// File: BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool.cxx // Created: Fri Oct 21 14:56:32 1994 // Author: Bruno DUMORTIER // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DRAW #include #include #endif #ifdef DEB static Standard_Boolean Affich = Standard_False; static Standard_Integer NBCALL = 1; #endif //======================================================================= //function : BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool //purpose : Initialisation avec les deux face voisines // Edge1 et Edge2 sont les edges paralleles correspondant // a une iso minimum sur F1 et F2 respectivement. // ie Edge1 est Umin ou VMin sur F1. // Inv1 et Inv2 indique si Edge1 et Edge2 sont des // parallleles retournees. //======================================================================= BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool::BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool (const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Bis, const TopoDS_Face& Face1, const TopoDS_Face& Face2, const TopoDS_Edge& Edge1, const TopoDS_Edge& Edge2, const Standard_Boolean Inv1, const Standard_Boolean Inv2 ) : myFace1(Face1), myFace2(Face2), myEdge1(Edge1), myEdge2(Edge2), myInv1(Inv1), myInv2(Inv2), myBis (Bis) { #ifdef DEB if ( Affich) { cout << " ---------->TrimSurfaceTool : NBCALL = " << NBCALL << endl; #ifdef DRAW char name[256]; sprintf(name,"FACE1_%d",NBCALL); DBRep::Set(name,myFace1); sprintf(name,"FACE2_%d",NBCALL); DBRep::Set(name,myFace2); sprintf(name,"EDGE1_%d",NBCALL); DBRep::Set(name,myEdge1); sprintf(name,"EDGE2_%d",NBCALL); DBRep::Set(name,myEdge2); sprintf(name,"BISSEC_%d",NBCALL); DrawTrSurf::Set(name,myBis); #endif NBCALL++; } #endif } //======================================================================= //function : Bubble //purpose : Ordonne la sequence de point en x croissant. //======================================================================= static void Bubble(TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& Seq) { Standard_Boolean Invert = Standard_True; Standard_Integer NbPoints = Seq.Length(); while (Invert) { Invert = Standard_False; for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i < NbPoints; i++) { gp_Pnt P1 = Seq.Value(i); gp_Pnt P2 = Seq.Value(i+1); if (P2.X() Abs(PF2.Y() - VDeg)) ? PF1.Y() : PF2.Y(); break; } } gp_Pnt P = GAS.Value(0., V); if ( gp_Vec(Axis.Location(), P).Dot(Axis.XDirection()) < 0.) return PI; else return 0.; } //======================================================================= //function : EvalParameters //purpose : //======================================================================= static void EvalParameters(const TopoDS_Edge& Edge, const TopoDS_Face& Face, const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Bis , TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& Seq ) { Standard_Boolean Degener = BRep_Tool::Degenerated(Edge); // recuperer les courbes 3d associees aux edges. TopLoc_Location L; Standard_Real f,l; Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) CT; Handle(Geom_Plane) Plane = new Geom_Plane(0,0,1,0); Geom2dInt_GInter Intersector; Standard_Integer NbPoints, NbSegments; Standard_Real U1, U2; gp_Pnt P;//,PSeq; // Standard_Real Tol = Precision::Intersection(); // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Wed Dec 22 15:00:51 1999 ___BEGIN___ Standard_Real Tol = 1.e-6; // BRepFill_Precision(); Standard_Real TolC = 0.; if ( !Degener) { Handle(Geom_Curve) C = BRep_Tool::Curve(Edge,L,f,l); CT = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(C,f,l); CT->Transform(L.Transformation()); // projection de ces courbes 3d dans le plan xOy Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d = GeomProjLib::Curve2d(CT,Plane); Geom2dAdaptor_Curve AC(C2d); Geom2dAdaptor_Curve ABis(Bis); Intersector = Geom2dInt_GInter(ABis, AC, TolC, Tol); if ( !Intersector.IsDone()) { StdFail_NotDone::Raise("BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool::IntersectWith"); } NbPoints = Intersector.NbPoints(); if (NbPoints < 1) { // try to elongate curves and enlarge tolerance // don't do it rightaway from the beginning in order not to get // extra solutions those would cause *Exception*: incoherent intersection GeomAbs_CurveType CType = AC.GetType(), BisType = ABis.GetType(); Standard_Boolean canElongateC = !(CType == GeomAbs_BezierCurve || CType == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve || CType == GeomAbs_OtherCurve); Standard_Boolean canElongateBis = !(BisType == GeomAbs_BezierCurve || BisType == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve || BisType == GeomAbs_OtherCurve); Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) TBis = Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)::DownCast(Bis); Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) TC2d = Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)::DownCast(C2d); if (canElongateC) { TC2d->SetTrim(TC2d->FirstParameter() - Tol, TC2d->LastParameter() + Tol); AC.Load(TC2d); } if (canElongateBis) { TBis->SetTrim(TBis->FirstParameter() - Tol, TBis->LastParameter() + Tol); ABis.Load(TBis); } Intersector = Geom2dInt_GInter(ABis, AC, TolC, Tol*10); if ( !Intersector.IsDone()) { StdFail_NotDone::Raise("BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool::IntersectWith"); } NbPoints = Intersector.NbPoints(); } // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Wed Dec 22 15:00:56 1999 ___END___ if (NbPoints > 0) { for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NbPoints; i++) { U1 = Intersector.Point(i).ParamOnFirst(); U2 = Intersector.Point(i).ParamOnSecond(); P = gp_Pnt(U1,U2,0.); Seq.Append(P); } } NbSegments = Intersector.NbSegments(); if (NbSegments > 0) { #ifdef DEB cout << " IntersectWith : " << NbSegments << " Segments d`intersection" << endl; #endif IntRes2d_IntersectionSegment Seg; for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NbSegments; i++) { Seg = Intersector.Segment(i); U1 = Seg.FirstPoint().ParamOnFirst(); U1 += Seg.LastPoint().ParamOnFirst(); U1 /= 2.; U2 = Seg.FirstPoint().ParamOnSecond(); U2 += Seg.LastPoint().ParamOnSecond(); U2 /= 2.; P = gp_Pnt(U1,U2,0.); Seq.Append(P); } } // Ordonne la sequence en param croissant sur la bissectrice. Bubble( Seq); // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Fri Dec 24 18:47:24 1999 ___BEGIN___ // Remove double points gp_Pnt P1, P2; for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i < NbPoints; i++) { P1 = Seq.Value(i); P2 = Seq.Value(i+1); if ( P2.X()-P1.X() < Tol ) { // cout<<"REMOVE "<FirstParameter(); gp_Pnt2d PBis = Bis->Value( UBis); // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Wed Jan 12 11:41:30 2000 ___BEGIN___ // inside gp_Pnt2d::Distance // Infinite * Infinite => Exception: DefaultNumericError // Case encounered: UBis < Precision::Infinite() // but PBis.X() > Precision::Infinite() if (Precision::IsPositiveInfinite(Abs(PBis.X())) || Precision::IsPositiveInfinite(Abs(PBis.Y())) || PBis.Distance(P2d) > Tol) { // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Wed Jan 12 11:41:40 2000 ___END___ UBis = Bis->LastParameter(); if (UBis >= Precision::Infinite()) return; PBis = Bis->Value( UBis); if ( PBis.Distance(P2d) > Tol) return; } // eval parametre intersection. Handle(Geom_Surface) GS = BRep_Tool::Surface(Face); GeomAdaptor_Surface GAS(GS); gp_Ax3 Axis; Standard_Real Phase = 0.; switch ( GAS.GetType()) { case GeomAbs_Sphere: Axis = GAS.Sphere().Position(); break; case GeomAbs_Cone: { //---------------------------------------------------------- // si myFace1 n est pas du meme cote de l apex que le point // de parametre 0 0 sur le cone => phase = PI. //---------------------------------------------------------- Axis = GAS.Cone().Position(); Phase = EvalPhase(Edge,Face,GAS,Axis); break; } case GeomAbs_Torus: Axis = GAS.Torus().Position(); break; case GeomAbs_Cylinder: Axis = GAS.Cylinder().Position(); break; case GeomAbs_SurfaceOfRevolution: { //---------------------------------------------------------- // si myFace1 n est pas du meme cote de l apex que le point // de parametre 0 0 sur le cone => phase = PI. //---------------------------------------------------------- Handle(Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution) GSRev = Handle(Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution)::DownCast(GS); Handle(GeomAdaptor_HCurve) HC = new GeomAdaptor_HCurve(GSRev->BasisCurve()); Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution ASRev(HC,GAS.AxeOfRevolution()); Axis = ASRev.Axis(); Phase = EvalPhase(Edge,Face,GAS,Axis); break; } default: Standard_NotImplemented::Raise(" BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool"); } gp_Vec2d D12d = Bis->DN(UBis,1); gp_Vec D1( D12d.X(), D12d.Y(), 0.); Standard_Real U = Axis.XDirection(). AngleWithRef(D1,Axis.XDirection()^Axis.YDirection()); U += Phase; if ( U < 0.) U += 2*PI; P = gp_Pnt(Bis->FirstParameter(), U, 0.); Seq.Append(P); } } //======================================================================= //function : IntersectWith //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool::IntersectWith (const TopoDS_Edge& EdgeOnF1, const TopoDS_Edge& EdgeOnF2, TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& Points ) const { Points.Clear(); TColgp_SequenceOfPnt Points2; EvalParameters(EdgeOnF1, myFace1, myBis, Points); EvalParameters(EdgeOnF2, myFace2, myBis, Points2); StdFail_NotDone_Raise_if ( Points.Length() != Points2.Length(), "BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool::IntersectWith: incoherent intersection"); gp_Pnt PSeq; Standard_Integer NbPoints = Points.Length(); for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NbPoints; i++) { PSeq = Points(i); PSeq.SetZ((Points2.Value(i)).Y()); Points.SetValue(i,PSeq); // cout<<"BisPar "<Transform(L.Transformation()); // projection de ces courbes 3d dans le plan xOy Handle(Geom_Plane) Plane = new Geom_Plane(0,0,1,0); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d = GeomProjLib::Curve2d(CT,Plane); // eval the projection of the point on the curve. Geom2dAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve Projector(Point, C2d); #ifdef DEB Standard_Real Dist = #endif Projector.LowerDistance(); #ifdef DEB if ( Dist > Precision::Confusion() ) { cout << " *** WARNING TrimSurfaceTool: *** " << endl; cout << " --> le point n'est pas sur l'edge" <