-- File: BlendFunc_EvolRad.cdl -- Created: Mon Dec 20 17:38:45 1993 -- Author: Jacques GOUSSARD ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class EvolRad from BlendFunc inherits Function from Blend ---Purpose: uses Vector from math, Matrix from math, Tensor from BlendFunc, Vec from gp, Vec2d from gp, Pnt from gp, Circ from gp, Array1OfPnt from TColgp, Array1OfVec from TColgp, Array1OfPnt2d from TColgp, Array1OfVec2d from TColgp, Array1OfReal from TColStd, Array1OfInteger from TColStd, Point from Blend, SectionShape from BlendFunc, Shape from GeomAbs, ParameterisationType from Convert, HCurve from Adaptor3d, HSurface from Adaptor3d, Function from Law is Create(S1,S2: HSurface from Adaptor3d; C: HCurve from Adaptor3d; Law: Function from Law) returns EvolRad from BlendFunc; NbEquations(me) ---Purpose: returns the number of equations of the function. returns Integer from Standard is redefined static; Value(me: in out; X: Vector; F: out Vector) ---Purpose: computes the values of the Functions for the -- variable . -- Returns True if the computation was done successfully, -- False otherwise. returns Boolean from Standard is redefined static; Derivatives(me: in out; X: Vector; D: out Matrix) ---Purpose: returns the values of the derivatives for the -- variable . -- Returns True if the computation was done successfully, -- False otherwise. returns Boolean from Standard is redefined static ; Values(me: in out; X: Vector; F: out Vector; D: out Matrix) ---Purpose: returns the values of the functions and the derivatives -- for the variable . -- Returns True if the computation was done successfully, -- False otherwise. returns Boolean from Standard is redefined static; ComputeValues(me : in out; X : Vector from math; Order : Integer; ByParam : Boolean = Standard_False; Param : Real = 0) returns Boolean from Standard is private; Set(me: in out; Param: Real from Standard); Set(me: in out; First, Last: Real from Standard); GetTolerance(me; Tolerance: out Vector from math; Tol: Real from Standard); GetBounds(me; InfBound,SupBound: out Vector from math); IsSolution(me: in out; Sol: Vector from math; Tol: Real from Standard) returns Boolean from Standard; GetMinimalDistance(me) ---Purpose: Returns the minimal Distance beetween two -- extremitys of calculed sections. returns Real from Standard; PointOnS1(me) returns Pnt from gp; ---C++: return const& PointOnS2(me) returns Pnt from gp; ---C++: return const& IsTangencyPoint(me) returns Boolean from Standard; TangentOnS1(me) returns Vec from gp; ---C++: return const& Tangent2dOnS1(me) returns Vec2d from gp; ---C++: return const& TangentOnS2(me) returns Vec from gp; ---C++: return const& Tangent2dOnS2(me) returns Vec2d from gp; ---C++: return const& Tangent(me; U1,V1,U2,V2 : Real from Standard; TgFirst,TgLast,NormFirst,NormLast : out Vec from gp); ---Purpose: Returns the tangent vector at the section, -- at the beginning and the end of the section, and -- returns the normal (of the surfaces) at -- these points. TwistOnS1(me) returns Boolean from Standard is redefined; TwistOnS2(me) returns Boolean from Standard is redefined; -- methodes hors template (en plus du create) Set(me: in out; Choix: Integer from Standard) is static; Set(me: in out; TypeSection: SectionShape from BlendFunc) ---Purpose: Sets the type of section generation for the -- approximations. is static; Section(me: in out; Param: Real from Standard; U1,V1,U2,V2: Real from Standard; Pdeb,Pfin: out Real from Standard; C: out Circ from gp) ---Purpose: Method for graphic traces is static; --- Pour les approximations IsRational(me) returns Boolean ---Purpose: Returns if the section is rationnal is static; GetSectionSize(me) returns Real ---Purpose: Returns the length of the maximum section is static; GetMinimalWeight(me; Weigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd) ---Purpose: Compute the minimal value of weight for each poles -- of all sections. is static; NbIntervals(me; S : Shape from GeomAbs) returns Integer ---Purpose: Returns the number of intervals for continuity -- . May be one if Continuity(me) >= is static; Intervals(me; T : in out Array1OfReal from TColStd; S : Shape from GeomAbs) ---Purpose: Stores in the parameters bounding the intervals -- of continuity . -- -- The array must provide enough room to accomodate -- for the parameters. i.e. T.Length() > NbIntervals() is static; GetShape(me: in out; NbPoles : out Integer from Standard; NbKnots : out Integer from Standard; Degree : out Integer from Standard; NbPoles2d : out Integer from Standard) is static; GetTolerance(me; BoundTol, SurfTol, AngleTol : Real; Tol3d : out Vector; Tol1D : out Vector ) ---Purpose: Returns the tolerance to reach in approximation -- to respecte -- BoundTol error at the Boundary -- AngleTol tangent error at the Boundary -- SurfTol error inside the surface. is static; Knots(me: in out; TKnots: out Array1OfReal from TColStd) is static; Mults(me: in out; TMults: out Array1OfInteger from TColStd) is static; Section(me: in out ; P: Point from Blend; Poles : out Array1OfPnt from TColgp; DPoles : out Array1OfVec from TColgp; D2Poles : out Array1OfVec from TColgp; Poles2d : out Array1OfPnt2d from TColgp; DPoles2d : out Array1OfVec2d from TColgp; D2Poles2d : out Array1OfVec2d from TColgp; Weigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd; DWeigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd; D2Weigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd) ---Purpose: Used for the first and last section returns Boolean from Standard is redefined; Section(me: in out ; P: Point from Blend; Poles : out Array1OfPnt from TColgp; DPoles : out Array1OfVec from TColgp; Poles2d : out Array1OfPnt2d from TColgp; DPoles2d : out Array1OfVec2d from TColgp; Weigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd; DWeigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd) ---Purpose: Used for the first and last section returns Boolean from Standard is redefined; Section(me: in out ; P: Point from Blend; Poles : out Array1OfPnt from TColgp; Poles2d : out Array1OfPnt2d from TColgp; Weigths : out Array1OfReal from TColStd) is static; Resolution(me; IC2d : Integer from Standard; Tol : Real from Standard; TolU, TolV : out Real from Standard); fields -- the basic inpout geometry surf1 : HSurface from Adaptor3d; surf2 : HSurface from Adaptor3d; curv : HCurve from Adaptor3d; tcurv : HCurve from Adaptor3d; fevol : Function from Law; tevol : Function from Law; -- the basic output geometry pts1 : Pnt from gp; pts2 : Pnt from gp; istangent: Boolean from Standard; tg1 : Vec from gp; tg12d : Vec2d from gp; tg2 : Vec from gp; tg22d : Vec2d from gp; -- auxiliary scalar param : Real from Standard; sg1 : Real from Standard; sg2 : Real from Standard; ray : Real from Standard; dray : Real from Standard; d2ray : Real from Standard; choix : Integer from Standard; myXOrder : Integer from Standard; myTOrder : Integer from Standard; xval : Vector from math; tval : Real from Standard; -- Auxiliary Geometry -- the normal d1u1, d1u2 : Vec from gp; d1v1, d1v2 : Vec from gp; d2u1, d2v1, d2uv1 : Vec from gp; d2u2, d2v2, d2uv2 : Vec from gp; dn1w, dn2w : Vec from gp; d2n1w, d2n2w : Vec from gp; nplan : Vec from gp; nsurf1 : Vec from gp; nsurf2 : Vec from gp; dns1u1, dns1u2 : Vec from gp; dns1v1, dns1v2 : Vec from gp; dnplan : Vec from gp; d2nplan : Vec from gp; dnsurf1 : Vec from gp; dnsurf2 : Vec from gp; -- Auxilary math Object dndu1, dndu2 : Vec from gp; dndv1, dndv2 : Vec from gp; d2ndu1, d2ndu2 : Vec from gp; d2ndv1, d2ndv2 : Vec from gp; d2nduv1, d2nduv2 : Vec from gp; d2ndtu1, d2ndtu2 : Vec from gp; d2ndtv1, d2ndtv2 : Vec from gp; E : Vector from math; DEDX : Matrix from math; DEDT : Vector from math; D2EDX2 : Tensor from BlendFunc; D2EDXDT : Matrix from math; D2EDT2 : Vector from math; -- Information on sections minang : Real from Standard; maxang : Real from Standard; lengthmin: Real from Standard; lengthmax: Real from Standard; distmin : Real from Standard; mySShape : SectionShape from BlendFunc; myTConv : ParameterisationType from Convert; end EvolRad;