-- File: BRepFill_Evolved.cdl -- Created: Mon Oct 3 14:28:26 1994 -- Author: Bruno DUMORTIER -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1994 class Evolved from BRepFill ---Purpose: Constructs a evolved volume from a spine (wire or face) -- and a profile ( wire). uses Vertex from TopoDS, Edge from TopoDS, Face from TopoDS, Wire from TopoDS, Shape from TopoDS, Location from TopLoc, Ax3 from gp, JoinType from GeomAbs, ListOfShape from TopTools, DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools, DataMapOfShapeDataMapOfShapeListOfShape from BRepFill, BisectingLocus from BRepMAT2d, LinkTopoBilo from BRepMAT2d, Quilt from BRepTools raises ConstructionError from Standard, NoSuchObject from Standard is ---Level: Public Create returns Evolved from BRepFill; Create ( Spine : Wire from TopoDS; Profile : Wire from TopoDS; AxeProf : Ax3 from gp; Join : JoinType from GeomAbs = GeomAbs_Arc; Solid : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns Evolved from BRepFill ---Purpose: Creates an evolved shape by sweeping the -- along the . is used to set the -- position of along as follow: -- l glisse sur le profil avec sa -- direction colineaire a la normale au , et sa -- confondue avec la tangente au . -- raises ConstructionError from Standard; Create ( Spine : Face from TopoDS; Profile : Wire from TopoDS; AxeProf : Ax3 from gp; Join : JoinType from GeomAbs = GeomAbs_Arc; Solid : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns Evolved from BRepFill ---Purpose: Creates an evolved shape by sweeping the -- along the raises ConstructionError from Standard; Perform (me : in out; Spine : Wire from TopoDS; Profile : Wire from TopoDS; AxeProf : Ax3 from gp; Join : JoinType from GeomAbs = GeomAbs_Arc; Solid : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) ---Purpose: Performs an evolved shape by sweeping the -- along the raises ConstructionError from Standard is static; Perform (me : in out; Spine : Face from TopoDS; Profile : Wire from TopoDS; AxeProf : Ax3 from gp; Join : JoinType from GeomAbs = GeomAbs_Arc; Solid : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) ---Purpose: Performs an evolved shape by sweeping the -- along the raises ConstructionError from Standard is static; IsDone ( me) returns Boolean from Standard is static; Shape(me) returns Shape from TopoDS ---Purpose: returns the generated shape. ---C++ : return const & is static; GeneratedShapes (me ; SpineShape : Shape from TopoDS; ProfShape : Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Returns the shapes created from a subshape -- of the spine and a subshape -- on the profile. -- ---C++ : return const & returns ListOfShape from TopTools is static; JoinType (me) returns JoinType from GeomAbs is static; Top (me) returns Shape from TopoDS ---Purpose: Return the face Top if is True in the constructor. ---C++ : return const & is static; Bottom (me) returns Shape from TopoDS ---Purpose: Return the face Bottom if is True in the constructor. ---C++ : return const & is static; ---Level: Internal PrivatePerform (me : in out; Spine : Face from TopoDS; Profile : Wire from TopoDS; AxeProf : Ax3 from gp; Join : JoinType from GeomAbs = GeomAbs_Arc; Solid : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) raises ConstructionError from Standard is static private; SetWork (me : in out; Spine : Face from TopoDS; Profile : Wire from TopoDS) is static private; ElementaryPerform ( me : in out; Spine : Face from TopoDS; Profile : Wire from TopoDS; Locus : BisectingLocus from BRepMAT2d; Link : in out LinkTopoBilo from BRepMAT2d; Join : JoinType from GeomAbs = GeomAbs_Arc) raises ConstructionError from Standard is static private; PlanarPerform ( me : in out; Spine : Face from TopoDS; Profile : Wire from TopoDS; Locus : BisectingLocus from BRepMAT2d; Link : in out LinkTopoBilo from BRepMAT2d; Join : JoinType from GeomAbs = GeomAbs_Arc) raises ConstructionError from Standard is static private; VerticalPerform ( me : in out; Spine : Face from TopoDS; Profile : Wire from TopoDS; Locus : BisectingLocus from BRepMAT2d; Link : in out LinkTopoBilo from BRepMAT2d; Join : JoinType from GeomAbs = GeomAbs_Arc) raises ConstructionError from Standard is static private; Generated (me : in out ) ---C++: return & returns DataMapOfShapeDataMapOfShapeListOfShape from BRepFill is static private; Add ( me : in out; Vevo : in out Evolved from BRepFill; Prof : Wire from TopoDS; Glue : in out Quilt from BRepTools) is static private; ChangeShape(me : in out) returns Shape from TopoDS ---C++: return & is static private; Transfert( me : in out; Vevo : in out Evolved from BRepFill; MapProf : DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools; MapSpine : DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools; LS, InitLS, InitLP : Location from TopLoc) is static private; PrepareProfile ( me ; WorkProf : in out ListOfShape from TopTools; MapProf : in out DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools) ---Purpose: Prepare the profil as follow -- - Project the profile in the yOz Plane -- - Cut the profile at the extrema of distance from the -- Profile to the Oz Axis. -- - building the new wires with the cutting edges. is static private; PrepareSpine ( me ; WorkSpine : in out Face from TopoDS ; SpineProf : in out DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools) ---Purpose: Prepare the spine as follow -- - Cut the spine-Edges at the extrema of curvature and -- at the inflexion points. is static private; MakePipe (me : in out; SpineEdge : Edge from TopoDS ; ProfRef : Ax3 from gp) is static private; MakeRevol(me : in out; SpineEdge : Edge from TopoDS; SpineVertex : Vertex from TopoDS; ProfRef : Ax3 from gp) is static private; FindLocation(me; Face : Face from TopoDS) returns Location from TopLoc ---Purpose: Find the location transforming the planar shape -- in the plane xOy raises NoSuchObject from Standard ---Purpose: if the Shape is not planar. is static private; TransformInitWork(me : in out; LS , LP : Location from TopLoc) ---Purpose: Apply the Location to and to -- -- in order to set the Shapes in the work space. is static private; ContinuityOnOffsetEdge (me : in out; WorkProf : ListOfShape from TopTools) is static private; AddTopAndBottom (me : in out;Glue : in out Quilt from BRepTools) is static private; MakeSolid(me : in out) is static private; fields mySpine : Face from TopoDS; myProfile : Wire from TopoDS; myShape : Shape from TopoDS; myIsDone : Boolean from Standard; mySpineType : Boolean from Standard; -- True : Face ; False : Wire myJoinType : JoinType from GeomAbs; myMap : DataMapOfShapeDataMapOfShapeListOfShape from BRepFill; myTop : Shape from TopoDS; myBottom : Shape from TopoDS; end Evolved;