-- File: BRepFeat_Builder.cdl -- Created: Tue Jun 13 14:23:53 1995 -- Author: Jacques GOUSSARD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 deferred class Builder from BRepFeat inherits MakeShape from BRepBuilderAPI ---Purpose: Provides the implementation of all methods -- required by BRepCtx for class using a Builder from -- LocOpe. All features have to inherit from this -- class. uses Builder from LocOpe, Shape from TopoDS, Face from TopoDS, Edge from TopoDS, MapOfShape from TopTools, ListOfShape from TopTools, ShapeModification from BRepBuilderAPI raises NotDone from StdFail, ConstructionError from Standard is Initialize; ---Purpose: Empty constructor. ---C++: inline Initialize(S: Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Creates a local operation on . ---C++: inline -- Raises ConstructionError if is a null shape. raises ConstructionError from Standard; Initialize(S,T: Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Creates a local operation between and . ---C++: inline -- Raises ConstructionError if is a null shape raises ConstructionError from Standard; Init(me: in out; S: Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Initializes a local operation on . ---C++: inline raises ConstructionError from Standard --- The exception is raised if is a null shape. is static; Init(me: in out; S,T: Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Initializes a local operation between and . -- Raises ConstructionError if is a null shape. ---C++: inline raises ConstructionError from Standard is static; --- Methods inherited from MakeShape, that must be redefined. Modified(me: in out; F: Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Returns the list of generated Faces. ---C++: return const & returns ListOfShape from TopTools is redefined static; fields myBuilder : Builder from LocOpe is protected; myMap : MapOfShape from TopTools is protected; myGenFaces: ListOfShape from TopTools is protected; end Builder;