-- File: BRepLProp.cdl -- Created: Thu Feb 24 10:15:08 1994 -- Author: Laurent BOURESCHE -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1994 package BRepLProp ---Purpose: These global functions compute the degree of -- continuity of a curve built by concatenation of two -- edges at their junction point. uses Standard, gp, BRepAdaptor, GeomAbs, LProp is class CurveTool; class SurfaceTool; class CLProps from BRepLProp instantiates CLProps from LProp(Curve from BRepAdaptor, Vec from gp, Pnt from gp, Dir from gp, CurveTool from BRepLProp); class SLProps from BRepLProp instantiates SLProps from LProp(Surface from BRepAdaptor, SurfaceTool from BRepLProp); Continuity(C1,C2 : Curve from BRepAdaptor; u1,u2 : Real from Standard; tl,ta : Real from Standard) ---Purpose: Computes the regularity at the junction between C1 and -- C2. The point u1 on C1 and the point u2 on C2 must be -- confused. tl and ta are the linear and angular -- tolerance used two compare the derivative. returns Shape from GeomAbs; Continuity(C1,C2 : Curve from BRepAdaptor; u1,u2 : Real from Standard) ---Purpose: The same as preciding but using the standard -- tolerances from package Precision. returns Shape from GeomAbs; end BRepLProp;