Box2d from Bnd; boxIndex : Integer from Standard) raises MultiplyDefined from Standard is static; ---Purpose: Adds the 2D bounding box theBox at position boxIndex in -- the array of boxes to be sorted by this comparison algorithm. -- This function is used only in conjunction with the third -- syntax described in the synopsis of Initialize. -- Exceptions -- - Standard_OutOfRange if boxIndex is not in the -- range [ 1,nbComponents ] where -- nbComponents is the maximum number of bounding -- boxes declared for this comparison algorithm at -- initialization. -- - Standard_MultiplyDefined if a box still exists at -- position boxIndex in the array of boxes to be sorted by -- this comparison algorithm. Compare (me : in out; theBox : Box2d from Bnd) returns ListOfInteger from TColStd ---C++: return const & raises NullValue from Standard is static; ---Purpose: -- Compares the 2D bounding box theBox with the set of -- bounding boxes to be sorted by this comparison algorithm, -- and returns the list of intersecting bounding boxes as a list -- of indexes on the array of bounding boxes used by this algorithm. Dump (me) is static; fields myBox : Box2d from Bnd; myBndComponents : HArray1OfBox2d from Bnd; Xmin : Real from Standard; Ymin : Real from Standard; deltaX : Real from Standard; deltaY : Real from Standard; discrX : Integer from Standard; discrY : Integer from Standard; axisX : HArray1OfListOfInteger from TColStd; axisY : HArray1OfListOfInteger from TColStd; theFound : Integer from Standard; Crible : DataMapOfIntegerInteger from TColStd; lastResult : ListOfInteger from TColStd; end BoundSortBox2d;