// File: BRepTest_SweepCommands.cxx // Created: Thu Jul 22 16:40:19 1993 // Author: Remi LEQUETTE // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell* Sweep= 0; //#ifdef WNT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#endi#include #include #include #include //======================================================================= // prism //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer prism(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if (n < 6) return 1; TopoDS_Shape base = DBRep::Get(a[2]); if (base.IsNull()) return 1; gp_Vec V(atof(a[3]),atof(a[4]),atof(a[5])); Standard_Boolean copy = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean inf = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean sinf = Standard_False; if (n > 6) { copy = (*a[6] == 'c') || (*a[6] == 'C'); inf = (*a[6] == 'i') || (*a[6] == 'I'); sinf = (*a[6] == 's') || (*a[6] == 'S'); } TopoDS_Shape res; if (inf || sinf) res = BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism(base,gp_Dir(V),inf); else res = BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism(base,V,copy); DBRep::Set(a[1],res); return 0; } //======================================================================= // revol //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer revol(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if (n < 10) return 1; TopoDS_Shape base = DBRep::Get(a[2]); if (base.IsNull()) return 1; gp_Pnt P(atof(a[3]),atof(a[4]),atof(a[5])); gp_Dir D(atof(a[6]),atof(a[7]),atof(a[8])); gp_Ax1 A(P,D); Standard_Real angle = atof(a[9]) * PI180; Standard_Boolean copy = n > 10; TopoDS_Shape res = BRepPrimAPI_MakeRevol(base,A,angle,copy); DBRep::Set(a[1],res); return 0; } //======================================================================= // pipe //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer pipe(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if ( n < 4) return 1; TopoDS_Shape Spine = DBRep::Get(a[2],TopAbs_WIRE); if ( Spine.IsNull()) return 1; TopoDS_Shape Profile = DBRep::Get(a[3]); if ( Profile.IsNull()) return 1; TopoDS_Shape S = BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe(TopoDS::Wire(Spine),Profile); DBRep::Set(a[1],S); return 0; } //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer geompipe(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { TopoDS_Shape Spine = DBRep::Get(a[2],TopAbs_EDGE); if ( Spine.IsNull()) return 1; if ( n < 5) return 1; TopoDS_Shape Profile = DBRep::Get(a[3],TopAbs_EDGE); if ( Profile.IsNull()) return 1; Standard_Real aSpFirst,aSpLast,aPrFirst,aPrLast; Handle(Geom_Curve) SpineCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(TopoDS::Edge(Spine),aSpFirst,aSpLast); Handle(Geom_Curve) ProfileCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(TopoDS::Edge(Profile),aPrFirst,aPrLast); Handle(GeomAdaptor_HCurve) aAdaptCurve = new GeomAdaptor_HCurve(SpineCurve,aSpFirst,aSpLast); Standard_Boolean ByACR = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean rotate = Standard_False; Standard_Real Radius = atof(a[4]); gp_Pnt ctr; gp_Vec norm; ProfileCurve->D1(aSpFirst,ctr,norm); gp_Vec xAxisStart(ctr,SpineCurve->Value(aSpFirst)); gp_Ax2 aAx2Start(ctr,norm,xAxisStart); Handle(Geom_Circle) cStart=new Geom_Circle(aAx2Start,Radius); Standard_Integer k =5; if(n > k) ByACR = (atoi(a[k++]) ==1); if(n > k) rotate = (atoi(a[k++])==1); GeomFill_Pipe aPipe(ProfileCurve,aAdaptCurve,cStart,ByACR,rotate); aPipe.Perform(Standard_True); Handle(Geom_Surface) Sur=aPipe.Surface(); TopoDS_Face F; if(!Sur.IsNull()) F = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(Sur, Precision::Confusion()); DBRep::Set(a[1],F); return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : evolved //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer evolved(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if ( n == 1) { //cout << " 1) evolved result base profil : "<< endl; //cout << " The relative position of the profil on the base" << endl; //cout << " is given in the referencial axis. " << endl; //cout << " 2) evolved result base profil o : "<< endl; //cout << " This position is automatically computed." << endl; di << " 1) evolved result base profil : "<< "\n"; di << " The relative position of the profil on the base" << "\n"; di << " is given in the referencial axis. " << "\n"; di << " 2) evolved result base profil o : "<< "\n"; di << " This position is automatically computed." << "\n"; return 0; } if ( n < 4 ) return 1; Standard_Boolean IsAFace = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean Solid = (!strcmp(a[0],"evolvedsolid")); TopoDS_Shape Base = DBRep::Get(a[2],TopAbs_WIRE,Standard_False); if ( Base.IsNull()) { Base = DBRep::Get(a[2],TopAbs_FACE,Standard_False); IsAFace = Standard_True; } if ( Base.IsNull()) return 1; TopoDS_Shape InpuTShape(DBRep::Get(a[3],TopAbs_WIRE,Standard_False)); TopoDS_Wire Prof = TopoDS::Wire(InpuTShape); // TopoDS_Wire Prof = // TopoDS::Wire(DBRep::Get(a[3],TopAbs_WIRE,Standard_False)); if ( Prof.IsNull()) return 1; if (IsAFace) { TopoDS_Shape Volevo = BRepOffsetAPI_MakeEvolved(TopoDS::Face(Base),Prof,GeomAbs_Arc,n == 4,Solid); DBRep::Set(a[1],Volevo); } else { TopoDS_Shape Volevo = BRepOffsetAPI_MakeEvolved(TopoDS::Wire(Base),Prof,GeomAbs_Arc,n == 4,Solid); DBRep::Set(a[1],Volevo); } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : pruled //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer pruled(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if ( n != 4) return 1; Standard_Boolean YaWIRE = Standard_False; TopoDS_Shape S1 = DBRep::Get(a[2],TopAbs_EDGE); if ( S1.IsNull()) { S1 = DBRep::Get(a[2],TopAbs_WIRE); if (S1.IsNull()) return 1; YaWIRE = Standard_True; } TopoDS_Shape S2 = DBRep::Get(a[3],TopAbs_EDGE); if ( S2.IsNull()) { S2 = DBRep::Get(a[3],TopAbs_WIRE); if ( S2.IsNull()) return 1; if (!YaWIRE) { S1 = BRepLib_MakeWire(TopoDS::Edge(S1)); YaWIRE = Standard_True; } } else if ( YaWIRE) { S2 = BRepLib_MakeWire(TopoDS::Edge(S2)); } TopoDS_Shape Result; if ( YaWIRE) { Result = BRepFill::Shell(TopoDS::Wire(S1),TopoDS::Wire(S2)); } else { Result = BRepFill::Face(TopoDS::Edge(S1),TopoDS::Edge(S2)); } DBRep::Set(a[1],Result); return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : gener //purpose : Create a surface between generating wires //======================================================================= Standard_Integer gener(Draw_Interpretor&, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if ( n < 4) return 1; TopoDS_Shape Shape; BRepFill_Generator Generator; for ( Standard_Integer i = 2; i<= n-1 ; i++) { Shape = DBRep::Get(a[i],TopAbs_WIRE); if ( Shape.IsNull()) return 1; Generator.AddWire(TopoDS::Wire(Shape)); } Generator.Perform(); TopoDS_Shell Shell = Generator.Shell(); DBRep::Set(a[1], Shell); return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : thrusections //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer thrusections(Draw_Interpretor&, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if (n<6) return 1; Standard_Boolean check = Standard_True; Standard_Boolean samenumber = Standard_True; Standard_Integer index = 2; // Lecture option if (!strcmp(a[1],"-N")) { if (n<7) return 1; check = Standard_False; index++; } TopoDS_Shape Shape; Standard_Boolean issolid = ( atoi(a[index]) == 1 ); Standard_Boolean isruled = ( atoi(a[index+1]) == 1 ); BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections Generator(issolid,isruled); Standard_Integer NbEdges = 0; Standard_Boolean IsFirstWire = Standard_False; for ( Standard_Integer i = index+2; i<= n-1 ; i++) { Standard_Boolean IsWire = Standard_True; Shape = DBRep::Get(a[i], TopAbs_WIRE); if (!Shape.IsNull()) { Generator.AddWire(TopoDS::Wire(Shape)); if (!IsFirstWire) IsFirstWire = Standard_True; else IsFirstWire = Standard_False; } else { Shape = DBRep::Get(a[i], TopAbs_VERTEX); IsWire = Standard_False; if (!Shape.IsNull()) Generator.AddVertex(TopoDS::Vertex(Shape)); else return 1; } Standard_Integer cpt = 0; TopExp_Explorer PE; for (PE.Init(Shape, TopAbs_EDGE); PE.More(); PE.Next()) { cpt++; } if (IsFirstWire) NbEdges = cpt; else if (IsWire && cpt != NbEdges) samenumber = Standard_False; } check = (check || !samenumber); Generator.CheckCompatibility(check); Generator.Build(); TopoDS_Shape Shell = Generator.Shape(); DBRep::Set(a[index-1], Shell); return 0; } //======================================================================= // mksweep //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer mksweep(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if ( n != 2) return 1; TopoDS_Shape Spine = DBRep::Get(a[1],TopAbs_WIRE); if ( Spine.IsNull()) return 1; if (Sweep !=0) { delete Sweep; Sweep = 0; } Sweep = new BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell(TopoDS::Wire(Spine)); return 0; } //======================================================================= // setsweep //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer setsweep(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if ( n == 1) { //cout << "setsweep options [arg1 [arg2 [...]]] : options are :" << endl; //cout << " -FR : Tangent and Normal are given by Frenet trihedron" <> command !"<< endl; di << "You have forgotten the <> command !"<< "\n"; return 1; } if (!strcmp(a[1],"-FR")) { Sweep->SetMode(Standard_True); } else if (!strcmp(a[1],"-CF")) { Sweep->SetMode(Standard_False); } else if (!strcmp(a[1],"-DX")) { if (n!=3) { //cout << "bad arguments !" << endl; di << "bad arguments !" << "\n"; return 1; } TopoDS_Shape Surf; Surf = DBRep::Get(a[2],TopAbs_SHAPE); if (Surf.IsNull()) { //cout << a[2] <<"is not a shape !" << endl; di << a[2] <<"is not a shape !" << "\n"; return 1; } Sweep->SetMode(Surf); } else if (!strcmp(a[1],"-CN")) { if (n!=5) { //cout << "bad arguments !" << endl; di << "bad arguments !" << "\n"; return 1; } gp_Dir D(atof(a[2]), atof(a[3]), atof(a[4])); Sweep->SetMode(D);; } else if (!strcmp(a[1],"-FX")) { if ((n!=5)&&(n!=8)) { //cout << "bad arguments !" << endl; di << "bad arguments !" << "\n"; return 1; } gp_Dir D(atof(a[2]), atof(a[3]), atof(a[4])); if (n==8) { gp_Dir DN(atof(a[5]), atof(a[6]), atof(a[7])); gp_Ax2 Axe(gp_Pnt(0., 0., 0.), D, DN); Sweep->SetMode(Axe); } else { gp_Ax2 Axe(gp_Pnt(0., 0., 0.), D); Sweep->SetMode(Axe); } } else if (!strcmp(a[1],"-G")) // contour guide { if (n != 5) { //cout << "bad arguments !" << endl; di << "bad arguments !" << "\n"; return 1; } else { TopoDS_Shape Guide = DBRep::Get(a[2],TopAbs_WIRE); Sweep->SetMode(TopoDS::Wire(Guide), atoi(a[3]), atoi(a[4])); } } else { //cout << "The option "<< a[1] << " is unknown !" << endl; di << "The option "<< a[1] << " is unknown !" << "\n"; return 1; } return 0; } //======================================================================= // addsweep //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer addsweep(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if ( n == 1) { //cout << "addsweep wire/vertex [Vertex] [-T] [-R] [u0 v0 u1 v1 [...[uN vN]]] : options are :" << endl; //cout << " -T : the wire/vertex have to be translated to assume contact"<< endl; //cout << " with the spine" <> command !"<< endl; di << "You have forgotten the <> command !"<< "\n"; return 1; } TopoDS_Shape Section; TopoDS_Vertex Vertex; Handle(Law_Interpol) thelaw; Section = DBRep::Get(a[1], TopAbs_SHAPE); if (Section.ShapeType() != TopAbs_WIRE && Section.ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX) { //cout << a[1] <<"is not a wire and is not a vertex!" << endl; di << a[1] <<"is not a wire and is not a vertex!" << "\n"; return 1; } Standard_Boolean HasVertex=Standard_False, isT=Standard_False, isR=Standard_False; if (n > 2) { Standard_Integer cur = 2; // Lecture du Vertex TopoDS_Shape InputVertex(DBRep::Get(a[cur],TopAbs_VERTEX)); Vertex = TopoDS::Vertex(InputVertex); // Vertex = TopoDS::Vertex(DBRep::Get(a[cur],TopAbs_VERTEX)); if (!Vertex.IsNull()) { cur++; HasVertex = Standard_True; } // Lecture de l'option de translation if ((n>cur) && !strcmp(a[cur],"-T")) { cur++; isT = Standard_True; } // Lecture de l'option de rotation if ((n>cur) && !strcmp(a[cur],"-R")) { cur++; isR = Standard_True; } // loi ? if (n>cur) { Standard_Integer nbreal = n-cur; if ( (nbreal < 4) || (nbreal % 2 != 0) ) { //cout << "bad arguments ! :" <Set(ParAndRad, Abs(ParAndRad(1).Y() - ParAndRad(L).Y()) < Precision::Confusion()); } } } if (thelaw.IsNull()) { if (HasVertex) Sweep->Add(Section, Vertex, isT, isR); else Sweep->Add(Section, isT, isR); } else { if (HasVertex) Sweep->SetLaw(Section, thelaw, Vertex, isT, isR); else Sweep->SetLaw(Section, thelaw, isT, isR); } return 0; } //======================================================================= // deletesweep //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer deletesweep(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if ( n != 2) { return 1; } TopoDS_Wire Section; TopoDS_Shape InputShape(DBRep::Get(a[1],TopAbs_SHAPE)); Section = TopoDS::Wire(InputShape); // Section = TopoDS::Wire(DBRep::Get(a[1],TopAbs_SHAPE)); if (Section.IsNull()) { //cout << a[1] <<"is not a wire !" << endl; di << a[1] <<"is not a wire !" << "\n"; return 1; } Sweep->Delete(Section); return 0; } //======================================================================= // buildsweep //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer buildsweep(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if ( n == 1) { //cout << "build sweep result [-M/-C/-R] [-S] [tol] : options are" << endl; //cout << " -M : Discontinuities are treated by Modfication of"<< endl; //cout << " the sweeping mode : it is the default" <> command !"<< endl; di << "You have forgotten the <> command !"<< "\n"; return 1; } if (!Sweep->IsReady()) { //cout << "You have forgotten the <> command !"<< endl; di << "You have forgotten the <> command !"<< "\n"; return 1; } TopoDS_Shape result; Standard_Integer cur=2; if (n>cur) { BRepBuilderAPI_TransitionMode Transition = BRepBuilderAPI_Transformed; // Lecture Transition if (!strcmp(a[cur],"-C")) { Transition = BRepBuilderAPI_RightCorner; cur++; } else if (!strcmp(a[cur],"-R")) { Transition = BRepBuilderAPI_RoundCorner; cur++; } Sweep->SetTransitionMode(Transition); } // Lecture solide ? if ((n>cur) && (!strcmp(a[cur],"-S")) ) mksolid = Standard_True; // Calcul le resultat Sweep->Build(); if (!Sweep->IsDone()) { //cout << "Buildsweep : Not Done" << endl; di << "Buildsweep : Not Done" << "\n"; BRepBuilderAPI_PipeError Stat = Sweep->GetStatus(); if (Stat == BRepBuilderAPI_PlaneNotIntersectGuide) { //cout << "Buildsweep : One Plane not intersect the guide" << endl; di << "Buildsweep : One Plane not intersect the guide" << "\n"; } if (Stat == BRepBuilderAPI_ImpossibleContact) { //cout << "BuildSweep : One section can not be in contact with the guide" << endl; di << "BuildSweep : One section can not be in contact with the guide" << "\n"; } return 1; } else { if (mksolid) { Standard_Boolean B; B = Sweep->MakeSolid(); //if (!B) cout << " BuildSweep : It is impossible to make a solid !" << endl; if (!B) di << " BuildSweep : It is impossible to make a solid !" << "\n"; } result = Sweep->Shape(); DBRep::Set(a[1],result); } return 0; } //======================================================================= // simulsweep //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer simulsweep(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if ( (n!=3) && (n!=4) ) return 1; if (Sweep ==0) { //cout << "You have forgotten the <> command !"<< endl; di << "You have forgotten the <> command !"<< "\n"; return 1; } if (!Sweep->IsReady()) { //cout << "You have forgotten the <> command !"<< endl; di << "You have forgotten the <> command !"<< "\n"; return 1; } char name[100]; TopTools_ListOfShape List; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it; Standard_Integer N, ii; N = atoi(a[2]); if (n>3) { BRepBuilderAPI_TransitionMode Transition = BRepBuilderAPI_Transformed; // Lecture Transition if (!strcmp(a[3],"-C")) { Transition = BRepBuilderAPI_RightCorner; } else if (!strcmp(a[3],"-R")) { Transition = BRepBuilderAPI_RoundCorner; } Sweep->SetTransitionMode(Transition); } // Calcul le resultat Sweep->Simulate(N, List); for (ii=1, it.Initialize(List); it.More(); it.Next(), ii++) { sprintf(name,"%s_%d",a[1],ii); DBRep::Set(name, it.Value()); } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : SweepCommands //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepTest::SweepCommands(Draw_Interpretor& theCommands) { static Standard_Boolean done = Standard_False; if (done) return; done = Standard_True; DBRep::BasicCommands(theCommands); const char* g = "Sweep commands"; theCommands.Add("prism", "prism result base dx dy dz [Copy | Inf | Seminf]", __FILE__,prism,g); theCommands.Add("revol", "revol result base px py pz dx dy dz angle [Copy]", __FILE__,revol,g); theCommands.Add("pipe", "pipe result Wire_spine Profile", __FILE__,pipe,g); theCommands.Add("evolved", "evolved , no args to get help", __FILE__,evolved,g); theCommands.Add("evolvedsolid", "evolved , no args to get help", __FILE__,evolved,g); theCommands.Add("pruled", "pruled result Edge1/Wire1 Edge2/Wire2", __FILE__,pruled,g); theCommands.Add("gener", "gener result wire1 wire2 [..wire..]", __FILE__,gener,g); theCommands.Add("thrusections", "thrusections [-N] result issolid isruled shape1 shape2 [..shape..], the option -N means no check on wires, shapes must be wires or vertices (only first or last)", __FILE__,thrusections,g); theCommands.Add("mksweep", "mksweep wire", __FILE__,mksweep,g); theCommands.Add("setsweep", "setsweep no args to get help", __FILE__,setsweep,g); theCommands.Add("addsweep", "addsweep wire [vertex] [-M ] [-C] [auxiilaryshape]:no args to get help", __FILE__,addsweep,g); theCommands.Add("deletesweep", "deletesweep wire, To delete a section", __FILE__,deletesweep,g); theCommands.Add("buildsweep", "builsweep [r] [option] [Tol] , no args to get help" __FILE__,buildsweep,g); theCommands.Add("simulsweep", "simulsweep r [n] [option]" __FILE__,simulsweep,g); theCommands.Add("geompipe", "geompipe r spineedge profileedge radius [byACR [byrotate]]" __FILE__,geompipe,g); }