-- File: BOP_ShellFaceClassifier.cdl -- Created: Mon Jun 25 15:33:06 2001 -- Author: Michael KLOKOV -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 2001 class ShellFaceClassifier from BOP inherits CompositeClassifier from BOP ---Purpose: --- The algorithm is to classify loops that -- consist of faces and shells --- uses Shape from TopoDS, Shell from TopoDS, State from TopAbs, Pnt from gp, Builder from BRep, BlockBuilder from BOP, SolidClassifier from BOP, DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools is Create(theBlockBuilder: BlockBuilder from BOP) returns ShellFaceClassifier from BOP; ---Purpose: --- Creates a classifier in 3D space, to compare --- a face with a set of faces, --- a shell with a set of faces, --- a shell with a shell --- Clear(me: in out); ---Purpose: --- Clears contents of internal state of the object --- CompareShapes(me : in out; B1 : Shape from TopoDS; B2 : Shape from TopoDS) returns State from TopAbs is redefined; ---Purpose: --- Classify shape with shape --- CompareElementToShape(me : in out; E : Shape from TopoDS; B : Shape from TopoDS) returns State from TopAbs is redefined; ---Purpose: --- Classify element with shape --- ResetShape(me : in out; B : Shape from TopoDS) is redefined; ---Purpose: --- Prepare classification involving shape --- Calls ResetElement on first element of --- ResetElement(me : in out; E : Shape from TopoDS) is redefined; ---Purpose: --- Prepare classification involving element . --- CompareElement(me : in out; E : Shape from TopoDS); ---Purpose: --- Add element in the set of elements used in classification. --- State(me : in out) returns State from TopAbs is redefined; ---Purpose: --- Returns state of classification of 2D point, defined by --- ResetElement, with the current set of elements, --- defined by Compare. --- fields myFirstCompare: Boolean from Standard; myPoint: Pnt from gp; myShell: Shell from TopoDS; myBuilder: Builder from BRep; mySolidClassifier: SolidClassifier from BOP; myFaceShellMap : DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools; end ShellFaceClassifier from BOP;