// File: BRepFill_Evolved.cxx // Created: Mon Oct 3 14:36:06 1994 // Author: Bruno DUMORTIER // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DRAW #include #include #include #endif #if defined(DRAW) || defined(DEB) static Standard_Boolean AffichEdge = Standard_False; #endif #ifdef DRAW static Standard_Boolean AffichGeom = Standard_False; static Standard_Integer NbFACES = 0; static Standard_Integer NbTRIMFACES = 0; static Standard_Integer NbVEVOS = 0; static Standard_Integer NbPROFILS = 0; static Standard_Integer NbEDGES = 0; // POP pour NT #ifndef WNT static char name[100]; #endif #endif static const Standard_Real BRepFill_Confusion() { Standard_Real Tol = 1.e-6; return Tol; } static const TopoDS_Wire PutProfilAt (const TopoDS_Wire& ProfRef, const gp_Ax3& AxeRef, const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Face& F, const Standard_Boolean AtStart); static void TrimFace(const TopoDS_Face& Face, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& TheEdges, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& S); static void TrimEdge (const TopoDS_Edge& Edge, const TopTools_SequenceOfShape& TheEdgesControle, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& TheVer, TColStd_SequenceOfReal& ThePar, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& S); static TopAbs_Orientation OriEdgeInFace (const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Face& F); static Standard_Integer PosOnFace (Standard_Real d1, Standard_Real d2, Standard_Real d3); static void ComputeIntervals (const TopTools_SequenceOfShape& VonF, const TopTools_SequenceOfShape& VOnL, const TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& ParOnF, const TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& ParOnL, const BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool& Trim, const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Bis, const TopoDS_Vertex& VS, const TopoDS_Vertex& VE, TColStd_SequenceOfReal& FirstPar, TColStd_SequenceOfReal& LastPar, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& FirstV, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& LastV ); static Standard_Real DistanceToOZ (const TopoDS_Vertex& V); static Standard_Real Altitud (const TopoDS_Vertex& V); static Standard_Boolean DoubleOrNotInFace (const TopTools_SequenceOfShape& EC, const TopoDS_Vertex& V); static void SimpleExpression (const Bisector_Bisec& B, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Bis); static TopAbs_Orientation Relative (const TopoDS_Wire& W1, const TopoDS_Wire& W2, const TopoDS_Vertex& V, Standard_Boolean& Commun); static void CutEdge (const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Face& F,TopTools_ListOfShape& Cuts); static void CutEdgeProf (const TopoDS_Edge& E, const Handle(Geom_Plane)& Plane, const Handle(Geom2d_Line)& Line, TopTools_ListOfShape& Cuts, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& MapVerRefMoved); static Standard_Integer VertexFromNode (const Handle(MAT_Node)& aNode, const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Vertex& VF, const TopoDS_Vertex& VL, BRepFill_DataMapOfNodeDataMapOfShapeShape& MapNodeVertex, TopoDS_Vertex& VS); //======================================================================= //function : EdgeVertices //purpose : //======================================================================= static void EdgeVertices (const TopoDS_Edge& E, TopoDS_Vertex& V1, TopoDS_Vertex& V2) { if (E.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) { TopExp::Vertices(E,V2,V1); } else { TopExp::Vertices(E,V1,V2); } } //======================================================================= //function : BRepFill_Evolved //purpose : //======================================================================= BRepFill_Evolved::BRepFill_Evolved() : myIsDone (Standard_False), mySpineType(Standard_True) { } //======================================================================= //function : BRepFill_Evolved //purpose : //======================================================================= BRepFill_Evolved::BRepFill_Evolved(const TopoDS_Wire& Spine, const TopoDS_Wire& Profile, const gp_Ax3& AxeProf, const GeomAbs_JoinType Join, const Standard_Boolean Solid) : myIsDone(Standard_False) { Perform( Spine, Profile, AxeProf, Join, Solid); } //======================================================================= //function : BRepFill_Evolved //purpose : //======================================================================= BRepFill_Evolved::BRepFill_Evolved(const TopoDS_Face& Spine, const TopoDS_Wire& Profile, const gp_Ax3& AxeProf, const GeomAbs_JoinType Join, const Standard_Boolean Solid) : myIsDone(Standard_False) { Perform( Spine, Profile, AxeProf, Join, Solid); } //======================================================================= //function : IsVertical //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean IsVertical(const TopoDS_Edge& E) { TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2; TopExp::Vertices(E,V1,V2); gp_Pnt P1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V1); gp_Pnt P2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V2); if ( Abs(P1.Y() - P2.Y()) < BRepFill_Confusion()) { // It is a Line ? TopLoc_Location Loc; Standard_Real f,l; Handle(Geom_Curve) GC = BRep_Tool::Curve(E,Loc,f,l); if ( GC->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line)) return Standard_True; } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : IsPlanar //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean IsPlanar(const TopoDS_Edge& E) { TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2; TopExp::Vertices(E,V1,V2); gp_Pnt P1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V1); gp_Pnt P2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V2); if ( Abs(P1.Z() - P2.Z()) < BRepFill_Confusion()) { // It is a Line ? TopLoc_Location Loc; Standard_Real f,l; Handle(Geom_Curve) GC = BRep_Tool::Curve(E,Loc,f,l); if ( GC->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line)) return Standard_True; } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : Side //purpose : determine la position du profil par rapport au plan XOZ. // Return 1 : MAT_Left. // Return 2 : MAT_Left and Planar. // Return 3 : MAT_Left and Vertical. // Return 4 : MAT_Right. // Return 5 : MAT_Right and Planar. // Return 6 : MAT_Right and Vertical. //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer Side(const TopoDS_Wire& Profil, const Standard_Real Tol) { TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2; // Rem : il suffit de tester sur le premier edge du Wire. // ( Correctement decoupe dans PrepareProfil) TopExp_Explorer Explo(Profil,TopAbs_EDGE); Standard_Integer TheSide; const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(Explo.Current()); TopExp::Vertices(E,V1,V2); gp_Pnt P1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V1); gp_Pnt P2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V2); if ( P1.Y() < -Tol || P2.Y() < -Tol) TheSide = 4; else TheSide = 1; if (IsVertical(E)) TheSide+=2; else if (IsPlanar(E)) TheSide++; return TheSide; } //======================================================================= //function : Perform //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::Perform(const TopoDS_Wire& Spine, const TopoDS_Wire& Profile, const gp_Ax3& AxeProf, const GeomAbs_JoinType Join, const Standard_Boolean Solid) { mySpineType = Standard_False; TopoDS_Face aFace = (TopoDS_Face) BRepLib_MakeFace(Spine,Standard_True); PrivatePerform( aFace, Profile, AxeProf, Join, Solid); } //======================================================================= //function : Perform //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::Perform(const TopoDS_Face& Spine, const TopoDS_Wire& Profile, const gp_Ax3& AxeProf, const GeomAbs_JoinType Join, const Standard_Boolean Solid) { mySpineType = Standard_True; PrivatePerform( Spine, Profile, AxeProf, Join, Solid); } //======================================================================= //function : PrivatePerform //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::PrivatePerform(const TopoDS_Face& Spine, const TopoDS_Wire& Profile, const gp_Ax3& AxeProf, const GeomAbs_JoinType Join, const Standard_Boolean Solid) { TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = Spine.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD); mySpine = TopoDS::Face(aLocalShape); // mySpine = TopoDS::Face(Spine.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); aLocalShape = Profile.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD); myProfile = TopoDS::Wire(aLocalShape); // myProfile = TopoDS::Wire(Profile.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); myJoinType = Join; myMap.Clear(); if (myJoinType > GeomAbs_Arc) { Standard_NotImplemented::Raise(); } TopTools_ListOfShape WorkProf; TopoDS_Face WorkSpine; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape WPIte; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Positionnement de mySpine et de myProfil dans le repere de travail. //------------------------------------------------------------------- TopLoc_Location LSpine = FindLocation(mySpine); gp_Trsf T; T.SetTransformation(AxeProf); TopLoc_Location LProfile (T); TopLoc_Location InitLS = mySpine .Location(); TopLoc_Location InitLP = myProfile.Location(); TransformInitWork(LSpine,LProfile); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // projection du profil et decoupe du spine. //------------------------------------------------------------------ TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape MapProf, MapSpine; PrepareProfile(WorkProf , MapProf); PrepareSpine (WorkSpine, MapSpine); Standard_Real Tol = BRepFill_Confusion(); Standard_Boolean YaLeft = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean YaRight = Standard_False; TopoDS_Wire SP; for (WPIte.Initialize(WorkProf); WPIte.More(); WPIte.Next()) { SP = TopoDS::Wire(WPIte.Value()); if ( Side(SP,Tol) < 4) YaLeft = Standard_True; else YaRight = Standard_True; if (YaLeft && YaRight) break; } TopoDS_Face Face; BRepMAT2d_BisectingLocus Locus; //---------------------------------------------------------- // Initialisation du volevo decoupe. // Pour chaque portion du profile on cree en volevo qui est // additionner a CutVevo //---------------------------------------------------------- BRepFill_Evolved CutVevo; TopoDS_Wire WP; BRep_Builder BB; BRepTools_WireExplorer WExp; BB.MakeWire(WP); for (WPIte.Initialize(WorkProf); WPIte.More(); WPIte.Next()) { for (WExp.Init(TopoDS::Wire(WPIte.Value())); WExp.More(); WExp.Next()) { BB.Add(WP,WExp.Current()); } } CutVevo.SetWork(WorkSpine,WP); BRepTools_Quilt Glue; Standard_Integer CSide; //--------------------------------- // Construction des vevos a gauche. //--------------------------------- if (YaLeft) { //----------------------------------------------------- // Calcul de la carte des lieux bissecteurs a gauche. // et des Liens Topologie -> elements de base de la carte. //----------------------------------------------------- BRepMAT2d_Explorer Exp(WorkSpine); Locus.Compute(Exp,1,MAT_Left); BRepMAT2d_LinkTopoBilo Link(Exp,Locus); for (WPIte.Initialize(WorkProf); WPIte.More(); WPIte.Next()) { SP = TopoDS::Wire(WPIte.Value()); CSide = Side(SP,Tol); //----------------------------------------------- // Construction et ajout d un volevo elementaire. //----------------------------------------------- BRepFill_Evolved Vevo; if ( CSide == 1) { Vevo.ElementaryPerform (WorkSpine, SP, Locus, Link, Join); } else if (CSide == 2) { Vevo.PlanarPerform (WorkSpine, SP, Locus, Link, Join); } else if (CSide == 3) { Vevo.VerticalPerform (WorkSpine, SP, Locus, Link, Join); } CutVevo.Add (Vevo, SP, Glue); } } //--------------------------------- // Construction des vevos a droite. //--------------------------------- if (YaRight) { //----------------------------------- // Decomposition de la face en wires. //----------------------------------- TopExp_Explorer SpineExp (WorkSpine, TopAbs_WIRE); for ( ; SpineExp.More(); SpineExp.Next()) { //---------------------------------------------- // Calcul de la carte a droite du wire courant. //---------------------------------------------- BRepLib_MakeFace B(gp_Pln(0.,0.,1.,0.)); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = SpineExp.Current().Reversed(); B.Add(TopoDS::Wire(aLocalShape)); // B.Add(TopoDS::Wire(SpineExp.Current().Reversed())); Face = B.Face(); BRepMAT2d_Explorer Exp(Face); Locus.Compute(Exp,1,MAT_Left); BRepMAT2d_LinkTopoBilo Link(Exp,Locus); for (WPIte.Initialize(WorkProf); WPIte.More(); WPIte.Next()) { SP = TopoDS::Wire(WPIte.Value()); CSide = Side(SP,Tol); //----------------------------------------------- // Construction et ajout d un volevo elementaire. //----------------------------------------------- BRepFill_Evolved Vevo; if ( CSide == 4) { Vevo.ElementaryPerform (Face, SP, Locus, Link, Join); } else if (CSide == 5) { Vevo.PlanarPerform (Face, SP, Locus, Link, Join); } else if (CSide == 6) { Vevo.VerticalPerform (Face, SP, Locus, Link, Join); } CutVevo.Add (Vevo, SP, Glue); } } } if (Solid) CutVevo.AddTopAndBottom(Glue); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Codage des regularites sur les edges paralleles generes par les vertex // de la decoupe du profil. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- CutVevo.ContinuityOnOffsetEdge(WorkProf); //----------------------------------------------------------------- // construction du shape via le quilt, ie: // - partage des topologies des volevos elementaires additionnes. // - Orientation des faces les unes par rapport aux autres. //----------------------------------------------------------------- TopoDS_Shape& SCV = CutVevo.ChangeShape(); SCV = Glue.Shells(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Transfert de la map des elements generes et du shape de Cutvevo dans // myMap et Repositionnement dans l espace initial. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transfert (CutVevo, MapProf, MapSpine, LSpine.Inverted(), InitLS, InitLP); //Orientation du solid. if (Solid) MakeSolid(); // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Mon Jan 24 11:26:48 2000 ___BEGIN___ BRepLib::UpdateTolerances(myShape,Standard_False); // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Mon Jan 24 11:26:50 2000 ___END___ myIsDone = Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : IsInversed //purpose : //======================================================================= static void IsInversed(const TopoDS_Shape& S, const TopoDS_Edge& E1, const TopoDS_Edge& E2, Standard_Boolean* Inverse) { Inverse[0] = Inverse[1] = 0; if (S.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE) return; gp_Pnt P; gp_Vec DS,DC1,DC2 ; BRepAdaptor_Curve CS(TopoDS::Edge(S)); if (S.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) { CS.D1(CS.FirstParameter(),P,DS); } else { CS.D1(CS.LastParameter(),P,DS); DS.Reverse(); } if (!BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E1)) { BRepAdaptor_Curve C1(TopoDS::Edge(E1)); if (E1.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) { C1.D1(C1.FirstParameter(),P,DC1); } else { C1.D1(C1.LastParameter(),P,DC1); DC1.Reverse(); } Inverse[0] = (DS.Dot(DC1) < 0.); } else Inverse[0] = 1; if (!BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E2)) { BRepAdaptor_Curve C2(TopoDS::Edge(E2)); if (E2.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) { C2.D1(C2.FirstParameter(),P,DC2); } else { C2.D1(C2.LastParameter(),P,DC2); DC2.Reverse(); } Inverse[1] = (DS.Dot(DC2) < 0.); } else Inverse[1] = 1; } //======================================================================= //function : SetWork //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::SetWork(const TopoDS_Face& Sp, const TopoDS_Wire& Pr) { mySpine = Sp; myProfile = Pr; } //======================================================================= //function : ConcaveSide //purpose : Determine si les pipes ont ete construits du cote de la // concavite. Dans ce cas il peuvent etre boucles. // WARNING: Pas fini... Seulement fait pour les cercles. //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean ConcaveSide(const TopoDS_Shape& S, const TopoDS_Face& F) { if (S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) return Standard_False; if (S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE) { Standard_Real f,l; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) G2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(TopoDS::Edge(S),F,f,l); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) G2dOC; Geom2dAdaptor_Curve AC(G2d,f,l); if ( AC.GetType() == GeomAbs_Circle) { Standard_Boolean Direct = AC.Circle().IsDirect(); if (S.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) Direct = (!Direct); return Direct; } } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : ElementaryPerform //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::ElementaryPerform (const TopoDS_Face& Sp, const TopoDS_Wire& Pr, const BRepMAT2d_BisectingLocus& Locus, BRepMAT2d_LinkTopoBilo& Link, const GeomAbs_JoinType Join) { #ifdef DRAW if (AffichEdge) { sprintf(name,"PROFIL_%d",++NbPROFILS); DBRep::Set(name,Pr); } #endif TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = Sp.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD); mySpine = TopoDS::Face(aLocalShape); // mySpine = TopoDS::Face(Sp.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); myProfile = Pr; myMap.Clear(); BRep_Builder myBuilder; myBuilder.MakeCompound(TopoDS::Compound(myShape)); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // MapNodeVertex : associe a chaque noeud de la carte (key1) et // a chaque element du profil (key2) un vertex (item). // MapBis : ensemble des edges ou vertex (item) generes par // une bisectrice sur une face ou un edge (key)des // tuyaux ou revol. // MapVerPar : Map des parametres des vertex sur les edges paralleles // la liste contenue dans MapVerPar (E) correspond aux // parametres sur E des vertex contenu dans MapBis(E); // MapBS : liens BasicElt de la carte => Topologie du spine. //--------------------------------------------------------------------- BRepFill_DataMapOfNodeDataMapOfShapeShape MapNodeVertex; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeSequenceOfShape MapBis; BRepFill_DataMapOfShapeSequenceOfReal MapVerPar; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape EmptyMap; TopTools_SequenceOfShape EmptySeq; TopTools_ListOfShape EmptyList; TColStd_SequenceOfReal EmptySeqOfReal; // Repere du profile. gp_Ax3 AxeRef(gp_Pnt(0.,0.,0.), gp_Dir(0.,0.,1.), gp_Dir(1.,0.,0.)); //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction des revols et des tuyaux. //--------------------------------------------------------------- BRepTools_WireExplorer ProfExp; TopExp_Explorer FaceExp; BRepTools_WireExplorer WireExp; for (FaceExp.Init(mySpine,TopAbs_WIRE); FaceExp.More(); FaceExp.Next()){ for (WireExp.Init(TopoDS::Wire(FaceExp.Current())); WireExp.More(); WireExp.Next()) { TopoDS_Edge CurrentEdge = WireExp.Current(); TopoDS_Vertex VFirst,VLast; EdgeVertices(CurrentEdge,VFirst,VLast); for (Link.Init(VLast); Link.More(); Link.Next()) { //------------------------. //Construction d un Revol //------------------------. MakeRevol (CurrentEdge, VLast, AxeRef); } for (Link.Init(CurrentEdge); Link.More(); Link.Next()) { //------------------------. //Construction d un Tuyau //------------------------- MakePipe (CurrentEdge, AxeRef); } } } #ifdef DRAW if (AffichEdge) { cout << " Fin Construction des primitives geometriques"<NumberOfArcs(); i++) { CurrentArc = Locus.Graph()->Arc(i); SimpleExpression(Locus.GeomBis(CurrentArc,Reverse), Bis); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Recuperation des elements du spine correspondant aux basicElts separes. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- S [0] = Link.GeneratingShape(CurrentArc->FirstElement()); S [1] = Link.GeneratingShape(CurrentArc->SecondElement()); Standard_Boolean Concave0 = ConcaveSide(S[0],mySpine); Standard_Boolean Concave1 = ConcaveSide(S[1],mySpine); TopTools_SequenceOfShape VOnF,VOnL; TColgp_SequenceOfPnt ParOnF,ParOnL; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeSequenceOfShape MapSeqVer; BRepFill_DataMapOfShapeSequenceOfPnt MapSeqPar; Standard_Integer vv = 0; for(ProfExp.Init(myProfile); ProfExp.More(); ProfExp.Next()) { vv++; //------------------------------------------------------- // Recuperation des deux faces separees par la bissectrice. //------------------------------------------------------- F [0] = TopoDS::Face(myMap(S[0])(ProfExp.Current()).First()); F [1] = TopoDS::Face(myMap(S[1])(ProfExp.Current()).First()); //----------------------------------------------------------- // Recuperation des edges paralleles sur chaque face. //----------------------------------------------------------- TopoDS_Vertex VF,VL; EdgeVertices(ProfExp.Current(),VF,VL); E [0] = TopoDS::Edge(myMap(S[0])(VF).First()); E [1] = TopoDS::Edge(myMap(S[0])(VL).First()); E [2] = TopoDS::Edge(myMap(S[1])(VF).First()); E [3] = TopoDS::Edge(myMap(S[1])(VL).First()); Standard_Boolean Inv0[2]; Standard_Boolean Inv1[2]; Inv0[0] = Inv0[1] = Inv1[0]= Inv1[1] = 0; if (Concave0) IsInversed(S[0],E[0],E[1],Inv0); if (Concave1) IsInversed(S[1],E[2],E[3],Inv1); //--------------------------------------------- // Construction des geometries. //--------------------------------------------- BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool Trim (Bis,F[0],F[1], E[0],E[2],Inv0[0],Inv1[0]); //----------------------------------------------------------- //Construction des vertex correspondant au noeud de la carte. //----------------------------------------------------------- TopoDS_Vertex VS,VE; Handle(MAT_Node) Node1, Node2; if (Reverse) { Node1 = CurrentArc->SecondNode(); Node2 = CurrentArc->FirstNode(); } else { Node1 = CurrentArc->FirstNode(); Node2 = CurrentArc->SecondNode(); } //-------------------------------------------------------- // Cas Particulier ou le noeud est sur un vertex du spine. //-------------------------------------------------------- if (Node1->OnBasicElt()) { if (S[0].ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) { Node1 = CurrentArc->FirstElement()->StartArc()->FirstNode(); } else if (S[1].ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) { Node1 = CurrentArc->SecondElement()->StartArc()->FirstNode(); } } // Fin cas particulier. Standard_Integer StartOnF = VertexFromNode(Node1, TopoDS::Edge(ProfExp.Current()), VF, VL , MapNodeVertex,VS); Standard_Integer EndOnF = VertexFromNode(Node2, TopoDS::Edge(ProfExp.Current()), VF, VL , MapNodeVertex,VE); //----------------------------------------------------------- // Construction des vertex sur les edges paralleles au spine. //----------------------------------------------------------- if (!MapSeqVer.IsBound(VF)) { if (Inv0 [0] || Inv1 [0]) { ParOnF.Clear(); VOnF .Clear(); } else { Trim.IntersectWith(E [0], E [2], ParOnF); VOnF .Clear(); for (Standard_Integer s = 1; s <= ParOnF.Length(); s++) { TopoDS_Vertex VC; myBuilder.MakeVertex (VC); VOnF.Append(VC); } if (StartOnF == 1) { VOnF .SetValue(1,VS); } if (EndOnF == 1) { VOnF .SetValue(ParOnF.Length(),VE); } } } else { ParOnF = MapSeqPar(VF); VOnF = MapSeqVer(VF); } if (!MapSeqVer.IsBound(VL)) { if (Inv0 [1] || Inv1 [1]) { ParOnL.Clear(); VOnL .Clear(); } else { Trim.IntersectWith(E [1], E [3], ParOnL); VOnL.Clear(); for (Standard_Integer s = 1; s <= ParOnL.Length(); s++) { TopoDS_Vertex VC; myBuilder.MakeVertex (VC); VOnL.Append(VC); } if (StartOnF == 3) { VOnL .SetValue(1,VS); } if (EndOnF == 3) { VOnL .SetValue(ParOnL.Length(),VE); } } } else { ParOnL = MapSeqPar(VL); VOnL = MapSeqVer(VL); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Test si la Bissectrice ne se projette pas sur la face //---------------------------------------------------------- if ((StartOnF == 0) && (EndOnF == 0) && VOnL.IsEmpty() && VOnF.IsEmpty()) // Aucune trace de la bisectrice sur la face. continue; if ((StartOnF == 0) && (EndOnF == 0) && (VOnL.Length() + VOnF.Length() == 1)) // le premier ou dernier noeud de l arc est sur une edge // mais l arc n est pas sur la face. continue; //--------------------------------------------------------- // determination des intervalles de la bissectrice qui se // projettent sur F[0] et F[1]. //--------------------------------------------------------- TColStd_SequenceOfReal LastPar,FirstPar; TopTools_SequenceOfShape FirstV,LastV; ComputeIntervals (VOnF,VOnL,ParOnF,ParOnL,Trim,Bis, VS,VE,FirstPar,LastPar,FirstV,LastV); for (Standard_Integer Ti = 1; Ti <= FirstPar.Length(); Ti++) { TopoDS_Vertex V1 = TopoDS::Vertex(FirstV.Value(Ti)); TopoDS_Vertex V2 = TopoDS::Vertex(LastV .Value(Ti)); GeomAbs_Shape Continuity; Trim.Project(FirstPar.Value(Ti),LastPar.Value(Ti), CBis,PCurve1,PCurve2,Continuity); //------------------------------------- // Codage de l edge. //------------------------------------- myBuilder.MakeEdge(CurrentEdge, CBis, BRepFill_Confusion()); myBuilder.UpdateVertex(V1,CBis->Value(CBis->FirstParameter()), BRepFill_Confusion()); myBuilder.UpdateVertex(V2,CBis->Value(CBis->LastParameter()), BRepFill_Confusion()); myBuilder.Add(CurrentEdge,V1.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); myBuilder.Add(CurrentEdge,V2.Oriented(TopAbs_REVERSED)); myBuilder.Range(CurrentEdge, CBis->FirstParameter(), CBis->LastParameter()); myBuilder.UpdateEdge(CurrentEdge,PCurve1,F[0],BRepFill_Confusion()); myBuilder.UpdateEdge(CurrentEdge,PCurve2,F[1],BRepFill_Confusion()); myBuilder.Continuity(CurrentEdge,F[0],F[1],Continuity); #ifdef DRAW if (AffichEdge) { sprintf(name,"ARCEDGE_%d_%d_%d",i,vv,Ti); DBRep::Set(name,CurrentEdge); } #endif //------------------------------------------- // Stockage de l edge pour chacune des faces. //------------------------------------------- for (k = 0; k <= 1;k++) { if (!MapBis.IsBound(F[k])) { MapBis.Bind(F[k],EmptySeq); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // l orientation de l edge depend du sens de la depouille. // depouille => meme orientation E[0] , inverse orientation E[2] // si contredepouille c est l inverse. //-------------------------------------------------------------- E[0].Orientation(OriEdgeInFace(E[0],F[0])); E[2].Orientation(OriEdgeInFace(E[2],F[1])); if (DistanceToOZ(VF) < DistanceToOZ(VL) ) { // Depouille MapBis(F[0]).Append(CurrentEdge.Oriented (E[0].Orientation())); CurrentEdge.Orientation(TopAbs::Complement(E[2].Orientation())); MapBis(F[1]).Append(CurrentEdge); } else { //Contre Depouille MapBis(F[1]).Append(CurrentEdge.Oriented (E[2].Orientation())); CurrentEdge.Orientation(TopAbs::Complement(E[0].Orientation())); MapBis(F[0]).Append(CurrentEdge); } } //---------------------------------------------- // Stockage des vertex sur les edges paralleles. // on remplit MapBis et MapVerPar. // VOnF pour E[0] et E[2]. // VOnL pour E[1] et E[3]. //---------------------------------------------- for (k = 0; k <= 2; k = k+2) { if ( !MapSeqVer.IsBound(VF)) { if (!VOnF.IsEmpty()) { if (!MapBis.IsBound(E[k])) { MapBis .Bind(E[k],EmptySeq); MapVerPar.Bind(E[k],EmptySeqOfReal); } for (Standard_Integer ii = 1; ii <= VOnF.Length(); ii++) { MapBis (E[k]).Append(VOnF.Value(ii)); if (k == 0) MapVerPar (E[k]).Append(ParOnF.Value(ii).Y()); else MapVerPar (E[k]).Append(ParOnF.Value(ii).Z()); } } } } for (k = 1; k <= 3; k = k+2) { if ( !MapSeqVer.IsBound(VL)) { if (!VOnL.IsEmpty()) { if (!MapBis.IsBound(E[k])) { MapBis .Bind(E[k],EmptySeq); MapVerPar.Bind(E[k],EmptySeqOfReal); } for (Standard_Integer ii = 1; ii <= VOnL.Length(); ii++) { MapBis(E[k]).Append(VOnL.Value(ii)); if (k == 1) MapVerPar (E[k]).Append(ParOnL.Value(ii).Y()); else MapVerPar (E[k]).Append(ParOnL.Value(ii).Z()); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Edge [1] de la face courante sera Edge [0] de la face suivante. // => copie de VonL dans VonF. Pour ne pas creer deux fois les memes // vertex. //----------------------------------------------------------------- MapSeqPar.Bind(VF,ParOnF); MapSeqVer.Bind(VF,VOnF); MapSeqPar.Bind(VL,ParOnL); MapSeqVer.Bind(VL,VOnL); } } #ifdef DEB if (AffichEdge) { cout << " Fin Construction des edges et vertex sur les bissectrices"< pas d edge parallele. //------------------------------------------------------------ TopTools_SequenceOfShape S; TrimEdge (CurrentEdge, MapBis (FaceControle), MapBis (CurrentEdge) , MapVerPar(CurrentEdge) , S); for ( k = 1; k <= S.Length(); k++) { myMap(CurrentSpine)(VCF).Append(S.Value(k)); #ifdef DRAW if (AffichEdge) { sprintf(name,"PAREDGE_%d_%d",++NbEDGES,k); DBRep::Set(name,S.Value(k)); } #endif } } } PrecProf = CurrentProf; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Construction edge parallele du dernier vertex de myProfile. //------------------------------------------------------------ CurrentEdge = TopoDS::Edge(myMap(CurrentSpine)(VCL).First()); if (MapBis.IsBound(CurrentEdge)) { Standard_Boolean YaFace = Standard_True; TopoDS_Shape FaceControle; FaceControle = myMap(CurrentSpine)(CurrentProf).First(); if (!MapBis.IsBound(FaceControle)){ YaFace = Standard_False; } // le nombre d element de la liste permet de savoir // si les edges ont deja ete faite (profile ferme) . if (YaFace && myMap(CurrentSpine)(VCL).Extent()<= 1) { TopTools_SequenceOfShape S; TrimEdge (CurrentEdge, MapBis (FaceControle), MapBis (CurrentEdge) , MapVerPar(CurrentEdge) , S); for ( k = 1; k <= S.Length(); k++) { myMap(CurrentSpine)(VCL).Append(S.Value(k)); #ifdef DRAW if (AffichEdge) { sprintf(name,"PAREDGE_%d_%d",++NbEDGES,k); DBRep::Set(name,S.Value(k)); } #endif } } } } #ifdef DRAW if (AffichEdge) { cout <<" Fin Construction des edges paralleles"< sont toujours du // meme cote de l axe OZ ou sont confondus avec celui-ci //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::PrepareProfile(TopTools_ListOfShape& WorkProf, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& MapProf ) const { // Le profil est suppose place de telle sorte que la seule transformation // a effectuer soit une projection dans le plan yOz. // initialise the projection Plane and the Line to evaluate the extrema. Handle(Geom_Plane) Plane = new Geom_Plane(gp_Ax3(gp::YOZ())); Handle(Geom2d_Line) Line = new Geom2d_Line(gp::OY2d()); // Map vertex initiaux -> vertex projete. TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape MapVerRefMoved; TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2,VRef1,VRef2; TopoDS_Wire W; BRep_Builder B; TopTools_ListOfShape WP; B.MakeWire(W); WP.Append(W); BRepTools_WireExplorer Exp(myProfile) ; while (Exp.More()) { TopTools_ListOfShape Cuts; Standard_Boolean NewWire = Standard_False; const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(Exp.Current()); // Decoupe de l edge. CutEdgeProf (E ,Plane ,Line ,Cuts ,MapVerRefMoved); EdgeVertices(E,VRef1,VRef2); if ( Cuts.IsEmpty()) { // Pas d extrema ni d intersections ni de vertex sur l axe. B.Add(W,E); MapProf.Bind(E,E); } else { while (!Cuts.IsEmpty()) { const TopoDS_Edge& NE = TopoDS::Edge(Cuts.First()); MapProf.Bind(NE,E); EdgeVertices(NE,V1,V2); if (!MapProf.IsBound(V1)) MapProf.Bind(V1,E); if (!MapProf.IsBound(V2)) MapProf.Bind(V2,E); B.Add(W,NE); Cuts.RemoveFirst(); if (DistanceToOZ(V2) < BRepFill_Confusion() && DistanceToOZ(V1) > BRepFill_Confusion()) { // NE se termine sur l axe OZ => nouveau wire if (Cuts.IsEmpty()) { // derniere portion de l edge courante // Si ce n est pas le dernier edge de myProfile // on creera un nouveau wire. NewWire = Standard_True; } else { // Nouveau wire. B.MakeWire(W); WP.Append(W); } } } } Exp.Next(); if (Exp.More() && NewWire) { B.MakeWire(W); WP.Append(W); } } // Dans la liste des Wires, on cherche les edges generant des vevo plans // ou verticaux. TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ite; TopoDS_Wire CurW,NW; TopExp_Explorer EW; for (ite.Initialize(WP); ite.More(); ite.Next()) { CurW = TopoDS::Wire(ite.Value()); Standard_Boolean YaModif = Standard_False; for (EW.Init(CurW,TopAbs_EDGE); EW.More(); EW.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& EE = TopoDS::Edge(EW.Current()); if (IsVertical(EE) || IsPlanar(EE)) { YaModif = Standard_True; break; } } if (YaModif) { //Status = 0 for the begining // 3 vertical // 2 horizontal // 1 other Standard_Integer Status = 0; for (EW.Init(CurW,TopAbs_EDGE); EW.More(); EW.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& EE = TopoDS::Edge(EW.Current()); if (IsVertical(EE)) { if (Status != 3) { B.MakeWire(NW); WorkProf.Append(NW); Status = 3; } } else if (IsPlanar(EE)) { if (Status != 2) { B.MakeWire(NW); WorkProf.Append(NW); Status = 2; } } else if ( Status != 1) { B.MakeWire(NW); WorkProf.Append(NW); Status = 1; } B.Add(NW,EE); } } else { WorkProf.Append(CurW); } } //bind des vertex modifies dans MapProf; TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeShape gilbert(MapVerRefMoved); for ( ;gilbert.More() ;gilbert.Next()) { MapProf.Bind(gilbert.Value(),gilbert.Key()); } } //======================================================================= //function : PrepareSpine //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::PrepareSpine(TopoDS_Face& WorkSpine, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& MapSpine) const { BRep_Builder B; TopTools_ListOfShape Cuts; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape IteCuts; TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2; TopLoc_Location L; const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S = BRep_Tool::Surface (mySpine,L); Standard_Real TolF = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(mySpine); B.MakeFace(WorkSpine,S,L,TolF); for (TopoDS_Iterator IteF(mySpine) ; IteF.More(); IteF.Next()) { TopoDS_Wire NW; B.MakeWire (NW); for (TopoDS_Iterator IteW(IteF.Value()); IteW.More(); IteW.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(IteW.Value()); EdgeVertices(E,V1,V2); MapSpine.Bind(V1,V1); MapSpine.Bind(V2,V2); Cuts.Clear(); // Decoupe CutEdge (E, mySpine, Cuts); if (Cuts.IsEmpty()) { B.Add(NW,E); MapSpine.Bind(E,E); } else { for (IteCuts.Initialize(Cuts); IteCuts.More(); IteCuts.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& NE = TopoDS::Edge(IteCuts.Value()); B.Add(NW,NE); MapSpine.Bind(NE,E); EdgeVertices(NE,V1,V2); if (!MapSpine.IsBound(V1)) MapSpine.Bind(V1,E); if (!MapSpine.IsBound(V2)) MapSpine.Bind(V2,E); } } } B.Add(WorkSpine, NW); } // On construit les courbes 3d de la spine Sinon aux fraise BRepLib::BuildCurves3d(WorkSpine); #ifdef DRAW if (AffichEdge) { sprintf(name,"workspine"); DBRep::Set(name,WorkSpine); } #endif } //======================================================================= //function : GeneratedShapes //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopoDS_Shape& BRepFill_Evolved::Top() const { return myTop; } //======================================================================= //function : GeneratedShapes //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopoDS_Shape& BRepFill_Evolved::Bottom() const { return myBottom; } //======================================================================= //function : GeneratedShapes //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopTools_ListOfShape& BRepFill_Evolved::GeneratedShapes ( const TopoDS_Shape& SpineShape, const TopoDS_Shape& ProfShape ) const { if (myMap .IsBound(SpineShape) && myMap(SpineShape).IsBound(ProfShape) ) { return myMap(SpineShape)(ProfShape); } else { static TopTools_ListOfShape Empty; return Empty; } } //======================================================================= //function : Generated //purpose : //=================================================================== ==== BRepFill_DataMapOfShapeDataMapOfShapeListOfShape& BRepFill_Evolved::Generated() { return myMap; } //======================================================================= //function : Compare //purpose : //======================================================================= static TopAbs_Orientation Compare (const TopoDS_Edge& E1, const TopoDS_Edge& E2) { TopAbs_Orientation OO = TopAbs_FORWARD; TopoDS_Vertex V1[2],V2[2]; TopExp::Vertices (E1,V1[0],V1[1]); TopExp::Vertices (E2,V2[0],V2[1]); gp_Pnt P1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V1[0]); gp_Pnt P2 =BRep_Tool::Pnt(V2[0]); gp_Pnt P3 =BRep_Tool::Pnt(V2[1]); if (P1.Distance(P3) < P1.Distance(P2)) OO = TopAbs_REVERSED; return OO; } //======================================================================= //function : Add //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::Add( BRepFill_Evolved& Vevo, const TopoDS_Wire& Prof, BRepTools_Quilt& Glue) { BRepFill_DataMapOfShapeDataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MapVevo = Vevo.Generated(); TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape iteP; BRepFill_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeDataMapOfShapeListOfShape iteS; TopoDS_Shape CurrentSpine, CurrentProf; if (Vevo.Shape().IsNull()) return; //------------------------------------------------- // Recherche des wires communs a et a . //------------------------------------------------- TopExp_Explorer ExProf; for (ExProf.Init(Prof,TopAbs_VERTEX); ExProf.More(); ExProf.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& VV = ExProf.Current(); //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Parcours des edge generes par VV dans myMap si elles existent // et Bind dans Glue //--------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------- ------------- // Remarque les courbes des edges a bindes sont dans le meme sens. // si on reste du meme cote. // si on passe de gauche a droite elles sont inversees. //------------------------------------------------- ------------- #ifndef DEB Standard_Boolean Commun = Standard_False; #else Standard_Boolean Commun; #endif Relative(myProfile,Prof, TopoDS::Vertex(VV), Commun); if (Commun) { for (iteS.Initialize(myMap); iteS.More(); iteS.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& SP = iteS.Key(); if (iteS.Value().IsBound(VV) && MapVevo.IsBound(SP) && MapVevo(SP).IsBound(VV)) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& MyList = myMap(SP)(VV); const TopTools_ListOfShape& VevoList = Vevo.GeneratedShapes(SP,VV); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape MyIte (MyList); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape VevoIte(VevoList); for (; MyIte.More(); MyIte.Next(), VevoIte.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& ME = TopoDS::Edge(MyIte .Value()); const TopoDS_Edge& VE = TopoDS::Edge(VevoIte.Value()); TopAbs_Orientation OG = Compare(ME,VE); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = VE.Oriented (TopAbs_FORWARD); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape2 = ME.Oriented (OG); Glue.Bind(TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape),TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape2)); // Glue.Bind(TopoDS::Edge(VE.Oriented (TopAbs_FORWARD)), // TopoDS::Edge(ME.Oriented (OG))); } } } } } Glue.Add(Vevo.Shape()); //---------------------------------------------------------- // Ajout de la map des elements generes dans Vevo dans myMap. //---------------------------------------------------------- TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape EmptyMap; TopTools_ListOfShape EmptyList; for (iteS.Initialize(MapVevo); iteS.More() ; iteS.Next()) { CurrentSpine = iteS.Key(); for (iteP.Initialize(MapVevo(CurrentSpine)); iteP.More(); iteP.Next()) { CurrentProf = iteP.Key(); if (!myMap.IsBound(CurrentSpine)) { //------------------------------------------------ // L element du spine n etait pas encore present . // => profil precedent pas sur le bord. //------------------------------------------------- myMap.Bind(CurrentSpine,EmptyMap); } if (!myMap(CurrentSpine).IsBound(CurrentProf)) { myMap(CurrentSpine).Bind(CurrentProf,EmptyList); const TopTools_ListOfShape& GenShapes = MapVevo (CurrentSpine)(CurrentProf); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itl (GenShapes); for (; itl.More(); itl.Next()) { // lors de Glue.Add les shapes partages son recrees. if (Glue.IsCopied(itl.Value())) myMap(CurrentSpine)(CurrentProf).Append(Glue.Copy(itl.Value())); else myMap(CurrentSpine)(CurrentProf).Append(itl.Value()); } } } } } //======================================================================= //function : ChangeShape //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Shape& BRepFill_Evolved::ChangeShape() { return myShape; } //======================================================================= //function : Transfert //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::Transfert( BRepFill_Evolved& Vevo, const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& MapProf, const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& MapSpine, const TopLoc_Location& LS, const TopLoc_Location& InitLS, const TopLoc_Location& InitLP) { //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Transfert du shape de Vevo dans myShape et Repositionnement // des shapes. //-------------------------------------------------------------- myShape = Vevo.Shape(); mySpine .Location(InitLS); myProfile.Location(InitLP); myShape .Move (LS); // // En attendant mieux, on force le Same Parameter ici // ( Pb Sameparameter entre YaPlanar et Tuyaux // BRep_Builder B; TopExp_Explorer ex(myShape,TopAbs_EDGE); while (ex.More()) { B.SameRange(TopoDS::Edge(ex.Current()), Standard_False); B.SameParameter(TopoDS::Edge(ex.Current()), Standard_False); BRepLib::SameParameter(TopoDS::Edge(ex.Current())); ex.Next(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Transfert de myMap de Vevo dans myMap. //-------------------------------------------------------------- BRepFill_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeDataMapOfShapeListOfShape iteS; TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape iteP; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape EmptyMap; TopTools_ListOfShape EmptyList; TopoDS_Shape InitialSpine, InitialProf; BRepFill_DataMapOfShapeDataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MapVevo = Vevo.Generated(); for (iteS.Initialize(MapVevo); iteS.More(); iteS.Next()) { InitialSpine = MapSpine(iteS.Key()); InitialSpine.Move(LS); for (iteP.Initialize(MapVevo(iteS.Key())); iteP.More(); iteP.Next()) { InitialProf = MapProf (iteP.Key()); InitialProf.Location(InitLP); TopTools_ListOfShape& GenShapes = MapVevo.ChangeFind(iteS.Key()).ChangeFind(iteP.Key()); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itl; for (itl.Initialize(GenShapes); itl.More(); itl.Next()) { itl.Value().Move(LS); } if (!myMap.IsBound(InitialSpine)) { myMap.Bind(InitialSpine,EmptyMap); } if (!myMap(InitialSpine).IsBound(InitialProf)) { myMap(InitialSpine).Bind(InitialProf,EmptyList); } myMap(InitialSpine)(InitialProf).Append(GenShapes); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Transfert de Top et Bottom de Vevo dans myTop et myBottom. //-------------------------------------------------------------- myTop = Vevo.Top() ; myTop.Move(LS); myBottom = Vevo.Bottom(); myBottom.Move(LS); } //======================================================================= //function : IsDone //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean BRepFill_Evolved::IsDone() const { return myIsDone; } //======================================================================= //function : Shape //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopoDS_Shape& BRepFill_Evolved::Shape() const { return myShape; } //======================================================================= //function : JoinType //purpose : //======================================================================= GeomAbs_JoinType BRepFill_Evolved::JoinType() const { return myJoinType; } //======================================================================= //function : AddTopAndBottom //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::AddTopAndBottom(BRepTools_Quilt& Glue) { // recuperation premier et dernier vertex du profil. TopoDS_Vertex V[2]; TopExp::Vertices (myProfile,V[0],V[1]); if (V[0].IsSame(V[1])) return; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itL; Standard_Boolean ToReverse=Standard_False; for (Standard_Integer i = 0; i<=1; i++) { BRepAlgo_Loop Loop; // Construction des supports. gp_Pln S (0.,0.,1.,- Altitud(V[i])); TopoDS_Face F = (TopoDS_Face) BRepLib_MakeFace(S); Loop.Init(F); TopExp_Explorer ExpSpine(mySpine,TopAbs_EDGE); TopTools_MapOfShape View; for (; ExpSpine.More(); ExpSpine.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& ES = TopoDS::Edge(ExpSpine.Current()); const TopTools_ListOfShape& L = GeneratedShapes(ES,V[i]); Standard_Boolean ComputeOrientation = 0; for (itL.Initialize(L); itL.More(); itL.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(itL.Value()); if (!ComputeOrientation) { BRepAdaptor_Curve C1(ES); BRepAdaptor_Curve C2(E); Standard_Real f,l,fs,ls; BRep_Tool::Range(E ,f ,l); BRep_Tool::Range(ES,fs,ls); Standard_Real u = 0.3*f + 0.7*l; Standard_Real us = 0.3*fs + 0.7*ls; gp_Pnt P; gp_Vec V1,V2; C1.D1(us,P,V1); C2.D1(u,P,V2); ToReverse = (V1.Dot(V2) < 0.); ComputeOrientation = 1; } TopAbs_Orientation Or = ES.Orientation(); if (ToReverse) Or = TopAbs::Reverse(Or); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = E.Oriented(Or); Loop.AddConstEdge(TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape)); // Loop.AddConstEdge(TopoDS::Edge(E.Oriented(Or))); } } gp_Pnt PV = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V[i]); Standard_Boolean IsOut = PV.Y() < 0; for (ExpSpine.Init(mySpine,TopAbs_VERTEX); ExpSpine.More(); ExpSpine.Next()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& ES = TopoDS::Vertex(ExpSpine.Current()); if (View.Add(ES)) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& L = GeneratedShapes(ES,V[i]); for (itL.Initialize(L); itL.More(); itL.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(itL.Value()); if (!BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E)){ // le centre du cercle (ie le vertex) est IN le bouchon si vertex IsOut // OUT !IsOut BRepAdaptor_Curve C(E); Standard_Real f,l; BRep_Tool::Range(E,f,l); Standard_Real u = 0.3*f + 0.7*l; gp_Pnt P = BRep_Tool::Pnt(ES); gp_Pnt PC; gp_Vec VC; C.D1(u,PC,VC); gp_Vec ppc(P,PC); gp_Vec Prod = ppc.Crossed(VC); if (IsOut) { ToReverse = Prod.Z() < 0.; } else { ToReverse = Prod.Z() > 0.; } TopAbs_Orientation Or = TopAbs_FORWARD; if (ToReverse) Or = TopAbs_REVERSED; TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = E.Oriented(Or); Loop.AddConstEdge(TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape)); // Loop.AddConstEdge(TopoDS::Edge(E.Oriented(Or))); } } } } Loop.Perform(); Loop.WiresToFaces(); const TopTools_ListOfShape& L = Loop.NewFaces(); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itL(L); // Maj de myTop et myBottom pour l historique // et addition des faces construites. TopoDS_Compound Bouchon; BRep_Builder B; B.MakeCompound(Bouchon); Standard_Integer j = 0; for (itL.Initialize(L); itL.More(); itL.Next()) { j++; Glue.Add(itL.Value()); if (j ==1 && i == 0) myTop = itL.Value(); if (j ==1 && i == 1) myBottom = itL.Value(); B.Add(Bouchon,itL.Value()); } if (i == 0 && j > 1) myTop = Bouchon; if (i == 1 && j > 1) myBottom = Bouchon; } } //================================================================== ===== //function : MakePipe //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::MakeSolid() { TopExp_Explorer exp(myShape,TopAbs_SHELL); Standard_Integer ish=0; TopoDS_Compound Res; TopoDS_Solid Sol; BRep_Builder B; B.MakeCompound(Res); for (; exp.More(); exp.Next()) { TopoDS_Shape Sh = exp.Current(); B.MakeSolid(Sol); B.Add(Sol,Sh); BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier SC(Sol); SC.PerformInfinitePoint(BRepFill_Confusion()); if (SC.State() == TopAbs_IN) { B.MakeSolid(Sol); B.Add(Sol,Sh.Reversed()); } B.Add(Res,Sol); ish++; } if (ish == 1) { myShape = Sol;} else { myShape = Res;} } //======================================================================= //function : MakePipe //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::MakePipe(const TopoDS_Edge& SE, const gp_Ax3& AxeRef) { BRepTools_WireExplorer ProfExp; TopExp_Explorer FaceExp; gp_Trsf trsf; if (Side(myProfile,BRepFill_Confusion()) > 3) { // side right trsf.SetRotation(gp::OZ(),PI); } TopLoc_Location DumLoc (trsf); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = myProfile.Moved(DumLoc); TopoDS_Wire DummyProf = PutProfilAt (TopoDS::Wire(aLocalShape), AxeRef,SE, mySpine,Standard_True); // TopoDS_Wire DummyProf = // PutProfilAt (TopoDS::Wire(myProfile.Moved(DumLoc)), // AxeRef,SE, // mySpine,Standard_True); // Copie du profil pour eviter l accumulation des // locations sur les Edges de myProfile! Handle(BRepTools_TrsfModification) TrsfMod = new BRepTools_TrsfModification(gp_Trsf()); BRepTools_Modifier Modif(DummyProf,TrsfMod); TopoDS_Wire GenProf = TopoDS::Wire(Modif.ModifiedShape(DummyProf)); #ifdef DRAW if (AffichGeom) { sprintf(name,"EVOLBASE_%d",++NbFACES); DBRep::Set(name,SE); sprintf(name,"EVOLPROF_%d",NbFACES); DBRep::Set(name,GenProf); } #endif // BRepFill_Pipe Pipe(BRepLib_MakeWire(SE),GenProf); BRepFill_Pipe Pipe = BRepFill_Pipe(BRepLib_MakeWire(SE),GenProf); #ifdef DRAW if (AffichGeom) { sprintf(name,"EVOL_%d",++NbFACES); DBRep::Set(name,Pipe.Shape()); } #endif //--------------------------------------------- // Rangement du Tuyau dans myMap. //--------------------------------------------- BRepTools_WireExplorer GenProfExp; TopTools_ListOfShape L; TopoDS_Vertex VF,VL,VFG,VLG; Standard_Boolean FirstVertex = Standard_True; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape P; myMap.Bind(SE,P); for (ProfExp.Init(myProfile),GenProfExp.Init(GenProf); ProfExp.More(); ProfExp.Next(),GenProfExp.Next()) { EdgeVertices(ProfExp .Current(),VF ,VL); EdgeVertices(GenProfExp.Current(),VFG,VLG); if (FirstVertex) { myMap(SE).Bind(VF,L); myMap(SE)(VF).Append(Pipe.Edge(SE,VFG)); FirstVertex = Standard_False; } myMap(SE).Bind(VL,L); myMap(SE)(VL).Append(Pipe.Edge(SE,VLG)); myMap(SE).Bind(ProfExp.Current(),L); myMap(SE)(ProfExp.Current()).Append (Pipe.Face(SE,GenProfExp.Current())); } } //======================================================================= //function : MakeRevol //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::MakeRevol(const TopoDS_Edge& SE, const TopoDS_Vertex& VLast, const gp_Ax3& AxeRef) { BRepTools_WireExplorer ProfExp; TopExp_Explorer FaceExp; gp_Trsf trsf; if (Side(myProfile,BRepFill_Confusion()) > 3) { // side right trsf.SetRotation(gp::OZ(),PI); } TopLoc_Location DumLoc (trsf); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = myProfile.Moved(DumLoc); TopoDS_Wire GenProf = PutProfilAt (TopoDS::Wire(aLocalShape), AxeRef,SE, mySpine,Standard_False); // TopoDS_Wire GenProf = // PutProfilAt (TopoDS::Wire(myProfile.Moved(DumLoc)), // AxeRef,SE, // mySpine,Standard_False); gp_Ax1 AxeRev( BRep_Tool::Pnt(VLast), -gp::DZ()); // Positionnement de la couture sur l edge du spine // pour que les bissectrices ne traversent pas les coutures. gp_Trsf dummy; dummy.SetRotation(AxeRev, 1.5*PI); TopLoc_Location DummyLoc(dummy); GenProf.Move(DummyLoc); BRepSweep_Revol Rev(GenProf,AxeRev,Standard_True); #ifdef DRAW if (AffichGeom) { sprintf(name,"EVOLBASE_%d",++NbFACES); char* Temp = name ; DrawTrSurf::Set(Temp,new Geom_Line(AxeRev)); // DrawTrSurf::Set(name,new Geom_Line(AxeRev)); sprintf(name,"EVOLPROF_%d",NbFACES); DBRep::Set(name,GenProf); sprintf(name,"EVOL_%d",NbFACES); DBRep::Set(name,Rev.Shape()); } #endif //-------------------------------------------- // Rangement du revol dans myMap. //--------------------------------------------- BRepTools_WireExplorer GenProfExp; TopTools_ListOfShape L; TopoDS_Vertex VF,VL,VFG,VLG; Standard_Boolean FirstVertex = Standard_True; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape R; myMap.Bind(VLast,R); for (ProfExp.Init(myProfile),GenProfExp.Init(GenProf); ProfExp.More(); ProfExp.Next(),GenProfExp.Next()) { EdgeVertices(ProfExp .Current(),VF ,VL); EdgeVertices(GenProfExp.Current(),VFG,VLG); TopAbs_Orientation Or = GenProfExp.Current().Orientation(); if (FirstVertex) { myMap(VLast).Bind(VF,L); const TopoDS_Shape& RV = Rev.Shape(VFG); // TopAbs_Orientation OO = TopAbs::Compose(RV.Orientation(),Or); TopAbs_Orientation OO = RV.Orientation(); myMap(VLast)(VF).Append(RV.Oriented(OO)); FirstVertex = Standard_False; } myMap(VLast).Bind(ProfExp.Current(),L); const TopoDS_Shape& RF = Rev.Shape(GenProfExp.Current()); TopAbs_Orientation OO = TopAbs::Compose(RF.Orientation(),Or); myMap(VLast)(ProfExp.Current()).Append(RF.Oriented(OO)); myMap(VLast).Bind(VL,L); const TopoDS_Shape& RV = Rev.Shape(VLG); // OO = TopAbs::Compose(RV.Orientation(),Or); OO = RV.Orientation(); myMap(VLast)(VL).Append(RV.Oriented(OO)); } } //======================================================================= //function : FindLocation //purpose : //======================================================================= TopLoc_Location BRepFill_Evolved::FindLocation(const TopoDS_Face& Face) const { TopLoc_Location L; Handle(Geom_Surface) S; S = BRep_Tool::Surface(Face, L); if ( !S->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Plane))) { BRepLib_FindSurface FS( Face, -1, Standard_True); if ( FS.Found()) { S = FS.Surface(); L = FS.Location(); } else Standard_NoSuchObject::Raise ("BRepFill_Evolved : The Face is not planar"); } if (!L.IsIdentity()) S = Handle(Geom_Surface)::DownCast(S->Transformed(L.Transformation())); Handle(Geom_Plane) P = Handle(Geom_Plane)::DownCast(S); gp_Ax3 Axis = P->Position(); gp_Trsf T; gp_Ax3 AxeRef(gp_Pnt(0.,0.,0.), gp_Dir(0.,0.,1.), gp_Dir(1.,0.,0.)); T.SetTransformation(AxeRef,Axis); return TopLoc_Location(T); } //======================================================================= //function : TransformInitWork //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::TransformInitWork(const TopLoc_Location& LS, const TopLoc_Location& LP) { mySpine.Move (LS); myProfile.Move(LP); #ifdef DRAW if (AffichEdge) { sprintf(name,"movedspine"); TopoDS_Face SL = mySpine; DBRep::Set(name,SL); sprintf(name,"movedprofile"); TopoDS_Wire PL = myProfile; DBRep::Set(name,PL); } #endif } //======================================================================= //function : ContinuityOnOffsetEdge //purpose : Codage des regularites sur les edges paralleles de CutVevo // communes aux parties gauches et droites du volevo. //======================================================================= void BRepFill_Evolved::ContinuityOnOffsetEdge (const TopTools_ListOfShape& WorkProf) { BRepTools_WireExplorer WExp ; BRepFill_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeDataMapOfShapeListOfShape iteS; TopoDS_Vertex VF,VL,V; TopoDS_Edge PrecE,CurE,FirstE; BRep_Builder B; WExp.Init(myProfile); FirstE = WExp.Current(); PrecE = FirstE; EdgeVertices (FirstE, VF, V); if (WExp.More()) WExp.Next(); for (; WExp.More(); WExp.Next()) { CurE = WExp.Current(); V = WExp.CurrentVertex(); if (DistanceToOZ(V) <= BRepFill_Confusion()) { // les regularites sont deja codes sur les edges des volevos elementaires Standard_Real U1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V,CurE); Standard_Real U2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V,PrecE); BRepAdaptor_Curve Curve1(CurE); BRepAdaptor_Curve Curve2(PrecE); GeomAbs_Shape Continuity = BRepLProp::Continuity(Curve1,Curve2,U1,U2); if (Continuity >=1) { //----------------------------------------------------- //Code continuite pour toutes les edges generes par V. //----------------------------------------------------- for (iteS.Initialize(myMap); iteS.More(); iteS.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& SP = iteS.Key(); if (myMap (SP).IsBound(V) && myMap (SP).IsBound(CurE) && myMap (SP).IsBound(PrecE)){ if (!myMap(SP)(V) .IsEmpty() && !myMap(SP)(CurE) .IsEmpty() && !myMap(SP)(PrecE).IsEmpty() ) B.Continuity (TopoDS::Edge(myMap(SP)(V) .First()), TopoDS::Face(myMap(SP)(CurE) .First()), TopoDS::Face(myMap(SP)(PrecE).First()), Continuity); } } } } PrecE = CurE; } EdgeVertices (PrecE, V, VL); if (VF.IsSame(VL)) { //Profil ferme. Standard_Real U1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(VF,CurE); Standard_Real U2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(VF,FirstE); BRepAdaptor_Curve Curve1(CurE); BRepAdaptor_Curve Curve2(FirstE); GeomAbs_Shape Continuity = BRepLProp::Continuity(Curve1,Curve2,U1,U2); if (Continuity >=1) { //----------------------------------------------------- //Code continuite pour toutes les edges generes par V. //----------------------------------------------------- for (iteS.Initialize(myMap); iteS.More(); iteS.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& SP = iteS.Key(); if (myMap (SP).IsBound(VF) && myMap (SP).IsBound(CurE) && myMap (SP).IsBound(FirstE)){ if (!myMap(SP)(VF) .IsEmpty() && !myMap(SP)(CurE) .IsEmpty() && !myMap(SP)(FirstE).IsEmpty() ) B.Continuity (TopoDS::Edge(myMap(SP)(VF) .First()), TopoDS::Face(myMap(SP)(CurE) .First()), TopoDS::Face(myMap(SP)(FirstE).First()), Continuity); } } } } } //======================================================================= //function : AddDegeneratedEdge //purpose : il peut manquer des edges degeneres dans certaine face // les edges degeneres manquantes ont des vertex correspondant // aux node de la carte. // Aujourd hui on se contente de comparer les points UV des vertex // sur les edges a une certaine tolerance. //======================================================================= static void AddDegeneratedEdge(TopoDS_Face& F, TopoDS_Wire& W) { TopLoc_Location L; Handle(Geom_Surface) S = BRep_Tool::Surface(F,L); if (S->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface)) { Handle(Geom_Surface) SB = Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface)::DownCast(S)->BasisSurface(); if (SB->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Plane)) { return; } } if (S->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Plane)) { return; } BRep_Builder B; Standard_Real TolConf = 1.e-4; Standard_Boolean Change = Standard_True; while (Change) { Change = Standard_False; BRepTools_WireExplorer WE(W,F); gp_Pnt2d PF,PrevP,P1,P2; TopoDS_Vertex VF,V1,V2; for (; WE.More(); WE.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& CE = WE.Current(); EdgeVertices (CE,V1,V2); if (CE.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) BRep_Tool::UVPoints(CE, F, P2, P1); else BRep_Tool::UVPoints(CE, F, P1, P2); if (VF.IsNull()) { VF = V1; PF = P1; } else { if (!P1.IsEqual(PrevP,TolConf)) { // edge degenere a inserer. Change = Standard_True; gp_Vec2d V(PrevP,P1); Handle(Geom2d_Line) C2d = new Geom2d_Line(PrevP,gp_Dir2d(V)); Standard_Real f = 0, l = PrevP.Distance(P1); Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) CT = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve(C2d,f,l); TopoDS_Edge NE = (TopoDS_Edge) BRepLib_MakeEdge(C2d,S); B.Degenerated(NE,Standard_True); B.Add(NE,V1.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); B.Add(NE,V1.Oriented(TopAbs_REVERSED)); B.Range(NE,f,l); B.Add(W,NE); break; } } PrevP = P2; } if (!Change && VF.IsSame(V2)) { // ferme if (!PF.IsEqual(P2,TolConf)) { // edge degenere a inserer. Change = Standard_True; gp_Vec2d V(P2,PF); Handle(Geom2d_Line) C2d = new Geom2d_Line(P2,gp_Dir2d(V)); Standard_Real f = 0, l = P2.Distance(PF); Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) CT = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve(C2d,f,l); TopoDS_Edge NE = (TopoDS_Edge) BRepLib_MakeEdge(C2d,S); B.Degenerated(NE,Standard_True); B.Add(NE,VF.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); B.Add(NE,VF.Oriented(TopAbs_REVERSED)); B.Range(NE,f,l); B.Add(W,NE); } } } } //======================================================================= //function : TrimFace //purpose : //======================================================================= void TrimFace(const TopoDS_Face& Face, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& TheEdges, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& S) { #ifdef DRAW Standard_Integer NB = TheEdges.Length(); if ( AffichEdge) { char name[100]; cout << " TrimFace " << ++NbTRIMFACES; cout << " : " << NB << " edges dans la restriction" << endl; for ( Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= NB; j++) { sprintf(name,"TRIMEDGE_%d_%d",NbTRIMFACES,j); DBRep::Set(name,TopoDS::Edge(TheEdges.Value(j))); } } #endif //-------------------------------------- // Creation des wires limitant les faces. //-------------------------------------- BRep_Builder TheBuilder; Standard_Integer NbEdges; Standard_Boolean NewWire = Standard_True; Standard_Boolean AddEdge = Standard_False; TopoDS_Wire GoodWire; while ( !TheEdges.IsEmpty()) { BRepLib_MakeWire MWire(TopoDS::Edge(TheEdges.First())); GoodWire = MWire.Wire(); TheEdges.Remove(1); NbEdges = TheEdges.Length(); NewWire = Standard_False; while (!NewWire) { AddEdge = Standard_False; for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NbEdges && !AddEdge; i++) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(TheEdges.Value(i)); if ( BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E)) { TheEdges.Remove(i); AddEdge = Standard_True; NbEdges = TheEdges.Length(); GoodWire = MWire.Wire(); } else { MWire.Add(E); if ( MWire.Error() == BRepLib_WireDone) { // on a reussi la connection // on l`enleve dans la sequence et on recommence au debut. TheEdges.Remove(i); AddEdge = Standard_True; NbEdges = TheEdges.Length(); GoodWire = MWire.Wire(); } } } NewWire = (!AddEdge); } TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = Face.EmptyCopied(); TopoDS_Face FaceCut = TopoDS::Face(aLocalShape); // TopoDS_Face FaceCut = TopoDS::Face(Face.EmptyCopied()); FaceCut.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); BRepTools::Update (FaceCut); AddDegeneratedEdge (FaceCut,GoodWire); TheBuilder.Add (FaceCut,GoodWire); FaceCut.Orientation(Face.Orientation()); S.Append(FaceCut); } } //======================================================================= //function : PutProfilAt //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopoDS_Wire PutProfilAt (const TopoDS_Wire& ProfRef, const gp_Ax3& AxeRef, const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Face& F, const Standard_Boolean AtStart) { gp_Vec2d D1; gp_Pnt2d P; TopoDS_Wire Prof; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d; Standard_Real First,Last; C2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(E,F,First,Last); if (C2d.IsNull()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("ConstructionError in PutProfilAt"); } if (E.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) { if (!AtStart) C2d->D1(First,P,D1);else C2d->D1(Last,P,D1); D1.Reverse(); } else { if (!AtStart) C2d->D1(Last,P,D1) ;else C2d->D1(First,P,D1); } gp_Pnt P3d(P.X() ,P.Y() ,0.); gp_Vec V3d(D1.X(),D1.Y(),0.); gp_Ax3 Ax( P3d, gp::DZ(), V3d); gp_Trsf Trans; Trans.SetTransformation(Ax,AxeRef); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = ProfRef.Moved(TopLoc_Location(Trans)); Prof = TopoDS::Wire(aLocalShape); // Prof = TopoDS::Wire(ProfRef.Moved(TopLoc_Location(Trans))); return Prof; } //======================================================================= //function : TrimEdge //purpose : //======================================================================= void TrimEdge (const TopoDS_Edge& Edge, const TopTools_SequenceOfShape& TheEdgesControle, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& TheVer, TColStd_SequenceOfReal& ThePar, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& S) { Standard_Boolean Change = Standard_True; BRep_Builder TheBuilder; S.Clear(); //----------------------------------------------------------- // Tri des deux sequence en fonction du parametre sur l edge. //----------------------------------------------------------- while (Change) { Change = Standard_False; for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i < ThePar.Length(); i++) { if (ThePar.Value(i) > ThePar.Value(i+1)) { ThePar.Exchange(i,i+1); TheVer.Exchange(i,i+1); Change = Standard_True; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Si un vertex n est pas dans le detrompeur il est elimine. //---------------------------------------------------------- if (!BRep_Tool::Degenerated(Edge)) { for (Standard_Integer k = 1; k <= TheVer.Length(); k ++) { if ( DoubleOrNotInFace (TheEdgesControle, TopoDS::Vertex(TheVer.Value(k)))) { TheVer.Remove(k); ThePar.Remove(k); k--; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Traitement des vertex doubles pour les edges non degeneres. // Si un vertex_double apparait deux fois dans les edges de contole // le vertex est elimine . // sinon on garde une seule de ces representations. //------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!BRep_Tool::Degenerated(Edge)) { for (Standard_Integer k = 1; k < TheVer.Length(); k ++) { if (TheVer.Value(k).IsSame(TheVer.Value(k+1))) { TheVer.Remove(k+1); ThePar.Remove(k+1); if ( DoubleOrNotInFace (TheEdgesControle, TopoDS::Vertex(TheVer.Value(k)))) { TheVer.Remove(k); ThePar.Remove(k); // k--; } k--; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Creation des edges. // le nombre de vertex doit etre pair les edges a creer vont // d un vertex d indice impair i au vertex i+1; //----------------------------------------------------------- for (Standard_Integer k = 1; k < TheVer.Length(); k = k+2) { TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = Edge.EmptyCopied(); TopoDS_Edge NewEdge = TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape); // TopoDS_Edge NewEdge = TopoDS::Edge(Edge.EmptyCopied()); if (NewEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) { TheBuilder.Add (NewEdge,TheVer.Value(k) .Oriented(TopAbs_REVERSED)); TheBuilder.Add (NewEdge,TheVer.Value(k+1).Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); } else { TheBuilder.Add (NewEdge,TheVer.Value(k) .Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); TheBuilder.Add (NewEdge,TheVer.Value(k+1).Oriented(TopAbs_REVERSED)); } TheBuilder.Range(NewEdge,ThePar.Value(k),ThePar.Value(k+1)); // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Wed Dec 22 12:09:48 1999 ___BEGIN___ BRepLib::UpdateTolerances(NewEdge,Standard_False); // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Wed Dec 22 13:34:19 1999 ___END___ S.Append(NewEdge); } } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeIntervals //purpose : //======================================================================= void ComputeIntervals (const TopTools_SequenceOfShape& VOnF, const TopTools_SequenceOfShape& VOnL, const TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& ParOnF, const TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& ParOnL, const BRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool& Trim, const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Bis, const TopoDS_Vertex& VS, const TopoDS_Vertex& VE, TColStd_SequenceOfReal& FirstPar, TColStd_SequenceOfReal& LastPar, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& FirstV, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& LastV ) { Standard_Integer IOnF = 1,IOnL = 1; Standard_Real U1 = 0.0 ,U2 = 0.0 ; TopoDS_Shape V1,V2; if (!VS.IsNull()) { U1 = Bis->FirstParameter(); V1 = VS; } while ( IOnF <= VOnF.Length() || IOnL <= VOnL.Length()) { //--------------------------------------------------------- // Recuperation du plus petit parametre sur la bissectrice // par rapport aux positions courrantes IOnF,IOnL. //--------------------------------------------------------- if ( IOnL > VOnL.Length() || (IOnF <= VOnF.Length() && ParOnF.Value(IOnF).X() < ParOnL.Value(IOnL).X())) { U2 = ParOnF.Value(IOnF).X(); V2 = VOnF .Value(IOnF); IOnF++; } else{ U2 = ParOnL.Value(IOnL).X(); V2 = VOnL .Value(IOnL); IOnL++; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Quand V2 et V1 sont differents on teste le point milieu P de // l intervalle par rapport a la face. Si P est dans la face l interval // est valide. //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!V1.IsNull() && !V2.IsSame(V1)) { gp_Pnt2d P = Bis->Value((U2 + U1)*0.5); if (Trim.IsOnFace(P)) { FirstPar.Append(U1); LastPar .Append(U2); FirstV. Append(V1); LastV .Append(V2); } } U1 = U2; V1 = V2; } if (!VE.IsNull()) { U2 = Bis->LastParameter(); V2 = VE; if (!V2.IsSame(V1)) { gp_Pnt2d P = Bis->Value((U2 + U1)*0.5); if (Trim.IsOnFace(P)) { FirstPar.Append(U1); LastPar .Append(U2); FirstV.Append (V1); LastV .Append(V2); } } } } //======================================================================= //function : Relative //purpose : Commun est vrai si les deux wires ont V en commun // return FORWARD si les wires au voisinage du vertex sont // du meme cote. REVERSED sinon. //======================================================================= static TopAbs_Orientation Relative (const TopoDS_Wire& W1, const TopoDS_Wire& W2, const TopoDS_Vertex& V, Standard_Boolean& Commun) { TopExp_Explorer Exp; TopoDS_Edge E1,E2; TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2; for (Exp.Init(W1,TopAbs_EDGE); Exp.More(); Exp.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(Exp.Current()); TopExp::Vertices(E,V1,V2); if (V1.IsSame(V) || V2.IsSame(V)) { E1 = E; break; } } for (Exp.Init(W2,TopAbs_EDGE); Exp.More(); Exp.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(Exp.Current()); TopExp::Vertices(E,V1,V2); if (V1.IsSame(V) || V2.IsSame(V)) { E2 = E; break; } } if (E1.IsNull() || E2.IsNull()) { Commun = Standard_False; return TopAbs_FORWARD; } Commun = Standard_True; TopoDS_Wire WW1 = (TopoDS_Wire) BRepLib_MakeWire(E1); TopoDS_Wire WW2 = (TopoDS_Wire) BRepLib_MakeWire(E2); Standard_Real Tol = BRepFill_Confusion(); if (Side(WW1,Tol) < 4 && Side(WW2,Tol) < 4) // les deux a gauche return TopAbs_FORWARD; if (Side(WW1,Tol) > 4 && Side(WW2,Tol) > 4) // les deux a droite return TopAbs_FORWARD; return TopAbs_REVERSED; } //======================================================================= //function : OriEdgeInFace //purpose : //======================================================================= TopAbs_Orientation OriEdgeInFace (const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Face& F ) { TopExp_Explorer Exp(F.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD),TopAbs_EDGE); for (; Exp.More() ;Exp.Next()) { if (Exp.Current().IsSame(E)) { return Exp.Current().Orientation(); } } Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("BRepFill_Evolved::OriEdgeInFace"); return E.Orientation(); } //======================================================================= //function : IsOnFace //purpose : Retourne la position du point defini par d1 // dans la face defini Par d2 d3. // // 0 : le point est en dehors de la face. // 1 : le point est sur ledge correspondant a d2. // 2 : le point est a l interieur de la face. // 3 : le point est sur ledge correspondant a d3. //======================================================================= Standard_Integer PosOnFace (Standard_Real d1, Standard_Real d2, Standard_Real d3) { if (Abs(d1 - d2) <= BRepFill_Confusion()) return 1; if (Abs(d1 - d3) <= BRepFill_Confusion()) return 3; if (d2 < d3) { if (d1 > (d2 + BRepFill_Confusion()) && d1 < (d3 - BRepFill_Confusion()) ) return 2; } else { if (d1 > (d3 + BRepFill_Confusion()) && d1 < (d2 - BRepFill_Confusion()) ) return 2; } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : DoubleOrNotInFace //purpose : Return True if V apparait 0 ou deux fois dans la sequence // d edges EC //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean DoubleOrNotInFace(const TopTools_SequenceOfShape& EC, const TopoDS_Vertex& V) { Standard_Boolean Vu = Standard_False; for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= EC.Length(); i++) { TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2; TopExp::Vertices(TopoDS::Edge(EC.Value(i)),V1,V2); if (V1.IsSame(V)) { if (Vu) return Standard_True; else Vu = Standard_True; } if (V2.IsSame(V)) { if (Vu) return Standard_True; else Vu = Standard_True; } } if (Vu) return Standard_False; else return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : DistanceToOZ //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real DistanceToOZ (const TopoDS_Vertex& V) { gp_Pnt PV3d = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V); return Abs(PV3d.Y()); } //======================================================================= //function : Altitud //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real Altitud (const TopoDS_Vertex& V) { gp_Pnt PV3d = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V); return PV3d.Z(); } //======================================================================= //function : SimpleExpression //purpose : //======================================================================= void SimpleExpression (const Bisector_Bisec& B, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Bis) { Bis = B.Value(); Handle(Standard_Type) BT = Bis->DynamicType(); if (BT == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)) { Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) TrBis = Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)::DownCast(Bis); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) BasBis = TrBis->BasisCurve(); BT = BasBis->DynamicType(); if (BT == STANDARD_TYPE(Bisector_BisecAna)) { Bis = Handle(Bisector_BisecAna)::DownCast(BasBis)->Geom2dCurve(); Bis = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve (Bis, TrBis->FirstParameter(), TrBis->LastParameter()); } } } //======================================================================= //function : CutEdgeProf //purpose : Projection et Decoupe d une edge aux extrema de distance a // l axe OZ. //======================================================================= void CutEdgeProf (const TopoDS_Edge& E, const Handle(Geom_Plane)& Plane, const Handle(Geom2d_Line)& Line, TopTools_ListOfShape& Cuts, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& MapVerRefMoved) { Cuts.Clear(); Standard_Real f,l; Handle(Geom_Curve) C; Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) CT; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d; TopLoc_Location L; // On recupere la courbe associee a chaque Edge C = BRep_Tool::Curve(E,L,f,l); CT = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(C,f,l); CT->Transform(L.Transformation()); // on la projete dans le plan et on recupere la PCurve associee gp_Dir Normal = Plane->Pln().Axis().Direction(); C = Handle(Geom_Curve)::DownCast(GeomProjLib::ProjectOnPlane(CT,Plane, Normal, Standard_False)); C2d = GeomProjLib::Curve2d(C,Plane); // On calcule les extrema avec la droite TColStd_SequenceOfReal Seq; Standard_Real U1 = -Precision::Infinite(); Standard_Real U2 = Precision::Infinite(); f= C2d->FirstParameter(); l= C2d->LastParameter(); Bnd_Box2d B; Geom2dAdaptor_Curve AC2d(C2d); BndLib_Add2dCurve::Add(AC2d,BRepFill_Confusion(),B); Standard_Real xmin,xmax; B.Get(xmin,U1,xmax,U2); // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Wed Feb 2 16:32:37 2000 ___BEGIN___ // no sense if C2 is normal to Line or really is a point if (U1 != U2) { Geom2dAPI_ExtremaCurveCurve Extrema(Line,C2d,U1-1.,U2+1.,f,l); Standard_Integer i, Nb = Extrema.NbExtrema(); for ( i = 1; i <= Nb; i++) { Extrema.Parameters(i,U1,U2); Seq.Append(U2); } } // modified by NIZHNY-EAP Wed Feb 2 16:33:05 2000 ___END___ // On calcule les intersection avec Oy. Geom2dAdaptor_Curve ALine(Line); Standard_Real Tol = Precision::Intersection(); Standard_Real TolC = 0.; Geom2dInt_GInter Intersector(ALine,AC2d,TolC,Tol); Standard_Integer i, Nb = Intersector.NbPoints(); for ( i = 1; i <= Nb; i++) { Seq.Append(Intersector.Point(i).ParamOnSecond()); } // Compute the new edges. BRep_Builder Builder; TopoDS_Vertex VV,Vf,Vl,VRf,VRl; TopExp::Vertices(E,VRf,VRl); if (!MapVerRefMoved.IsBound(VRf)) { Builder.MakeVertex(Vf,C->Value(f),BRep_Tool::Tolerance(VRf)); MapVerRefMoved.Bind(VRf,Vf); } else { Vf = TopoDS::Vertex(MapVerRefMoved(VRf)); } if (!MapVerRefMoved.IsBound(VRl)) { Builder.MakeVertex(Vl,C->Value(l),BRep_Tool::Tolerance(VRl)); MapVerRefMoved.Bind(VRl,Vl); } else { Vl = TopoDS::Vertex(MapVerRefMoved(VRl)); } if ( !Seq.IsEmpty()) { Bubble(Seq); Standard_Boolean Empty = Standard_False; Standard_Real CurParam = f; Standard_Real Param; while ( !Empty) { Param = Seq.First(); Seq.Remove(1); Empty = Seq.IsEmpty(); if (Abs( Param - CurParam) > BRepFill_Confusion() && Abs( Param - l) > BRepFill_Confusion() ) { VV = BRepLib_MakeVertex( C->Value(Param)); TopoDS_Edge EE = (TopoDS_Edge) BRepLib_MakeEdge(C,Vf,VV); EE.Orientation(E.Orientation()); if ( EE.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) Cuts.Append(EE); else Cuts.Prepend(EE); // on reinitialise CurParam = Param; Vf = VV; } } } TopoDS_Edge EE = (TopoDS_Edge) BRepLib_MakeEdge(C,Vf,Vl); EE.Orientation(E.Orientation()); if ( EE.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) Cuts.Append(EE); else Cuts.Prepend(EE); } //======================================================================= //function : CutEdge //purpose : Decoupe d une edge aux extrema de courbures et aux points // d inflexion. // Les cercles fermes sont aussi decoupes en deux. // Si est vide l edge n est pas modifie. // Le premier et le dernier vertex de l edge originale // appartiennent respectivement a la premiere et derniere // portions. //======================================================================= void CutEdge (const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Face& F, TopTools_ListOfShape& Cuts) { Cuts.Clear(); MAT2d_CutCurve Cuter; Standard_Real f,l; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d; Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) CT2d; TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2,VF,VL; TopExp::Vertices (E,V1,V2); BRep_Builder B; C2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface (E,F,f,l); CT2d = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve(C2d,f,l); if (CT2d->BasisCurve()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom2d_Circle)) && E.Closed()) { //--------------------------- // Decoupe cercle ferme. //--------------------------- Standard_Real m1 = (2*f + l)/3.; Standard_Real m2 = ( f + 2*l)/3.; gp_Pnt2d P1 = CT2d->Value(m1); gp_Pnt2d P2 = CT2d->Value(m2); TopoDS_Vertex VL1 = (TopoDS_Vertex) BRepLib_MakeVertex(gp_Pnt(P1.X(), P1.Y(), 0.)); TopoDS_Vertex VL2 = (TopoDS_Vertex) BRepLib_MakeVertex(gp_Pnt(P2.X(), P2.Y(), 0.)); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape1 = E.EmptyCopied(); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape2 = E.EmptyCopied(); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape3 = E.EmptyCopied(); TopoDS_Edge FE = TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape1); TopoDS_Edge ME = TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape2); TopoDS_Edge LE = TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape3); // TopoDS_Edge FE = TopoDS::Edge(E.EmptyCopied()); // TopoDS_Edge ME = TopoDS::Edge(E.EmptyCopied()); // TopoDS_Edge LE = TopoDS::Edge(E.EmptyCopied()); FE.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); ME.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); LE.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD ); B.Add (FE,V1); B.Add (FE,VL1.Oriented(TopAbs_REVERSED)); B.Range(FE, f, m1); B.Add (ME,VL1.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); B.Add (ME,VL2.Oriented(TopAbs_REVERSED)); B.Range(ME, m1, m2); B.Add (LE,VL2.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); B.Add (LE,V2); B.Range(LE, m2, l); Cuts.Append(FE.Oriented(E.Orientation())); Cuts.Append(ME.Oriented(E.Orientation())); Cuts.Append(LE.Oriented(E.Orientation())); //-------- // Retour. //-------- return; } //------------------------- // Decoupe de la courbe. //------------------------- Cuter.Perform(CT2d); if (Cuter.UnModified()) { //----------------------------- // edge non modifiee => retour. //----------------------------- return; } else { //-------------------------------------- // Creation des edges decoupees. //-------------------------------------- VF = V1; for ( Standard_Integer k = 1; k <= Cuter.NbCurves(); k++) { Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)CC = Cuter.Value(k); if (k == Cuter.NbCurves()) {VL = V2;} else { gp_Pnt2d P = CC->Value(CC->LastParameter()); VL = BRepLib_MakeVertex(gp_Pnt(P.X(), P.Y(), 0.)); } TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = E.EmptyCopied(); TopoDS_Edge NE = TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape); // TopoDS_Edge NE = TopoDS::Edge(E.EmptyCopied()); NE.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); B.Add (NE,VF.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); B.Add (NE,VL.Oriented(TopAbs_REVERSED)); B.Range(NE,CC->FirstParameter(),CC->LastParameter()); Cuts.Append(NE.Oriented(E.Orientation())); VF = VL; } } } //======================================================================= //function : VertexFromNode //purpose : Test si la position de aNode par rapport aux distance to OZ // des vertex VF et VL. retourne Status. // si Status est different de 0 Recupere ou cree le vertex // correspondant a aNode. //======================================================================= Standard_Integer VertexFromNode (const Handle(MAT_Node)& aNode, const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Vertex& VF, const TopoDS_Vertex& VL, BRepFill_DataMapOfNodeDataMapOfShapeShape& MapNodeVertex, TopoDS_Vertex& VN) { TopoDS_Shape ShapeOnNode; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape EmptyMap; Standard_Integer Status = 0; BRep_Builder B; if (!aNode->Infinite()) { Status = PosOnFace(aNode->Distance(), DistanceToOZ(VF) , DistanceToOZ(VL)); } if (Status == 2) ShapeOnNode = E; else if (Status == 1) ShapeOnNode = VF; else if (Status == 3) ShapeOnNode = VL; if (!ShapeOnNode.IsNull()) { //------------------------------------------------ // le vertex correspondra a un noeud de la carte //------------------------------------------------ if (MapNodeVertex.IsBound(aNode) && MapNodeVertex(aNode).IsBound(ShapeOnNode)) { VN = TopoDS::Vertex (MapNodeVertex(aNode)(ShapeOnNode)); } else { B.MakeVertex (VN); if (!MapNodeVertex.IsBound(aNode)) { MapNodeVertex.Bind(aNode,EmptyMap); } MapNodeVertex(aNode).Bind(ShapeOnNode,VN); } } return Status; }