// File: BRepFeat_MakeLinearForm.cxx // Created: Mon Apr 14 13:34:46 1997 // Author: Olga KOULECHOVA // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:51:33 2002 f //#include //#include #include #include //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:51:35 2002 t #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #ifdef DEB Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean BRepFeat_GettraceFEATRIB(); #endif static void MajMap(const TopoDS_Shape&, // base const LocOpe_LinearForm&, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape&, // myMap TopoDS_Shape&, // myFShape TopoDS_Shape&); // myLShape static void SetGluedFaces(const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& theSlmap, LocOpe_LinearForm&, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape&); //======================================================================= //function : Init //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeLinearForm::Init(const TopoDS_Shape& Sbase, const TopoDS_Wire& W, const Handle(Geom_Plane)& Plane, const gp_Vec& Direc, const gp_Vec& Direc1, const Standard_Integer Mode, const Standard_Boolean Modify) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeLinearForm::Init" << endl; #endif Standard_Boolean RevolRib = Standard_False; Done(); myGenerated.Clear(); // modify = 0 si on ne veut pas faire de glissement // = 1 si on veut essayer de faire un glissement Standard_Boolean Sliding = Modify; myLFMap.Clear(); myShape.Nullify(); myMap.Clear(); myFShape.Nullify(); myLShape.Nullify(); mySbase = Sbase; mySkface.Nullify(); myPbase.Nullify(); myGShape.Nullify(); mySUntil.Nullify(); myListOfEdges.Clear(); mySlface.Clear(); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = W.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD); myWire = TopoDS::Wire(aLocalShape); // myWire = TopoDS::Wire(W.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); myDir = Direc; myDir1 = Direc1; myPln = Plane; if(Mode == 0) myFuse = Standard_False; else // if(Mode == 1) myFuse = Standard_True; #ifdef DEB if (trc) { if (myFuse) cout << " Fuse" << endl; if (!myFuse) cout << " Cut" << endl; } #endif // ---Determination Tolerance : tolerance max sur les parametres myTol = Precision::Confusion(); TopExp_Explorer exx; exx.Init(myWire, TopAbs_VERTEX); for(; exx.More(); exx.Next()) { const Standard_Real& tol = BRep_Tool:: Tolerance(TopoDS::Vertex(exx.Current())); if(tol > myTol) myTol = tol; } exx.Init(Sbase, TopAbs_VERTEX); for(; exx.More(); exx.Next()) { const Standard_Real& tol = BRep_Tool:: Tolerance(TopoDS::Vertex(exx.Current())); if(tol > myTol) myTol = tol; } // ---Controle des directions // le wire doit etre dans la nervure gp_Vec nulldir(0, 0, 0); if(!myDir1.IsEqual(nulldir, myTol, myTol)) { Standard_Real ang = myDir1.Angle(myDir); if(ang != PI) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Directions must be opposite" << endl; #endif myStatusError = BRepFeat_BadDirect; NotDone(); return; } } else { // Rib is centre in the middle of translation #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Rib is centre" << endl; #endif const gp_Vec& DirTranslation = (Direc + Direc1) * 0.5; gp_Trsf T; T.SetTranslation(DirTranslation); BRepBuilderAPI_Transform trf(T); trf.Perform(myWire); myWire = TopoDS::Wire(trf.Shape()); myDir = Direc - DirTranslation; myDir1 = Direc1 - DirTranslation; myPln->Transform(T); } // ---Calcul boite englobante BRep_Builder BB; TopTools_ListOfShape theList; TopoDS_Shape U; U.Nullify(); gp_Pnt FirstCorner, LastCorner; Standard_Real bnd = HeightMax(mySbase, U, FirstCorner, LastCorner); myBnd = bnd; BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox Bndbox(FirstCorner, LastCorner); TopoDS_Solid BndBox = Bndbox.Solid(); // ---Construction de la face plan de travail (section boite englobante) BRepLib_MakeFace PlaneF(myPln->Pln(), -6.*myBnd, 6.*myBnd, -6.*myBnd, 6.*myBnd); TopoDS_Face PlaneFace = TopoDS::Face(PlaneF.Shape()); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:49:28 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Common PlaneS(BndBox, PlaneFace); BRepAlgoAPI_Common PlaneS(BndBox, PlaneFace); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:49:39 2002 t TopExp_Explorer EXP; TopoDS_Shape PlaneSect = PlaneS.Shape(); EXP.Init(PlaneSect, TopAbs_WIRE); TopoDS_Wire www = TopoDS::Wire(EXP.Current()); BRepLib_MakeFace Bndface(myPln->Pln(), www, Standard_True); TopoDS_Face BndFace = TopoDS::Face(Bndface.Shape()); // ---Recherche des faces d'appui de la nervure TopoDS_Edge FirstEdge, LastEdge; TopoDS_Face FirstFace, LastFace; TopoDS_Vertex FirstVertex, LastVertex; Standard_Boolean OnFirstFace = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean OnLastFace = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean PtOnFirstEdge = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean PtOnLastEdge = Standard_False; TopoDS_Edge OnFirstEdge, OnLastEdge; OnFirstEdge.Nullify(); OnLastEdge.Nullify(); Standard_Boolean Data = ExtremeFaces(RevolRib, myBnd, myPln, FirstEdge, LastEdge, FirstFace, LastFace, FirstVertex, LastVertex, OnFirstFace, OnLastFace, PtOnFirstEdge, PtOnLastEdge, OnFirstEdge, OnLastEdge); if(!Data) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " No Extreme faces" << endl; #endif myStatusError = BRepFeat_NoExtFace; NotDone(); return; } // ---Point detrompeur pour le cote du wire a remplir - cote matiere gp_Pnt CheckPnt = CheckPoint(FirstEdge, bnd/10., myPln); // Standard_Real f, l; // ---Controle glissement valable // Plein de cas ou on sort du glissement Standard_Integer Concavite = 3; // a priori le profile n'est pas concave myFirstPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(FirstVertex); myLastPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(LastVertex); // SliList : liste des faces concernees par la nervure TopTools_ListOfShape SliList; SliList.Append(FirstFace); if(Sliding) { // glissement #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Sliding" << endl; #endif Standard_Boolean Sliding = Standard_False; Handle(Geom_Surface) s = BRep_Tool::Surface(FirstFace); if (s->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface)) { s = Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface):: DownCast(s)->BasisSurface(); } if(s->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Plane) || s->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_CylindricalSurface)) { // si plan ou cylindre : glissement possible Sliding = Standard_True; } } // Controle uniquement points de depart et d'arrivee // -> pas de controle au milieu - a ameliorer // Si on faisait un controle entre Surface et sgement entre les 2 points limite // -> tres cher - a ameliorer if(Sliding) { gp_Pnt p1(myFirstPnt.X()+myDir.X(),myFirstPnt.Y()+myDir.Y(), myFirstPnt.Z()+myDir.Z()); BRepLib_MakeEdge ee1(myFirstPnt, p1); BRepExtrema_ExtCF ext1(ee1, FirstFace); if(ext1.NbExt() == 1 && ext1.SquareDistance(1)<=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(FirstFace) * BRep_Tool::Tolerance(FirstFace)) { gp_Pnt p2(myLastPnt.X()+myDir.X(),myLastPnt.Y()+myDir.Y(), myLastPnt.Z()+myDir.Z()); BRepLib_MakeEdge ee2(myLastPnt, p2); BRepExtrema_ExtCF ext2(ee2, LastFace); // ExtCF : courbes et surfaces if(ext2.NbExt() == 1 && ext2.SquareDistance(1)<=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(LastFace) * BRep_Tool::Tolerance(LastFace)) { Sliding = Standard_True; } else { Sliding = Standard_False; } } else { Sliding = Standard_False; } } if(!myDir1.IsEqual(nulldir, Precision::Confusion(), Precision::Confusion())) { if(Sliding) { gp_Pnt p1(myFirstPnt.X()+myDir1.X(),myFirstPnt.Y()+myDir1.Y(), myFirstPnt.Z()+myDir1.Z()); BRepLib_MakeEdge ee1(myFirstPnt, p1); BRepExtrema_ExtCF ext1(ee1, FirstFace); if(ext1.NbExt() == 1 && ext1.SquareDistance(1)<=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(FirstFace) * BRep_Tool::Tolerance(FirstFace)) { gp_Pnt p2(myLastPnt.X()+myDir1.X(),myLastPnt.Y()+myDir1.Y(), myLastPnt.Z()+myDir1.Z()); BRepLib_MakeEdge ee2(myLastPnt, p2); BRepExtrema_ExtCF ext2(ee2, LastFace); if(ext2.NbExt() == 1 && ext2.SquareDistance(1)<=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(LastFace) * BRep_Tool::Tolerance(LastFace)) { Sliding = Standard_True; } else { Sliding = Standard_False; } } else { Sliding = Standard_False; } } } // On construit un gros profil qui va jusqu`a la boite englobante // -> par tangence avec premier et dernier edge du Wire // -> par normales aux faces d'appui : statistiquement meilleur // On intersecte le tout pour trouver le profil final // ---cas de glissement : construction de la face profil if(Sliding) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " still Sliding" << endl; #endif TopoDS_Face Prof; Standard_Boolean ProfileOK; ProfileOK = SlidingProfile(Prof,RevolRib,myTol,Concavite,myPln,BndFace,CheckPnt, FirstFace,LastFace,FirstVertex,LastVertex, FirstEdge,LastEdge); if (!ProfileOK) { #ifdef DEB cout << "Not computable" << endl; if (trc) cout << "Face profile not computable" << endl; #endif myStatusError = BRepFeat_NoFaceProf; NotDone(); return; } // ---Propagation sur les faces du shape initial // pour trouver les faces concernees par la nervure Standard_Boolean falseside = Standard_True; Sliding = Propagate(SliList, Prof, myFirstPnt, myLastPnt, falseside); // Controle si on a ce qu`il faut pour avoir la matiere du bon cote if(falseside == Standard_False) { #ifdef DEB cout << "Verify plane and wire orientation" << endl; #endif myStatusError = BRepFeat_FalseSide; NotDone(); return; } } // ---Generation du profile de base de la nervure TopoDS_Wire w; BB.MakeWire(w); TopoDS_Edge thePreviousEdge; TopoDS_Vertex theFV; thePreviousEdge.Nullify(); // compteur du nombre d`edges pour remplir la map Standard_Integer counter = 1; // ---cas de glissement if(Sliding && !myListOfEdges.IsEmpty()) { BRepTools_WireExplorer EX1(myWire); for(; EX1.More(); EX1.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = EX1.Current(); if(!myLFMap.IsBound(E)) { TopTools_ListOfShape theTmpList; myLFMap.Bind(E, theTmpList ); } if(E.IsSame(FirstEdge)) { Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, f, l); cc = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(cc, f, l); gp_Pnt pt; if(!FirstEdge.IsSame(LastEdge)) { pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(E,Standard_True)); } else { pt = myLastPnt; Standard_Real fpar = IntPar(cc, myFirstPnt); Standard_Real lpar = IntPar(cc, pt); Handle(Geom_Curve) ccc; if(fpar > lpar) { ccc = Handle(Geom_Curve)::DownCast(cc->Reversed()); cc = ccc; } } TopoDS_Edge ee1; if(thePreviousEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeVertex v1(myFirstPnt); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(pt); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); ee1 = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(thePreviousEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(pt); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); ee1 = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = ee1.Oriented(E.Orientation()); ee1 = TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape); // ee1 = TopoDS::Edge(ee1.Oriented(E.Orientation())); if(counter == 1) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(ee1,Standard_True); myLFMap(E).Append(ee1); BB.Add(w, ee1); thePreviousEdge = ee1; counter++; EX1.Next(); break; } } // Cas plusieurs edges if(!FirstEdge.IsSame(LastEdge)) { for(; EX1.More(); EX1.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = EX1.Current(); if(!myLFMap.IsBound(E)) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist1; myLFMap.Bind(E, thelist1); } theList.Append(E); Standard_Real f, l; if(!E.IsSame(LastEdge)) { Handle(Geom_Curve) ccc = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, f, l); TopoDS_Vertex v1, v2; if(!thePreviousEdge.IsNull()) { v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(thePreviousEdge,Standard_True); v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(E,Standard_True); } else { // v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(E,Standard_True); v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(E,Standard_True); v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(E,Standard_True); } BRepLib_MakeEdge E1(ccc, v1, v2); TopoDS_Edge E11 = TopoDS::Edge(E1.Shape()); TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = E11.Oriented(E.Orientation()); E11 = TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape); // E11 = TopoDS::Edge(E11.Oriented(E.Orientation())); thePreviousEdge = E11; myLFMap(E).Append(E11); BB.Add(w, E11); if(counter == 1) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(E11,Standard_True); counter++; } else { Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) cc = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, f, l); gp_Pnt pf = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::FirstVertex(E,Standard_True)); gp_Pnt pl = myLastPnt; TopoDS_Edge ee; if(thePreviousEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, pf , pl); ee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(thePreviousEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(pl); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, v2); ee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = ee.Oriented(E.Orientation()); ee = TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape); // ee = TopoDS::Edge(ee.Oriented(E.Orientation())); BB.Add(w, ee); myLFMap(E).Append(ee); if(counter == 1) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(ee,Standard_True); thePreviousEdge = ee; counter++; break; } } } TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(myListOfEdges); Standard_Boolean FirstOK = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean LastOK = Standard_False; gp_Pnt theLastPnt = myLastPnt; Standard_Integer sens = 0; TopoDS_Edge theEdge, theLEdge, theFEdge; Standard_Integer counter1 = counter; TopTools_ListOfShape NewListOfEdges; NewListOfEdges.Clear(); while (!FirstOK) { const TopoDS_Edge& edg = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value()); gp_Pnt fp, lp; Standard_Real f, l; Handle(Geom_Curve) ccc = BRep_Tool::Curve(edg, f, l); Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) cc = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(ccc, f, l); if ( edg.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) cc->Reverse(); fp = cc->Value(cc->FirstParameter()); lp = cc->Value(cc->LastParameter()); Standard_Real dist = fp.Distance(theLastPnt); if(dist <= myTol) { sens = 1; LastOK = Standard_True; } else { dist = lp.Distance(theLastPnt); if(dist <= myTol) { sens = 2; LastOK = Standard_True; cc->Reverse(); } } Standard_Integer FirstFlag = 0; if(sens==1 && lp.Distance(myFirstPnt) <= myTol) { FirstOK = Standard_True; FirstFlag = 1; } else if(sens==2 && fp.Distance(myFirstPnt) <= myTol) { FirstOK = Standard_True; FirstFlag = 2; } if (LastOK) { TopoDS_Edge eeee; Standard_Real fpar = cc->FirstParameter(); Standard_Real lpar = cc->LastParameter(); if(!FirstOK) { if(thePreviousEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, fpar, lpar); eeee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(thePreviousEdge,Standard_True); BB.UpdateVertex(v1, dist); BRepLib_MakeVertex v2(cc->Value(lpar)); TopoDS_Vertex nv=v2.Vertex(); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, nv); eeee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } } else { if(thePreviousEdge.IsNull()) { BRepLib_MakeVertex v1(cc->Value(fpar)); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, theFV); eeee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } else { const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopExp::LastVertex(thePreviousEdge,Standard_True); BRepLib_MakeEdge e(cc, v1, theFV); eeee = TopoDS::Edge(e.Shape()); } } thePreviousEdge = eeee; BB.Add(w, eeee); if(counter == 1) theFV = TopExp::FirstVertex(eeee,Standard_True); counter1++; NewListOfEdges.Append(edg); theEdge = eeee; if(dist <= myTol) theFEdge = edg; theLastPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopExp::LastVertex(theEdge,Standard_True)); } if(FirstFlag == 1) { theLEdge = edg; } else if(FirstFlag == 2) { theLEdge = theEdge; } if(LastOK) { myListOfEdges.Remove(it); it.Initialize(myListOfEdges); LastOK = Standard_False; } else if(it.More()) it.Next(); else { Sliding = Standard_False; break; } sens = 0; } TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape SlidMap; SlidMap.Clear(); if(Sliding && counter1 > counter) { TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it; TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape itm; TopExp_Explorer EX2(w, TopAbs_EDGE); Standard_Integer ii = 0; for(; EX2.More(); EX2.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(EX2.Current()); ii++; if(ii >= counter && ii <= counter1) { it.Initialize(NewListOfEdges); Standard_Integer jj = 0; for(; it.More(); it.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& e2 = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value()); jj++; if(jj== (ii - counter +1)) { itm.Initialize(mySlface); for(; itm.More(); itm.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& fac = TopoDS::Face(itm.Key()); const TopTools_ListOfShape& ledg = itm.Value(); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itedg(ledg); //Standard_Integer iiii = 0; for(; itedg.More(); itedg.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& e1 = TopoDS::Edge(itedg.Value()); if(e1.IsSame(e2)){ if(!SlidMap.IsBound(fac)) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist2; SlidMap.Bind(fac, thelist2); } SlidMap(fac).Append(E); } } } } } } } } mySlface.Clear(); mySlface = SlidMap; } // ---Arguments de LocOpe_LinearForm : arguments du prism // glissement if(Sliding) { TopoDS_Face F; BB.MakeFace(F, myPln, myTol); BB.Add(F, w); // BRepLib_MakeFace F(myPln->Pln(),w, Standard_True); mySkface = F; myPbase = mySkface; mySUntil.Nullify(); } // ---Cas sans glissement : construction de la face profil if(!Sliding) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) { if (Modify) cout << " Sliding failure" << endl; cout << " no Sliding" << endl; } #endif TopoDS_Face Prof; Standard_Boolean ProfileOK; ProfileOK = NoSlidingProfile(Prof,RevolRib,myTol,Concavite,myPln, bnd,BndFace,CheckPnt, FirstFace,LastFace,FirstVertex,LastVertex, FirstEdge,LastEdge,OnFirstFace,OnLastFace); if (!ProfileOK) { #ifdef DEB cout << "Not computable" << endl; if (trc) cout << " Face profile not computable" << endl; #endif myStatusError = BRepFeat_NoFaceProf; NotDone(); return; } // ---Propagation sur les faces du shape initial // pour trouver les faces concernees par la nervure Standard_Boolean falseside = Standard_True; Propagate(SliList, Prof, myFirstPnt, myLastPnt, falseside); // Controle si on a ce qu`il faut pour avoir la matiere du bon cote if(falseside == Standard_False) { #ifdef DEB cout << "Verify plane and wire orientation" << endl; #endif myStatusError = BRepFeat_FalseSide; NotDone(); return; } mySlface.Clear(); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it; it.Initialize(SliList); TopoDS_Shape comp; BRep_Builder BB; BB.MakeShell(TopoDS::Shell(comp)); for(; it.More(); it.Next()) { BB.Add(comp, it.Value()); } mySUntil = comp; mySkface = Prof; myPbase = Prof; } mySliding = Sliding; TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init(mySbase,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist3; myMap.Bind(exp.Current(), thelist3); myMap(exp.Current()).Append(exp.Current()); } } //======================================================================= //function : Add //purpose : add des element de collage //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeLinearForm::Add(const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Face& F) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeLinearForm::Add" << endl; #endif if(mySlface.IsEmpty()) { TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init(mySbase,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { if (exp.Current().IsSame(F)) { break; } } if (!exp.More()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); } if (!mySlface.IsBound(F)) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist; mySlface.Bind(F, thelist); } TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itl(mySlface(F)); for (; itl.More();itl.Next()) { if (itl.Value().IsSame(E)) { break; } } if (!itl.More()) { mySlface(F).Append(E); } } } //======================================================================= //function : Perform //purpose : construction de nervure a partir d'un profile et du shape init //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeLinearForm::Perform() { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeLinearForm::Perform()" << endl; #endif if(mySbase.IsNull() || mySkface.IsNull() || myPbase.IsNull()) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Fields not initialized" << endl; #endif myStatusError = BRepFeat_NotInitialized; NotDone(); return; } gp_Vec nulldir(0, 0, 0); Standard_Real Length = myDir.Magnitude() + myDir1.Magnitude(); myGluedF.Clear(); if(!mySUntil.IsNull()) myPerfSelection = BRepFeat_SelectionU; else myPerfSelection = BRepFeat_NoSelection; gp_Dir dir(myDir); gp_Vec V = Length*dir; LocOpe_LinearForm theForm; if(myDir1.IsEqual(nulldir, Precision::Confusion(), Precision::Confusion())) theForm.Perform(myPbase, V, myFirstPnt, myLastPnt); else theForm.Perform(myPbase, V, myDir1, myFirstPnt, myLastPnt); TopoDS_Shape VraiForm = theForm.Shape(); // primitive de la nervure myFacesForDraft.Append(theForm.FirstShape()); myFacesForDraft.Append(theForm.LastShape()); MajMap(myPbase,theForm,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); // gestion de descendants TopExp_Explorer exx(myPbase, TopAbs_EDGE); for(; exx.More(); exx.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(exx.Current()); if(!myMap.IsBound(e)) { #ifdef DEB if (trc) cout << " Sliding face not in Base shape" << endl; #endif myStatusError = BRepFeat_IncSlidFace; NotDone(); return; } } myGShape = VraiForm; SetGluedFaces(mySlface, theForm, myGluedF); // gestion des faces de glissement if(!myGluedF.IsEmpty() && !mySUntil.IsNull()) { #ifdef DEB cout << "The case is not computable" << endl; if (trc) cout << " Glued faces not empty and Until shape not null" << endl; #endif myStatusError = BRepFeat_InvShape; NotDone(); return; } LFPerform(); /* TopExp_Explorer expr(mySbase, TopAbs_FACE); char nom1[20], nom2[20]; Standard_Integer ii = 0; for(; expr.More(); expr.Next()) { ii++; sprintf(nom1, "faceinitial_%d", ii); DBRep::Set(nom1, expr.Current()); Standard_Integer jj = 0; const TopTools_ListOfShape& list = Modified(expr.Current()); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ite(list); for(; ite.More(); ite.Next()) { jj++; sprintf(nom2, "facemodifie_%d_%d", ii, jj); DBRep::Set(nom2, ite.Value()); } } expr.Init(myWire, TopAbs_EDGE); ii=0; for(; expr.More(); expr.Next()) { ii++; sprintf(nom1, "edgeinitial_%d", ii); DBRep::Set(nom1, expr.Current()); Standard_Integer jj = 0; const TopTools_ListOfShape& genf = Generated(expr.Current()); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ite(genf); for(; ite.More(); ite.Next()) { jj++; sprintf(nom2, "egdegeneree_%d_%d", ii, jj); DBRep::Set(nom2, ite.Value()); } } */ } //======================================================================= //function : Propagate //purpose : propagation sur les faces du shape initial, recherche // des faces concernees par la nervure //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean BRepFeat_MakeLinearForm::Propagate(TopTools_ListOfShape& SliList, const TopoDS_Face& fac, const gp_Pnt& Firstpnt, const gp_Pnt& Lastpnt, Standard_Boolean& falseside) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEATRIB(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeLinearForm::Propagate" << endl; #endif gp_Pnt Firstpoint = Firstpnt; gp_Pnt Lastpoint = Lastpnt; Standard_Boolean result = Standard_True; TopoDS_Face CurrentFace, saveFace; CurrentFace = TopoDS::Face(SliList.First()); saveFace = CurrentFace; Standard_Boolean LastOK = Standard_False, FirstOK= Standard_False; Standard_Boolean v1OK = Standard_False, v2OK= Standard_False; TopoDS_Vertex v1, v2, v3, v4, ve1, ve2; //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:50:24 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Section sect (fac, CurrentFace, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Section sect (fac, CurrentFace, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:50:32 2002 t sect.Approximation(Standard_True); sect.Build(); TopExp_Explorer Ex; TopoDS_Edge eb, ec; gp_Pnt p1, p2; #ifndef DEB Standard_Real t1 = 0., t2 = 0.; #else Standard_Real t1, t2; #endif Standard_Boolean c1f, c2f, c1l, c2l; for (Ex.Init(sect.Shape(), TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) { ec = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current()); v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(ec,Standard_True); v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(ec,Standard_True); p1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v1); p2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v2); t1 = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(v1); t2 = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(v2); c1f = p1.Distance(Firstpoint)<=t1; c2f = p2.Distance(Firstpoint)<=t2; c1l = p1.Distance(Lastpoint)<=t1; c2l = p2.Distance(Lastpoint)<=t2; if (c1f || c2f || c1l|| c2l) { eb = ec; if (c1f || c1l) v1OK=Standard_True; if (c2f || c2l) v2OK=Standard_True; if (c1f || c2f) FirstOK=Standard_True; if (c1l || c2l) LastOK=Standard_True; break; } } if(eb.IsNull()) { falseside = Standard_False; return Standard_False; } TopTools_ListOfShape thelist; mySlface.Bind(CurrentFace, thelist); mySlface(CurrentFace).Append(eb); myListOfEdges.Clear(); myListOfEdges.Append(eb); // Les deux points sont sur la meme face. if(LastOK && FirstOK) { return result; } TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape mapedges; TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(mySbase, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, mapedges); TopExp_Explorer ex; TopoDS_Edge FirstEdge; BRep_Builder BB; TopoDS_Vertex Vprevious; gp_Pnt ptprev; Standard_Real dp; while (!(LastOK && FirstOK)) { if (v1OK) { Vprevious=v2; ptprev=p2; } else { Vprevious=v1; ptprev=p1; } // retrouver l'edge connexe a v1 ou v2: for (ex.Init(CurrentFace, TopAbs_EDGE); ex.More(); ex.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& rfe = TopoDS::Edge(ex.Current()); BRepExtrema_ExtPC projF(Vprevious, rfe); if(projF.IsDone() && projF.NbExt() >=1) { Standard_Real dist2min = RealLast(); Standard_Integer index = 0; for (Standard_Integer sol =1 ; sol <= projF.NbExt(); sol++) { if (projF.SquareDistance(sol) <= dist2min) { index = sol; dist2min = projF.SquareDistance(sol); } } if (index != 0) { if (dist2min <= BRep_Tool::Tolerance(rfe) * BRep_Tool::Tolerance(rfe)) { FirstEdge = rfe; // Si l'edge n'est pas perpendiculaire au plan de la nervure il // faut mettre Sliding(result) a faux. if (result) { result=Standard_False; ve1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(rfe,Standard_True); ve2 = TopExp::LastVertex(rfe,Standard_True); BRepExtrema_ExtPF perp(ve1, fac); if (perp.IsDone()) { gp_Pnt pe1=perp.Point(1); perp.Perform(ve2, fac); if (perp.IsDone()) { gp_Pnt pe2=perp.Point(1); if (pe1.Distance(pe2)<=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(rfe)) result=Standard_True; } } } break; } } } } const TopTools_ListOfShape& L = mapedges.FindFromKey(FirstEdge); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape It(L); for (; It.More(); It.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& FF = TopoDS::Face(It.Value()); if (!FF.IsSame(CurrentFace)) { CurrentFace = FF; break; } } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:50:53 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Section sectf (fac, CurrentFace, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Section sectf (fac, CurrentFace, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 22 16:51:03 2002 t sectf.Approximation(Standard_True); sectf.Build(); TopoDS_Edge edg1; for (Ex.Init(sectf.Shape(), TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) { edg1 = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current()); v1=TopExp::FirstVertex(edg1,Standard_True); v2=TopExp::LastVertex(edg1,Standard_True); t1 = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(v1); t2 = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(v2); p1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v1); p2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v2); v1OK = p1.Distance(ptprev)<=t1; v2OK = p2.Distance(ptprev)<=t2; if (v1OK || v2OK) break; } if (v1OK) { if (!FirstOK) { dp = p2.Distance(Firstpoint); if(dp <= 2*t2) { FirstOK = Standard_True; BB.UpdateVertex(v2, dp); } } if (!LastOK) { dp = p2.Distance(Lastpoint); if(dp <= 2*t2) { LastOK = Standard_True; BB.UpdateVertex(v2, dp); } } } else if (v2OK) { if (!FirstOK) { dp = p1.Distance(Firstpoint); if(dp <= 2*t1) { FirstOK = Standard_True; BB.UpdateVertex(v1, dp); } } if (!LastOK) { dp = p1.Distance(Lastpoint); if(dp <= 2*t1) { LastOK = Standard_True; BB.UpdateVertex(v1, dp); } } } else { // on arrive pas a chainer la section return Standard_False; } TopTools_ListOfShape thelist1; mySlface.Bind(CurrentFace, thelist1); mySlface(CurrentFace).Append(edg1); myListOfEdges.Append(edg1); } return result; } //======================================================================= //function : MajMap //purpose : gestion de descendants //======================================================================= static void MajMap(const TopoDS_Shape& theB, const LocOpe_LinearForm& theP, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& theMap, // myMap TopoDS_Shape& theFShape, // myFShape TopoDS_Shape& theLShape) // myLShape { TopExp_Explorer exp(theP.FirstShape(),TopAbs_WIRE); if (exp.More()) { theFShape = exp.Current(); TopTools_ListOfShape thelist; theMap.Bind(theFShape, thelist); for (exp.Init(theP.FirstShape(),TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { theMap(theFShape).Append(exp.Current()); } } exp.Init(theP.LastShape(),TopAbs_WIRE); if (exp.More()) { theLShape = exp.Current(); TopTools_ListOfShape thelist1; theMap.Bind(theLShape, thelist1); for (exp.Init(theP.LastShape(),TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { theMap(theLShape).Append(exp.Current()); } } for (exp.Init(theB,TopAbs_EDGE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { if (!theMap.IsBound(exp.Current())) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist2; theMap.Bind(exp.Current(), thelist2); theMap(exp.Current()) = theP.Shapes(exp.Current()); } } } //======================================================================= //function : SetGluedFaces //purpose : gestion des faces de collage //======================================================================= static void SetGluedFaces(const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& theSlmap, LocOpe_LinearForm& thePrism, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& theMap) { // Glissements TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape itm(theSlmap); if(!theSlmap.IsEmpty()) { for (; itm.More(); itm.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& fac = TopoDS::Face(itm.Key()); const TopTools_ListOfShape& ledg = itm.Value(); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it; for (it.Initialize(ledg); it.More(); it.Next()) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& gfac = thePrism.Shapes(it.Value()); if (gfac.Extent() != 1) { #ifdef DEB cout << "Pb SetGluedFace" << endl; #endif } theMap.Bind(gfac.First(),fac); } } } }