-- File: BRepAlgoAPI_BooleanOperation.cdl -- Created: Thu Oct 14 18:14:43 1993 -- Author: Remi LEQUETTE -- modified by Peter KURNEV Tue Mar 5 14:01:51 2002 ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 deferred class BooleanOperation from BRepAlgoAPI inherits MakeShape from BRepBuilderAPI ---Purpose: The abstract class BooleanOperation is the root -- class of Boolean Operations (see Overview). -- Boolean Operations algorithm is divided onto two parts. -- - The first one is computing interference between arguments. -- - The second one is building the result of operation. -- The BooleanOperation class provides execution of both parts -- of the Boolean Operations algorithm. The second part -- (building the result) depends on given type of the Boolean -- Operation (see Constructor). uses Shape from TopoDS, ListOfShape from TopTools, Operation from BOP, PBuilder from BOP, HistoryCollector from BOP, PDSFiller from BOPTools, DSFiller from BOPTools, DataMapOfIntegerListOfShape from TopTools, DataMapOfIntegerShape from TopTools, DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools is Initialize (S1 :Shape from TopoDS; S2 :Shape from TopoDS; anOperation:Operation from BOP); ---Purpose: Prepares the operations for S1 and S2. Initialize (S1 :Shape from TopoDS; S2 :Shape from TopoDS; aDSF :DSFiller from BOPTools; anOperation:Operation from BOP); ---Purpose: Prepares the operations for S1 and S2. SetOperation (me:out; anOp: Operation from BOP); ---Purpose: Sets the type of Boolean operation to perform --- It can be BOP_SECTION --- BOP_COMMON --- BOP_FUSE --- BOP_CUT --- BOP_CUT21 --- Build (me:out) is redefined virtual; ---Purpose: Provides the algorithm of Boolean Operations -- - Filling interference Data Structure (if it is necessary) -- - Building the result of the operation. Shape1(me) returns Shape from TopoDS is static; ---Purpose: Returns the first shape involved in this Boolean operation. ---C++: return const & Shape2(me) returns Shape from TopoDS is static; ---Purpose: Returns the second shape involved in this Boolean operation. ---C++: return const & Operation (me) returns Operation from BOP; ---Purpose: Returns the type of Boolean Operation that has been performed. FuseEdges(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns the flag of edge refining RefineEdges(me:out); ---Purpose: Fuse C1 edges PrepareFiller(me:out) returns Boolean from Standard is protected; ---Category: Querying BuilderCanWork(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ErrorStatus(me) returns Integer from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns the error status of operation. --- 0 - Ok --- 1 - The Object is created but Nothing is Done --- 2 - Null source shapes is not allowed --- 3 - Check types of the arguments --- 4 - Can not allocate memory for the DSFiller --- 5 - The Builder can not work with such types of arguments --- 6 - Unknown operation is not allowed --- 7 - Can not allocate memory for the Builder -- > 100 - See the Builder's ErrorStatus Modified (me: in out; aS : Shape from TopoDS) returns ListOfShape from TopTools is redefined virtual; ---Purpose: Returns the list of shapes modified from the shape . ---C++: return const & IsDeleted (me: in out; aS : Shape from TopoDS) returns Boolean is redefined virtual; ---Purpose: Returns true if the shape S has been deleted. The -- result shape of the operation does not contain the shape S. Modified2 (me: in out; aS : Shape from TopoDS) returns ListOfShape from TopTools is virtual; ---Purpose: Returns the list of shapes modified from the shape . --- For use in BRepNaming. ---C++: return const & ---Level: Public Generated (me: in out; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns ListOfShape from TopTools is redefined virtual; ---Purpose: Returns the list of shapes generated from the shape . --- For use in BRepNaming. ---C++: return const & HasModified (me) returns Boolean from Standard is virtual; ---Purpose: Returns true if there is at least one modified shape. --- For use in BRepNaming. HasGenerated (me) returns Boolean from Standard is virtual; ---Purpose: Returns true if there is at least one generated shape. --- For use in BRepNaming. HasDeleted (me) returns Boolean from Standard is virtual; ---Purpose: Returns true if there is at least one deleted shape. --- For use in BRepNaming. Destroy (me: in out); ---C++: alias "Standard_EXPORT virtual ~BRepAlgoAPI_BooleanOperation(){Destroy();}" --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Mar 20 10:29:30 2002 f SectionEdges (me: in out) returns ListOfShape from TopTools; --- Purpose: Returns a list of section edges. -- The edges represent the result of intersection between arguments of -- Boolean Operation. They are computed during operation execution. ---C++: return const & --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Mar 20 10:29:35 2002 t RefinedList (me: in out; theL : ListOfShape from TopTools) returns ListOfShape from TopTools is private; ---Purpose: Returns the list of shapes generated from the shape . --- For use in BRepNaming. ---C++: return const & fields myS1 : Shape from TopoDS is protected; myS2 : Shape from TopoDS is protected; myBuilderCanWork : Boolean from Standard is protected; myOperation : Operation from BOP is protected; myErrorStatus : Integer from Standard is protected; myDSFiller : PDSFiller from BOPTools is protected; myBuilder : PBuilder from BOP is protected; myHistory : HistoryCollector from BOP is protected; myEntryType : Integer from Standard; -- for edge refiner myFuseEdges : Boolean from Standard ; myModifFaces : DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools; myEdgeMap : DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools; end BooleanOperation;