-- File: BRepOffset.cdl -- Created: Thu Oct 12 10:59:22 1995 -- Author: Bruno DUMORTIER -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 package BRepOffset ---Purpose: uses MMgt, Geom, TopoDS, TopAbs, TCollection, TopTools, GeomAbs, BRepAlgo is enumeration Type is Concave, Convex, Tangent, FreeBoundary, Other end Type; enumeration Mode is Skin, Pipe, RectoVerso end Mode; ---Purpose: -- Lists the offset modes. These are the following: -- - BRepOffset_Skin which describes the offset along -- the surface of a solid, used to obtain a manifold topological space, -- - BRepOffset_Pipe which describes the offset of a -- curve, used to obtain a pre-surface, -- - BRepOffset_RectoVerso which describes the offset -- of a given surface shell along both sides of the surface. enumeration Status is ---Purpose: status of an offset face -- Good : -- Reversed : e.g. Offset > Radius of a cylinder -- Degenerated : e.g. Offset = Radius of a cylinder -- Unknown : e.g. for a Beziersurf Good, Reversed, Degenerated, Unknown end Status; enumeration Error is NoError, OffsetSurfaceFailed, UnCorrectClosingFace, ExtentFaceFailed, RadiusEqualOffset, UnknownError end Error; class MakeOffset; --class Loop; class Inter3d; class Inter2d; class Offset; ---Purpose: This class compute elemenary offset surface. -- Evaluate the offset generated : -- 1 - from a face. -- 2 - from an edge. -- 3 - from a vertex. -- class Analyse; class MakeLoops; class Tool; --class Image; --class AsDes; class Interval; class ListOfInterval instantiates List from TCollection (Interval from BRepOffset); class DataMapOfShapeListOfInterval instantiates DataMap from TCollection(Shape from TopoDS, ListOfInterval from BRepOffset, ShapeMapHasher from TopTools ); class DataMapOfShapeOffset instantiates DataMap from TCollection(Shape from TopoDS, Offset from BRepOffset, ShapeMapHasher from TopTools ); class DataMapOfShapeMapOfShape instantiates DataMap from TCollection(Shape from TopoDS, MapOfShape from TopTools, ShapeMapHasher from TopTools); Surface( Surface : in Surface from Geom; Offset : in Real from Standard; Status : out Status from BRepOffset) ---Purpose: returns the Offset surface computed from the -- surface at an OffsetDistance . -- -- If possible, this method returns the real type of -- the surface ( e.g. An Offset of a plane is a plane). -- -- If no particular case is detected, the returned -- surface will have the Type Geom_OffsetSurface. returns Surface from Geom; end BRepOffset;