-- File: BRepFill_LocationLaw.cdl -- Created: Wed Jan 14 14:14:49 1998 -- Author: Philippe MANGIN -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1998 deferred class LocationLaw from BRepFill inherits TShared from MMgt ---Purpose: Location Law on a Wire. ---Level: Advanced uses LocationLaw from GeomFill, HArray1OfLocationLaw from GeomFill, PipeError from GeomFill, HArray1OfReal from TColStd, Array1OfInteger from TColStd, HArray1OfInteger from TColStd, HArray1OfShape from TopTools, Shape from TopoDS, Wire from TopoDS, Edge from TopoDS, Vertex from TopoDS raises OutOfRange from Standard is Init (me : mutable; Path : Wire from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Initialize all the fields, this methode have to -- be called by the constructors of Inherited class. is protected; GetStatus(me) ---Purpose: Return a error status, if the status is not PipeOk then -- it exist a parameter tlike the law is not valuable for t. returns PipeError from GeomFill; TransformInG0Law(me : mutable) ---Purpose: Apply a linear transformation on each law, to have -- continuity of the global law beetween the edges. is virtual; TransformInCompatibleLaw(me : mutable; AngularTolerance : Real) ---Purpose: Apply a linear transformation on each law, to reduce -- the dicontinuities of law at one rotation. is virtual; TangentIsMain(me : mutable) ---Purpose: To preseve if possible the Tangent in transformations -- It is the default mode. is protected; NormalIsMain(me : mutable) ---Purpose: To preseve if possible the Normal in transformations is protected; BiNormalIsMain(me : mutable) ---Purpose: To preseve if possible the BiNormal in transformations is protected; DeleteTransform(me : mutable) is static; NbHoles(me: mutable; Tol : Real = 1.0e-7) returns Integer; Holes(me; Interval : out Array1OfInteger from TColStd); NbLaw(me) ---Purpose: Return the number of elementary Law returns Integer; Law(me; Index : Integer) ---Purpose: Return the elementary Law of rank -- have to be in [1, NbLaw()] ---C++: return const & returns LocationLaw from GeomFill raises OutOfRange; Wire(me) ---Purpose: return the path ---C++: return const & returns Wire from TopoDS; Edge(me; Index : Integer) ---Purpose: Return the Edge of rank in the path -- have to be in [1, NbLaw()] ---C++: return const & returns Edge from TopoDS raises OutOfRange; Vertex(me; Index : Integer) ---Purpose: Return the vertex of rank in the path -- have to be in [0, NbLaw()] returns Vertex from TopoDS raises OutOfRange; PerformVertex(me; Index : Integer; InputVertex : Vertex from TopoDS; TolMin : Real; OutputVertex : out Vertex; Location : Integer = 0) ---Purpose: Compute like a transformation of -- the transformation is given by -- evaluation of the location law in the vertex of -- rank . -- is used to manage discontinuities : -- - -1 : The law before the vertex is used. -- - 1 : The law after the vertex is used. -- - 0 : Average of the both laws is used. is static; CurvilinearBounds(me; Index : Integer; First, Last :out Real); ---Purpose:Return the Curvilinear Bounds of the Law IsClosed(me) returns Boolean; IsG1(me; Index : Integer; SpatialTolerance : Real = 1.0e-7; AngularTolerance : Real = 1.0e-4) ---Purpose: Compute the Law's continuity beetween 2 edges of the path -- The result can be : -- -1 : Case Not connex -- 0 : It is connex (G0) -- 1 : It is tangent (G1) returns Integer; D0(me:mutable; Abscissa :Real; Section : in out Shape from TopoDS); ---Purpose: Apply the Law to a shape, for a given Curnilinear abscissa Parameter(me:mutable; Abscissa :Real; Index : out Integer; Param : out Real); ---Purpose: Find the index Law and the parmaeter, for a given -- Curnilinear abscissa Abscissa(me:mutable; Index : Integer; Param : Real) ---Purpose:Return the curvilinear abscissa corresponding to a point -- of the path, defined by of Edge and a -- parameter on the edge. returns Real; fields myPath : Wire from TopoDS is protected; myTol : Real is protected; myLaws : HArray1OfLocationLaw from GeomFill is protected; myLength : HArray1OfReal from TColStd is protected; myEdges : HArray1OfShape from TopTools is protected; myDisc : HArray1OfInteger from TColStd is protected; myType : Integer; end LocationLaw;