// File: BRepFeat_MakeDPrism.cxx // Created: Tue Sep 3 11:18:26 1996 // Author: Olga KOULECHOVA #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:49:46 2002 f //#include //#include #include #include //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:50:04 2002 t #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DEB Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); #endif static void MajMap(const TopoDS_Shape&, const LocOpe_DPrism&, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape&, // myMap TopoDS_Shape&, // myFShape TopoDS_Shape&); // myLShape #ifdef DEB static void VerifGluedFaces(const TopoDS_Face& theSkface, const TopoDS_Shape& thePbase, Handle(Geom_Curve)& theBCurve, TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve& theCurves, LocOpe_DPrism& theDPrism, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& theMap); #endif static Standard_Real HeightMax(const TopoDS_Shape& theSbase, const TopoDS_Face& theSkface, const TopoDS_Shape& theSFrom, const TopoDS_Shape& theSUntil); static Standard_Integer SensOfPrism(const Handle(Geom_Curve) C, const TopoDS_Shape& Until); static Handle(Geom_Curve) TestCurve(const TopoDS_Face&); static Standard_Boolean ToFuse(const TopoDS_Face& , const TopoDS_Face&); //======================================================================= //function : Init //purpose : //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::Init(const TopoDS_Shape& Sbase, const TopoDS_Face& Pbase, const TopoDS_Face& Skface, const Standard_Real Angle, const Standard_Integer Mode, const Standard_Boolean Modify) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::Init" << endl; #endif mySkface = Skface; SketchFaceValid(); mySbase = Sbase; BasisShapeValid(); myPbase = Pbase; mySlface.Clear(); if(Mode == 0) { myFuse = Standard_False; myJustFeat = Standard_False; } else if(Mode == 1) { myFuse = Standard_True; myJustFeat = Standard_False; } else if(Mode == 2) { myFuse = Standard_True; myJustFeat = Standard_True; } else { } myModify = Modify; myJustGluer = Standard_False; //-------------- ifv //mySkface.Nullify(); //-------------- ifv myShape.Nullify(); myMap.Clear(); myFShape.Nullify(); myLShape.Nullify(); myTopEdges.Clear(); myLatEdges.Clear(); TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init(mySbase,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist; myMap.Bind(exp.Current(), thelist); myMap(exp.Current()).Append(exp.Current()); } myAngle = Angle; #ifdef DEB if (trc) { if (myJustFeat) cout << " Just Feature" << endl; if (myFuse) cout << " Fuse" << endl; if (!myFuse) cout << " Cut" << endl; if (!myModify) cout << " Modify = 0" << endl; // cout <<" Angle = " << myAngle << endl; } #endif } //======================================================================= //function : Add //purpose : add faces et edges de glissement //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::Add(const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopoDS_Face& F) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::Add(Edge,face)" << endl; #endif TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init(mySbase,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { if (exp.Current().IsSame(F)) { break; } } if (!exp.More()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); } for (exp.Init(myPbase,TopAbs_EDGE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { if (exp.Current().IsSame(E)) { break; } } if (!exp.More()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); } if (!mySlface.IsBound(F)) { TopTools_ListOfShape thelist; mySlface.Bind(F, thelist); } TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itl(mySlface(F)); for (; itl.More();itl.Next()) { if (itl.Value().IsSame(E)) { break; } } if (!itl.More()) { mySlface(F).Append(E); } } //======================================================================= //function : Perform //purpose : feature de la hauteur Height //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::Perform(const Standard_Real Height) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::Perform(Height)" << endl; #endif mySFrom.Nullify(); ShapeFromValid(); mySUntil.Nullify(); ShapeUntilValid(); myGluedF.Clear(); myPerfSelection = BRepFeat_NoSelection; PerfSelectionValid(); Standard_Real theheight = Height/cos(myAngle); // myPbase.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); LocOpe_DPrism theDPrism(myPbase,theheight,myAngle); TopoDS_Shape VraiDPrism = theDPrism.Shape(); MajMap(myPbase,theDPrism,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); myGShape = VraiDPrism; GeneratedShapeValid(); TopoDS_Shape Base = theDPrism.FirstShape(); TopExp_Explorer exp(Base, TopAbs_FACE); TopoDS_Face theBase = TopoDS::Face(exp.Current()); exp.Next(); if(exp.More()) { NotDone(); myStatusError = BRepFeat_InvFirstShape; return; } TopoDS_Face FFace; Standard_Boolean found = Standard_False; if(!mySkface.IsNull() || !mySlface.IsEmpty()) { if(myLShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE) { TopExp_Explorer ex1(VraiDPrism, TopAbs_FACE); for(; ex1.More(); ex1.Next()) { TopExp_Explorer ex2(ex1.Current(), TopAbs_WIRE); for(; ex2.More(); ex2.Next()) { if(ex2.Current().IsSame(myLShape)) { FFace = TopoDS::Face(ex1.Current()); found = Standard_True; break; } } if(found) break; } } TopExp_Explorer exp(mySbase, TopAbs_FACE); for(; exp.More(); exp.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& ff = TopoDS::Face(exp.Current()); if(ToFuse(ff, FFace)) { TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape sl; //SetGluedFaces(ff, mySbase, FFace, sl, theDPrism, myGluedF); break; } } } // gestion des faces de collage //SetGluedFaces(mySkface, mySbase, theBase, mySlface, theDPrism, myGluedF); GluedFacesValid(); // VerifGluedFaces(mySkface, theBase, myBCurve, myCurves, theDPrism, myGluedF); if(!myGluedF.IsEmpty()) { // cas collage myJustGluer = Standard_True; theDPrism.Curves(myCurves); myBCurve = theDPrism.BarycCurve(); GlobalPerform(); } // si il n'y a pas de collage -> appel des ope topo if(!myJustGluer) { if(myFuse == 1) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:32:17 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Fuse f(mySbase, myGShape); //myShape = f.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(f.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse f(mySbase, myGShape); myShape = f.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(f, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:32:23 2002 t Done(); } else if(myFuse == 0) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:32:57 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut c(mySbase, myGShape); //myShape = c.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(c.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut c(mySbase, myGShape); myShape = c.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(c, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:33:00 2002 t Done(); } else { myShape = myGShape; Done(); } } } //======================================================================= //function : Perform //purpose : feature limitee par le shape Until //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::Perform(const TopoDS_Shape& Until) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::Perform(Until)" << endl; #endif if (Until.IsNull()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); } TopExp_Explorer exp(Until, TopAbs_FACE); if (!exp.More()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); } // myPbase.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); myGluedF.Clear(); myPerfSelection = BRepFeat_SelectionU; PerfSelectionValid(); mySFrom.Nullify(); ShapeFromValid(); mySUntil = Until; Standard_Boolean Trf = TransformShapeFU(1); ShapeUntilValid(); Handle(Geom_Curve) C = TestCurve(myPbase); Standard_Integer sens = SensOfPrism(C, mySUntil); BRep_Builder bB; Standard_Real Height = sens*HeightMax(mySbase, mySkface, mySFrom, mySUntil); LocOpe_DPrism theDPrism(myPbase,Height,myAngle); TopoDS_Shape VraiDPrism = theDPrism.Shape(); if(!Trf) { MajMap(myPbase,theDPrism,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); myGShape = VraiDPrism; GeneratedShapeValid(); TopoDS_Shape Base = theDPrism.FirstShape(); exp.Init(Base, TopAbs_FACE); TopoDS_Face theBase = TopoDS::Face(exp.Current()); exp.Next(); if(exp.More()) { NotDone(); myStatusError = BRepFeat_InvFirstShape; return; } //SetGluedFaces(mySkface, mySbase, theBase, mySlface, theDPrism, myGluedF); GluedFacesValid(); // VerifGluedFaces(mySkface, theBase, myBCurve, myCurves, theDPrism, myGluedF); theDPrism.Curves(myCurves); myBCurve = theDPrism.BarycCurve(); GlobalPerform(); } else { MajMap(myPbase,theDPrism,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); Handle(Geom_Curve) C1; if(sens == -1) { C1 = C->Reversed(); } else { C1 = C; } TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve scur; scur.Clear(); scur.Append(C1); LocOpe_CSIntersector ASI(mySUntil); ASI.Perform(scur); TopAbs_Orientation Or; if (ASI.IsDone() && ASI.NbPoints(1) >=1) { if (myFuse == 1) { Or = ASI.Point(1,1).Orientation(); } else { Or = ASI.Point(1,ASI.NbPoints(1)).Orientation(); } // Standard_Real prm = ASI.Point(1,1).Parameter(); // if(prm < 0) Or = TopAbs::Reverse(Or); TopoDS_Face FUntil = ASI.Point(1,1).Face(); TopoDS_Shape Comp; bB.MakeCompound(TopoDS::Compound(Comp)); TopoDS_Solid S = BRepFeat::Tool(mySUntil, FUntil, Or); if (!S.IsNull()) bB.Add(Comp,S); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:33:27 2002 //BRepAlgo_Cut trP(VraiDPrism,Comp); //UpdateDescendants(trP.Builder(),trP.Shape(), Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut trP(VraiDPrism,Comp); UpdateDescendants(trP, trP.Shape(), Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:33:32 2002 t TopExp_Explorer ex(trP.Shape(), TopAbs_SOLID); TopoDS_Shape Cutsh = ex.Current(); if(myFuse == 1) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:34:09 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Fuse f(mySbase, Cutsh); //myShape = f.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(f.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse f(mySbase, Cutsh); myShape = f.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(f, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:34:13 2002 t Done(); } else if(myFuse == 0) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:34:56 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut c(mySbase, Cutsh); //myShape = c.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(c.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut c(mySbase, Cutsh); myShape = c.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(c, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:34:59 2002 t Done(); } else { myShape = Cutsh; Done(); } } } TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ited(myNewEdges); for (; ited.More();ited.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& ledg=TopoDS::Edge(ited.Value()); if (!BRepAlgo::IsValid(ledg)) { bB.SameRange(ledg, Standard_False); bB.SameParameter(ledg, Standard_False); BRepLib::SameParameter(ledg, BRep_Tool::Tolerance(ledg)); } } } //======================================================================= //function : Perform //purpose : feature limitee par les deux shapes //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::Perform(const TopoDS_Shape& From, const TopoDS_Shape& Until) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::Perform(From,Until)" << endl; #endif if (From.IsNull() || Until.IsNull()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); } if (!mySkface.IsNull()) { if (From.IsSame(mySkface)) { myJustGluer = Standard_True; Perform(Until); if (myJustGluer) return; } else if (Until.IsSame(mySkface)) { myJustGluer = Standard_True; Perform(From); if (myJustGluer) return; } } // myPbase.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); myGluedF.Clear(); myPerfSelection = BRepFeat_SelectionFU; PerfSelectionValid(); TopExp_Explorer exp(From, TopAbs_FACE); if (!exp.More()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); } exp.Init(Until, TopAbs_FACE); if (!exp.More()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); } mySFrom = From; Standard_Boolean Trff = TransformShapeFU(0); ShapeFromValid(); mySUntil = Until; Standard_Boolean Trfu = TransformShapeFU(1); ShapeUntilValid(); if(Trfu != Trff) { NotDone(); myStatusError = BRepFeat_IncTypes; return; } Handle(Geom_Curve) C = TestCurve(myPbase); Standard_Integer sens; if(From.IsSame(Until)) { sens = 1; } else { sens = SensOfPrism(C, mySUntil); } Standard_Real Height = sens*HeightMax(mySbase, myPbase, mySFrom, mySUntil); LocOpe_DPrism theDPrism(myPbase, Height, Height, myAngle); TopoDS_Shape VraiDPrism = theDPrism.Shape(); if(!Trff) { MajMap(myPbase,theDPrism,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); // On fait systematiquement le dprism myGShape = VraiDPrism; GeneratedShapeValid(); // gestion des faces de collage //SetGluedFaces(TopoDS_Face(), // on ne veut pas binder mySkface // mySbase, myPbase, mySlface, theDPrism, myGluedF); GluedFacesValid(); theDPrism.Curves(myCurves); myBCurve = theDPrism.BarycCurve(); // reconstruction topologique GlobalPerform(); } else { // gestion des descendants MajMap(myPbase,theDPrism,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); Handle(Geom_Curve) C1; if(sens == -1) { C1 = C->Reversed(); } else { C1 = C; } TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve scur; scur.Clear(); scur.Append(C1); LocOpe_CSIntersector ASI1(mySUntil); LocOpe_CSIntersector ASI2(mySFrom); ASI1.Perform(scur); ASI2.Perform(scur); TopAbs_Orientation OrU, OrF; TopoDS_Face FFrom, FUntil; //sens du dprism if (ASI1.IsDone() && ASI1.NbPoints(1) >=1) { if (myFuse == 1) { OrU = ASI1.Point(1,1).Orientation(); } else { OrU = ASI1.Point(1,ASI1.NbPoints(1)).Orientation(); } // Standard_Real prm = ASI1.Point(1,1).Parameter(); // if(prm < 0) OrU = TopAbs::Reverse(OrU); FUntil = ASI1.Point(1,1).Face(); } else { NotDone(); myStatusError = BRepFeat_NoIntersectU; return; } if (ASI2.IsDone() && ASI2.NbPoints(1) >=1) { OrF = ASI2.Point(1,1).Orientation(); // Standard_Real prm = ASI2.Point(1,1).Parameter(); OrF = TopAbs::Reverse(OrF); FFrom = ASI2.Point(1,1).Face(); } else { NotDone(); myStatusError = BRepFeat_NoIntersectF; return; } TopoDS_Shape Comp; BRep_Builder B; B.MakeCompound(TopoDS::Compound(Comp)); TopoDS_Solid S = BRepFeat::Tool(mySUntil, FUntil, OrU); if (!S.IsNull()) B.Add(Comp,S); else { NotDone(); myStatusError = BRepFeat_NullToolU; return; } TopoDS_Solid SS = BRepFeat::Tool(mySFrom, FFrom, OrF); if (!SS.IsNull()) B.Add(Comp,SS); else { NotDone(); myStatusError = BRepFeat_NullToolF; return; } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:35:48 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut trP(VraiDPrism,Comp); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut trP(VraiDPrism,Comp); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:35:59 2002 t if(myFuse == 1) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:36:06 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Fuse f(mySbase, trP.Shape()); //myShape = f.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(f.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse f(mySbase, trP.Shape()); myShape = f.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(f, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:36:33 2002 t Done(); } // else if(myFuse == 0) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:37:16 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut c(mySbase, trP.Shape()); //myShape = c.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(c.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut c(mySbase, trP.Shape()); myShape = c.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(c, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:37:49 2002 t Done(); } else { myShape = trP.Shape(); Done(); } } } //======================================================================= //function : Perform //purpose : feature semi-infinie //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::PerformUntilEnd() { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::PerformUntilEnd()" << endl; #endif myPerfSelection = BRepFeat_SelectionSh; PerfSelectionValid(); myGluedF.Clear(); mySUntil.Nullify(); ShapeUntilValid(); mySFrom.Nullify(); ShapeFromValid(); Standard_Real Height = HeightMax(mySbase, mySkface, mySFrom, mySUntil); // myPbase.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); LocOpe_DPrism theDPrism(myPbase, Height, myAngle); TopoDS_Shape VraiDPrism = theDPrism.Shape(); MajMap(myPbase,theDPrism,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); myGShape = VraiDPrism; GeneratedShapeValid(); GluedFacesValid(); theDPrism.Curves(myCurves); myBCurve = theDPrism.BarycCurve(); GlobalPerform(); } //======================================================================= //function : PerformFromEnd //purpose : feature mi-infinie limitee par le shape Until de l'autre cote //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::PerformFromEnd(const TopoDS_Shape& Until) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::PerformFromEnd(From,Until)" << endl; #endif if (Until.IsNull()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); } if (!mySkface.IsNull() && Until.IsSame(mySkface)) { PerformUntilEnd(); return; } TopExp_Explorer exp; exp.Init(Until, TopAbs_FACE); if (!exp.More()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); } // myPbase.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); myPerfSelection = BRepFeat_SelectionShU; PerfSelectionValid(); mySFrom.Nullify(); ShapeFromValid(); mySUntil = Until; Standard_Boolean Trf = TransformShapeFU(1); ShapeUntilValid(); Handle(Geom_Curve) C = TestCurve(myPbase); Standard_Integer sens = SensOfPrism(C, mySUntil); Standard_Real Height = sens*HeightMax(mySbase, mySkface, mySFrom, mySUntil); LocOpe_DPrism theDPrism(myPbase, Height, Height, myAngle); TopoDS_Shape VraiDPrism = theDPrism.Shape(); if(VraiDPrism.IsNull()) { NotDone(); myStatusError = BRepFeat_NullRealTool; return; } if(!Trf) { // cas face finie MajMap(myPbase,theDPrism,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); myGShape = VraiDPrism; GeneratedShapeValid(); myGluedF.Clear(); GluedFacesValid(); theDPrism.Curves(myCurves); myBCurve = theDPrism.BarycCurve(); GlobalPerform(); } else { // cas support MajMap(myPbase,theDPrism,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); Handle(Geom_Curve) C2; if(sens == -1) { C2 = C->Reversed(); } else { C2 = C; } TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve scur; scur.Clear(); scur.Append(C2); LocOpe_CSIntersector ASI1(mySUntil); LocOpe_CSIntersector ASI2(mySbase); ASI1.Perform(scur); ASI2.Perform(scur); #ifndef DEB TopAbs_Orientation OrU = TopAbs_FORWARD, OrF = TopAbs_FORWARD; #else TopAbs_Orientation OrU, OrF; #endif TopoDS_Face FUntil, FFrom; if (ASI1.IsDone() && ASI1.NbPoints(1) >=1) { OrU = ASI1.Point(1,1).Orientation(); Standard_Real prm = ASI1.Point(1,1).Parameter(); if(prm < 0) OrU = TopAbs::Reverse(OrU); FUntil = ASI1.Point(1,1).Face(); } if (ASI2.IsDone() && ASI2.NbPoints(1) >=1) { Standard_Integer jj = ASI2.NbPoints(1); Standard_Real prm = ASI2.Point(1,1).Parameter(); FFrom = ASI2.Point(1, 1).Face(); OrF = ASI2.Point(1,1).Orientation(); OrF = TopAbs::Reverse(OrF); for(Standard_Integer iii = 1; iii <= jj; iii++) { if(ASI2.Point(1,iii).Parameter() < prm) { prm = ASI2.Point(1,iii).Parameter(); FFrom = ASI2.Point(1, iii).Face(); OrF = ASI2.Point(1,iii).Orientation(); OrF = TopAbs::Reverse(OrF); } } Handle(Geom_Surface) S = BRep_Tool::Surface(FFrom); if (S->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface)) { S = Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface):: DownCast(S)->BasisSurface(); } BRepLib_MakeFace fac(S, Precision::Confusion()); mySFrom = fac.Face(); Trf = TransformShapeFU(0); // FFrom = TopoDS::Face(mySFrom); } TopoDS_Shape Comp; BRep_Builder B; B.MakeCompound(TopoDS::Compound(Comp)); TopoDS_Solid Sol = BRepFeat::Tool(mySUntil, FUntil, OrU); if (!Sol.IsNull()) B.Add(Comp,Sol); else { NotDone(); myStatusError = BRepFeat_NullToolU; return; } TopoDS_Solid Sol1 = BRepFeat::Tool(mySFrom, FFrom, OrF); if (!Sol1.IsNull()) B.Add(Comp,Sol1); else { NotDone(); myStatusError = BRepFeat_NullToolF; return; } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:38:33 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut trP(VraiDPrism,Comp); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut trP(VraiDPrism,Comp); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:38:37 2002 t if(myFuse == 1) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:40:03 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Fuse f(mySbase, trP.Shape()); //myShape = f.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(f.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse f(mySbase, trP.Shape()); myShape = f.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(f, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:40:07 2002 t Done(); } else if(myFuse == 0) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:40:33 2002 t //BRepAlgo_Cut c(mySbase, trP.Shape()); //myShape = c.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(c.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut c(mySbase, trP.Shape()); myShape = c.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(c, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:40:44 2002 t Done(); } else { myShape = trP.Shape(); Done(); } } } //======================================================================= //function : PerformThruAll //purpose : feature a travers tout le shape initial //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::PerformThruAll() { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::PerformThruAll()" << endl; #endif mySUntil.Nullify(); ShapeUntilValid(); mySFrom.Nullify(); ShapeFromValid(); if(myFuse == 0) { myPerfSelection = BRepFeat_NoSelection; } else { myPerfSelection = BRepFeat_SelectionSh; } PerfSelectionValid(); // myPbase.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); myGluedF.Clear(); GluedFacesValid(); Standard_Real Height = HeightMax(mySbase, mySkface, mySFrom, mySUntil); LocOpe_DPrism theDPrism(myPbase, Height, Height, myAngle); TopoDS_Shape VraiDPrism = theDPrism.Shape(); MajMap(myPbase,theDPrism,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); myGShape = VraiDPrism; GeneratedShapeValid(); if(myFuse == 0) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:46:16 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut c(mySbase, myGShape); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut c(mySbase, myGShape); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:46:26 2002 t if (c.IsDone()) { myShape = c.Shape(); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:46:39 2002 f //UpdateDescendants(c.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); UpdateDescendants(c, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:46:43 2002 t Done(); } } else { theDPrism.Curves(myCurves); myBCurve = theDPrism.BarycCurve(); GlobalPerform(); } } //======================================================================= //function : PerformUntilHeight //purpose : feature jusqu'un shape de la hauteur donnee //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::PerformUntilHeight(const TopoDS_Shape& Until, const Standard_Real Height) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::PerformUntilHeight(Until,Height)" << endl; #endif if (Until.IsNull()) { Perform(Height); } if(Height == 0) { Perform(Until); } TopExp_Explorer exp(Until, TopAbs_FACE); if (!exp.More()) { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise(); } // myPbase.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); myGluedF.Clear(); myPerfSelection = BRepFeat_NoSelection; PerfSelectionValid(); mySFrom.Nullify(); ShapeFromValid(); mySUntil = Until; Standard_Boolean Trf = TransformShapeFU(1); ShapeUntilValid(); Handle(Geom_Curve) C = TestCurve(myPbase); Standard_Integer sens = SensOfPrism(C, mySUntil); LocOpe_DPrism theDPrism(myPbase,sens*Height,myAngle); TopoDS_Shape VraiDPrism = theDPrism.Shape(); if(!Trf) { // cas face finie MajMap(myPbase,theDPrism,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); myGShape = VraiDPrism; GeneratedShapeValid(); TopoDS_Shape Base = theDPrism.FirstShape(); exp.Init(Base, TopAbs_FACE); TopoDS_Face theBase = TopoDS::Face(exp.Current()); exp.Next(); if(exp.More()) { NotDone(); myStatusError = BRepFeat_InvFirstShape; return; } //SetGluedFaces(mySkface, mySbase, theBase, mySlface, theDPrism, myGluedF); GluedFacesValid(); // VerifGluedFaces(mySkface, theBase, myBCurve, myCurves, theDPrism, myGluedF); theDPrism.Curves(myCurves); myBCurve = theDPrism.BarycCurve(); GlobalPerform(); } else { // cas support MajMap(myPbase,theDPrism,myMap,myFShape,myLShape); Handle(Geom_Curve) C1; if(sens == -1) { C1 = C->Reversed(); } else { C1 = C; } TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve scur; scur.Clear(); scur.Append(C1); LocOpe_CSIntersector ASI(mySUntil); ASI.Perform(scur); TopAbs_Orientation Or; if (ASI.IsDone() && ASI.NbPoints(1) >=1) { if (myFuse == 1) { Or = ASI.Point(1,1).Orientation(); } else { Or = ASI.Point(1,ASI.NbPoints(1)).Orientation(); } // Standard_Real prm = ASI.Point(1,1).Parameter(); // if(prm < 0) Or = TopAbs::Reverse(Or); TopoDS_Face FUntil = ASI.Point(1,1).Face(); TopoDS_Shape Comp; BRep_Builder B; B.MakeCompound(TopoDS::Compound(Comp)); TopoDS_Solid S = BRepFeat::Tool(mySUntil, FUntil, Or); if (!S.IsNull()) B.Add(Comp,S); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:47:14 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut trP(VraiDPrism,Comp); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut trP(VraiDPrism,Comp); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:47:21 2002 t if(myFuse == 1) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:47:42 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Fuse f(mySbase, trP.Shape()); //myShape = f.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(f.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse f(mySbase, trP.Shape()); myShape = f.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(f, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:47:49 2002 t Done(); } else if(myFuse == 0) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:48:18 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut c(mySbase, trP.Shape()); //myShape = c.Shape(); //UpdateDescendants(c.Builder(), myShape, Standard_False); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut c(mySbase, trP.Shape()); myShape = c.Shape(); UpdateDescendants(c, myShape, Standard_False); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:48:26 2002 t Done(); } else { myShape = trP.Shape(); Done(); } } } } //======================================================================= //function : Curves //purpose : courbes paralleles a l'axe du prism //======================================================================= void BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::Curves(TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve& scur) { scur = myCurves; } //============================================================================ // function : BRepFeat_BossEgdes // purpose: Determination of TopEdges and LatEdges. // sig = 1 -> TopEdges = FirstShape of the DPrism // sig = 2 -> TOpEdges = LastShape of the DPrism //============================================================================ void BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::BossEdges (const Standard_Integer signature) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << "BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::BossEdges (integer)" << endl; #endif TopTools_ListOfShape theLastShape; theLastShape.Clear(); if (signature == 1 || signature == -1) { theLastShape = FirstShape(); } else if (signature == 2 || signature == -2) { theLastShape = LastShape(); } else { return; } // Edges Top TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itLS; TopExp_Explorer ExpE; for (itLS.Initialize(theLastShape);itLS.More();itLS.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& FF = TopoDS::Face(itLS.Value()); for (ExpE.Init(FF,TopAbs_EDGE);ExpE.More();ExpE.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& EE = TopoDS::Edge(ExpE.Current()); myTopEdges.Append(EE); } } // Edges Bottom if (signature < 0) { // Attention voir si TgtEdges est important myLatEdges = NewEdges(); } else if (signature > 0) { if ( !myShape.IsNull() ) { TopTools_MapOfShape MapE; Standard_Boolean Found; TopExp_Explorer ExpF; for (ExpF.Init(myShape,TopAbs_FACE);ExpF.More();ExpF.Next()) { Found = Standard_False; const TopoDS_Face& FF = TopoDS::Face(ExpF.Current()); for (itLS.Initialize(theLastShape);itLS.More();itLS.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& TopFace = TopoDS::Face(itLS.Value()); if (!FF.IsSame(TopFace)) { TopExp_Explorer ExpE; for (ExpE.Init(FF,TopAbs_EDGE);ExpE.More() && !Found ;ExpE.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E1 = TopoDS::Edge(ExpE.Current()); TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2; TopExp::Vertices (E1,V1,V2); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(myTopEdges); for (;it.More() && !Found ; it.Next()) { TopoDS_Edge E2 = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value()); TopoDS_Vertex VT1,VT2; TopExp::Vertices (E2,VT1,VT2); if (V1.IsSame(VT1) || V1.IsSame(VT2) || V2.IsSame(VT1) || V2.IsSame(VT2)) { Found = Standard_True; TopExp_Explorer ExpE2; for (ExpE2.Init(FF,TopAbs_EDGE);ExpE2.More();ExpE2.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E3 = TopoDS::Edge(ExpE2.Current()); if (MapE.Contains(E3)) { MapE.Remove(E3); } else { MapE.Add(E3);} } } } } } } } TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(myTopEdges); for (;it.More() ; it.Next()) { if (MapE.Contains(it.Value())) {MapE.Remove(it.Value()); } } TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape itMap; for (itMap.Initialize(MapE);itMap.More();itMap.Next()) { if (!BRep_Tool::Degenerated(TopoDS::Edge(itMap.Key()))) myLatEdges.Append(itMap.Key()); } } } } //============================================================================ // function : BRepFeat_TopEgdes // Purpose: Returns the list of TopoDS Edges of the top of the boss //============================================================================ const TopTools_ListOfShape& BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::TopEdges () { return myTopEdges; } //============================================================================ // function : BRepFeat_LatEgdes // Purpose: Returns the list of TopoDS Edges of the top of the boss //============================================================================ const TopTools_ListOfShape& BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::LatEdges () { return myLatEdges; } //======================================================================= //function : BarycCurve //purpose : passe par le centre de masses de la primitive //======================================================================= Handle(Geom_Curve) BRepFeat_MakeDPrism::BarycCurve() { return myBCurve; } //======================================================================= //function : HeightMax //purpose : Calcul de la hauteur du prisme selon les parametres d`une boite englobante //======================================================================= static Standard_Real HeightMax(const TopoDS_Shape& theSbase, // shape initial const TopoDS_Face& theSkface, // face de sketch const TopoDS_Shape& theSFrom, // shape from const TopoDS_Shape& theSUntil) // shape until { Bnd_Box Box; BRepBndLib::Add(theSbase,Box); BRepBndLib::Add(theSkface,Box); if(!theSFrom.IsNull()) { BRepBndLib::Add(theSFrom,Box); } if(!theSUntil.IsNull()) { BRepBndLib::Add(theSUntil,Box); } Standard_Real c[6]; Box.Get(c[0],c[2],c[4],c[1],c[3],c[5]); // Standard_Real parmin=c[0], parmax = c[0]; // for(Standard_Integer i = 0 ; i < 6; i++) { // if(c[i] > parmax) parmax = c[i]; // if(c[i] < parmin ) parmin = c[i]; // } // Standard_Real Height = abs(2.*(parmax - parmin)); // return(2.*Height); //#ifndef DEB Standard_Real par = Max( Max( fabs(c[1] - c[0]), fabs(c[3] - c[2]) ), fabs(c[5] - c[4]) ); //#else // Standard_Real par = Max( Max( abs(c[1] - c[0]), abs(c[3] - c[2]) ), abs(c[5] - c[4]) ); //#endif #ifdef DEB cout << "Height = > " << par << endl; #endif return par; } //======================================================================= //function : SensOfPrism //purpose : determiner la direction de generation du prism //======================================================================= Standard_Integer SensOfPrism(const Handle(Geom_Curve) C, const TopoDS_Shape& Until) { LocOpe_CSIntersector ASI1(Until); TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve scur; scur.Append(C); ASI1.Perform(scur); Standard_Integer sens = 1; if(ASI1.IsDone() && ASI1.NbPoints(1) >= 1) { Standard_Integer nb = ASI1.NbPoints(1); Standard_Real prm1 = ASI1.Point(1, 1).Parameter(); Standard_Real prm2 = ASI1.Point(1, nb).Parameter(); if(prm1 < 0. && prm2 < 0.) { sens = -1; } } else if(BRepFeat::ParametricBarycenter(Until,C) < 0) { sens = -1; } else {} return sens; } //======================================================================= //function : VerifGluedFaces //purpose : Verification intersection Outil/theSkface = thePbase // Si oui -> OK si non -> cas sans collage //======================================================================= #ifdef DEB static void VerifGluedFaces(const TopoDS_Face& theSkface, const TopoDS_Shape& thePbase, Handle(Geom_Curve)& theBCurve, TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve& theCurves, LocOpe_DPrism& theDPrism, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& theMap) { Standard_Boolean GluedFaces = Standard_True; TopoDS_Shape VraiDPrism = theDPrism.Shape(); TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve scur; theDPrism.Curves(theCurves); theBCurve = theDPrism.BarycCurve(); scur.Clear(); scur.Append(theBCurve); LocOpe_CSIntersector ASI(theSkface); ASI.Perform(scur); if (ASI.IsDone() && ASI.NbPoints(1) >=1) { TopAbs_Orientation Or = ASI.Point(1,1).Orientation(); TopoDS_Face FSk = ASI.Point(1,1).Face(); TopoDS_Shape Comp; BRep_Builder B; B.MakeCompound(TopoDS::Compound(Comp)); TopoDS_Solid S = BRepFeat::Tool(theSkface, FSk, Or); if (!S.IsNull()) B.Add(Comp,S); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:48:45 2002 f //BRepAlgo_Cut trP(VraiDPrism,Comp); BRepAlgoAPI_Cut trP(VraiDPrism,Comp); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Mar 21 17:48:49 2002 t TopoDS_Shape Cutsh = trP.Shape(); TopExp_Explorer ex(Cutsh, TopAbs_SOLID); for(; ex.More(); ex.Next()) { TopExp_Explorer ex1(ex.Current(), TopAbs_FACE); for(; ex1.More(); ex1.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& fac1 = TopoDS::Face(ex1.Current()); TopExp_Explorer ex2(thePbase, TopAbs_FACE); for(; ex2.More(); ex2.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& fac2 = TopoDS::Face(ex2.Current()); if(fac1.IsSame(fac2)) break; } if (ex2.More()) break; } if (ex1.More()) continue; GluedFaces = Standard_False; break; } if (!GluedFaces) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean trc = BRepFeat_GettraceFEAT(); if (trc) cout << " Intersection DPrism/skface : pas de collage" << endl; #endif theMap.Clear(); } } } #endif //======================================================================= //function : MajMap //purpose : //======================================================================= static void MajMap(const TopoDS_Shape& theB, const LocOpe_DPrism& theP, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& theMap, // myMap TopoDS_Shape& theFShape, // myFShape TopoDS_Shape& theLShape) // myLShape { TopExp_Explorer exp; if(!theP.FirstShape().IsNull()) { exp.Init(theP.FirstShape(),TopAbs_WIRE); if (exp.More()) { theFShape = exp.Current(); TopTools_ListOfShape thelist; theMap.Bind(theFShape, thelist); for (exp.Init(theP.FirstShape(),TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { theMap(theFShape).Append(exp.Current()); } } } if(!theP.LastShape().IsNull()) { exp.Init(theP.LastShape(),TopAbs_WIRE); if (exp.More()) { theLShape = exp.Current(); TopTools_ListOfShape thelist1; theMap.Bind(theLShape, thelist1); for (exp.Init(theP.LastShape(),TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) { theMap(theLShape).Append(exp.Current()); } } } for (exp.Init(theB,TopAbs_EDGE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { if (!theMap.IsBound(exp.Current())) { const TopoDS_Edge& edg = TopoDS::Edge(exp.Current()); TopTools_ListOfShape thelist2; theMap.Bind(edg, thelist2); theMap(edg) = theP.Shapes(edg); } } } //======================================================================= //function : MajMap //purpose : //======================================================================= static Handle(Geom_Curve) TestCurve(const TopoDS_Face& Base) { gp_Pnt bar(0., 0., 0.); TColgp_SequenceOfPnt spt; LocOpe::SampleEdges(Base,spt); for (Standard_Integer jj=1;jj<=spt.Length(); jj++) { const gp_Pnt& pvt = spt(jj); bar.ChangeCoord() += pvt.XYZ(); } bar.ChangeCoord().Divide(spt.Length()); Handle(Geom_Surface) s = BRep_Tool::Surface(Base); if (s->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface)) { s = Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface):: DownCast(s)->BasisSurface(); } Handle (Geom_Plane) P = Handle(Geom_Plane)::DownCast(s); if(P.IsNull()) { Handle(Geom_Curve) toto; return toto; } gp_Pln pp = P->Pln(); gp_Dir Normale(pp.Position().XDirection()^pp.Position().YDirection()); gp_Ax1 theAx(bar, Normale); Handle(Geom_Line) theLin = new Geom_Line(theAx); return theLin; } //======================================================================= //function : ToFuse //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ToFuse(const TopoDS_Face& F1, const TopoDS_Face& F2) { if (F1.IsNull() || F2.IsNull()) { return Standard_False; } Handle(Geom_Surface) S1,S2; TopLoc_Location loc1, loc2; Handle(Standard_Type) typS1,typS2; const Standard_Real tollin = Precision::Confusion(); const Standard_Real tolang = Precision::Angular(); S1 = BRep_Tool::Surface(F1,loc1); S2 = BRep_Tool::Surface(F2,loc2); typS1 = S1->DynamicType(); typS2 = S2->DynamicType(); if (typS1 == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface)) { S1 = (*((Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface)*)&S1))->BasisSurface(); typS1 = S1->DynamicType(); } if (typS2 == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface)) { S2 = (*((Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface)*)&S2))->BasisSurface(); typS2 = S2->DynamicType(); } if (typS1 != typS2) { return Standard_False; } Standard_Boolean ValRet = Standard_False; if (typS1 == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Plane)) { S1 = BRep_Tool::Surface(F1); // pour appliquer la location. S2 = BRep_Tool::Surface(F2); gp_Pln pl1( (*((Handle(Geom_Plane)*)&S1))->Pln()); gp_Pln pl2( (*((Handle(Geom_Plane)*)&S2))->Pln()); if (pl1.Position().IsCoplanar(pl2.Position(),tollin,tolang)) { ValRet = Standard_True; } } return ValRet; }