-- File: BOPTools_Checker.cdl -- Created: Mon Aug 5 16:01:03 2002 -- Author: Peter KURNEV -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 2002 class Checker from BOPTools inherits PaveFiller from BOPTools ---Purpose: -- class that provides the algorithm -- to check a shape on self-interference. uses ListOfCheckResults from BOPTools, InterferencePool from BOPTools, Shape from TopoDS, ShapeEnum from TopAbs, Geometry from Geom is Create returns Checker from BOPTools; ---Purpose: --- Empty Contructor --- Create (aS:Shape from TopoDS) returns Checker from BOPTools; ---Purpose: --- Contructs the object using the shape to check --- Create (aIP: InterferencePool from BOPTools) returns Checker from BOPTools; ---Purpose: --- Contructs the object using the --- Destroy (me:out) is redefined; ---C++: alias "Standard_EXPORT virtual ~BOPTools_Checker(){Destroy();}" ---Purpose: --- Destructor --- SetPerformType(me: in out; StopOnFirstFaulty: Boolean from Standard); ---Purpose: if the process stops -- and the exception throws; otherwise all faulties are searched Perform (me:out) is redefined; ---Purpose: --- Launches the algorithm --- SetShape(me:out; aS:Shape from TopoDS); ---Purpose: --- Selector --- Shape(me) returns Shape from TopoDS; ---C++:return const & ---Purpose: --- Selector --- GetCheckResult(me) returns ListOfCheckResults from BOPTools; ---C++: return const & ---Purpose: returnes a result of check HasFaulty(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: --- Selector. --- Retrns TRUE if there is interferred sub-shapes . --- PerformVV (me:out) is redefined protected ; ---Purpose: --- See in base classe, please --- PerformVE (me:out) is redefined protected ; ---Purpose: --- See in base classe, please --- PerformVF (me:out) is redefined protected ; ---Purpose: --- See in base classe, please --- PerformEE (me:out) is redefined protected ; ---Purpose: --- See in base classe, please --- PerformEF (me:out) is redefined protected ; ---Purpose: --- See in base classe, please --- PerformFF (me:out) is redefined protected ; ---Purpose: --- See in base classe, please --- PrepareEdges (me:out) is redefined protected ; ---Purpose: --- Prepare end paves for each edge --- PreparePaveBlocks (me:out; aType1: ShapeEnum from TopAbs; aType2: ShapeEnum from TopAbs) is redefined protected ; ---Purpose: --- Internal usage --- PreparePaveBlocks (me:out; anE:Integer from Standard) is redefined protected ; ---Purpose: --- Prepare end paves for the edge --- fields myShape : Shape from TopoDS; myCheckResults : ListOfCheckResults from BOPTools; myStopOnFirst : Boolean from Standard; myEntryType : Integer from Standard; end Checker;