// File: BRepTools_WireExplorer.cxx // Created: Thu Jan 21 19:09:53 1993 // Author: Remi LEQUETTE // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //======================================================================= // forward declarations of aux functions //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean SelectDouble(TopTools_MapOfShape& Doubles, TopTools_ListOfShape& L, TopoDS_Edge& E); static Standard_Boolean SelectDegenerated(TopTools_ListOfShape& L, TopoDS_Edge& E); static Standard_Real GetNextParamOnPC(const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& aPC, const gp_Pnt2d& aPRef, const Standard_Real& fP, const Standard_Real& lP, const Standard_Real& tolU, const Standard_Real& tolV, const Standard_Boolean& reverse); //======================================================================= //function : BRepTools_WireExplorer //purpose : //======================================================================= BRepTools_WireExplorer::BRepTools_WireExplorer() { } //======================================================================= //function : BRepTools_WireExplorer //purpose : //======================================================================= BRepTools_WireExplorer::BRepTools_WireExplorer(const TopoDS_Wire& W) { TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS_Face(); Init(W,F); } //======================================================================= //function : BRepTools_WireExplorer //purpose : //======================================================================= BRepTools_WireExplorer::BRepTools_WireExplorer(const TopoDS_Wire& W, const TopoDS_Face& F) { Init(W,F); } //======================================================================= //function : Init //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepTools_WireExplorer::Init(const TopoDS_Wire& W) { TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS_Face(); Init(W,F); } //======================================================================= //function : Init //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepTools_WireExplorer::Init(const TopoDS_Wire& W, const TopoDS_Face& F) { myEdge = TopoDS_Edge(); myVertex = TopoDS_Vertex(); myMap.Clear(); myDoubles.Clear(); if( W.IsNull() ) return; myFace = F; Standard_Real dfVertToler = 0.; myReverse = Standard_False; if (!myFace.IsNull()) { BRepTools::Update(myFace); TopLoc_Location aL; const Handle(Geom_Surface)& aSurf = BRep_Tool::Surface(myFace, aL); GeomAdaptor_Surface aGAS(aSurf); TopExp_Explorer anExp(W, TopAbs_VERTEX); for(; anExp.More(); anExp.Next()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& aV = TopoDS::Vertex(anExp.Current()); dfVertToler = Max(BRep_Tool::Tolerance(aV), dfVertToler); } myTolU = 2. * aGAS.UResolution(dfVertToler); myTolV = 2. * aGAS.VResolution(dfVertToler); // uresolution for cone with infinite vmin vmax is too small. if(aGAS.GetType() == GeomAbs_Cone) { Standard_Real u1, u2, v1, v2; BRepTools::UVBounds(myFace, u1, u2, v1, v2); gp_Pnt aP; gp_Vec aD1U, aD1V; aGAS.D1(u1, v1, aP, aD1U, aD1V); Standard_Real tol1, tol2, maxtol = .0005*(u2-u1); Standard_Real a = aD1U.Magnitude(); if(a <= Precision::Confusion()) tol1 = maxtol; else tol1 = Min(maxtol, dfVertToler/a); aGAS.D1(u1, v2, aP, aD1U, aD1V); a = aD1U.Magnitude(); if(a <= Precision::Confusion()) tol2 = maxtol; else tol2 = Min(maxtol, dfVertToler/a); myTolU = 2. * Max(tol1, tol2); } if( aGAS.GetType() == GeomAbs_BSplineSurface || aGAS.GetType() == GeomAbs_BezierSurface ) { Standard_Real maxTol = Max(myTolU,myTolV); myTolU = maxTol; myTolV = maxTol; } myReverse = (myFace.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED); } // map of vertices to know if the wire is open TopTools_MapOfShape vmap; // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Mon May 13 11:50:48 2002 Begin // map of infinite edges TopTools_MapOfShape anInfEmap; // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Mon May 13 11:50:49 2002 End // list the vertices TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2; TopTools_ListOfShape empty; TopoDS_Iterator it(W); while (it.More()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value()); TopAbs_Orientation Eori = E.Orientation(); if (Eori == TopAbs_INTERNAL || Eori == TopAbs_EXTERNAL) { it.Next(); continue; } TopExp::Vertices(E,V1,V2,Standard_True); if( !V1.IsNull() ) { if( !myMap.IsBound(V1) ) myMap.Bind(V1,empty); myMap(V1).Append(E); // add or remove in the vertex map V1.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); if( !vmap.Add(V1) ) vmap.Remove(V1); } if( !V2.IsNull() ) { V2.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); if(!vmap.Add(V2)) vmap.Remove(V2); } // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Mon May 13 11:52:20 2002 Begin if (V1.IsNull() || V2.IsNull()) { Standard_Real aF = 0., aL = 0.; BRep_Tool::Range(E, aF, aL); if(Eori == TopAbs_FORWARD) { if (aF == -Precision::Infinite()) anInfEmap.Add(E); } else { // Eori == TopAbs_REVERSED if (aL == Precision::Infinite()) anInfEmap.Add(E); } } // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Mon May 13 11:52:20 2002 End it.Next(); } //Construction de l ensemble des aretes doubles. TopoDS_Iterator it2(W); TopTools_MapOfShape emap; while (it2.More()) { if (!emap.Add(it2.Value())) myDoubles.Add(it2.Value()); it2.Next(); } // if vmap is not empty the wire is open, let us find the first vertex if (!vmap.IsEmpty()) { TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape itt(vmap); // skl : I change "it" to "itt" while (itt.Key().Orientation() != TopAbs_FORWARD) { itt.Next(); if (!itt.More()) break; } if (itt.More()) V1 = TopoDS::Vertex(itt.Key()); } else { // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Mon May 13 12:05:30 2002 Begin // The wire is infinite Try to find the first vertex. It may be NULL. if (!anInfEmap.IsEmpty()) { TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape itt(anInfEmap); for (; itt.More(); itt.Next()) { TopoDS_Edge anEdge = TopoDS::Edge(itt.Key()); TopAbs_Orientation anOri = anEdge.Orientation(); Standard_Real aF; Standard_Real aL; BRep_Tool::Range(anEdge, aF, aL); if ((anOri == TopAbs_FORWARD && aF == -Precision::Infinite()) || (anOri == TopAbs_REVERSED && aL == Precision::Infinite())) { myEdge = anEdge; myVertex = TopoDS_Vertex(); return; } } } // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Mon May 13 12:05:31 2002 End // use the first vertex in iterator it.Initialize(W); while (it.More()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value()); TopAbs_Orientation Eori = E.Orientation(); if (Eori == TopAbs_INTERNAL || Eori == TopAbs_EXTERNAL) { // JYL 10-03-97 : en attendant un traitement correct // des aretes INTERNAL/EXTERNAL it.Next(); continue; } TopExp::Vertices(E,V1,V2,Standard_True); break; } } if (V1.IsNull() ) return; if (!myMap.IsBound(V1)) return; TopTools_ListOfShape& l = myMap(V1); myEdge = TopoDS::Edge(l.First()); l.RemoveFirst(); myVertex = TopExp::FirstVertex (myEdge, Standard_True); } //======================================================================= //function : More //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean BRepTools_WireExplorer::More()const { return !myEdge.IsNull(); } //======================================================================= //function : Next //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepTools_WireExplorer::Next() { myVertex = TopExp::LastVertex (myEdge, Standard_True); if (myVertex.IsNull()) { myEdge = TopoDS_Edge(); return; } if (!myMap.IsBound(myVertex)) { myEdge = TopoDS_Edge(); return; } TopTools_ListOfShape& l = myMap(myVertex); if (l.IsEmpty()) { myEdge = TopoDS_Edge(); } else if (l.Extent() == 1) { // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Fri Jun 21 10:28:01 2002 OCC325 Begin TopoDS_Vertex aV1; TopoDS_Vertex aV2; TopoDS_Edge aNextEdge = TopoDS::Edge(l.First()); TopExp::Vertices(aNextEdge, aV1, aV2, Standard_True); if (!aV1.IsSame(myVertex)) { myEdge = TopoDS_Edge(); return; } if (!myFace.IsNull() && aV1.IsSame(aV2)) { Handle(Geom2d_Curve) aPrevPC; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) aNextPC; Standard_Real aPar11, aPar12; Standard_Real aPar21, aPar22; Standard_Real aPrevPar; Standard_Real aNextFPar; Standard_Real aNextLPar; aPrevPC = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(myEdge, myFace, aPar11, aPar12); aNextPC = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(aNextEdge, myFace, aPar21, aPar22); if (aPrevPC.IsNull() || aNextPC.IsNull()) { myEdge = TopoDS_Edge(); return; } if (myEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) aPrevPar = aPar12; else aPrevPar = aPar11; if (aNextEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) { aNextFPar = aPar21; aNextLPar = aPar22; } else { aNextFPar = aPar22; aNextLPar = aPar21; } gp_Pnt2d aPPrev = aPrevPC->Value(aPrevPar); gp_Pnt2d aPNextF = aNextPC->Value(aNextFPar); gp_Pnt2d aPNextL = aNextPC->Value(aNextLPar); if (aPPrev.SquareDistance(aPNextF) > aPPrev.SquareDistance(aPNextL)) { myEdge = TopoDS_Edge(); return; } } // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Fri Jun 21 11:08:16 2002 End myEdge = TopoDS::Edge(l.First()); l.Clear(); } else { if (myFace.IsNull()) { // Sans la Face On essait qd meme de renvoyer les aretes // le plus logiquement possible // En premier choix les aretes degenerees. TopoDS_Edge E = myEdge; if (SelectDegenerated(l,E)) { myEdge = E; return; } // En deuxieme choix les aretes doubles. E = myEdge; if (SelectDouble(myDoubles,l,E)) { myEdge = E; return; } TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(l); Standard_Boolean notfound = Standard_True; while (it.More()) { if (!it.Value().IsSame(myEdge)) { myEdge = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value()); l.Remove(it); notfound = Standard_False; break; } it.Next(); } if(notfound) { myEdge = TopoDS_Edge(); return; } } else { // If we have more than one edge attached to the list // probably wire that we explore contains a loop or loops. Standard_Real dfFPar = 0., dfLPar = 0.; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) aPCurve = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface (myEdge, myFace, dfFPar, dfLPar); if(aPCurve.IsNull()) { myEdge = TopoDS_Edge(); return; } // Note: current < myVertex > which is last on < myEdge > // equals in 2D to following 2D points: // edge is FORWARD - point with MAX parameter on PCurve; // edge is REVERSED - point with MIN parameter on PCurve. // Get 2D point equals to < myVertex > in 2D for current edge. gp_Pnt2d PRef; if( myEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED ) aPCurve->D0(dfFPar, PRef); else aPCurve->D0(dfLPar, PRef); // Get next 2D point from current edge's PCurve with parameter // F + dP (REV) or L - dP (FOR) Standard_Boolean isrevese = ( myEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED ); Standard_Real dfMPar = GetNextParamOnPC(aPCurve,PRef,dfFPar,dfLPar,myTolU,myTolV,isrevese); gp_Pnt2d PRefm; aPCurve->D0(dfMPar, PRefm); // Get vector from PRef to PRefm gp_Vec2d anERefDir(PRef,PRefm); // Search the list of edges looking for the edge having hearest // 2D point of connected vertex to current one and smallest angle. // First process all degenerated edges, then - all others. TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it; Standard_Integer k = 1, kMin = 0, iDone = 0; Standard_Boolean isDegenerated = Standard_True; Standard_Real dmin = RealLast(); Standard_Real dfMinAngle = 3.0*PI, dfCurAngle = 3.0*PI; for(iDone = 0; iDone < 2; iDone++) { it.Initialize(l); while( it.More() ) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value()); if( E.IsSame(myEdge) ) { it.Next(); k++; continue; } TopoDS_Vertex aVert1, aVert2; TopExp::Vertices (E, aVert1, aVert2, Standard_True); if( aVert1.IsNull() || aVert2.IsNull() ) { it.Next(); k++; continue; } aPCurve = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface (E, myFace, dfFPar, dfLPar); if( aPCurve.IsNull() ) { it.Next(); k++; continue; } gp_Pnt2d aPEb, aPEe; if( aVert1.IsSame(aVert2) == isDegenerated ) { if( E.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED ) aPCurve->D0(dfLPar, aPEb); else aPCurve->D0(dfFPar, aPEb); if( Abs(dfLPar-dfFPar) > Precision::PConfusion() ) { isrevese = ( E.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED ); isrevese = !isrevese; Standard_Real aEPm = GetNextParamOnPC(aPCurve,aPEb,dfFPar,dfLPar,myTolU,myTolV,isrevese); aPCurve->D0 (aEPm, aPEe); gp_Vec2d anEDir(aPEb, aPEe); dfCurAngle = Abs( anEDir.Angle(anERefDir) ); } if( dfCurAngle <= dfMinAngle ) { Standard_Real d = PRef.SquareDistance(aPEb); if( d <= Precision::PConfusion() ) d = 0.; if( Abs(aPEb.X()-PRef.X()) < myTolU && Abs(aPEb.Y()-PRef.Y()) < myTolV ) { if( d <= dmin ) { dfMinAngle = dfCurAngle; kMin = k; dmin = d; } } } } it.Next(); k++; }// while it if( kMin == 0 ) { isDegenerated = Standard_False; k = 1; dmin = RealLast(); } else break; }// for iDone if(kMin == 0) { // probably unclosed in 2d space wire myEdge = TopoDS_Edge(); return; } // Selection the edge. it.Initialize(l); k = 1; while( it.More() ) { if( k == kMin ) { myEdge = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value()); l.Remove(it); break; } it.Next(); k++; } }//else face != NULL && l > 1 }//else l > 1 } //======================================================================= //function : Current //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopoDS_Edge& BRepTools_WireExplorer::Current()const { return myEdge; } //======================================================================= //function : Orientation //purpose : //======================================================================= TopAbs_Orientation BRepTools_WireExplorer::Orientation() const { TopoDS_Iterator it(myEdge,Standard_False); while (it.More()) { if (myVertex.IsSame(it.Value())) return it.Value().Orientation(); it.Next(); } Standard_NoSuchObject::Raise("BRepTools_WireExplorer::Orientation"); return TopAbs_FORWARD; } //======================================================================= //function : CurrentVertex //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopoDS_Vertex& BRepTools_WireExplorer::CurrentVertex() const { return myVertex; } //======================================================================= //function : Clear //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepTools_WireExplorer::Clear() { myMap.Clear(); myDoubles.Clear(); myEdge = TopoDS_Edge(); myFace = TopoDS_Face(); myVertex = TopoDS_Vertex(); } //======================================================================= //function : SelectDouble //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean SelectDouble(TopTools_MapOfShape& Doubles, TopTools_ListOfShape& L, TopoDS_Edge& E) { TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(L); for (; it.More(); it.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& CE = it.Value(); if (Doubles.Contains(CE) && (!E.IsSame(CE))) { E = TopoDS::Edge(CE); L.Remove(it); return 1; } } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : SelectDegenerated //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean SelectDegenerated(TopTools_ListOfShape& L, TopoDS_Edge& E) { TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(L); while (it.More()) { if (!it.Value().IsSame(E)) { E = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value()); if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E)) { L.Remove(it); return 1; } } it.Next(); } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : GetNextParamOnPC //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real GetNextParamOnPC(const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& aPC, const gp_Pnt2d& aPRef, const Standard_Real& fP, const Standard_Real& lP, const Standard_Real& tolU, const Standard_Real& tolV, const Standard_Boolean& reverse) { Standard_Real result = ( reverse ) ? fP : lP; Standard_Real dP = Abs( lP - fP ) / 1000.; // was / 16.; if( reverse ) { Standard_Real startPar = fP; Standard_Boolean nextPntOnEdge = Standard_False; while( !nextPntOnEdge && startPar < lP ) { gp_Pnt2d pnt; startPar += dP; aPC->D0(startPar, pnt); if( Abs( aPRef.X() - pnt.X() ) < tolU && Abs( aPRef.Y() - pnt.Y() ) < tolV ) continue; else { result = startPar; nextPntOnEdge = Standard_True; break; } } if( !nextPntOnEdge ) result = lP; if( result > lP ) result = lP; } else { Standard_Real startPar = lP; Standard_Boolean nextPntOnEdge = Standard_False; while( !nextPntOnEdge && startPar > fP ) { gp_Pnt2d pnt; startPar -= dP; aPC->D0(startPar, pnt); if( Abs( aPRef.X() - pnt.X() ) < tolU && Abs( aPRef.Y() - pnt.Y() ) < tolV ) continue; else { result = startPar; nextPntOnEdge = Standard_True; break; } } if( !nextPntOnEdge ) result = fP; if( result < fP ) result = fP; } return result; }