-- File: BinTools_ShapeSet.cdl -- Created: Tue May 11 18:04:54 2004 -- Author: Sergey ZARITCHNY -- Copyright: Open CasCade S.A. 2004 class ShapeSet from BinTools ---Purpose: Writes topology in OStream in binary format uses Shape from TopoDS, IndexedMapOfShape from TopTools, ShapeEnum from TopAbs, Builder from BRep, ShapeEnum from TopAbs, LocationSet from BinTools, SurfaceSet from BinTools, CurveSet from BinTools, Curve2dSet from BinTools, IndexedMapOfTransient from TColStd is Create(isWithTriangles: Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns ShapeSet from BinTools; ---Purpose: Builds an empty ShapeSet. -- Parameter is added for XML Persistence Delete(me:out) is virtual; ---C++: alias "Standard_EXPORT virtual ~BinTools_ShapeSet(){Delete() ; }" SetFormatNb(me : out; theFormatNb : Integer) is static; FormatNb(me) returns Integer is static; ---Purpose: two formats available for the moment: -- First: does not write CurveOnSurface UV Points into the file -- on reading calls Check() method. -- Second: stores CurveOnSurface UV Points. -- On reading format is recognized from Version string. Clear(me : in out) ---Purpose: Clears the content of the set. is virtual; Add(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns Integer ---Purpose: Stores and its sub-shape. Returns the index of . -- The method AddGeometry is called on each sub-shape. is static; Shape(me; I : Integer) returns Shape from TopoDS ---Purpose: Returns the sub-shape of index . -- ---C++: return const & is static; Index(me; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns Integer ---Purpose: Returns the index of . is static; Locations(me) returns LocationSet from BinTools ---C++: return const & is static; ChangeLocations(me : in out) returns LocationSet from BinTools ---C++: return & is static; NbShapes(me) returns Integer; ---Purpose:Returns number of shapes read from file. Write(me; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Writes the content of me on the stream in binary -- format that can be read back by Read. -- -- Writes the locations. -- -- Writes the geometry calling WriteGeometry. -- -- Dumps the shapes from last to first. -- For each shape : -- Write the type. -- calls WriteGeometry(S). -- Write the flags, the subshapes. is virtual; Read(me : in out; IS : in out IStream) ---Purpose: Reads the content of me from the binary stream . me -- is first cleared. -- -- Reads the locations. -- -- Reads the geometry calling ReadGeometry. -- -- Reads the shapes. -- For each shape -- Reads the type. -- calls ReadGeometry(T,S). -- Reads the flag, the subshapes. is virtual; Write(me; S : Shape from TopoDS; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Writes on the shape . Writes the -- orientation, the index of the TShape and the index -- of the Location. is virtual; WriteGeometry(me; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Writes the geometry of me on the stream in a -- binary format that can be read back by Read. is virtual; ReadGeometry(me : in out; IS : in out IStream) ---Purpose: Reads the geometry of me from the stream . is virtual; Read(me; S : in out Shape from TopoDS; IS : in out IStream; NbShapes : Integer) ---Purpose: Reads from a shape and returns it in S. -- is the number of tshapes in the set. is virtual; WriteGeometry(me; S : Shape from TopoDS; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Writes the geometry of on the stream in a -- binary format that can be read back by Read. is virtual; ReadGeometry(me : in out; T : ShapeEnum from TopAbs; IS : in out IStream; S : out Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Reads the geometry of a shape of type from the -- stream and returns it in . is virtual; AddGeometry(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Stores the goemetry of . is virtual; -- WriteLocations(me; OS: in out OStream from Standard) is static; -- ReadLocations(me: in out; OS: in out IStream from Standard) is static; AddShapes(me : in out; S1 : in out Shape from TopoDS; S2 : Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Inserts the shape in the shape . is virtual; ReadPolygon3D(me: in out; IS: in out IStream) ---Purpose: Reads the 3d polygons of me -- from the stream . is static; WritePolygon3D(me; OS: in out OStream) ---Purpose: Writes the 3d polygons -- on the stream in a format that can -- be read back by Read. is static; ReadTriangulation(me: in out; IS: in out IStream) ---Purpose: Reads the triangulation of me -- from the stream . is static; WriteTriangulation(me; OS: in out OStream) ---Purpose: Writes the triangulation -- on the stream in a format that can -- be read back by Read. is static; ReadPolygonOnTriangulation(me: in out; IS: in out IStream) ---Purpose: Reads the polygons on triangulation of me -- from the stream . is static; WritePolygonOnTriangulation(me; OS: in out OStream) ---Purpose: Writes the polygons on triangulation -- on the stream in a format that can -- be read back by Read. is static; fields myShapes : IndexedMapOfShape from TopTools; myLocations : LocationSet from BinTools; myFormatNb : Integer from Standard; -- jfa 26.09.2001 myBuilder : Builder from BRep; mySurfaces : SurfaceSet from BinTools; myCurves : CurveSet from BinTools; myCurves2d : Curve2dSet from BinTools; myPolygons2D: IndexedMapOfTransient from TColStd; myPolygons3D: IndexedMapOfTransient from TColStd; myTriangulations: IndexedMapOfTransient from TColStd; myNodes : IndexedMapOfTransient from TColStd; myWithTriangles: Boolean from Standard; end ShapeSet;