// File: BRepFeat_RibSlot.cxx // Created: Wed Oct 8 11:17:13 1997 // Author: Olga KOULECHOVA // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:48:13 2002 f //#include //#include #include #include //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:48:16 2002 t #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DEB Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean BRepFeat_GettraceFEATRIB(); #endif //======================================================================= //function : LFPerform //purpose : reconstruction topologique des nervures //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_RibSlot::LFPerform() { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::LFPerform()" << endl; #endif if (mySbase.IsNull() || myPbase.IsNull() || mySkface.IsNull() || myGShape.IsNull() || myLFMap.IsEmpty()) { #ifdef DEB cout << "Topological reconstruction is impossible" << endl; if (trc) cout << " Fields not initialized" << endl; #endif myStatusError = BRepFeat_NotInitialized; NotDone(); return; } TopExp_Explorer exp,exp2; Standard_Integer theOpe = 2; if (!myGluedF.IsEmpty()) { theOpe = 1; } Standard_Boolean ChangeOpe = Standard_False; // On espere qu`il n`y a qu`un solide dans le resultat TopTools_MapOfShape M; TopTools_ListOfShape LShape; TopTools_ListOfShape LTool; if (!mySUntil.IsNull()) { for (exp2.Init(mySUntil,TopAbs_FACE); exp2.More(); exp2.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& funtil = exp2.Current(); for (exp.Init(mySbase,TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { if (exp.Current().IsSame(funtil)) { break; } } if (!exp.More()) { break; } else { if (M.Add(funtil)) { LShape.Append(funtil); } } } } TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it,it2; TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeShape itm; //Standard_Integer sens = 0; for (itm.Initialize(myGluedF);itm.More();itm.Next()) { M.Add(itm.Value()); } if(!mySUntil.IsNull()) { exp.Init(mySUntil, TopAbs_FACE); for(; exp.More(); exp.Next()) { if(M.Add(exp.Current())) LShape.Append(exp.Current()); } } LocOpe_Gluer theGlue; //cas de collage if (theOpe == 1) { Standard_Boolean Collage = Standard_True; //BRep_Builder B; LocOpe_FindEdges theFE; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape locmap; theGlue.Init(mySbase,myGShape); for (itm.Initialize(myGluedF); itm.More();itm.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& glface = TopoDS::Face(itm.Key()); const TopoDS_Face& fac = TopoDS::Face(myGluedF(glface)); for (exp.Init(myGShape,TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { if (exp.Current().IsSame(glface)) { break; } } if (exp.More()) { Collage = BRepFeat::IsInside(glface, fac); if(!Collage) { theOpe = 2; ChangeOpe = Standard_True; break; } else { theGlue.Bind(glface, fac); theFE.Set(glface, fac); for (theFE.InitIterator(); theFE.More();theFE.Next()) { theGlue.Bind(theFE.EdgeFrom(),theFE.EdgeTo()); } } } } LocOpe_Operation ope = theGlue.OpeType(); if (ope == LocOpe_INVALID || (myFuse && ope != LocOpe_FUSE) || (!myFuse && ope != LocOpe_CUT) || (!Collage)) { theOpe = 2; ChangeOpe = Standard_True; #ifdef DEB cout << "Passage en ope. topologique" << endl; #endif } } // collage est toujours applicable if (theOpe == 1) { theGlue.Perform(); if (theGlue.IsDone()) { UpdateDescendants(theGlue); myNewEdges = theGlue.Edges(); myTgtEdges = theGlue.TgtEdges(); //TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itt1; if (!LShape.IsEmpty()) { LocOpe_Builder theTOpe(theGlue.ResultingShape()); // On utilise LTool en temporaire for (it2.Initialize(LShape);it2.More();it2.Next()) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& ldf = myMap(it2.Value()); if (ldf.Extent() == 1 && ldf.First().IsSame(it2.Value())) { LTool.Append(it2.Value()); } else { for (it.Initialize(ldf);it.More();it.Next()) { if (M.Add(it.Value())) { LTool.Append(it.Value()); } } } } LShape.Clear(); LShape= LTool; LTool.Clear(); for (exp.Init(theGlue.GluedShape(),TopAbs_FACE); exp.More();exp.Next()) { for (it.Initialize(theGlue.DescendantFaces (TopoDS::Face(exp.Current()))); it.More();it.Next()) { if (M.Add(it.Value())) { LTool.Append(it.Value()); } } } if (!(LShape .IsEmpty() || LTool.IsEmpty())) { //TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it1(LShape); //TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it2(LTool); theTOpe.Perform(LShape,LTool,myFuse); theTOpe.PerformResult(); TopTools_ListOfShape TOpeNewEdges, TOpeTgtEdges; TOpeNewEdges = theTOpe.Edges(); TOpeTgtEdges = theTOpe.TgtEdges(); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itt1, itt2; itt1.Initialize(TOpeNewEdges); itt2.Initialize(myNewEdges); for(; itt1.More(); itt1.Next()) { TopoDS_Edge e1 = TopoDS::Edge(itt1.Value()); Standard_Boolean Adde1 = Standard_True; for(; itt2.More(); itt2.Next()) { TopoDS_Edge e2 = TopoDS::Edge(itt2.Value()); if(e1.IsSame(e2)) { Adde1 = Standard_False; break; } } if(Adde1) { myNewEdges.Append(e1); } } itt1.Initialize(TOpeTgtEdges); itt2.Initialize(myTgtEdges); for(; itt1.More(); itt1.Next()) { TopoDS_Edge e1 = TopoDS::Edge(itt1.Value()); Standard_Boolean Adde1 = Standard_True; for(; itt2.More(); itt2.Next()) { TopoDS_Edge e2 = TopoDS::Edge(itt2.Value()); if(e1.IsSame(e2)) { Adde1 = Standard_False; break; } } if(Adde1) { myTgtEdges.Append(e1); } } if (theTOpe.IsDone()) { Done(); if (BRepAlgo::IsValid(theTOpe.ResultingShape())) { theOpe = 3; // ??? myShape = theTOpe.ResultingShape(); // UpdateDescendants(theTOpe.Builder(),myShape); UpdateDescendants(theTOpe.History(),myShape); } else { myShape = theGlue.ResultingShape(); } } else { theOpe = 2; ChangeOpe = Standard_True; #ifdef DEB cout << "Passage en ope. topologique" << endl; #endif } } else { Done(); myShape = theGlue.ResultingShape(); } } else { Done(); myShape = theGlue.ResultingShape(); // BRepLib::SameParameter(myShape, 1.e-7, Standard_True); // } } else { theOpe = 2; ChangeOpe = Standard_True; #ifdef DEB cout << "Passage en ope. topologique" << endl; #endif } } // cas sans collage if (theOpe == 2) { // Attention si echec de collage, myGShape avec collage n'est pas correct if (ChangeOpe) { myStatusError = BRepFeat_NoGluer; NotDone(); return; } TopoDS_Shape theGShape = myGShape; if (ChangeOpe) { for (itm.Initialize(myGluedF); itm.More();itm.Next()) { if(M.Add(itm.Value())) LShape.Append(itm.Value()); } } TopoDS_Shape Comp; BRep_Builder B; if(!mySUntil.IsNull()) { TopExp_Explorer ex(mySUntil, TopAbs_FACE); for(; ex.More(); ex.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& fac = TopoDS::Face(ex.Current()); if(M.Add(fac)) LShape.Append(fac); } } // LocOpe_Builder theTOpe(mySbase); LocOpe_Builder theTOpe(mySbase, theGShape); //TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it3; //Standard_Real pmin, pmax, pbmin, pbmax; //Standard_Integer flag1 = Standard_True; // theTOpe.Perform(theGShape,LShape,myFuse); if(!theGShape.IsNull()) { TopExp_Explorer ex(theGShape, TopAbs_FACE); for(; ex.More(); ex.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& fac = TopoDS::Face(ex.Current()); LTool.Append(fac); } } theTOpe.Perform(LShape, LTool, myFuse); theTOpe.BuildPartsOfTool(); it.Initialize(theTOpe.PartsOfTool()); if (it.More() && myPerfSelection != BRepFeat_NoSelection) { Standard_Real toler= (BRep_Tool::Tolerance(myPbase))*2; BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier oussa; TopoDS_Solid thePartsOfTool; BRep_Builder BB; BB.MakeSolid(thePartsOfTool); for(; it.More(); it.Next()) { oussa.Load(it.Value()); oussa.Perform(myFirstPnt, toler); TopAbs_State sp1=oussa.State(); oussa.Perform(myLastPnt, toler); TopAbs_State sp2=oussa.State(); // if (sp1 != TopAbs_ON || sp2 != TopAbs_ON) { if (sp1 == TopAbs_OUT || sp2 == TopAbs_OUT) { theTOpe.RemovePart(it.Value()); } else { const TopoDS_Shape& S = it.Value(); B.Add(thePartsOfTool,S); } } /* TopTools_MapOfShape newdsc; if(!mySUntil.IsNull()) { TopTools_MapOfShape toTake; const Handle(TopOpeBRepBuild_HBuilder) B = theTOpe.Builder(); TopoDS_Face fdsc; TopExp_Explorer ex(mySUntil, TopAbs_FACE); for(; ex.More(); ex.Next()) { fdsc = TopoDS::Face(ex.Current()); if(B->IsSplit(fdsc, TopAbs_OUT)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Splits(fdsc,TopAbs_OUT)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } if (B->IsSplit(fdsc, TopAbs_IN)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Splits(fdsc,TopAbs_IN)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } if (B->IsSplit(fdsc, TopAbs_ON)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Splits(fdsc,TopAbs_ON)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } if (B->IsMerged(fdsc, TopAbs_OUT)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Merged(fdsc,TopAbs_OUT)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } if (B->IsMerged(fdsc, TopAbs_IN)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Merged(fdsc,TopAbs_IN)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } if (B->IsMerged(fdsc, TopAbs_ON)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Merged(fdsc,TopAbs_ON)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } } Standard_Boolean removeflag; for(; it.More(); it.Next()) { removeflag = Standard_True; TopExp_Explorer ex1(it.Value(), TopAbs_FACE); for(; ex1.More(); ex1.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& f = TopoDS::Face(ex1.Current()); if (newdsc.Contains(f)) { removeflag = Standard_False; break; } } if(removeflag) { theTOpe.RemovePart(it.Value()); } } } */ theTOpe.PerformResult(); if (theTOpe.IsDone()) { Done(); myShape = theTOpe.ResultingShape(); // UpdateDescendants(theTOpe.Builder(),myShape); UpdateDescendants(theTOpe.History(),myShape); myNewEdges = theTOpe.Edges(); if(!theTOpe.TgtEdges().IsEmpty()) { myTgtEdges = theTOpe.TgtEdges(); } } else { // if (theTOpe.IsInvDone()) { // myStatusError = BRepFeat_LocOpeNotDone; // } // else { myStatusError = BRepFeat_LocOpeInvNotDone;// dernier recours (attention new et tangent edges) #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Parts of Tool : direct Ope. Top." << endl; #endif if(myFuse == 1) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:45:07 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Fuse f(mySbase, thePartsOfTool); //myShape = f.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(f.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse f(mySbase, thePartsOfTool); myShape = f.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(f, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:45:16 2002 t Done(); return; } else if(myFuse == 0) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:45:47 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut c(mySbase, thePartsOfTool); //myShape = c.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(c.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut c(mySbase, thePartsOfTool); myShape = c.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(c, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:45:51 2002 t Done(); return; } // } NotDone(); return; } } } } //======================================================================= //function : IsDeleted //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean BRepFeat_RibSlot::IsDeleted(const TopoDS_Shape& F) { return (myMap(F).IsEmpty()); } //======================================================================= //function : Modified //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopTools_ListOfShape& BRepFeat_RibSlot::Modified (const TopoDS_Shape& F) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::Modified" << endl; #endif if (myMap.IsBound(F)) { static TopTools_ListOfShape list; list.Clear(); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ite(myMap(F)); for(; ite.More(); ite.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& sh = ite.Value(); if(!sh.IsSame(F)) list.Append(sh); } return list; } return myGenerated; // empty list } //======================================================================= //function : Generated //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopTools_ListOfShape& BRepFeat_RibSlot::Generated (const TopoDS_Shape& S) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::Generated" << endl; #endif if(S.ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE) { myGenerated.Clear(); if(myLFMap.IsEmpty() || !myLFMap.IsBound(S)) { if (myMap.IsBound(S)) { // voir si on filtre sur face ou pas static TopTools_ListOfShape list; list.Clear(); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ite(myMap(S)); for(; ite.More(); ite.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& sh = ite.Value(); if(!sh.IsSame(S)) list.Append(sh); } return list; } else return myGenerated; } else { myGenerated.Clear(); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(myLFMap(S)); static TopTools_ListOfShape list; list.Clear(); for(; it.More(); it.Next()) { if(myMap.IsBound(it.Value())) { TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it1(myMap(it.Value())); for(; it1.More(); it1.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& sh = it1.Value(); if(!sh.IsSame(S)) list.Append(sh); } } } return list; } } else return myGenerated; } //======================================================================= //function : UpdateDescendants //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_RibSlot::UpdateDescendants(const LocOpe_Gluer& G) { TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape itdm; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it,it2; TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape itm; for (itdm.Initialize(myMap);itdm.More();itdm.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& orig = itdm.Key(); TopTools_MapOfShape newdsc; for (it.Initialize(itdm.Value());it.More();it.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& fdsc = TopoDS::Face(it.Value()); for (it2.Initialize(G.DescendantFaces(fdsc)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } myMap.ChangeFind(orig).Clear(); for (itm.Initialize(newdsc);itm.More();itm.Next()) { myMap.ChangeFind(orig).Append(itm.Key()); } } } //======================================================================= //function : UpdateDescendants //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_RibSlot::UpdateDescendants (const Handle(TopOpeBRepBuild_HBuilder)& B, const TopoDS_Shape& S, const Standard_Boolean SkipFace) { TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape itdm; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it,it2; TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape itm; TopExp_Explorer exp; for (itdm.Initialize(myMap);itdm.More();itdm.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& orig = itdm.Key(); if (SkipFace && orig.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) { continue; } TopTools_MapOfShape newdsc; for (it.Initialize(itdm.Value());it.More();it.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& sh = it.Value(); if(sh.ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE) continue; const TopoDS_Face& fdsc = TopoDS::Face(it.Value()); for (exp.Init(S,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { if (exp.Current().IsSame(fdsc)) { // preserved newdsc.Add(fdsc); break; } } if (!exp.More()) { if (B->IsSplit(fdsc, TopAbs_OUT)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Splits(fdsc,TopAbs_OUT)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } if (B->IsSplit(fdsc, TopAbs_IN)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Splits(fdsc,TopAbs_IN)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } if (B->IsSplit(fdsc, TopAbs_ON)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Splits(fdsc,TopAbs_ON)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } if (B->IsMerged(fdsc, TopAbs_OUT)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Merged(fdsc,TopAbs_OUT)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } if (B->IsMerged(fdsc, TopAbs_IN)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Merged(fdsc,TopAbs_IN)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } if (B->IsMerged(fdsc, TopAbs_ON)) { for (it2.Initialize(B->Merged(fdsc,TopAbs_ON)); it2.More();it2.Next()) { newdsc.Add(it2.Value()); } } } } myMap.ChangeFind(orig).Clear(); for (itm.Initialize(newdsc); itm.More(); itm.Next()) { // on verifie l`appartenance au shape... for (exp.Init(S,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { if (exp.Current().IsSame(itm.Key())) { myMap.ChangeFind(orig).Append(itm.Key()); break; } } } } } //======================================================================= //function : FirstShape //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopTools_ListOfShape& BRepFeat_RibSlot::FirstShape() const { if (!myFShape.IsNull()) { return myMap(myFShape); } return myGenerated; // empty list } //======================================================================= //function : LastShape //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopTools_ListOfShape& BRepFeat_RibSlot::LastShape() const { if (!myLShape.IsNull()) { return myMap(myLShape); } return myGenerated; // empty list } //======================================================================= //function : FacesForDraft //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopTools_ListOfShape& BRepFeat_RibSlot::FacesForDraft() const { return myFacesForDraft; } //======================================================================= //function : NewEdges //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopTools_ListOfShape& BRepFeat_RibSlot::NewEdges() const { return myNewEdges; } //======================================================================= //function : TgtEdges //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopTools_ListOfShape& BRepFeat_RibSlot::TgtEdges() const { return myTgtEdges; } //======================================================================= //function : CurrentStatusError //purpose : //======================================================================= BRepFeat_StatusError BRepFeat_RibSlot::CurrentStatusError() const { return myStatusError; } //======================================================================= //function : CheckPoint //purpose : point detrompeur cote matiere (cote d'extrusion) //======================================================================= gp_Pnt BRepFeat_RibSlot::CheckPoint(const TopoDS_Edge& e, const Standard_Real ,//bnd, const Handle(Geom_Plane)& Pln) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEATRIB(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::CheckPoint" << endl; #endif // Produit vectoriel : normale au plan X direction Wire // -> donne le cote matiere // point detrompeur legerement a l'interieur cote matiere Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(e, f, l); gp_Vec tgt; gp_Pnt pp; Standard_Real par = ( f + l) / 2.; cc->D1(par, pp, tgt); if ( e.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) tgt.Reverse(); gp_Vec D = -tgt.Crossed(Pln->Pln().Position().Direction())/10.; pp.Translate(D); return pp; } //======================================================================= //function : Normal //purpose : calcul de la normale a une face dans un point //======================================================================= gp_Dir BRepFeat_RibSlot::Normal(const TopoDS_Face& F,const gp_Pnt& P) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEATRIB(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::Normal" << endl; #endif Standard_Real U, V; gp_Pnt pt; BRepAdaptor_Surface AS(F, Standard_True); switch ( AS.GetType()) { case GeomAbs_Plane: ElSLib::Parameters(AS.Plane(),P,U,V); break; case GeomAbs_Cylinder: ElSLib::Parameters(AS.Cylinder(),P,U,V); break; case GeomAbs_Cone: ElSLib::Parameters(AS.Cone(),P,U,V); break; case GeomAbs_Torus: ElSLib::Parameters(AS.Torus(),P,U,V); break; default: { return gp_Dir(1., 0., 0.); } } gp_Vec D1U, D1V; AS.D1(U, V, pt, D1U, D1V); gp_Dir N; CSLib_DerivativeStatus St; CSLib::Normal(D1U, D1V, Precision::Confusion(), St, N); if(F.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) N.Reverse(); return N; } //======================================================================= //function : IntPar //purpose : calcul du parametre d'un point sur une courbe //======================================================================= Standard_Real BRepFeat_RibSlot::IntPar(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& C, const gp_Pnt& P) { if ( C.IsNull()) return 0.; GeomAdaptor_Curve AC(C); Standard_Real U; switch ( AC.GetType()) { case GeomAbs_Line: U = ElCLib::Parameter(AC.Line(),P); break; case GeomAbs_Circle: U = ElCLib::Parameter(AC.Circle(),P); break; case GeomAbs_Ellipse: U = ElCLib::Parameter(AC.Ellipse(),P); break; case GeomAbs_Hyperbola: U = ElCLib::Parameter(AC.Hyperbola(),P); break; case GeomAbs_Parabola: U = ElCLib::Parameter(AC.Parabola(),P); break; default: U = 0.; } return U; } //======================================================================= //function : EdgeExtention //purpose : extention d'un edge en tangence //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_RibSlot::EdgeExtention(TopoDS_Edge& e, const Standard_Real bnd, const Standard_Boolean FirstLast) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::EdgeExtention" << endl; #endif Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) cu = BRep_Tool::Curve(e, f, l); Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) C = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(cu, f, l); TopoDS_Edge E; if(cu->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line) || cu->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Circle) || cu->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Ellipse) || cu->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Hyperbola) || cu->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Parabola)) { if(FirstLast) { BRepLib_MakeEdge Edg(cu, f-bnd/10., l); E = TopoDS::Edge(Edg.Shape()); } else { BRepLib_MakeEdge Edg(cu, f, l+bnd/10.); E = TopoDS::Edge(Edg.Shape()); } } else { Handle(Geom_Line) ln; gp_Pnt Pt; gp_Pnt pnt; gp_Vec vct; if(FirstLast) { C->D1(f, pnt, vct); ln = new Geom_Line(pnt, -vct); ln->D0(bnd/1000., Pt); GeomLib::ExtendCurveToPoint(C, Pt, GeomAbs_G1, Standard_False); BRepLib_MakeEdge Edg(C, Pt, BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(e,Standard_True))); E = TopoDS::Edge(Edg.Shape()); } else { C->D1(l, pnt, vct); ln = new Geom_Line(pnt, vct); ln->D0(bnd/1000., Pt); GeomLib::ExtendCurveToPoint(C, Pt, GeomAbs_G1, Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge Edg(C, BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::FirstVertex(e,Standard_True)), Pt); E = TopoDS::Edge(Edg.Shape()); } } e = E; } //======================================================================= //function : ChoiceOfFaces //purpose : choix de la face d'appui dans le cas d'appui sur un edge //======================================================================= TopoDS_Face BRepFeat_RibSlot::ChoiceOfFaces(TopTools_ListOfShape& faces, const Handle(Geom_Curve)& cc, const Standard_Real par, const Standard_Real ,//bnd, const Handle(Geom_Plane)& Pln) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEATRIB(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::ChoiceOfFaces" << endl; #endif TopoDS_Face FFF; gp_Pnt pp; gp_Vec tgt; cc->D1(par, pp, tgt); Handle(Geom_Line) l1 = new Geom_Line(pp, tgt); TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve scur; Standard_Integer Counter = 0; gp_Ax1 Axe(pp, Pln->Position().Direction()); for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i <=8; i++) { Handle(Geom_Curve) L = Handle(Geom_Curve)::DownCast(l1->Rotated(Axe, i*PI/9.)); scur.Append(L); Counter++; } TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it; it.Initialize(faces); Standard_Real Par = RealLast(); for(; it.More(); it.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& f = TopoDS::Face(it.Value()); LocOpe_CSIntersector ASI(f); ASI.Perform(scur); if(!ASI.IsDone()) continue; for(Standard_Integer jj = 1; jj<=Counter; jj++) { if(ASI.NbPoints(jj) >= 1) { Standard_Real app = ASI.Point(jj,1).Parameter();//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 17:05:23 2002 pp if(app >= 0 && app < Par) { Par = app; FFF = f; } } } } return FFF; } //======================================================================= //function : HeightMax //purpose : Calcul de la hauteur du prisme selon les parametres d`une boite englobante //======================================================================= Standard_Real BRepFeat_RibSlot::HeightMax(const TopoDS_Shape& theSbase, const TopoDS_Shape& theSUntil, gp_Pnt& p1, gp_Pnt& p2) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEATRIB(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::HeightMax" << endl; #endif Bnd_Box Box; BRepBndLib::Add(theSbase,Box); if(!theSUntil.IsNull()) { BRepBndLib::Add(theSUntil,Box); } Standard_Real c[6], bnd; Box.Get(c[0],c[2],c[4],c[1],c[3],c[5]); bnd = c[0]; for(Standard_Integer i = 0 ; i < 6; i++) { if(c[i] > bnd) bnd = c[i]; } p1.SetCoord(c[0]-2.*bnd, c[1]-2.*bnd, c[2]-2.*bnd); p2.SetCoord(c[3]+2.*bnd, c[4]+2.*bnd, c[5]+2.*bnd); return(bnd); } //======================================================================= //function : ExtremeFaces //purpose : Calcul des faces d'appui de la nervure //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean BRepFeat_RibSlot::ExtremeFaces(const Standard_Boolean RevolRib, const Standard_Real bnd, const Handle(Geom_Plane)& Pln, TopoDS_Edge& FirstEdge, TopoDS_Edge& LastEdge, TopoDS_Face& FirstFace, TopoDS_Face& LastFace, TopoDS_Vertex& FirstVertex, TopoDS_Vertex& LastVertex, Standard_Boolean& OnFirstFace, Standard_Boolean& OnLastFace, Standard_Boolean& PtOnFirstEdge, Standard_Boolean& PtOnLastEdge, TopoDS_Edge& OnFirstEdge, TopoDS_Edge& OnLastEdge) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::ExtremeFaces" << endl; #endif Standard_Boolean Data = Standard_True; FirstFace.Nullify(); LastFace.Nullify(); FirstEdge.Nullify(); LastEdge.Nullify(); PtOnFirstEdge = Standard_False; PtOnLastEdge = Standard_False; OnFirstEdge.Nullify(); OnLastEdge.Nullify(); BRepIntCurveSurface_Inter inter; BRep_Builder B; TopExp_Explorer ex1; Standard_Boolean FirstOK = Standard_False, LastOK = Standard_False; Standard_Integer NumberOfEdges = 0; TopExp_Explorer exp(myWire, TopAbs_EDGE); for(; exp.More(); exp.Next()) { NumberOfEdges++; } // ---Le wire comporte 1 seul edge if(NumberOfEdges == 1) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " One Edge" << endl; #endif exp.ReInit(); Standard_Real f, l;//, f1, l1, temp; gp_Pnt firstpoint, lastpoint; // Points limite de l`unique edge const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(exp.Current()); Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, f, l); gp_Pnt p1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::FirstVertex(E,Standard_True)); gp_Pnt p2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(E,Standard_True)); Standard_Real FirstPar = f; Standard_Real LastPar = l; // ---Recherche si les 2 points limites de l`unique edge du wire // sont sur un edge ou un vertex du shape de base Standard_Boolean PtOnFirstVertex = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean PtOnLastVertex = Standard_False; TopoDS_Vertex OnFirstVertex, OnLastVertex; PtOnEdgeVertex(RevolRib, mySbase, p1, FirstVertex, LastVertex, PtOnFirstEdge, OnFirstEdge, PtOnFirstVertex, OnFirstVertex); PtOnEdgeVertex(RevolRib, mySbase, p2, FirstVertex, LastVertex, PtOnLastEdge, OnLastEdge, PtOnLastVertex, OnLastVertex); TopTools_MapOfShape Map; if(PtOnFirstEdge) { if (!PtOnFirstVertex) { // Recherche de FirstFace : face du shape de base contenant OnFirstEdge // satisfaisant ChoiceOfFaces TopExp_Explorer ex4, ex5; ex4.Init(mySbase, TopAbs_FACE); TopTools_ListOfShape faces; faces.Clear(); Map.Clear(); for(; ex4.More(); ex4.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& fx = TopoDS::Face(ex4.Current());//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 17:06:04 2002 fx instead f if ( !Map.Add(fx)) continue; ex5.Init(ex4.Current(), TopAbs_EDGE); for(; ex5.More(); ex5.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& ee = TopoDS::Edge(ex5.Current()); if(ee.IsSame(OnFirstEdge)) { faces.Append(fx); } } } if(!faces.IsEmpty()) { TopoDS_Face FFF = ChoiceOfFaces(faces, cc, FirstPar+bnd/50., bnd/50., Pln); if(!FFF.IsNull()) FirstFace = FFF; } } else if(PtOnFirstVertex) { // Recherche de FirstFace : face du shape de base contenant OnFirstVertex // satisfaisant ChoiceOfFaces TopExp_Explorer ex4, ex5; ex4.Init(mySbase, TopAbs_FACE); TopTools_ListOfShape faces; faces.Clear(); Map.Clear(); for(; ex4.More(); ex4.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& fx = TopoDS::Face(ex4.Current());//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 17:06:36 2002 fx instead of f if ( !Map.Add(fx)) continue; ex5.Init(ex4.Current(), TopAbs_VERTEX); for(; ex5.More(); ex5.Next()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& vv = TopoDS::Vertex(ex5.Current()); if(vv.IsSame(OnFirstVertex)) { faces.Append(fx); break; } } } if(!faces.IsEmpty()) { TopoDS_Face FFF = ChoiceOfFaces(faces, cc, FirstPar+bnd/50., bnd/50., Pln); if(!FFF.IsNull()) FirstFace = FFF; } } FirstEdge = E; BRepLib_MakeVertex v(p1); FirstVertex = v; OnFirstFace = Standard_True; } if(PtOnLastEdge) { if (!PtOnLastVertex) { // Recherche de LastFace : face du shape de base contenant OnLastEdge // satisfaisant ChoiceOfFaces TopExp_Explorer ex4, ex5; ex4.Init(mySbase, TopAbs_FACE); TopTools_ListOfShape faces; faces.Clear(); Map.Clear(); for(; ex4.More(); ex4.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& fx = TopoDS::Face(ex4.Current());//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 17:06:36 2002 fx instead of f if ( !Map.Add(fx)) continue; ex5.Init(ex4.Current(), TopAbs_EDGE); for(; ex5.More(); ex5.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& ee = TopoDS::Edge(ex5.Current()); if(ee.IsSame(OnLastEdge)) { faces.Append(fx); break; } } } if(!faces.IsEmpty()) { TopoDS_Face FFF = ChoiceOfFaces(faces, cc, LastPar-bnd/50., bnd/50., Pln); if(!FFF.IsNull()) LastFace = FFF; } } else if(PtOnLastEdge && PtOnLastVertex) { // Recherche de LastFace : face du shape de base contenant OnLastVertex // satisfaisant ChoiceOfFaces TopExp_Explorer ex4, ex5; ex4.Init(mySbase, TopAbs_FACE); TopTools_ListOfShape faces; faces.Clear(); Map.Clear(); for(; ex4.More(); ex4.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& fx = TopoDS::Face(ex4.Current());//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 17:06:36 2002 fx instead of f if ( !Map.Add(fx)) continue; ex5.Init(ex4.Current(), TopAbs_VERTEX); for(; ex5.More(); ex5.Next()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& vv = TopoDS::Vertex(ex5.Current()); if(vv.IsSame(OnLastVertex)) { faces.Append(fx); break; } } } if(!faces.IsEmpty()) { TopoDS_Face FFF = ChoiceOfFaces(faces, cc, LastPar-bnd/50., bnd/50., Pln); if(!FFF.IsNull()) LastFace = FFF; } } LastEdge = E; BRepLib_MakeVertex v(p2); LastVertex = v; OnLastFace = Standard_True; } if(!FirstFace.IsNull() && !LastFace.IsNull()) { return Standard_True; } //--- On n'a pas trouve FirstFace ou LastFace #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " FirstFace or LastFace null" << endl; #endif LocOpe_CSIntersector ASI(mySbase); TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve scur; scur.Clear(); scur.Append(cc); ASI.Perform(scur); Standard_Real lastpar, firstpar; if(ASI.IsDone() && ASI.NbPoints(1) >= 2) { lastpar = ASI.Point(1, ASI.NbPoints(1)).Parameter(); Standard_Integer lastindex = ASI.NbPoints(1); if(lastpar > l) { for(Standard_Integer jj=ASI.NbPoints(1)-1; jj>=1; jj--) { Standard_Real par = ASI.Point(1,jj).Parameter(); if(par <= l) { lastpar = par; lastindex = jj; break; } } } Standard_Integer firstindex = lastindex -1; firstpar = ASI.Point(1,firstindex).Parameter(); if(FirstFace.IsNull()) { FirstFace = ASI.Point(1, firstindex).Face(); cc->D0(firstpar, firstpoint); BRepLib_MakeVertex v1(firstpoint); FirstVertex = TopoDS::Vertex(v1.Shape()); FirstEdge = E; } if(LastFace.IsNull()) { LastFace = ASI.Point(1, lastindex).Face(); cc->D0(lastpar, lastpoint); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(lastpoint); LastVertex = TopoDS::Vertex(v2.Shape()); LastEdge = E; } } else { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Less than 2 intersection points" << endl; #endif Data = Standard_False; return Data; } if(!OnFirstFace) { if(p1.Distance(firstpoint) <= Precision::Confusion()) OnFirstFace = Standard_True; else OnFirstFace = Standard_False; } if(!OnLastFace) { if(p2.Distance(lastpoint) <= Precision::Confusion()) OnLastFace = Standard_True; else OnLastFace = Standard_False; } if(FirstFace.IsNull() || LastFace.IsNull()) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " First or Last Faces still null" << endl; #endif Data = Standard_False; } else { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " FirstFace and LastFace OK" << endl; #endif Data = Standard_True; } return Data; } // ---Le wire comporte plusieurs edges else { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Multiple Edges" << endl; #endif BRepTools_WireExplorer ex(myWire); for(; ex.More(); ex.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(ex.Current()); Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) Cur = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, f, l); f = f - bnd/10000; l = l +bnd/10000; Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) curve; curve = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(Cur, f, l, Standard_True); BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::FirstVertex(E,Standard_True)); gp_Pnt P2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(E,Standard_True)); ex1.Init(mySbase, TopAbs_FACE); TopoDS_Vertex theVertex; TopoDS_Edge theEdge; TopoDS_Face theFace; Standard_Boolean PtOnEdge = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean PtOnVertex = Standard_False; TopoDS_Edge OnEdge; TopoDS_Vertex OnVertex; Standard_Real intpar; for(; ex1.More(); ex1.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& f = TopoDS::Face(ex1.Current()); inter.Init(f,curve, BRep_Tool::Tolerance(f)); if(!inter.More()) continue; for(; inter.More(); inter.Next()) { gp_Pnt thePoint = inter.Pnt(); if(!FirstVertex.IsNull()) { gp_Pnt point = BRep_Tool::Pnt(FirstVertex); if(point.Distance(thePoint) <= BRep_Tool::Tolerance(f)) { continue; } } intpar = IntPar(curve, thePoint); theEdge = E; theFace = f; B.MakeVertex(theVertex, thePoint, Precision::Confusion()); if(!FirstOK) { if(thePoint.Distance(P2) <= Precision::Confusion()) { continue; } } // ---Recherche thepoint est sur un edge ou un vertex de la face f PtOnEdgeVertex(RevolRib, f, thePoint, FirstVertex, LastVertex, PtOnEdge,OnEdge,PtOnVertex,OnVertex); // if(!theEdge.IsNull()) break; if (FirstEdge.IsNull() && !theEdge.IsNull() && !theFace.IsNull() && !theVertex.IsNull()) { FirstEdge = theEdge; FirstFace = theFace; FirstVertex = theVertex; PtOnFirstEdge = PtOnEdge; OnFirstEdge = OnEdge; theEdge.Nullify(); theFace.Nullify(); theVertex.Nullify(); if(PtOnEdge && !PtOnVertex) { TopTools_ListOfShape faces; faces.Clear(); faces.Append(FirstFace); TopExp_Explorer ex2; ex2.Init(mySbase, TopAbs_FACE); for(; ex2.More(); ex2.Next()) { TopoDS_Face fx = TopoDS::Face(ex2.Current());//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 17:16:44 2002 fx/f TopExp_Explorer ex3; ex3.Init(fx, TopAbs_EDGE); for(; ex3.More(); ex3.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(ex3.Current()); if(e.IsSame(OnEdge) && !fx.IsSame(FirstFace)) { faces.Append(fx); } } } TopoDS_Face FFF = ChoiceOfFaces(faces, curve, intpar+bnd/10., bnd/10., Pln); if(!FFF.IsNull()) FirstFace = FFF; } else if(PtOnEdge && PtOnVertex) { TopTools_ListOfShape faces; faces.Clear(); faces.Append(FirstFace); TopExp_Explorer ex2; ex2.Init(mySbase, TopAbs_FACE); for(; ex2.More(); ex2.Next()) { TopoDS_Face fx = TopoDS::Face(ex2.Current());//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 17:13:08 2002 fx/f TopExp_Explorer ex3; ex3.Init(fx, TopAbs_VERTEX); for(; ex3.More(); ex3.Next()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& v = TopoDS::Vertex(ex3.Current()); if(v.IsSame(OnVertex) && !fx.IsSame(FirstFace)) { faces.Append(fx); } } } TopoDS_Face FFF = ChoiceOfFaces(faces, curve, intpar+bnd/10., bnd/10., Pln); if(!FFF.IsNull()) FirstFace = FFF; } if(!FirstEdge.IsNull() && !FirstFace.IsNull() && !FirstVertex.IsNull()) { FirstOK = Standard_True; } } if(LastEdge.IsNull() && !theEdge.IsNull() && !theFace.IsNull() && !theVertex.IsNull() && !FirstEdge.IsNull()) { LastEdge = theEdge; LastFace = theFace; LastVertex = theVertex; PtOnLastEdge = PtOnEdge; OnLastEdge = OnEdge; if(PtOnEdge && !PtOnVertex) { TopTools_ListOfShape faces; faces.Clear(); faces.Append(LastFace); TopExp_Explorer ex2; ex2.Init(mySbase, TopAbs_FACE); for(; ex2.More(); ex2.Next()) { TopoDS_Face fx = TopoDS::Face(ex2.Current());//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 17:12:06 2002 fx/f TopExp_Explorer ex3; ex3.Init(fx, TopAbs_EDGE); for(; ex3.More(); ex3.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(ex3.Current()); if(e.IsSame(OnEdge) && !fx.IsSame(LastFace)) { faces.Append(fx); } } } TopoDS_Face FFF = ChoiceOfFaces(faces, curve, intpar-bnd/10.,bnd/10., Pln); if(!FFF.IsNull()) LastFace = FFF; } else if(PtOnEdge && PtOnVertex) { TopTools_ListOfShape faces; faces.Clear(); faces.Append(LastFace); TopExp_Explorer ex2; ex2.Init(mySbase, TopAbs_FACE); for(; ex2.More(); ex2.Next()) { TopoDS_Face fx = TopoDS::Face(ex2.Current());//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 17:11:36 2002 fx/f TopExp_Explorer ex3; ex3.Init(fx, TopAbs_VERTEX); for(; ex3.More(); ex3.Next()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& v = TopoDS::Vertex(ex3.Current()); if(v.IsSame(OnVertex) && !fx.IsSame(LastFace)) { faces.Append(fx); } } } TopoDS_Face FFF = ChoiceOfFaces(faces, curve, intpar-bnd/10.,bnd/10., Pln); if(!FFF.IsNull()) LastFace = FFF; } if(!LastEdge.IsNull() && !LastFace.IsNull() && !LastVertex.IsNull()) { LastOK = Standard_True; } break; } } } } if(FirstOK && LastOK) { Data = Standard_True; gp_Pnt PP1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::FirstVertex(FirstEdge,Standard_True)); gp_Pnt PP2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(LastEdge,Standard_True)); gp_Pnt p1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(FirstVertex); gp_Pnt p2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(LastVertex); if(p1.Distance(PP1) <= BRep_Tool::Tolerance(FirstFace)) { OnFirstFace = Standard_True; } if(p2.Distance(PP2) <= BRep_Tool::Tolerance(LastFace)) { OnLastFace = Standard_True; } return Standard_True; } else { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " First or Last not OK" << endl; #endif return Standard_False; } } } //======================================================================= //function : PtOnEdgeVertex //purpose : Recherche si les 2 points limites de l`unique edge du wire // sont sur un edge ou un vertex du shape de base //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_RibSlot::PtOnEdgeVertex(const Standard_Boolean RevolRib, const TopoDS_Shape& shape, const gp_Pnt& point, const TopoDS_Vertex& ,//FirstVertex, const TopoDS_Vertex& ,//LastVertex, Standard_Boolean& PtOnEdge, TopoDS_Edge& OnEdge, Standard_Boolean& PtOnVertex, TopoDS_Vertex& OnVertex) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEATRIB(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::PtOnEdgeVertex" << endl; #endif Standard_Boolean TestOK; // PtOnEdge = Standard_False; // OnEdge.Nullify(); // PtOnVertex = Standard_False; // OnVertex.Nullify(); TopExp_Explorer EXP; EXP.Init(shape, TopAbs_EDGE); TopTools_MapOfShape Map; for(; EXP.More(); EXP.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(EXP.Current()); if ( !Map.Add(e)) continue; if (!RevolRib) { if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(e)) continue; } Standard_Real fff, lll; Handle(Geom_Curve) ccc = BRep_Tool::Curve(e, fff, lll); if (!RevolRib) { ccc = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(ccc, fff, lll); } GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve proj(point, ccc); TestOK = Standard_False; if (!RevolRib) { if(proj.NbPoints() == 1) TestOK = Standard_True; } else { if(proj.NbPoints() >= 1) TestOK = Standard_True; } if(TestOK && proj.Distance(1) <= BRep_Tool::Tolerance(e)) { PtOnEdge = Standard_True; OnEdge = e; TopoDS_Vertex ev1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(e,Standard_True); TopoDS_Vertex ev2 = TopExp::LastVertex(e,Standard_True); gp_Pnt ep1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(ev1); gp_Pnt ep2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(ev2); if(point.Distance(ep1) <= BRep_Tool::Tolerance(ev1)) { PtOnVertex = Standard_True; OnVertex = ev1; break; } else if(point.Distance(ep2) <= BRep_Tool::Tolerance(ev1)) { PtOnVertex = Standard_True; OnVertex = ev2; break; } break; } } } //======================================================================= //function : SlidingProfile //purpose : construction de la face profil en cas de glissement //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean BRepFeat_RibSlot::SlidingProfile(TopoDS_Face& Prof, const Standard_Boolean RevolRib, const Standard_Real myTol, Standard_Integer& Concavite, const Handle(Geom_Plane)& myPln, const TopoDS_Face& BndFace, const gp_Pnt& CheckPnt, const TopoDS_Face& FirstFace, const TopoDS_Face& LastFace, const TopoDS_Vertex& ,//FirstVertex, const TopoDS_Vertex& ,//LastVertex, const TopoDS_Edge& FirstEdge, const TopoDS_Edge& LastEdge) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::SlidingProfile" << endl; #endif Standard_Boolean ProfileOK = Standard_True; // --cas de glissement : construction du wire du profil // -> 1 partie boite englobante + 1 partie wire // attention a la compatibilite des orientations gp_Dir FN, LN; BRepLib_MakeWire WW; FN = Normal(FirstFace, myFirstPnt); LN = Normal(LastFace, myLastPnt); // Cas de la rainure (cut) <> nervure (fuse) // -> on est dans la matiere // -> on fait tout en 2d dans le plan de travail : plus facile if(!myFuse) { FN = -FN; LN = -LN; } Handle(Geom_Line) ln1, ln2; gp_Pnt Pt;//,p1, p2; ln2 = new Geom_Line(myFirstPnt, FN); ln1 = new Geom_Line(myLastPnt, LN); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) ln2d1 = GeomAPI::To2d(ln1, myPln->Pln()); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) ln2d2 = GeomAPI::To2d(ln2, myPln->Pln()); Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve inter(ln2d1, ln2d2, Precision::Confusion()); Standard_Boolean TestOK = Standard_True; if (RevolRib) { gp_Dir d1, d2; d1 = ln1->Position().Direction(); d2 = ln2->Position().Direction(); if(d1.IsOpposite(d2, myTol)) { Standard_Real par1 = ElCLib::Parameter(ln1->Lin(), myFirstPnt); Standard_Real par2 = ElCLib::Parameter(ln2->Lin(), myLastPnt); if(par1 >= myTol || par2 >= myTol) { Concavite = 2; //paralelle et concave BRepLib_MakeEdge e1(myLastPnt, myFirstPnt); WW.Add(e1); } } if(d1.IsEqual(d2, myTol)) { if(Concavite == 3) TestOK = Standard_False; } } if(TestOK) { if(inter.NbPoints() > 0) { gp_Pnt2d P = inter.Point(1); myPln->D0(P.X(), P.Y(), Pt); Standard_Real par = IntPar(ln1, Pt); if(par>0) Concavite = 1; //concave } } // ---Construction de la face profil if(Concavite == 1) { // Si concave : on peut prolonger les premiers et dernier edges du wire // jusque boite englobante BRepLib_MakeEdge e1(myLastPnt, Pt); WW.Add(e1); BRepLib_MakeEdge e2(Pt, myFirstPnt); WW.Add(e2); } else if(Concavite == 3) { // BndEdge : edges d'intersection avce la boite englobante TopoDS_Edge BndEdge1, BndEdge2; // Points d'intersection boite englobante / Profil recherche gp_Pnt BndPnt1, BndPnt2, LastPnt; TopExp_Explorer expl; expl.Init(BndFace, TopAbs_WIRE); BRepTools_WireExplorer explo; TopoDS_Wire BndWire = TopoDS::Wire(expl.Current()); explo.Init(BndWire); for(; explo.More(); explo.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(explo.Current()); Standard_Real first, last; Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(e, first, last); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) c2d = GeomAPI::To2d(c, myPln->Pln()); Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve intcln1(ln2d1, c2d, Precision::Confusion()); if(intcln1.NbPoints() > 0) { gp_Pnt2d p2d = intcln1.Point(1); gp_Pnt p; myPln->D0(p2d.X(), p2d.Y(), p); Standard_Real parl = IntPar(ln1, p); Standard_Real parc = IntPar(c, p); if(parc >= first && parc <= last && parl >= 0) { BndEdge1 = e; BndPnt1 = p; } } Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve intcln2(ln2d2, c2d, Precision::Confusion()); if(intcln2.NbPoints() > 0) { gp_Pnt2d p2d = intcln2.Point(1); gp_Pnt p; myPln->D0(p2d.X(), p2d.Y(), p); Standard_Real parl = IntPar(ln2, p); Standard_Real parc = IntPar(c, p); if(parc >= first && parc <= last && parl >= 0) { BndEdge2 = e; BndPnt2 = p; } } if(!BndEdge1.IsNull() && !BndEdge2.IsNull()) break; } if(BndEdge1.IsNull() || BndEdge2.IsNull()) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Null bounding edge" << endl; #endif ProfileOK = Standard_False; return ProfileOK; } BRepLib_MakeEdge e1(myLastPnt, BndPnt1); WW.Add(e1); if(BndEdge1.IsSame(BndEdge2)) { // Cas particulier : meme edge -> cheminement simple a determiner BRepLib_MakeEdge e2(BndPnt1, BndPnt2); WW.Add(e2); BRepLib_MakeEdge e3(BndPnt2, myFirstPnt); WW.Add(e3); } else { explo.Init(BndWire); for(; explo.More(); explo.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(explo.Current()); if(e.IsSame(BndEdge1)) { gp_Pnt pp; pp = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(e,Standard_True)); if(pp.Distance(BndPnt1) >= BRep_Tool::Tolerance(e)) { LastPnt = pp; } // else { //LinearForm // gp_Pnt ppp = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::FirstVertex(e,Standard_True)); // LastPnt = ppp; // } BRepLib_MakeEdge e2(BndPnt1, LastPnt); WW.Add(e2); break; } } if(explo.More()) { explo.Next(); if(explo.Current().IsNull()) explo.Init(BndWire); } else explo.Init(BndWire); // On controle si on est dans BndEdge2 // -> si oui : il faut tourner pour rejoindre FirstPnt // -> si non : on ajoute les edges Standard_Boolean Fin = Standard_False; while(!Fin) { const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(explo.Current()); if(!e.IsSame(BndEdge2)) { gp_Pnt pp; pp = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(e,Standard_True)); BRepLib_MakeEdge ee(LastPnt, pp); WW.Add(ee); LastPnt = pp; } else { // le chemin est ferme // -> des que l'on recontre BndEdge2, fin des bords sur BndFace Fin = Standard_True; BRepLib_MakeEdge ee(LastPnt, BndPnt2); WW.Add(ee); LastPnt = BndPnt2; } if(explo.More()) { explo.Next(); if(explo.Current().IsNull()) { explo.Init(BndWire); } } else explo.Init(BndWire); } BRepLib_MakeEdge e3(BndPnt2, myFirstPnt); WW.Add(e3); } } // ---Construction du profil // On explore le wire fourni par l'utilisateur // BRepTools_WireExplorer : bon ordre - sans repetition <> TopExp : non ordonne BRepTools_WireExplorer EX(myWire); Standard_Real ff, ll; Handle(Geom_Curve) FirstCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(FirstEdge, ff, ll); if(!FirstEdge.IsSame(LastEdge)) { TopoDS_Vertex FLVert = TopExp::LastVertex(FirstEdge,Standard_True); gp_Pnt FLPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(FLVert); BRepLib_MakeEdge ef(FirstCurve, myFirstPnt, FLPnt); WW.Add(ef); for(; EX.More(); EX.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = EX.Current(); if(E.IsSame(FirstEdge)) break; } EX.Next(); for(; EX.More(); EX.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = EX.Current(); if(!E.IsSame(LastEdge)) { WW.Add(E); } else break; } Handle(Geom_Curve) LastCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(LastEdge, ff, ll); TopoDS_Vertex LFVert = TopExp::FirstVertex(LastEdge,Standard_True); gp_Pnt LFPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(LFVert); BRepLib_MakeEdge el(LastCurve, LFPnt, myLastPnt); WW.Add(el); } else { // 1 seul edge : traitement particulier Standard_Real fpar = IntPar(FirstCurve, myFirstPnt); Standard_Real lpar = IntPar(FirstCurve, myLastPnt); Handle(Geom_Curve) c; if(fpar > lpar) c = Handle(Geom_Curve)::DownCast(FirstCurve->Reversed()); else c = FirstCurve; BRepLib_MakeEdge ef(c, myFirstPnt, myLastPnt); WW.Add(ef); } BRepLib_MakeFace f(myPln->Pln(), WW, Standard_True); TopoDS_Face fac = TopoDS::Face(f.Shape()); if (!BRepAlgo::IsValid(fac)) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Invalid Face" << endl; #endif ProfileOK = Standard_False; return ProfileOK; } if(Concavite != 3) { // Si concave : fac est OK Prof = fac; } else { // Si non concave // CheckPnt : point legerement a l'interieur cote matiere // Bndface : face/coupe de la boite englobante dans le plen du profil BRepTopAdaptor_FClass2d Cl(fac, BRep_Tool::Tolerance(fac)); Standard_Real u, v; ElSLib::Parameters(myPln->Pln(), CheckPnt, u, v); gp_Pnt2d checkpnt2d(u, v); if(Cl.Perform(checkpnt2d, Standard_True) == TopAbs_OUT) { // Si fac n'est pas le bon morceau de BndFace on prend le complementaire //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:46:20 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut c(BndFace, fac); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut c(BndFace, fac); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:46:23 2002 t TopExp_Explorer exp(c.Shape(), TopAbs_WIRE); const TopoDS_Wire& w = TopoDS::Wire(exp.Current()); BRepLib_MakeFace ffx(w);//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 17:10:43 2002 ffx/ff Prof = TopoDS::Face(ffx.Shape()); } else { // Si fac est le bon morceau de BndFace : fac est OK Prof = fac; } } if (!BRepAlgo::IsValid(Prof)) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Invalid Face Profile" << endl; #endif ProfileOK = Standard_False; return ProfileOK; } return ProfileOK; } //======================================================================= //function : NoSlidingProfile //purpose : construction de la face profil en cas de glissement //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean BRepFeat_RibSlot::NoSlidingProfile(TopoDS_Face& Prof, const Standard_Boolean RevolRib, const Standard_Real myTol, Standard_Integer& Concavite, const Handle(Geom_Plane)& myPln, const Standard_Real bnd, const TopoDS_Face& BndFace, const gp_Pnt& CheckPnt, const TopoDS_Face& ,//FirstFace, const TopoDS_Face& ,//LastFace, const TopoDS_Vertex& ,//FirstVertex, const TopoDS_Vertex& ,//LastVertex, const TopoDS_Edge& FirstEdge, const TopoDS_Edge& LastEdge, const Standard_Boolean OnFirstFace, const Standard_Boolean OnLastFace) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_RibSlot::NoSlidingProfile" << endl; #endif Standard_Boolean ProfileOK = Standard_True; Standard_Real l1, f1, f2, l2;//, p; TopoDS_Vertex theFV; theFV.Nullify(); gp_Pnt theFirstpoint; TopoDS_Edge theLastEdge; theLastEdge.Nullify(); gp_Pnt firstpoint, lastpoint;//, pp1, pp2; gp_Vec firstvect, lastvect; TopoDS_Wire w; BRep_Builder BB; BB.MakeWire(w); //gp_Pnt p1, p3; TopoDS_Edge FalseFirstEdge, FalseLastEdge, FalseOnlyOne; Handle(Geom_Curve) FirstCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(FirstEdge, f1, l1); Handle(Geom_Curve) LastCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(LastEdge, f2, l2); Handle(Geom_Line) firstln, lastln; FirstCurve->D1(f1, firstpoint, firstvect); lastln = new Geom_Line(firstpoint, -firstvect); LastCurve->D1(l2, lastpoint, lastvect); firstln = new Geom_Line(lastpoint, lastvect); gp_Pnt Pt; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) ln2d1 = GeomAPI::To2d(firstln, myPln->Pln()); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) ln2d2 = GeomAPI::To2d(lastln, myPln->Pln()); Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve inter(ln2d1, ln2d2, Precision::Confusion()); Standard_Boolean TestOK = Standard_True; if (RevolRib) { gp_Dir d1, d2; d1 = firstln->Position().Direction(); d2 = lastln->Position().Direction(); if(d1.IsOpposite(d2, myTol)) { Standard_Real par1 = ElCLib::Parameter(firstln->Lin(), myFirstPnt); Standard_Real par2 = ElCLib::Parameter(lastln->Lin(), myLastPnt); if(par1 >= myTol || par2 >= myTol) Concavite = 2; //paralelle et concave } if(d1.IsEqual(d2, myTol)) { if(Concavite == 3) TestOK = Standard_False; } } if(TestOK) { if(inter.NbPoints() > 0) { gp_Pnt2d P = inter.Point(1); myPln->D0(P.X(), P.Y(), Pt); Standard_Real par = IntPar(firstln, Pt); if(par>0) Concavite = 1; //concave } } // ---Construction de la face profil if(Concavite == 3) { if(OnFirstFace) { Standard_Real f, l; FalseFirstEdge = FirstEdge; EdgeExtention(FalseFirstEdge, bnd, Standard_True); const TopoDS_Vertex& vv1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(FalseFirstEdge,Standard_True); firstpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(vv1); Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(FalseFirstEdge, f, l); cc->D1(f, firstpoint, firstvect); lastln = new Geom_Line(firstpoint, -firstvect); if(FirstEdge.IsSame(LastEdge)) FalseOnlyOne = FalseFirstEdge; ln2d2 = GeomAPI::To2d(lastln, myPln->Pln()); } if(OnLastFace) { Standard_Real f, l; if(!FirstEdge.IsSame(LastEdge)) { FalseLastEdge = LastEdge; } else { if(FalseOnlyOne.IsNull()) FalseOnlyOne = LastEdge; FalseLastEdge = FalseOnlyOne; } EdgeExtention(FalseLastEdge, bnd, Standard_False); if(FirstEdge.IsSame(LastEdge)) { FalseOnlyOne = FalseLastEdge; } const TopoDS_Vertex& vv2 = TopExp::LastVertex(FalseLastEdge,Standard_True); lastpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(vv2); Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(FalseLastEdge, f, l); cc->D1(l, lastpoint, lastvect); lastpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(vv2); firstln = new Geom_Line(lastpoint, lastvect); ln2d1 = GeomAPI::To2d(firstln, myPln->Pln()); } TopoDS_Edge BndEdge1, BndEdge2; gp_Pnt BndPnt1, BndPnt2, LastPnt; TopExp_Explorer expl; expl.Init(BndFace, TopAbs_WIRE); BRepTools_WireExplorer explo; TopoDS_Wire BndWire = TopoDS::Wire(expl.Current()); explo.Init(BndWire); for(; explo.More(); explo.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(explo.Current()); Standard_Real first, last; Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(e, first, last); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) c2d = GeomAPI::To2d(c, myPln->Pln()); Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve intcln1(ln2d1, c2d, Precision::Confusion()); if(intcln1.NbPoints() > 0) { gp_Pnt2d p2d = intcln1.Point(1); gp_Pnt p; myPln->D0(p2d.X(), p2d.Y(), p); Standard_Real parl = IntPar(firstln, p); Standard_Real parc = IntPar(c, p); if(parc >= first && parc <= last && parl >= 0) { BndEdge1 = e; BndPnt1 = p; } } Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve intcln2(ln2d2, c2d, Precision::Confusion()); if(intcln2.NbPoints() > 0) { gp_Pnt2d p2d = intcln2.Point(1); gp_Pnt p; myPln->D0(p2d.X(), p2d.Y(), p); Standard_Real parl = IntPar(lastln, p); Standard_Real parc = IntPar(c, p); if(parc >= first && parc <= last && parl >= 0) { BndEdge2 = e; BndPnt2 = p; } } if(!BndEdge1.IsNull() && !BndEdge2.IsNull()) break; } if(BndEdge1.IsNull() || BndEdge2.IsNull()) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Null bounding edge" << endl; #endif ProfileOK = Standard_False; return ProfileOK; } TopoDS_Edge ee1; if(theLastEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeEdge e1(lastpoint, BndPnt1); ee1 = TopoDS::Edge(e1.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(BndPnt1); BRepLib_MakeEdge e1(v1, v2); ee1 = TopoDS::Edge(e1.Shape()); } BB.Add(w, ee1); theLastEdge = ee1; if(theFV.IsNull()) { theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(ee1,Standard_True); theFirstpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(theFV); } if(BndEdge1.IsSame(BndEdge2)) { TopoDS_Edge ee2, ee3; if(theLastEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeEdge e2(BndPnt1, BndPnt2); ee2 = TopoDS::Edge(e2.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(BndPnt2); BRepLib_MakeEdge e2(v1, v2); ee2 = TopoDS::Edge(e2.Shape()); } BB.Add(w, ee2); theLastEdge = ee2; if(theFV.IsNull()) { theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(ee2,Standard_True); theFirstpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(theFV); } if(theLastEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeEdge e3(BndPnt2, firstpoint); ee3 = TopoDS::Edge(e3.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(firstpoint); BRepLib_MakeEdge e3(v1, v2); ee3 = TopoDS::Edge(e3.Shape()); } BB.Add(w, ee3); theLastEdge = ee3; if(theFV.IsNull()) { theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(ee3,Standard_True); theFirstpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(theFV); } } else { explo.Init(BndWire); for(; explo.More(); explo.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(explo.Current()); if(e.IsSame(BndEdge1)) { gp_Pnt pp; pp = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(e,Standard_True)); if(pp.Distance(BndPnt1) > BRep_Tool::Tolerance(e)) { LastPnt = pp; } TopoDS_Edge eee; if(theLastEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeEdge e2(BndPnt1, LastPnt); eee = TopoDS::Edge(e2.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(LastPnt); BRepLib_MakeEdge e2(v1, v2); eee = TopoDS::Edge(e2.Shape()); } BB.Add(w, eee); theLastEdge = eee; if(theFV.IsNull()) { theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(eee,Standard_True); theFirstpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(theFV); } break; } } if(explo.More()) { explo.Next(); if(explo.Current().IsNull()) explo.Init(BndWire); } else explo.Init(BndWire); Standard_Boolean Fin = Standard_False; while(!Fin) { const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(explo.Current()); if(!e.IsSame(BndEdge2)) { gp_Pnt pp; pp = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(e,Standard_True)); TopoDS_Edge eee1; if(theLastEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeEdge ee(LastPnt, pp); eee1 = TopoDS::Edge(ee.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(pp); BRepLib_MakeEdge ee(v1, v2); eee1 = TopoDS::Edge(ee.Shape()); } BB.Add(w, eee1); theLastEdge = eee1; if(theFV.IsNull()) { theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(eee1,Standard_True); theFirstpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(theFV); } LastPnt = pp; } else { Fin = Standard_True; TopoDS_Edge eee2; if(theLastEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeEdge ee(LastPnt, BndPnt2); eee2 = TopoDS::Edge(ee.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(BndPnt2); BRepLib_MakeEdge ee(v1, v2); eee2 = TopoDS::Edge(ee.Shape()); } BB.Add(w, eee2); theLastEdge = eee2; if(theFV.IsNull()) { theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(eee2,Standard_True); theFirstpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(theFV); } LastPnt = BndPnt2; } if(explo.More()) { explo.Next(); if(explo.Current().IsNull()) { explo.Init(BndWire); } } else explo.Init(BndWire); } TopoDS_Edge eee3; if(theLastEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeEdge e3(BndPnt2, firstpoint); eee3 = TopoDS::Edge(e3.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(firstpoint); BRepLib_MakeEdge e3(v1, v2); eee3 = TopoDS::Edge(e3.Shape()); } BB.Add(w, eee3); theLastEdge = eee3; if(theFV.IsNull()) { theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(eee3,Standard_True); theFirstpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(theFV); } } } if(Concavite == 1) { TopoDS_Edge eee4; if(theLastEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeEdge e(Pt, firstpoint); eee4 = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(firstpoint); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(v1, v2); eee4 = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } BB.Add(w, eee4); if(theFV.IsNull()) { theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(eee4,Standard_True); theFirstpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(theFV); } theLastEdge = eee4; } if(FirstEdge.IsSame(LastEdge)) { if(!myLFMap.IsBound(FirstEdge)) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist; myLFMap.Bind(FirstEdge, thelist); } if(OnFirstFace || OnLastFace) { TopoDS_Edge theEdge; Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(FalseOnlyOne, f, l); if(!theLastEdge.IsNull()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); TopoDS_Vertex v2; const gp_Pnt& pp = BRep_Tool:: Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(FalseOnlyOne,Standard_True)); if(!theFV.IsNull() && theFirstpoint.Distance(pp) <= myTol) { v2 = theFV; } else v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(FalseOnlyOne,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); theEdge = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(FalseOnlyOne,Standard_True); TopoDS_Vertex v2; const gp_Pnt& pp = BRep_Tool:: Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(FalseOnlyOne,Standard_True)); if(!theFV.IsNull() && theFirstpoint.Distance(pp) <= myTol) { v2 = theFV; } else v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(FalseOnlyOne,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); theEdge = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } myLFMap(FirstEdge).Append(theEdge); BB.Add(w, theEdge); if(theFV.IsNull()) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(theEdge,Standard_True); theLastEdge = theEdge; } else { Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(FirstEdge, f, l); TopoDS_Edge theEdge; if(!theLastEdge.IsNull()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); TopoDS_Vertex v2; // Attention cas Wire Reversed -> LastVertex sans Standard_True const gp_Pnt& pp = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(FirstEdge)); if(!theFV.IsNull() && theFirstpoint.Distance(pp) <= myTol) { v2 = theFV; } else v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(FirstEdge); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); theEdge = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(FirstEdge,Standard_True); TopoDS_Vertex v2; const gp_Pnt& pp = BRep_Tool:: Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(FirstEdge,Standard_True)); if(!theFV.IsNull() && theFirstpoint.Distance(pp) <= myTol) { v2 = theFV; } else v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(FirstEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); theEdge = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } myLFMap(FirstEdge).Append(theEdge); BB.Add(w, theEdge); if(theFV.IsNull()) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(theEdge,Standard_True); theLastEdge = theEdge; } } else { if(!myLFMap.IsBound(FirstEdge)) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist1; myLFMap.Bind(FirstEdge, thelist1); } if(!OnFirstFace) { TopoDS_Edge theEdge; Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(FirstEdge, f, l); if(!theLastEdge.IsNull()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); const TopoDS_Vertex& v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(FirstEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); theEdge = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { theEdge = FirstEdge; } myLFMap(FirstEdge).Append(theEdge); BB.Add(w, theEdge); if(theFV.IsNull()) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(theEdge,Standard_True); theLastEdge = theEdge; } else { TopoDS_Edge theEdge; Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(FalseFirstEdge, f, l); if(!theLastEdge.IsNull()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); const TopoDS_Vertex& v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(FalseFirstEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); theEdge = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { theEdge = FalseFirstEdge; } myLFMap(FirstEdge).Append(theEdge); BB.Add(w, theEdge); if(theFV.IsNull()) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(theEdge,Standard_True); theLastEdge = theEdge; } BRepTools_WireExplorer ex(myWire); for(; ex.More(); ex.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = ex.Current(); if(E.IsSame(FirstEdge)) break; } ex.Next(); for(; ex.More(); ex.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = ex.Current(); if(!E.IsSame(LastEdge)) { if(!myLFMap.IsBound(E)) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist2; myLFMap.Bind(E, thelist2); } TopoDS_Edge eee; Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, f, l); if(!theLastEdge.IsNull()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); const TopoDS_Vertex& v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(E,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); eee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { eee = E; } myLFMap(E).Append(eee); BB.Add(w, eee); if(theFV.IsNull()) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(eee,Standard_True); theLastEdge = eee; } else break; } if(!OnLastFace) { if(!FirstEdge.IsSame(LastEdge)) { const TopoDS_Edge& edg = TopoDS::Edge(ex.Current()); if(!myLFMap.IsBound(edg)) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist3; myLFMap.Bind(edg, thelist3); } TopoDS_Edge eee; Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(edg, f, l); if(!theLastEdge.IsNull()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); TopoDS_Vertex v2; const gp_Pnt& pp = BRep_Tool:: Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(edg,Standard_True)); if(!theFV.IsNull() && theFirstpoint.Distance(pp) <= myTol) { v2 = theFV; } else v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(edg,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); eee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(edg,Standard_True); TopoDS_Vertex v2; const gp_Pnt& pp = BRep_Tool:: Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(edg,Standard_True)); if(!theFV.IsNull() && theFirstpoint.Distance(pp) <= myTol) { v2 = theFV; } else v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(edg,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); eee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } myLFMap(edg).Append(eee); BB.Add(w, eee); if(theFV.IsNull()) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(eee,Standard_True); theLastEdge = eee; } else { TopoDS_Edge eee; Standard_Real f, l; if(!myLFMap.IsBound(LastEdge)) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist4; myLFMap.Bind(LastEdge, thelist4); } Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(FalseOnlyOne, f, l); if(!theLastEdge.IsNull()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); TopoDS_Vertex v2; const gp_Pnt& pp = BRep_Tool:: Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(FalseOnlyOne,Standard_True)); if(!theFV.IsNull() && theFirstpoint.Distance(pp) <= myTol) { v2 = theFV; } else v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(FalseOnlyOne,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); eee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(FalseOnlyOne,Standard_True); TopoDS_Vertex v2; const gp_Pnt& pp = BRep_Tool:: Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(FalseOnlyOne,Standard_True)); if(!theFV.IsNull() && theFirstpoint.Distance(pp) <= myTol) { v2 = theFV; } else v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(FalseOnlyOne,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); eee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } myLFMap(LastEdge).Append(eee); BB.Add(w, eee); if(theFV.IsNull()) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(eee,Standard_True); theLastEdge = eee; } } else { TopoDS_Edge eee; Standard_Real f, l; if(!myLFMap.IsBound(LastEdge)) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist5; myLFMap.Bind(LastEdge, thelist5); } Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(FalseLastEdge, f, l); if(!theLastEdge.IsNull()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); TopoDS_Vertex v2; const gp_Pnt& pp = BRep_Tool:: Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(FalseLastEdge,Standard_True)); if(!theFV.IsNull() && theFirstpoint.Distance(pp) <= myTol) { v2 = theFV; } else v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(FalseLastEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); eee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(FalseLastEdge,Standard_True); TopoDS_Vertex v2; const gp_Pnt& pp = BRep_Tool:: Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(FalseLastEdge,Standard_True)); if(!theFV.IsNull() && theFirstpoint.Distance(pp) <= myTol) { v2 = theFV; } else v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(FalseLastEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); eee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } myLFMap(LastEdge).Append(eee); BB.Add(w, eee); if(theFV.IsNull()) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(eee,Standard_True); theLastEdge = eee; } } if(Concavite == 1) { TopoDS_Edge eef; if(theLastEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeEdge ef(lastpoint, Pt); eef = TopoDS::Edge(ef.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(theLastEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeVertex vv(Pt); TopoDS_Vertex v2 = TopoDS::Vertex(vv.Shape()); if(!theFV.IsNull() && Pt.Distance(theFirstpoint) <= myTol) v2 = theFV; BRepLib_MakeEdge ef(v1, v2); eef = TopoDS::Edge(ef.Shape()); } BB.Add(w, eef); if(theFV.IsNull()) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(eef,Standard_True); theLastEdge = eef; } if(Concavite == 2) { BRepLib_MakeEdge ee(lastpoint, firstpoint); const TopoDS_Edge& e = ee.Edge(); BB.Add(w, e); } BRepLib_MakeFace fa(myPln->Pln(), w, Standard_True); TopoDS_Face fac = TopoDS::Face(fa.Shape()); if (!BRepAlgo::IsValid(fac)) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Invalid Face" << endl; #endif ProfileOK = Standard_False; return ProfileOK; } // if(!Concavite) { if(Concavite == 3) { BRepTopAdaptor_FClass2d Cl(fac, BRep_Tool::Tolerance(fac)); Standard_Real u, v; ElSLib::Parameters(myPln->Pln(), CheckPnt, u, v); gp_Pnt2d checkpnt2d(u, v); if(Cl.Perform(checkpnt2d, Standard_True) == TopAbs_OUT) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:47:06 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut c(BndFace, fac); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut c(BndFace, fac); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:47:09 2002 t TopExp_Explorer exp(c.Shape(), TopAbs_WIRE); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:47:23 2002 f //UpdateDescendants(c.Builder(), c.Shape(), Standard_False); UpdateDescendants(c, c.Shape(), Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:47:28 2002 t const TopoDS_Wire& ww = TopoDS::Wire(exp.Current());//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 17:10:16 2002 ww/w BRepLib_MakeFace ff(ww); Prof = TopoDS::Face(ff.Shape()); } else { Prof = fac; } } else { Prof = fac; } if (!BRepAlgo::IsValid(Prof)) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Invalid Face Profile" << endl; #endif ProfileOK = Standard_False; return ProfileOK; } return ProfileOK; } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 18:43:18 2002 f //======================================================================= //function : UpdateDescendants //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_RibSlot::UpdateDescendants(const BRepAlgoAPI_BooleanOperation& aBOP, const TopoDS_Shape& S, const Standard_Boolean SkipFace) { TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape itdm; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it,it2; TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape itm; TopExp_Explorer exp; for (itdm.Initialize(myMap);itdm.More();itdm.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& orig = itdm.Key(); if (SkipFace && orig.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) { continue; } TopTools_MapOfShape newdsc; //if (itdm.Value().IsEmpty()) {myMap.ChangeFind(orig).Append(orig);} for (it.Initialize(itdm.Value());it.More();it.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& sh = it.Value(); if(sh.ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE) continue; const TopoDS_Face& fdsc = TopoDS::Face(it.Value()); for (exp.Init(S,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { if (exp.Current().IsSame(fdsc)) { // preserved newdsc.Add(fdsc); break; } } if (!exp.More()) { BRepAlgoAPI_BooleanOperation* pBOP=(BRepAlgoAPI_BooleanOperation*)&aBOP; const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLM=pBOP->Modified(fdsc); it2.Initialize(aLM); for (; it2.More(); it2.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aS=it2.Value(); newdsc.Add(aS); } } } myMap.ChangeFind(orig).Clear(); for (itm.Initialize(newdsc); itm.More(); itm.Next()) { // on verifie l`appartenance au shape... for (exp.Init(S,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { if (exp.Current().IsSame(itm.Key())) { // const TopoDS_Shape& sh = itm.Key(); myMap.ChangeFind(orig).Append(itm.Key()); break; } } } } } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 18:43:36 2002 t //======================================================================= //function : UpdateDescendants //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_RibSlot::UpdateDescendants(const Handle(BOP_HistoryCollector)& aBOP, const TopoDS_Shape& S, const Standard_Boolean SkipFace) { TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape itdm; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it,it2; TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape itm; TopExp_Explorer exp; for (itdm.Initialize(myMap);itdm.More();itdm.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& orig = itdm.Key(); if (SkipFace && orig.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) { continue; } TopTools_MapOfShape newdsc; //if (itdm.Value().IsEmpty()) {myMap.ChangeFind(orig).Append(orig);} for (it.Initialize(itdm.Value());it.More();it.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& sh = it.Value(); if(sh.ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE) continue; const TopoDS_Face& fdsc = TopoDS::Face(it.Value()); for (exp.Init(S,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { if (exp.Current().IsSame(fdsc)) { // preserved newdsc.Add(fdsc); break; } } if (!exp.More()) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLM=aBOP->Modified(fdsc); it2.Initialize(aLM); for (; it2.More(); it2.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aS=it2.Value(); newdsc.Add(aS); } } } myMap.ChangeFind(orig).Clear(); for (itm.Initialize(newdsc); itm.More(); itm.Next()) { // on verifie l`appartenance au shape... for (exp.Init(S,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { if (exp.Current().IsSame(itm.Key())) { // const TopoDS_Shape& sh = itm.Key(); myMap.ChangeFind(orig).Append(itm.Key()); break; } } } } }