-- File: BOP_SDFWESFiller.cdl -- Created: Wed Jun 6 12:37:44 2001 -- Author: Peter KURNEV -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 2001 class SDFWESFiller from BOP ---Purpose: -- The algorithm that fills a wire edges set (WES) -- for a couple of faces that are same domain --- uses Face from TopoDS, ListOfShape from TopTools, DSFiller from BOPTools, PDSFiller from BOPTools, IndexedDataMapOfIntegerState from BOPTools, Operation from BOP, WireEdgeSet from BOP, PWireEdgeSet from BOP --raises is Create returns SDFWESFiller from BOP; ---Purpose: --- Empty constructor --- Create (nF1: Integer from Standard; nF2: Integer from Standard; aDSF: DSFiller from BOPTools); ---Purpose: --- Constructor --- nF1, nF2 - indices of faces in the DataStructue (DS) --- SetStatesMap(me:out; aStatesMap: IndexedDataMapOfIntegerState from BOPTools); ---Purpose: --- Modifier --- SetFaces(me:out; nF1: Integer from Standard; nF2: Integer from Standard); ---Purpose: --- Modifier --- SetDSFiller(me:out; aDSF: DSFiller from BOPTools); ---Purpose: --- Modifier --- SetOperation (me:out; anOp:Operation from BOP); ---Purpose: --- Modifier --- SetSenseFlag (me:out; aFlag:Integer from Standard); ---Purpose: --- Modifier --- Assigns sensitivity flag for the faces in accordance --- with scalar product between theirs normalls --- 1 for same sense; -1 for different sense --- Prepare(me:out); ---Purpose: --- Prepares data for the algorithm --- Do (me:out; aWES:WireEdgeSet from BOP); ---Purpose: --- Performs the algorithm --- DSFiller(me) returns DSFiller from BOPTools; ---C++: return const & ---Purpose: --- Selector --- StatesMap(me) returns IndexedDataMapOfIntegerState from BOPTools; ---C++: return const & ---Purpose: --- Selector --- Faces(me; nF1:out Integer from Standard; nF2:out Integer from Standard); ---Purpose: --- Selector --- SenseFlag (me) returns Integer from Standard; ---Purpose: --- Selector --- Operation (me) returns Operation from BOP; ---Purpose: --- Selector --- AssignStates (me:out; nF1: Integer from Standard; nF2: Integer from Standard) is private; ---Purpose: --- Assigns the 2D-State for split parts of --- the edges having 3D-Curves of given faces --- Internal Purpose --- PrepareOnParts(me:out) is private; ---Purpose: --- Prepares ON 2D parts to filled the WES --- Internal Purpose --- PrepareWESForZone(me:out; nF1: Integer from Standard; nF2: Integer from Standard) is private; ---Purpose: --- Fills the WES by split parts of the edges for --- the Common Zone --- Internal Purpose --- PrepareWESForCut(me:out; nF1: Integer from Standard; nF2: Integer from Standard) is private; ---Purpose: --- Fills the WES by split parts of the edges for --- the Cut operation --- Internal Purpose --- PrepareOnParts(me:out; nF1: Integer from Standard; nF2: Integer from Standard; Op : Operation from BOP) is private; ---Purpose: --- Fills the WES by split parts (ON 2D) of the edges --- Internal Purpose --- PrepareFaces(me; nF1: Integer from Standard; nF2: Integer from Standard; aF1:out Face from TopoDS; aF2:out Face from TopoDS) is private; ---Purpose: --- Make orientation of the faces consistent --- Internal Purpose --- AssignDEStates (me:out; nF1: Integer from Standard; nF2: Integer from Standard) is private; ---Purpose: --- Assigns the 2D-State for split parts of --- the edges that do not have 3D-Curves of given faces --- Internal Purpose --- AssignDEStates (me:out; nF1: Integer from Standard; nE1: Integer from Standard; nF2: Integer from Standard) is private; ---Purpose: --- Assigns the 2D-State for split parts of --- the edge nE1 that do not have 3D-Curves from face nF1 --- --- Internal Purpose --- UpdateDEStates3D (me:out); ---Purpose: --- Update 3D-State for edges --- RejectedOnParts(me) returns ListOfShape from TopTools; ---C++: return const & ---Purpose: -- Returns all split edges of nF1 that are CB with -- splis of nF1 but not included in myWES, fields myDSFiller : PDSFiller from BOPTools; myOperation : Operation from BOP; myNF1 : Integer from Standard; myNF2 : Integer from Standard; myWES : PWireEdgeSet from BOP; myStatesMap: IndexedDataMapOfIntegerState from BOPTools; mySenseFlag: Integer from Standard; myRejectedOnParts: ListOfShape from TopTools; end SDFWESFiller;