-- File: BOP_Section.cdl -- Created: Fri May 18 09:21:35 2001 -- Author: Peter KURNEV -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 2001 class Section from BOP inherits Builder from BOP ----Purpose: Performs the Boolean Operation (BO) Section --- for the shapes uses DSFiller from BOPTools, HistoryCollector from BOP is Create returns Section from BOP; ---Purpose: --- Empty constructor; --- Do (me:out) is redefined; ---Purpose: --- Does the BO from the beggining to the end, --- i.e. create new DataStructure, DSFiller, --- compute all interferences, compute states, --- build result etc --- Do (me:out;toApprox : Boolean from Standard; toComputePCurve1 : Boolean from Standard; toComputePCurve2 : Boolean from Standard); ---Purpose: --- Does the BO from the beggining to the end, --- i.e. create new DataStructure, DSFiller, --- compute all interferences, compute states, --- build result etc --- DoWithFiller (me:out; aDSF: DSFiller from BOPTools) is redefined; ---Purpose: --- Does the BO using existing Filler to the end --- Destroy (me: in out) is redefined; ---C++: alias "Standard_EXPORT virtual ~BOP_Section(){Destroy();}" ---Purpose: --- Destructor --- SetHistoryCollector(me: in out; theHistory: HistoryCollector from BOP) is redefined virtual; --fields end Section;