-- File: BRepIntCurveSurface.cdl -- Created: Mon Feb 7 15:24:20 1994 -- Author: Modelistation -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1994 package BRepIntCurveSurface ---Purpose: Inttantiates IntCurveSurface with Surfaces from BRep -- and Curves from Adaptor ---Level: Public -- -- All the methods of the classes of this package are public. -- uses --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Sun Dec 15 16:54:16 2002 f BRepTopAdaptor, --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Sun Dec 15 16:54:28 2002 t IntCurveSurface, BRepAdaptor, Geom2dInt, GeomAdaptor, TopoDS, BRepClass, TopAbs, TopExp, StdFail, gp is -------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiation of IntCurveSurfaces algorithms -- -- The intersection is computed on the surfaces -- -- with their natural boundaries. -- -------------------------------------------------- -- class ICSSurfaceTool instantiates -- SurfaceTool from IntCurveSurface( ---- HSurface from BRepAdaptor) ; -- ---- -- class ICSCurveTool instantiates ---- CurveTool from IntCurveSurface( -- HCurve from GeomAdaptor) ; ---- -- ---- class ICSInter instantiates -- Inter from IntCurveSurface( ---- HCurve from GeomAdaptor, -- ICSCurveTool from BRepIntCurveSurface, ---- HSurface from BRepAdaptor, -- ICSSurfaceTool from BRepIntCurveSurface); -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- The Inter class provides intersection between -- -- - a BRepAdaptor surface and a GeomAdaptor curve -- -- - a Shape and a GeomAdaptor curve -- -- Only the points which are inside the surface -- -- are returned. -- ------------------------------------------------------ class Inter; end BRepIntCurveSurface;