// File: DBRep_8.cxx // Created: Fri Feb 18 17:24:52 1994 // Author: Remi LEQUETTE // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WNT Standard_IMPORT Draw_Viewer dout; #endif Standard_Integer props(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if (n < 2) { di << "Use: " << a[0] << " shape [epsilon] [c[losed]] [x y z]" << "\n"; di << "Compute properties of the shape" << "\n"; di << "The epsilon, if given, defines relative precision of computation" << "\n"; di << "The \"closed\" flag, if present, do computation only closed shells of the shape" << "\n"; di << "The centroid coordinates will be put to DRAW variables x y z (if given)\n" << "\n"; return 1; } TopoDS_Shape S = DBRep::Get(a[1]); if (S.IsNull()) return 0; GProp_GProps G; Standard_Boolean onlyClosed = Standard_False; Standard_Real eps = 1.0; Standard_Boolean witheps = Standard_False; if((n > 2 && *a[2]=='c') || (n > 3 && *a[3]=='c')) onlyClosed = Standard_True; if(n > 2 && *a[2]!='c' && n != 5) {eps = atof (a[2]); witheps = Standard_True;} if (witheps){ if (Abs(eps) < Precision::Angular()) return 2; if (*a[0] == 'l') BRepGProp::LinearProperties(S,G); else if (*a[0] == 's') eps = BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(S,G,eps); else eps = BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(S,G,eps,onlyClosed); } else { if (*a[0] == 'l') BRepGProp::LinearProperties(S,G); else if (*a[0] == 's') BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(S,G); else BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(S,G,onlyClosed); } gp_Pnt P = G.CentreOfMass(); gp_Mat I = G.MatrixOfInertia(); if (n >= 5) { Standard_Integer shift = n - 5; Draw::Set(a[shift+2],P.X()); Draw::Set(a[shift+3],P.Y()); Draw::Set(a[shift+4],P.Z()); } Standard_SStream aSStream1; aSStream1 << "\n\n"; aSStream1 << "Mass : " << setw(15) << G.Mass() << "\n" << "\n"; if(witheps && *a[0] != 'l') aSStream1 << "Relative error of mass computation : " << setw(15) << eps << "\n" << "\n"; aSStream1 << "Center of gravity : \n"; aSStream1 << "X = " << setw(15) << P.X() << "\n"; aSStream1 << "Y = " << setw(15) << P.Y() << "\n"; aSStream1 << "Z = " << setw(15) << P.Z() << "\n"; aSStream1 << "\n"; aSStream1 << "Matrix of Inertia : \n"; aSStream1 << setw(15) << I(1,1); aSStream1 << " " << setw(15) << I(1,2); aSStream1 << " " << setw(15) << I(1,3) << "\n"; aSStream1 << setw(15) << I(2,1); aSStream1 << " " << setw(15) << I(2,2); aSStream1 << " " << setw(15) << I(2,3) << "\n"; aSStream1 << setw(15) << I(3,1); aSStream1 << " " << setw(15) << I(3,2); aSStream1 << " " << setw(15) << I(3,3) << "\n"; aSStream1 << "\n"; aSStream1 << ends; di << aSStream1; GProp_PrincipalProps Pr = G.PrincipalProperties(); Standard_Real Ix,Iy,Iz; Pr.Moments(Ix,Iy,Iz); Standard_SStream aSStream2; aSStream2 << "Moments : \n"; aSStream2 << "IX = " << setw(15) << Ix << "\n"; aSStream2 << "IY = " << setw(15) << Iy << "\n"; aSStream2 << "IZ = " << setw(15) << Iz << "\n"; aSStream2 << "\n"; aSStream2 << ends; di << aSStream2; //if (n == 2) { gp_Ax2 axes(P,Pr.ThirdAxisOfInertia(),Pr.FirstAxisOfInertia()); Handle(Draw_Axis3D) Dax = new Draw_Axis3D(axes,Draw_orange,30); dout << Dax; //} return 0; } Standard_Integer vpropsgk(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { if (n < 2) { di << "Use: " << a[0] << " shape epsilon closed span mode [x y z]" << "\n"; di << "Compute properties of the shape" << "\n"; di << "The epsilon defines relative precision of computation" << "\n"; di << "The \"closed\" flag, if equal 1, causes computation only closed shells of the shape" << "\n"; di << "The \"span\" flag, if equal 1, says that computation is performed on spans" << "\n"; di << " This option makes effect only for BSpline surfaces." << "\n"; di << "mode can be 0 - only volume calculations" << "\n"; di << " 1 - volume and gravity center" << "\n"; di << " 2 - volume, gravity center and matrix of inertia" << "\n"; di << "The centroid coordinates will be put to DRAW variables x y z (if given)\n" << "\n"; return 1; } if ( n > 2 && n < 6) { di << "Wrong arguments" << "\n"; return 1; } TopoDS_Shape S = DBRep::Get(a[1]); if (S.IsNull()) return 0; GProp_GProps G; Standard_Boolean onlyClosed = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean isUseSpan = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean CGFlag = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean IFlag = Standard_False; Standard_Real eps = 1.e-3; //Standard_Real aDefaultTol = 1.e-3; Standard_Integer mode = 0; eps = atof(a[2]); mode = atoi(a[3]); if(mode > 0) onlyClosed = Standard_True; mode = atoi(a[4]); if(mode > 0) isUseSpan = Standard_True; mode = atoi(a[5]); if(mode == 1 || mode == 3) CGFlag = Standard_True; if(mode == 2 || mode == 3) IFlag = Standard_True; //OSD_Chronometer aChrono; //aChrono.Reset(); //aChrono.Start(); eps = BRepGProp::VolumePropertiesGK(S, G, eps, onlyClosed, isUseSpan, CGFlag, IFlag); //aChrono.Stop(); Standard_SStream aSStream0; Standard_Integer anOutWidth = 24; aSStream0.precision(15); aSStream0 << "\n\n"; aSStream0 << "Mass : " << setw(anOutWidth) << G.Mass() << "\n" << "\n"; aSStream0 << "Relative error of mass computation : " << setw(anOutWidth) << eps << "\n" << "\n"; aSStream0 << ends; di << aSStream0; if(CGFlag || IFlag) { Standard_SStream aSStream1; gp_Pnt P = G.CentreOfMass(); if (n > 6) { Draw::Set(a[6],P.X()); } if (n > 7) { Draw::Set(a[7],P.Y()); } if (n > 8) { Draw::Set(a[8],P.Z()); } aSStream1.precision(15); aSStream1 << "Center of gravity : \n"; aSStream1 << "X = " << setw(anOutWidth) << P.X() << "\n"; aSStream1 << "Y = " << setw(anOutWidth) << P.Y() << "\n"; aSStream1 << "Z = " << setw(anOutWidth) << P.Z() << "\n"; aSStream1 << "\n"; if(IFlag) { gp_Mat I = G.MatrixOfInertia(); aSStream1 << "Matrix of Inertia : \n"; aSStream1 << setw(anOutWidth) << I(1,1); aSStream1 << " " << setw(anOutWidth) << I(1,2); aSStream1 << " " << setw(anOutWidth) << I(1,3) << "\n"; aSStream1 << setw(anOutWidth) << I(2,1); aSStream1 << " " << setw(anOutWidth) << I(2,2); aSStream1 << " " << setw(anOutWidth) << I(2,3) << "\n"; aSStream1 << setw(anOutWidth) << I(3,1); aSStream1 << " " << setw(anOutWidth) << I(3,2); aSStream1 << " " << setw(anOutWidth) << I(3,3) << "\n"; aSStream1 << "\n"; } aSStream1 << ends; di << aSStream1; } if(IFlag) { GProp_PrincipalProps Pr = G.PrincipalProperties(); Standard_Real Ix,Iy,Iz; Pr.Moments(Ix,Iy,Iz); gp_Pnt P = G.CentreOfMass(); Standard_SStream aSStream2; aSStream2.precision(15); aSStream2 << "Moments : \n"; aSStream2 << "IX = " << setw(anOutWidth) << Ix << "\n"; aSStream2 << "IY = " << setw(anOutWidth) << Iy << "\n"; aSStream2 << "IZ = " << setw(anOutWidth) << Iz << "\n"; aSStream2 << "\n"; aSStream2 << "\n"; aSStream2 << ends; di << aSStream2; gp_Ax2 axes(P,Pr.ThirdAxisOfInertia(),Pr.FirstAxisOfInertia()); Handle(Draw_Axis3D) Dax = new Draw_Axis3D(axes,Draw_orange,30); dout << Dax; } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : GPropCommands //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepTest::GPropCommands(Draw_Interpretor& theCommands) { static Standard_Boolean done = Standard_False; if (done) return; done = Standard_True; DBRep::BasicCommands(theCommands); const char* g = "Global properties"; theCommands.Add("lprops", "lprops name [epsilon] [x y z] : compute linear properties", __FILE__, props, g); theCommands.Add("sprops", "sprops name [epsilon] [x y z] : compute surfacic properties", __FILE__, props, g); theCommands.Add("vprops", "vprops name [epsilon] [c[losed]] [x y z] : compute volumic properties", __FILE__, props, g); theCommands.Add("vpropsgk", "vpropsgk name epsilon closed span mode [x y z] : compute volumic properties", __FILE__, vpropsgk, g); }