-- File: BRepFeat_MakeRevol.cdl -- Created: Tue Feb 13 14:24:53 1996 -- Author: Jacques GOUSSARD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1996 class MakeRevol from BRepFeat inherits Form from BRepFeat ---Purpose: Describes functions to build revolved shells from basis shapes. uses Shape from TopoDS, Face from TopoDS, Edge from TopoDS, DataMapOfShapeListOfShape from TopTools, Ax1 from gp, DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools, SequenceOfCurve from TColGeom, Curve from Geom, SequenceOfCurve from TColGeom, StatusError from BRepFeat raises ConstructionError from Standard is Create returns MakeRevol from BRepFeat; ---Purpose: initializes the revolved shell class. ---C++: inline Create(Sbase : Shape from TopoDS; Pbase : Shape from TopoDS; Skface : Face from TopoDS; Axis : Ax1 from gp; Fuse : Integer from Standard; Modify : Boolean from Standard) ---Purpose: a face Pbase is selected in the -- shape Sbase to serve as the basis for the -- revolved shell. The revolution will be defined -- by the axis Axis and Fuse offers a choice between: -- - removing matter with a Boolean cut using the setting 0 -- - adding matter with Boolean fusion using the setting 1. -- The sketch face Skface serves to determine -- the type of operation. If it is inside the basis -- shape, a local operation such as glueing can be performed. ---C++: inline returns MakeRevol from BRepFeat; Init(me: in out; Sbase : Shape from TopoDS; Pbase : Shape from TopoDS; Skface : Face from TopoDS; Axis : Ax1 from gp; Fuse : Integer from Standard; Modify : Boolean from Standard) is static; Add(me: in out; E: Edge from TopoDS; OnFace: Face from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Indicates that the edge will slide on the face -- . Raises ConstructionError if the face does not belong to the -- basis shape, or the edge to the prismed shape. raises ConstructionError from Standard is static; Perform(me: in out; Angle: Real from Standard) is static; Perform(me: in out; Until: Shape from TopoDS) is static; Perform(me: in out; From : Shape from TopoDS; Until: Shape from TopoDS) is static; ---Purpose: Reconstructs the feature topologically. PerformThruAll(me: in out) is static; ---Purpose: Builds an infinite shell. The infinite descendants -- will not be kept in the result. PerformUntilAngle(me: in out; Until : Shape from TopoDS; Angle : Real from Standard) is static; ---Purpose: Assigns both a limiting shape, Until from -- TopoDS_Shape, and an angle, Angle at -- which to stop generation of the revolved shell feature. Curves(me: in out; S : in out SequenceOfCurve from TColGeom); BarycCurve(me: in out) returns Curve from Geom; fields myPbase : Shape from TopoDS; mySlface : DataMapOfShapeListOfShape from TopTools; myAxis : Ax1 from gp; myCurves : SequenceOfCurve from TColGeom; myBCurve : Curve from Geom; myStatusError : StatusError from BRepFeat; end MakeRevol;